Quick question for M*W and Trilairian

The following is actually a semi-reasonable idea taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses

"A more recent and controversial view places Moses as a noble in the court of the Pharaoh Akhenaten (See below). Many scholars from Sigmund Freud to Joseph Campbell suggest that Moses may have fled Egypt after Akhenaten's death (ca. 1358 BC) when much of the pharaoh's monotheistic reforms were being violently reversed. The principal ideas behind this theory are: the monotheistic religion of Akhenaten being a possible predecessor to Moses' monotheism, and a contemporaneous collection of "Amarna Letters" written by nobles to Akhenaten (Amarna was Akhenaten's capital city) which describe raiding bands of "Habiru" attacking the Egyptian territories in Mesopotamia. (Transformations of Myth Through Time, Joseph Campbell, p. 87-90, Harper & Row)"

The reason why this could be true is because Moses died/translated at 120 years old more around the 13th century BC. Making him born around 14th century BC, close to the reign of

Akhenaten 1351 BC – 1334 BC, during the 18th Dynasty.

Then Moses kills an egyptian gaurd and flees to midian, for what is it 40 years? Comes back in the time of

Ramesses II 1279 BC – 1213 BC during the 19th Dynasty, to free his people.

If Ramesses II was the pharaoh during the exodus, then Akhenaten would very much be a historical contemporary.

Akhenaten died and was buried in the Valley of the Kings... his history ends there, in egypt.

There is copious amounts of history and migration (who the hell needs to lie about migrating?) which was led by Moses--- OUT of egypt and INTO Canaan.

The history of Moses is not only elaborately detailed, but FAR MORE extravagant than that of Akhenaten.
Hello Medicine Woman - nice to see you again - you were right - I have met many of my peers in here ...... at least you are honest claiming that you believe in mythstory NOT history !!!

Trilairian - stop passing off myth like history :

Historical fact about Moses : the historian Artapanus wrote that Moses was an adopted hebrew child, who became an army leader in Egypt under the reign of
Pharaoh Khaneferre (which fits perfectly with the birth of Moses in 1527 B.C.)-
Moses lead an egyptian army againt the ethiopians and won - Moses got popular with the people - Pharaoh Khaneferre got jealous - Moses flee for a while to Arabia - returns when the Pharaoh dies and leads the Israelites to freedom.

Josephus writes in year 93 C.E. about Moses´s campaign against the ethiopians confirming the information of Artapanus ......

Myth about Moses : ONLY given by a certain Ahmed Osman - NOT found anywhere else :
Aminadab (born around 1394 B.C. - not matching the birth of Moses in 1527 B.C.)
by LEGEND of hebrew offspring , floated in a basket , became Akhenaten, had to flee
from Egypt because of his monotheism - later called MOSIS just like his alledged grandfather tut-MOSIS .... so Ahmed Osman claims he is MOSES !!!

MOSIS means "heir of" or "born of " in ancient egyptian. MOSIS is used often for pharaohnames : tutMOSIS , raMOSIS = ramses........

Your myths do not hold water like history does - your basket is sinking Trilairian.

By the way , where have you read that Akhenaten build an alter on the mountain of Sinai .... let me guess : AHMED OSMAN ............. ????????
Lord Insane said:
By the way , where have you read that Akhenaten build an alter on the mountain of Sinai .... let me guess : AHMED OSMAN ............. ????????

For real... this whole Ahmed Osman theory is garbage.
Nisus said:
The following is actually a semi-reasonable idea taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses

"A more recent and controversial view places Moses as a noble in the court of the Pharaoh Akhenaten (See below). Many scholars from Sigmund Freud to Joseph Campbell suggest that Moses may have fled Egypt after Akhenaten's death (ca. 1358 BC) when much of the pharaoh's monotheistic reforms were being violently reversed. The principal ideas behind this theory are: the monotheistic religion of Akhenaten being a possible predecessor to Moses' monotheism, and a contemporaneous collection of "Amarna Letters" written by nobles to Akhenaten (Amarna was Akhenaten's capital city) which describe raiding bands of "Habiru" attacking the Egyptian territories in Mesopotamia. (Transformations of Myth Through Time, Joseph Campbell, p. 87-90, Harper & Row)"

The reason why this could be true is because Moses died/translated at 120 years old more around the 13th century BC. Making him born around 14th century BC, close to the reign of

Akhenaten 1351 BC – 1334 BC, during the 18th Dynasty.

Then Moses kills an egyptian gaurd and flees to midian, for what is it 40 years? Comes back in the time of

Ramesses II 1279 BC – 1213 BC during the 19th Dynasty, to free his people.

If Ramesses II was the pharaoh during the exodus, then Akhenaten would very much be a historical contemporary.

Akhenaten died and was buried in the Valley of the Kings... his history ends there, in egypt.

There is copious amounts of history and migration (who the hell needs to lie about migrating?) which was led by Moses--- OUT of egypt and INTO Canaan.

The history of Moses is not only elaborately detailed, but FAR MORE extravagant than that of Akhenaten.
Wiki is not the word of God, and historically there was no mass exodus. It did not happen.
Lord Insane said:
Hello Medicine Woman - nice to see you again - you were right - I have met many of my peers in here ...... at least you are honest claiming that you believe in mythstory NOT history !!!

Trilairian - stop passing off myth like history :

Historical fact about Moses : the historian Artapanus wrote that Moses was an adopted hebrew child, who became an army leader in Egypt under the reign of
Pharaoh Khaneferre (which fits perfectly with the birth of Moses in 1527 B.C.)-
Moses lead an egyptian army againt the ethiopians and won - Moses got popular with the people - Pharaoh Khaneferre got jealous - Moses flee for a while to Arabia - returns when the Pharaoh dies and leads the Israelites to freedom.

Josephus writes in year 93 C.E. about Moses´s campaign against the ethiopians confirming the information of Artapanus ......

Myth about Moses : ONLY given by a certain Ahmed Osman - NOT found anywhere else :
Aminadab (born around 1394 B.C. - not matching the birth of Moses in 1527 B.C.)
by LEGEND of hebrew offspring , floated in a basket , became Akhenaten, had to flee
from Egypt because of his monotheism - later called MOSIS just like his alledged grandfather tut-MOSIS .... so Ahmed Osman claims he is MOSES !!!

MOSIS means "heir of" or "born of " in ancient egyptian. MOSIS is used often for pharaohnames : tutMOSIS , raMOSIS = ramses........

Your myths do not hold water like history does - your basket is sinking Trilairian.

By the way , where have you read that Akhenaten build an alter on the mountain of Sinai .... let me guess : AHMED OSMAN ............. ????????
You are the ones passing off the biblical myth as history. I am the one giving you what little history may have been an inspiration for that myth.
Trilairian said:
Since you are blinded by religion who are you to say so?

I am a Child of God, the Eternal Father. Who has given us the power to discern truth from lies. And to study history and to see when evil-diposed men are conspiring against Truth, Good and Righteousness.

You deny the Christ and every image or association of Him to justify your lust for evil. If the Christ doesn't exist than you're feel you are liberated from the laws and commandments of God. But you only deceive yourself and devils spoil your heart.
Nisus said:
I am a Child of God, the Eternal Father. Who has given us the power to discern truth from lies. And to study history and to see when evil-diposed men are conspiring against Truth, Good and Righteousness.

You deny the Christ and every image or association of Him to justify your lust for evil. If the Christ doesn't exist than you're feel you are liberated from the laws and commandments of God. But you only deceive yourself and devils spoil your heart.
Unjust speculation yielding unrighteous judgement concerning my character, motives, and the workings of my heart do not invalidate the arguement I have given. I have still proven your religion wrong. And all you have in retort is false accusations.
Trilairian - I did not quote the bible even one time in this post you are quoting !!

I only quoted Artapanus,Josephus and Ahmed Osman ....

Are you illiterate or just stupid ?
Trilairian said:
Unjust speculation yielding unrighteous judgement concerning my character, motives, and the workings of my heart do not invalidate the arguement I have given. I have still proven your religion wrong. And all you have in retort is false accusations.

You never had any argument to begin with, because you can't think for yourself, you're a puppet and a pawn to the ideas of Ahmed Osman and other Anti-Christ's.

Moreover and most importantly I'm free to speak on whatever, and however I want. And the truth is, your denial, doesn't in anyway liberate you. But your extent and volume of knowledge concerning Christ and God condemns you, not I.
Lord Insane said:
Trilairian - I did not quote the bible even one time in this post you are quoting !!

I only quoted Artapanus,Josephus and Ahmed Osman ....

Are you illiterate or just stupid ?
I didn't say that you quoted the bible. Insults show you have no valid arguement.
Nisus said:
You never had any argument to begin with, because you can't think for yourself, you're a puppet and a pawn to the ideas of Ahmed Osman and other Anti-Christ's.

Moreover and most importantly I'm free to speak on whatever, and however I want. And the truth is, your denial, doesn't in anyway liberate you. But your extent and volume of knowledge concerning Christ and God condemns you, not I.
False accusations don't constitute a valid rebuttle, and God does not condemn me. God is not so evil as you.
Trilairian said:
False accusations don't constitute a valid rebuttle, and God does not condemn me. God is not so evil as you.

You condemn yourself. And the wicked take the truth to be hard.