Quick question for M*W and Trilairian

What would I do if I were Trilairian - I would try to proof where I had read, that Akhenaten made a tabernacle on the top of mount Sinai ...... hmmm
heavymetal said:
And then I would admit that most of my stories are myths instead of history ....hmmm
How many sock puppets do you have. Try posting your entire paragraph in one message rather than 10 also. spammer
You're an idiot MW. I say whatever I want to say. I don't need to use another account to do it;

quite humoring however. And very much a sign that Tril has a few people undercover that really dislike him.
Nisus said:
You're an idiot MW. I say whatever I want to say. I don't need to use another account to do it;

quite humoring however. And very much a sign that Tril has a few people undercover that really dislike him.
How many accounts do you have on this forum? I know of at least 3 now.
Haha you guys are totally stupid.

I'm not taking credit for anyone else but me. Though I do delite in seeing that others scorn u. There is beginning to be a general consensus here, and this is evidence, that people think you are full of it.
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Nisus said:
Haha you guys are totally stupid.

I'm not taking credit for anyone else but me. Though I do delite in seeing that others scorn u.
You call those you dissagree with stupid. You laugh at them. You delight in others who scorn those who tell you that you are wrong. You do those vary things that ypu falsly accuse other of having done to you. No, you are not being persecuted. You are the persecutor of those who explain to you that your religion is wrong.
Trilairian said:
You call those you dissagree with stupid.

I call stupid people stupid.

Trilairian said:
You laugh at them.
Wouldn't you? If people are telling you things that you know aren't true? For example you accuse me of being another person again-- well fact is, and I know this to be true; is it's not me.

So it is quite amusing that while we were in a bout of words, some passerby comes in and flames you, yes, that was funny. haha.

Trilairian said:
You delight in others who scorn those who tell you that you are wrong.
I delight in seeing justice dealt, upon those who deserve it. And that yes, was really enjoyable.

Trilairian said:
You do those vary things that ypu falsly accuse other of having done to you.
ypu ne3d 2 learn how to spell. Weren't you just falsly accusing me of doing something I didn't do. That's just another obvious reason to me that you are a moron. And really at this point I don't care who else thinks it, because to me it is plainly observed.

Trilairian said:
No, you are not being persecuted.
Haha I never said I was. I very well could be. But I don't like to play the role of martyr-- I prefer the lion, who shreds all his enemies and devours them.

Trilairian said:
You are the persecutor of those who explain to you that your religion is wrong.

You've not proven anything wrong, it's what you choose to believe. But how can anyone expect you to understand complex things when you still have yet to grasp the basics? Why teach you about the book of Abraham, when you don't even believe in the Bible.

If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
John 3: 12
Lord Insane, thank you for thosen facts of which I was previously not aware, particularly concerning the name Mosis. Of course, this would make sense, as Akhenaten was not his original name.

So we have two very similar words, Mosis and Moses. One means "born of" while the other means "he who was taken from the water." Just out of curiosity, do these two words share etymology? If so, I would suppose that "Mos" means "he who was" while "es" means something along the lines of "taken from the water" (or has an etymology based in that meaning), while "is" would mean something along the lines of "born of." If that's true, I wonder what implications that has for the goddess Isis (ie, "is-is"). Is she a goddess of fertility and birth, by any chance?
Nisus said:
I call stupid people stupid.

Wouldn't you? If people are telling you things that you know aren't true? For example you accuse me of being another person again-- well fact is, and I know this to be true; is it's not me.

So it is quite amusing that while we were in a bout of words, some passerby comes in and flames you, yes, that was funny. haha.

I delight in seeing justice dealt, upon those who deserve it. And that yes, was really enjoyable.

ypu ne3d 2 learn how to spell. Weren't you just falsly accusing me of doing something I didn't do. That's just another obvious reason to me that you are a moron. And really at this point I don't care who else thinks it, because to me it is plainly observed.

Haha I never said I was. I very well could be. But I don't like to play the role of martyr-- I prefer the lion, who shreds all his enemies and devours them.

You've not proven anything wrong, it's what you choose to believe. But how can anyone expect you to understand complex things when you still have yet to grasp the basics? Why teach you about the book of Abraham, when you don't even believe in the Bible.

If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?
John 3: 12
Yelling, justification of your unethical behavior, picking on spelling... no valid arguement. Just accpet that I disproved your religion and move on.
hahaha... what is the right standard for religion then? That in contrast // mine falls into the wrong? You've not proven anything at all. Evidence is proof. Witnesses that do not lie, that are telling the truth is proof. Testimony is proof, true testimony.

There must be some conclusion. Some consensus of ideas, and opinions. Or you just think you've "won" the "argument" (I've no part in any argument; I'm just saying what I think)--based on what?

The last part of your conversation is dangling by a thread-- a very weak one. Don't surrender into the easy path of just thinking you're right.
Nisus said:
hahaha... what is the right standard for religion then? That in contrast // mine falls into the wrong? You've not proven anything at all. Evidence is proof. Witnesses that do not lie, that are telling the truth is proof. Testimony is proof, true testimony.

There must be some conclusion. Some consensus of ideas, and opinions. Or you just think you've "won" the "argument" (I've no part in any argument; I'm just saying what I think)--based on what?

The last part of your conversation is dangling by a thread-- a very weak one. Don't surrender into the easy path of just thinking you're right.
I did prove your religion wrong. There is no right religion. There was only one revalation Joseph Smith had (nothing more than an epiphany really) that they are all wrong. He took that as liscence to make up his own.
Trilairian said:
Akhenaten was the only historical character that shared anything in common with the mythological Moses character, and he shared several commonalities. He was part Hebrew. He escaped death as a baby sent away by water. He was monotheistic. He built a tabernacle at mount Sinai. He would have known the seven of the ten commandments that come from the book of the dead. He would have used the brasen serpent on a staff as Moses did, only it was really a symbol for the pharoeh's authority. Given a sojourn in the wilderness to the fourth generation, instead of four-hundred years he lived at the same time the bible would have had Moses alive. When the anti-Monotheist pharoah outlawed the mention of his name he was called as Mos.
There is no other historical character that is a candadit for the inspiration of the Moses character in the bible.

You have stated as a historical fact, that Akhenaten build a tabernacle at mount Sinai - please inform us about your historical source for that statement !!
Trilairian said:
I did prove your religion wrong. There is no right religion. There was only one revalation Joseph Smith had (nothing more than an epiphany really) that they are all wrong. He took that as liscence to make up his own.

I proved your statements about Moses wrong. To which you've nothing to say. Everything you say is 99% lie. MW is the only person that agrees with you here and that's because she's a drama queen.

You didn't prove anything wrong. Get over yourself.
Nisus said:
I proved your statements about Moses wrong. To which you've nothing to say. Everything you say is 99% lie. MW is the only person that agrees with you here and that's because she's a drama queen.

You didn't prove anything wrong. Get over yourself.
Nothing I have said is a lie. You have proven none of my statements about Moses wrong for me to reply to. Most people agree with me. Your own poll showed that neglected the multiple accounts from which you cast.
Paraclete said:
You have stated as a historical fact, that Akhenaten build a tabernacle at mount Sinai - please inform us about your historical source for that statement !!
Next time you look it up.
The desert Tabernacle of the Bible (Exodus 26) is described as one of elaborate design of gold, silver, bronze, wood, linen, goats' hair and leather. It so happens that this desert tent is also the centerpiece of every Egyptian war camp, but it serves as Pharaoh's personal, special tent, not a religious shrine.
Evidence from Egypt indicates that Moses (Akhenaten led his people from Pi-Rameses (near modern Kantra) southward, through Sanai, towards Lake Timash. This was extremely marshy territory and, although manageable on foot with some difficulty, any pursuing horses and chariots would have foundered disastrously.

Among the retainers who fled with Moses were the sons and families of Jacob (Israel). Then at the instigation of their leader, they constructed the tabernacle at the foot of Mount Sanai.
How come u always link Propaganda, instead of actual scholarly evidence. This is the same issue that you had with Book of Vivifying the Dead. You've no evidence or credible reference.

People want facts, not interpretations and opinions.