Questions on atheist morality

From where I stand, I can see the effect that theistic universities have had on education.

So what, from where you stand, everything is driven by your religious zealotry. Your multiple fantasies range far and wide.

But, from where we stand, you're peeing into the wind.
Sam is partially right at least. Universities in the West at least (no idea about anywhere else) were founded by the Catholic Church. Mind you, it was primarily to train clerks and scribes, but at the same time they didn't seem to have too much objection about rhetoric and philosophy, either. With the Church as the general guardian of knowledge during the Dark Ages, I don't think it can be said they were really in any confrontation with science and understanding until about the 16th century.

Now, by the same token, the vast array - or a goodly majority - of evolutionists are great proponents of education while being complete athiests. Some churches - Catholicism and (I think) Anglicanism - avow evolution; others (some Baptist and Mormon sects) don't. I don't think it's really possible to generalize very far in this, beyond some brute divisions in theism.
I'm still waiting an apology on the establishment of Oxford by monks and friars. :mad:
Like the "lies" about Oxford I suppose. :rolleyes:

Excellent demonstration of atheist morality btw
Its the dictionary definition.

As snakelord pointed out, not all dictionaries are stuck with that antequated definition.

Thats science, which is related to repeated measurable empirical observations, and is clearly defined as a method, not a belief. Atheism is not science, being an atheist does not preclude other ideological beliefs or shortcomings.

Oh no not science! It's just a thought process (a how to think better contribution). You are correct that atheism doesn't preclude ideological beliefs; however, the average atheist doesn't hold any paranormal assertions to be true (a side-effect of a critical thought process).

Yeah, nor should religion be establishing hospitals and educational institutions. But as a theist based system of social order, it has.

Where I live, many of those educational institutions are not accredited. As far as hospitals go, given a choice between 'St. Mary's House of Prayer' and Stanford, I think I'll go with the latter (as many do).

Atheism in my opinion is meant to do nothing.

You're finally getting it :). It's the non-acceptance of a particular assertion as being true and that's it.

I have a sneakier suspicion that many of these "secular humanists" are self defined.

Oh no whatever shall we do! If theists don't kill them then eventually they will begin to normalize and you'll see more group identity.
As snakelord pointed out, not all dictionaries are stuck with that antequated definition.

As the author pointed out, its the definition from reputed dictionaries.

Oh no not science! It's just a thought process (a how to think better contribution). You are correct that atheism doesn't preclude ideological beliefs; however, the average atheist doesn't hold any paranormal assertions to be true (a side-effect of a critical thought process).

Uh please, are you telling me that UFOlogists do not include atheists?:rolleyes:

Where I live, many of those educational institutions are not accredited. As far as hospitals go, given a choice between 'St. Mary's House of Prayer' and Stanford, I think I'll go with the latter (as many do).

No problem. Stanford University too was established by a Christian couple in memory of their child

For the last 100 years, Memorial Church has stood as one of Stanford's most recognizable icons.

Founders Leland and Jane Stanford always intended it to be that way. In 1887, when they staked out the exact site for the university they planned to build in memory of their deceased son, Leland Jr., the Stanfords reserved the center of the Main Quad for a church.

You're finally getting it :). It's the non-acceptance of a particular assertion as being true and that's it.

not any particular assertion; merely atheos

Oh no whatever shall we do! If theists don't kill them then eventually they will begin to normalize and you'll see more group identity.

More likely these socalled secular humanists will form a church to get in on the business of evangelism.
we can always count on theists to stick to their morals and bomb abortion clinics and such
From where I stand, I can see the effect that theistic universities have had on education. I cannot see where any atheists have advanced it. Most of the universities were set up by churches for instance and in poor areas, it is madrassas and nuns that provide education; I've seen nuns and Muslim women teaching in slums or going house to house to teach reading and writing. What do atheists do to increase education?

Irrelevent. There was a time, not that very long ago, when theism was a perfectly reasonable position.
As the author pointed out, its the definition from reputed dictionaries

Amusingly from 95 years ago. If you use that same reputable dictionary, but a modern day version, you find it includes both. I mean really, did you ever ask yourself why the article author would have used a 1913 version of a dictionary when a 2007 version is available? What am I asking, of course you didn't.
Amusingly from 95 years ago. If you use that same reputable dictionary, but a modern day version, you find it includes both. I mean really, did you ever ask yourself why the article author would have used a 1913 version of a dictionary when a 2007 version is available? What am I asking, of course you didn't.


One entry found.


Main Entry:
athe·ist Listen to the pronunciation of atheist

: one who believes that there is no deity
— athe·is·tic Listen to the pronunciation of atheistic \ˌā-thē-ˈis-tik\ or athe·is·ti·cal Listen to the pronunciation of atheistical \ˌā-thē-ˈis-ti-kəl\ adjective
— athe·is·ti·cal·ly Listen to the pronunciation of atheistically \-ti-k(ə-)lē\ adverb


• noun the belief that God does not exist.

— DERIVATIVES atheist noun atheistic adjective atheistical adjective.

— ORIGIN from Greek a- ‘without’ + theos

That was Webster and Oxford.

atheism Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a god.

disbelieve 1. trans. Not to believe or credit; to refuse credence to: a. a statement or (alleged) fact: To reject the truth or reality of.


atheism n 1 a: disbelief in the existence of God or any other deity b: the doctrine that there is neither god nor any other deity

disbelief n: the act of disbelieving : mental refusal to accept (as a statement or proposition) as true

disbelieve vb vt : to hold not to be true or real : reject or withold belief in vi : to withold or reject belief

Websters revised


1. One who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being.

2. Without God, neither accepting nor denying him.

Look, we can debate dictionaries all week long - it ultimately once again is of no consequence to anyone what you feel like calling them. When you think up another word let me know.
It's about time this futile argument was put to bed.

Whatever dictionary one consults is irrelevant. Atheist is from the Greek and simply means without god. Make of that what you will; a theist will seek to interpret it in what he ( Sam included ) regards as a bad light.As an atheist I find such definitions irrelevant.

My source is: Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, 1893

atheism Disbelief in, or denial of, the existence of a god.


atheism n 1 a: disbelief in the existence of God or any other deity b: the doctrine that there is neither god nor any other deity

Websters revised


1. One who disbelieves or denies the existence of a God, or supreme intelligent Being.

Yup thats what they said.
It's about time this futile argument was put to bed.

Whatever dictionary one consults is irrelevant. Atheist is from the Greek and simply means without god. Make of that what you will; a theist will seek to interpret it in what he ( Sam included ) regards as a bad light.As an atheist I find such definitions irrelevant.

My source is: Liddell and Scott's Greek-English Lexicon, Oxford, 1893

Thats half the word ie atheos equals without god.

-ism equals belief.

atheism = belief in "without god"
Well, if athiest is without God or gods, then theist is simply with God or gods or Myuu.

Ergo, if theism is a belief in God or gods or Myuu, then atheism is a belief (yeees. Yes it is. Stop that.) in no gods or God.

That's an orthogonal contrast, my friend. And we are nothing in this world if not orthogonal.

Best regards

atheism = belief in "without god"

Wait, just checking..

So is it "belief in without god" as you espouse which doesn't even make sense or perhaps better stated as "without 'belief in' god", or even better "without god belief"?

Ergo, if theism is a belief in God or gods or Myuu, then atheism is a belief (yeees. Yes it is. Stop that.) in no gods or God

Theism = god belief, atheism = without god belief.

Hey whatever. For the last time once you come up with another word let me know.