Questions about Islam!

Originally posted by Blackstone
I was a product made by my parents, brainwashed, i followed islam i wasent as rational thinking as i am now, i accepted things without thinking about it, when i started to think by my own more logically without any influence, i converted out of islam..

You bring an extremely interesting point. Raised..Brainwashed. So I get it from your explanation that your bringing up was full of brain washing techniques. I'm a firm believer that a person is a product of their environment. May I assume that, the reason you converted was because you relocated outside of the corruptive environment, and that you finally could take a free breath of air, then you started looking again.....But why are you looking...if you are an Atheist, then nothingness should satisfy you,...So you must be a Theist.....The problem is that you were looking for something that is diametrically opposite than what your parent taught you instead of looking for the truth.
Originally posted by Blackstone

3-BUT you dont have the right to claim that your updated version is the actual code.

do i make myself clear here?
And you must think that you are Jesus that came back and will start telling me what is the ACTUAL CODE, and all it's meanings, you and all the Khomeinies and Bin Ladens or this world.

Once again, you have outdone yourself. You are clear as mud Blackstone......:D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Here's my logic:
- Code is very difficult and meant for all humanities and all ages.
- To explain code in lament term, one must insert personal opinion to the equation.
- So what makes you so damn sure you exactly know what the code says, You probably don't even speak or read arabic, and what makes me the dumb idiot that will allow you to brain wash me using your interpretation of the ....??? :confused: :confused: :confused:

PS.. Your attitude is getting better though, you were very polite in your last message and made at least 2 good points. Work on number 3.
Originally posted by Blackstone
I want everyones opinion here please, from looking to both my posts and hef's posts in this thread from the begining, who was the one telling his view as the actual code, and who was the one who posted his evidences from islamic sources without posting his own opinion with it?

Are you always like that....seeking help from the outside while help is just infront of you.....:D :D :D
Don't go insane on me now, I was having fun conversing with you.;)

So my friend, you were following Ibn katheer, Al tabari, al baidawy, al galalain, who explained and eased out the quranic verses for you.

I see you needed four men so that one may boil your potatoe, the other to mash it for you, the third to chew it, and the forth to swallow it for you.

No wonder you got an indigestion from Islam.
:D :D :D
I want everyones opinion here please, from looking to both my posts and hef's posts in this thread from the begining, who was the one telling his view as the actual code, and who was the one who posted his evidences from islamic sources without posting his own opinion with it?
You are right Blackstone!Please keep coming here,as this site really needs some one like you,to put the other point of view on
All we ever seem to get are people saying its wonderful & you don't know,because you cannot read Arabic & excuses like that.
Lets face it you know the truth about this subject!
Originally posted by Blackstone
I want everyones opinion here please, from looking to both my posts and hef's posts in this thread from the begining, who was the one telling his view as the actual code, and who was the one who posted his evidences from islamic sources without posting his own opinion with it?

You made your point, Blackstone. And even Hef accepted the anomolies in the current state of affairs with her faith.
Never-the-less, Hef is one of the few, who dares to accept that reform is essential and I commend that, in spite of some generalizations she makes.
---1- you have the right to change in the code of your religion, and make an updated "personal" version of it.. and i highly respect this.

2- you have the right to share this updated "personal" version with others.

3-BUT you dont have the right to claim that your updated version is the original actual code. ---

i agree with you blackstone... claiming your version to be the same as what is being practised is tweaking the truth..... i do believe hef has some good points to make and there is a distinct difference btw the holy book and the followed accepted version which is being practised everywhere.... and when you grow up in such a household you automatically inherit the religious views... which is just pure bullshit... even i strayed from my famililal religious beliefs becuz they didn't make any sense to me..

---Never-the-less, Hef is one of the few, who dares to accept that reform is essential and I commend that, in spite of some generalizations she makes---

yes... i agree with that too... i was surprised that hef agreed with what i had to say cuz most muslims i have talked to have given me bullshit explanations regarding various laws... i'll give you an example...

regarding polygamy... i was told by a couple of muslim guys that it is in place as when women reach menopause they are no longer sexually desirable to men... also, they cannot produce any more offsprings.. so it is unreligious for men to just have any sexual relations with such women... so they need women who haven't reached that stage in life to satisfy their sexual desires... and they cannot commit adultery so they have to marry them to have sexual relations...


that explanation completely debases the status of women and brings them down to pure sexual objects... i argued that with them and they said, Prophet Mohammed commanded that, so we believe that... no substance in their explanation...
Originally posted by Blackstone thats it? :rolleyes: all you need is to be justful between your harem ..oh man what a so-damn-hard term !!!

quite trying so hard to justify it, muslim men are allowed to marry up to 4 women + slaves regardless to whats the case they are in..if you are can marry 4 women, fuck them, then devorce them after a few days and no one can do a damn thing about happens, its allowed.. stop lying.

who cares about your version of islam? it seems that you'r having a hard time trying to purify islam from the shamful stuff in it and deny them then claim that this is islam! no my friend, you get to know a religion from its scripture, not the point of view of some of its people like you.

no offence..thats the biggest load of crap i'v ever read..."Quran doesnt allow or dissallow things" and "you are free to choose" ? who do you thing you'r fooling here..guy? ever heared of sharia? islamic law? punishments by islamic law? and they are al taken from quran and hadith, dont tell me that YOU dont believe in it cause i dont give a damn.


its allowed under ANY condition, its just sayd that oh-so-hard condition: "you must be justful between your women" ...

As for what you call the "orphan situation", stop twisting the meanings, according to ibn-katheer, and al-tabari quran explaination: the meaning of "If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans" : if the one of you was a wali' (in charge) of an orphan girl, and in charge of her mony and then wanted to marry her and feared that he woulnt pay her mahr' (money that you pay for your bride) as much as someone else who would marry her, then he shall leave her and marry another one or 2 o 3 as allah didnt tighten it on him.

link (arabic) of this explaination:

see? its from ibn-katheer, and al tabari explaination, the most reliable sources for explaining quran verses..not the lies you spew....stop lieing and twisting meanings to make islam "look better" for fucks sake, you can marry 4 women without any restrictions according to quran and sharia.

no body cares about what you believe in or not or your sweet "updated" version of islam, your god said in quran : obey allah and obey the prophet" .

Does allah not care for the compassionate? Please think prior to posting.
Originally posted by Blackstone
what the hell are you talking about exactly??:confused:

Your response was rude and unbecoming. Are you so high that you cannot stoop to share what you know with someone without getting angry?
Originally posted by Blackstone
im not angry at all..i just dont understand what were you refereing to explain your point??

Your response to the young poster who asked the question. I would assume you just had a momentary lapse, because you generally are gentle with people, and answer to satisfaction each question put to you. Apologies if I have offended.
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Enter the Muslim

I don't feel like responding to all you posted, 'cause it was a lot

To heflores and Spookz, of the top of my head. Hadiths are narrated of the prophet by poeple who lived with him. Now being the Prophet he could have branded some of them as liars if they were indeed. And those that showed their deceiving nature i.e. lying about the prophet after his death would have been penalized By Either Abu Bakr or Omar. As a muslim I view Abu huraira as A very trustworthy source. There is a explanation for his 5000 hadiths, but I don't have enough timenow...:cool:

Now hadiths are not there to explain the Koran. They are Anecdotes recorded of the life of the Prophet (saw) and as such they show how he practised Islam... And Any one claiming or thinking of himself as a Muslim cannot deny the example of the Prophet (saw).:)

To Blackstone, my coptic ;) friend, Islam needs not be decorated for the Westrn audience. It is Splendid by itself....

Welcome Bruce,

Remeber slow down and don't show all your cards at once.. This is the trick to winning the debate game.

In Pidgin: I agree with you.
Originally posted by sycoindian
Hi! I have a few questions about the interpretation of the Quran...


In the Quran it says,

'Marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one,'
Surah 4:3

In Surah 4:129 it says 'Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire'

How can you justify marryin more than one when it also states that you will never be able to treat them fairly?
It's the man's right although he's warned that he also has a big responsability.
I haven't found any quotes from the Quran that actually describes Sharia Law and how to build a system on it. So either it has been extrapolated from the Quran by humans or i've not been thorough in my investigation...
Sharia as Islamic law is the laws as found in the koran, and in the Prophet's practice.
Why are men allowed to marry non muslim women yet a woman is condemned when she does it?
In a marriage it is more often the man who is in charge and the women is dependent on him (this is not an opinion or a dogma but reallity through history). A Muslim women should not be dependent on a non-muslim, Also her childeren will more often than not follow their father...
These come to my mind right now.. [/B]
if you have more, I 'll be happy to respond to any of your questions.
Re: Re: Questions about Islam!

Bruce Wayne:

Is this an open invitation for the blackstones of the world .... I was so glad to kick his butt indefinetly....

I have some questions for you....

What is your interpretation of the following Quranic verses and where do you see a verse in the Quran that states anything about a government responsible for applying some of the laws stated in the Quran..or an indication that Abu Hurarira will be a trustworthy source....or that the Prophet actions are to be followed..... Who do you think should be applying the rules of the so called Sharia...please base your answers on Quranic versus only....

The Quran utilizes "the double negative" to emphasize that the prophet had NO duty EXCEPT delivering the Quran.

"You have NO duty EXCEPT DELIVERING the message." 42:48

"Your ONLY duty is delivering, we will call them to account." 13:40

"The messenger has NO function EXCEPT delivery of the message." 5:99
If you really want to understand Islam and the wisdom of the Noble Quran, then you not only have to read the Noble Verses in the Quran, but also study the history of each verse that you might have questions about.

Let us look at Noble Verse 4:3 "If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice." Notice how Allah Almighty orders men to be either fair to their wives or never marry more than one wife.

Let us look at Noble Verse 4:129 "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire: But turn not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye come to a friendly understanding, and practise self-restraint, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." Here we clearly see that Allah Almighty tells men that they will never be fair to their wives.

Let us see why then Allah Almighty temporarily ordered polygamy but yet very highly discouraged it, and why I personally believe from the Noble Quran that polygamy should not be allowed today.

What was the purpose of the Noble Verse 4:3?

Noble Verse (4:3) was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in Madina after he migrated to it from Mecca and established an Islamic state there right after the battle of Uhud in which the Muslims not only had lost badly against the Pagans, but also suffered a dramatic decrease in the number of Muslim men. The Muslim men before that battle were approximately 700. They became only 400 after the battle. This loss had left so many Muslim women (1) Widows, and (2) Not able to get married if they were single.

To make matters even worse, the Muslims had faced yet another battle against the Pagans in Mecca and its neighboring tribes who wanted to attack the Muslims in Madina to finish off Islam once and for all, and by the Jews and the Christians in Madina who betrayed the Muslims in the battle of Trench after signing a defense treaty with Muhammad peace be upon him against the Pagans.

All praise due to Allah Almighty. With Allah's will and mercy, the Muslims had miraculously won the battle against the Pagans of Mecca and drove them back to where they came from, and then attacked the Jews and the Christians who betrayed the defense treaty and kicked those hypocrites out of Madina forever!

These continuous battles against the Muslims were very costly in terms of Muslim men's lives. The women had to be taken care of one way or another. For this reason, Allah Almighty had revealed the Noble Verse 4:3 to Muhammad peace be upon him to solve the social problems that the Muslims were facing. That is why at the very beginning of the Noble Verse 4:3 we see Allah Almighty setting a conditional clause for Orphans "If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans...(4:3)." This Noble Verse came down for the purpose of protecting the Orphans and to increase the number of the Muslims by allowing the men to marry multiple wives (preferably from the grown Orphans at that time), up to four wives only. The purpose was absolutely not for man's sexual pleasure nor privilege, nor it was to support man's personal ego. It was revealed to solve a major social problem to prevent major sins such as illegal sex and prostitution.

Polygamy is not encouraged in the Noble Quran, nor Allah Almighty had allowed it because He liked it. He was clearly careful to highly discourage polygamy to men by telling them "but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one...(4:3)" which clearly orders men to either be fair or to not marry at all, despite the fact that we lost many men, Allah Almighty still didn't want polygamy to really take place. That's why He later told men "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire...(4:129)" which clearly nullifies the excuse that He gave them to practice polygamy. Is this a contradiction then? Absolutely not!. It clearly proves that when Allah Almighty allowed polygamy, He only allowed it because we (the Muslims) had an emergency; we lost almost half of our men if not even more. When Islam later became much stronger and Muslims defeated the infidels in the continues battles that were forced upon them (the Muslims), Allah Almighty nullified the excuse that he gave to men to practice polygamy, which would then lead to prohibiting polygamy altogether.
Originally posted by Green_World
If you really want to understand Islam and the wisdom of the Noble Quran, then you not only have to read the Noble Verses in the Quran, but also study the history of each verse that you might have questions about.

Let us look at Noble Verse 4:3 "If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, Two or three or four; but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one, or (a captive) that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice." Notice how Allah Almighty orders men to be either fair to their wives or never marry more than one wife.

Let us look at Noble Verse 4:129 "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire: But turn not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye come to a friendly understanding, and practise self-restraint, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful." Here we clearly see that Allah Almighty tells men that they will never be fair to their wives.

Let us see why then Allah Almighty temporarily ordered polygamy but yet very highly discouraged it, and why I personally believe from the Noble Quran that polygamy should not be allowed today.

What was the purpose of the Noble Verse 4:3?

Noble Verse (4:3) was revealed to Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him in Madina after he migrated to it from Mecca and established an Islamic state there right after the battle of Uhud in which the Muslims not only had lost badly against the Pagans, but also suffered a dramatic decrease in the number of Muslim men. The Muslim men before that battle were approximately 700. They became only 400 after the battle. This loss had left so many Muslim women (1) Widows, and (2) Not able to get married if they were single.

To make matters even worse, the Muslims had faced yet another battle against the Pagans in Mecca and its neighboring tribes who wanted to attack the Muslims in Madina to finish off Islam once and for all, and by the Jews and the Christians in Madina who betrayed the Muslims in the battle of Trench after signing a defense treaty with Muhammad peace be upon him against the Pagans.

All praise due to Allah Almighty. With Allah's will and mercy, the Muslims had miraculously won the battle against the Pagans of Mecca and drove them back to where they came from, and then attacked the Jews and the Christians who betrayed the defense treaty and kicked those hypocrites out of Madina forever!

These continuous battles against the Muslims were very costly in terms of Muslim men's lives. The women had to be taken care of one way or another. For this reason, Allah Almighty had revealed the Noble Verse 4:3 to Muhammad peace be upon him to solve the social problems that the Muslims were facing. That is why at the very beginning of the Noble Verse 4:3 we see Allah Almighty setting a conditional clause for Orphans "If ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans...(4:3)." This Noble Verse came down for the purpose of protecting the Orphans and to increase the number of the Muslims by allowing the men to marry multiple wives (preferably from the grown Orphans at that time), up to four wives only. The purpose was absolutely not for man's sexual pleasure nor privilege, nor it was to support man's personal ego. It was revealed to solve a major social problem to prevent major sins such as illegal sex and prostitution.

Polygamy is not encouraged in the Noble Quran, nor Allah Almighty had allowed it because He liked it. He was clearly careful to highly discourage polygamy to men by telling them "but if ye fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly (with them), then only one...(4:3)" which clearly orders men to either be fair or to not marry at all, despite the fact that we lost many men, Allah Almighty still didn't want polygamy to really take place. That's why He later told men "Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire...(4:129)" which clearly nullifies the excuse that He gave them to practice polygamy. Is this a contradiction then? Absolutely not!. It clearly proves that when Allah Almighty allowed polygamy, He only allowed it because we (the Muslims) had an emergency; we lost almost half of our men if not even more. When Islam later became much stronger and Muslims defeated the infidels in the continues battles that were forced upon them (the Muslims), Allah Almighty nullified the excuse that he gave to men to practice polygamy, which would then lead to prohibiting polygamy altogether.

Justifications...Justifications....Must we always justify like that.

Come back Blackstone we despretely need you...Come back whatsupyall, everyone, truthseeker, william bishop, Jaxom, live4him, ect...I need
Show us the alternative prespective...I hate it when one opinion is presented with no challenge....
Vienna, Tiassa, Cris, Raithere, give us your two cents worth please...
You are right Blackstone!Please keep coming here,as this site really needs some one like you,to put the other point of view on
All we ever seem to get are people saying its wonderful & you don't know,because you cannot read Arabic & excuses like that.
Lets face it you know the truth about this subject!

Oh boy mr odin you love to see anything against islam. If any one want to check out the history of odin, you can find he never had any possitive for islam oh also he hate palestanians. am i wrong?
if what you said is true Green... then why is polygamy practised blatantly still in muslim cultures? surely, such men vs women ratios dont exist anymore... what you personally believe is for you to keep... its commendable that you would want to investigate the history, meaning behind the laws... any sensible person would do that...

i made a distinction about muslims vs islam before... so if most muslism accept everythin cuz they are spoon fed, doesn't that negate the whole point of being religious? so if the current laws have been manipulated from the Quran, the entire muslim social culture is a farce in the name of Islam....

i still find the double standards favouring men in muslim culture appalling.... if you believe that God made all humans equal, why humans make women inferior? human fallibility... a trait no one wants to admit when it comes on a personal level...

---A Muslim women should not be dependent on a non-muslim, Also her childeren will more often than not follow their father...---

Bruce... why cant a muslim woman be dependent on a non muslim man? cuz of religious diff? if that's true, i find it to be quite a ridiculous reason... also why is that in muslim families, the children are automatically muslim? wat if they dont want to be muslim? seems like its forced... the whole deal about only marryin muslims just seems like its an exclusive club...
hef.. i thought ud agree with green...

if not, im interested to know your response to what green's said..
Reply To ALL !

Sorry for the delay in my Reply.

First, I like to say Mr/Mrs Blackstone is not muslim to be exact never was a muslim. Or he could be Shiaat, who think that a goat ate the half of the Quran. Common belief among them. Anyway, let me get back to the real topic and explain you the issue regarding 4 wives.


"And if you fear that you cannot act equitably towards orphans, then marry such women as seem good to you, two and three and four; but if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one or what your right hands possess; this is more proper, that you may not deviate from the right course. (Quran 4:3)

Islam allows Muslim man to have upto four wives if he can do justice between them. By "doing Justice" means that man should give equal and same means of life to all his wives. That is, same type of accommodation, same food, distribute his days equally to all of them, whatever he provides to one he must provide to others too.

It ¡s very difficult for a man to do justice with more than one wife. That¡¯s why Islam says to marry only one woman if you cannot do justice between your wives. Basically Islam is not allowing but restricting polygamy. Before Islam, there was no restriction on the number of wives. And even today, people (having different beliefs & religions) practicing polygamy have no such restrictions.

There are many situations that might require a man to marry more than once. Few examples include:
Check the world population.

The number of women is greater than men. So there will always be women who will never get married if every man marries one woman. So what do you think those women, who doesn't get married, will do. So what is the solution?

¡¡ Men die in war. Just analyze the wars in the past and the number of men who died in those wars in this century. Result: millions of women get widowed. What should they do? Even just look in the past 30 years. The wars in Vietnam, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Somalia, East Timor and the list goes on & on. Hundreds of thousands of men died in these wars. So what is the solution?

After the death of man, the woman has to look after the whole family. So basically her life virtually finishes, i.e., earn money, raise children, cook food etc. No one to take care of her and her family. What to do? So what is the solution?

¡¡i There is large number of disabled population. Some are blind, some deaf, some have physical disabilities etc. But they also want to marry a man. But majority of them does not. Why? So what is the solution?

If some elder woman becomes widow than doesn't she want to marry after some time? So what is the solution?

Islam is a practical and realistic religion. It is not here to fulfil the dreams or philosophy or personal opinion of some individual but it provides the practical solutions to the problems and it is the way of life for humanity. No other religion in the world provides the solution to the above problem which is just one of the problem facing the human race.

Islam provides an answer to these problems. In Islam, it is the duty of a man to take care of woman, to provide her with all the means of life. And for a Muslim man, it is a great test to take care of a woman. Because they might have to marry women twenty years elder just to support them. They might have to marry disabled women. And women with children. And they have to take care of their children. In Islam, the concept of life is doing as many good deeds as possible. Life is not about enjoying at the expense of the misery of other people but its about satisfaction and peace by being a helping hand to those in misery and pain. And all that is not easy.

You can easily see the outcome of ignoring this one very important concept of multiple wives. The prostitution rate is high. And so is the number of sexually transmitted diseases. The family system is diminishing. The status of above-mentioned people (disabled women etc) is not good at all. This factor also contributes to the increase in poverty rate. And in the spread of social evils.

Some more explanation!




Polygamy was a way of life until the Quran was revealed 1400 years

ago. When the earth was young and under-populated, polygamy was one

way of populating it and bringing in the human beings needed to carry

out God's plan. By the time the Quran was revealed, the world had been

sufficiently populated, and the Quran put down the first limitations

against polygamy.

Polygamy is permitted in the Quran, but under strictly observed

circumstances. Any abuse of this divine permission incurs severe

retribution. Thus, although polygamy is permitted by God, it behooves

us to examine our circumstances carefully before saying that a

particular polygamous relationship is permissible.

Our perfect example here is the prophet Muhammad. He was married to

one wife, Khadijah, until she died. He had all his children, except

one, from Khadijah. Thus, she and her children enjoyed the Prophet's

full attention for as long as she was married to him; twenty-five

years. For all practical purposes, Muhammad had one wife - from the

age of 25 to 50. During the remaining 13 years of his life, he married

the aged widows of his friends who left many children. The children

needed a complete home, with a fatherly figure, and the Prophet

provided that. Providing a fatherly figure for orphans is the only

specific circumstance in support of polygamy mentioned in the Quran


Other than marrying widowed mothers of orphans, there were three

political marriages in the Prophet's life. His close friends Abu Bakr

and Omar insisted that he marry their daughters, Aisha and Hafsah, to

establish traditional family ties among them. The third marriage was

to Maria the Egyptian; she was given to him as a political gesture of

friendship from the ruler of Egypt.

This perfect example tells us that a man must give his full attention

and loyalty in marriage to his wife and children in order to raise a

happy and wholesome family.

The Quran emphasizes the limitations against polygamy in very strong

words: "If you fear lest you may not be perfectly equitable in

treating more than one wife, then you shall be content with one."

(4:3) "You cannot be equitable in a polygamous relationship, no matter

how hard you try." (4:129)

The Quranic limitations against polygamy point out the possibility of

abusing God's law. Therefore, unless we are absolutely sure that God's

law will not be abused, we had better resist our lust and stay away

from polygamy. If the circumstances do not dictate polygamy, we had

better give our full attention to one wife and one set of children.

The children's psychological and social well-being, especially in

countries where polygamy is prohibited, almost invariably dictate

monogamy. A few basic criteria must be observed in contemplating


1. It must alleviate pain and suffering and not cause any pain or


2. If you have a young family, it is almost certain that polygamy is

an abuse.

3. Polygamy to substitute a younger wife is an abuse of God's law


I hope it clears up some problems I noticed here.