Question-Its just a question to theists-Dont flame me!

And is something everyone can do, no need for a priesthood..

I believe this was the original intent of Jesus but the people in charge would have nothing to do with it. Salvation HAD to come through them.

Even the NT as it is reveals Jesus seemed to be in constant disagreement and conflict with the orthodox elements at the time (the Pharisees).
Guess who was running the show ( as much as their roman masters would allow of course) at the time of Jesus death.
People like me??? Meaning what?

Meaning people like you, who come onto a forum section designed for open discussion on religion and then just vent against Christians for talking about their faith in a place designed for open discussion on religion.

And, that's precisely the problem: Going out and telling folks...
Let the example of your life be your testimony!

My imperfect life could never show the perfection of God, If i was to rely upon the example of my life to get the message of Jesus through then the message of Jesus would not get through.

The less of me i put into the message the more of His message gets through.

If only tract passing christians were so polite... and being told "If you disagree, eternal damnation is your reward" Not a good start to any conversation. Or finish to one either. What would you say to someone who said that to you?

If you do not believe in God then you would not believe in eternal damnation, so their words should have no effect. If someone said that to me i would tell them that i am saved by the Messiah Jesus give them a smile :) and tell them about Jesus. I am confident in the salvation of Jesus so such words would only provoke concern for the one giving the message.

Now if that person trully believed that if you rejected their message then you would spend eternity in a lake of fire then it is an act of kindness to give the warning.

How do you think you'd react if your child came home from the park with, or someone handed you a tract on Wicca? Explaining that the Satan thing is a red herring created by the early church fathers to scare people, and has nothing to do with Wicca.
That Wicca is a system that holds ALL life sacred, not just 'people'
And that Wicca recognizes the very gutrock of the earth is imbued with the lifeforce that the All/the Is/the Creator/the Mind/the Goddess/the God/God gave it.

I would sit down with my kid and take the oppertunity to talk to them about God and Jesus and the Way to eternal life. I would attempt overcome whatever deceptions they had been told by the wiccans. Would i feel anger for the wiccans? No.. I would feel sorrow for the wiccans for believing in such false teachings.

There is no need for anger when someone is giving you their beliefs. Anger is a choice when someone is telling your what they believe not something you cannot control.

And is something everyone can do, no need for a priesthood...
I think I'd have an angry mob at my door PDQ.

All praise the Ancient Ways!

So are you a wiccan?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Meaning people like you, who come onto a forum section designed for open discussion on religion and then just vent against Christians for talking about their faith in a place designed for open discussion on religion.

My imperfect life could never show the perfection of God, If i was to rely upon the example of my life to get the message of Jesus through then the message of Jesus would not get through.

The less of me i put into the message the more of His message gets through.

If you do not believe in God then you would not believe in eternal damnation, so their words should have no effect. If someone said that to me i would tell them that i am saved by the Messiah Jesus give them a smile :) and tell them about Jesus. I am confident in the salvation of Jesus so such words would only provoke concern for the one giving the message.

Now if that person trully believed that if you rejected their message then you would spend eternity in a lake of fire then it is an act of kindness to give the warning.

I would sit down with my kid and take the oppertunity to talk to them about God and Jesus and the Way to eternal life. I would attempt overcome whatever deceptions they had been told by the wiccans. Would i feel anger for the wiccans? No.. I would feel sorrow for the wiccans for believing in such false teachings.

There is no need for anger when someone is giving you their beliefs. Anger is a choice when someone is telling your what they believe not something you cannot control.

So are you a wiccan?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Wiccan, yes.
I have much to say 'bout this post, but gotta go to work just now...