Question-Its just a question to theists-Dont flame me!

No, hell is not eternal


There are several statements in the bible - including Jude, Matthew, Mark, Luke etc that all state hell is eternal.

You've not read the bible or you just don't believe the bible?
Do theists really believe that they are going to physically spend eternity in hell if they dont obey their bible doctrine?

I mean are you literally affraid (to the letter) that this foretelling will realize?

My motivation to move closer to my Savior Christ Jesus is not because fear of hell or awards in heaven. My motivation is solely because He suffered, He died an innocent death, and He rose from the dead so that I would not perish in sin, but have eternal life through my faith in Him - I do everything out of my love for my Savior.
Do theists really believe that they are going to physically spend eternity in hell if they dont obey their bible doctrine?

I mean are you literally affraid (to the letter) that this foretelling will realize?

Umm some do i guess.

But for me i understand that the important thing is believing and placing trust in the righteousness of God not on my own ability to live up to the measure of Gods righteousness.

What is important is not being perfect but being forgiven for ones imperfections.

1 Timothy 1:
15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

So i have no fear of the Lake of fire while believing in the eternal reality of the Lake of fire.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Umm some do i guess.

What is important is not being perfect but being forgiven for ones imperfections.

1 Timothy 1:
15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners...

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

I don't know... I just don't think that,,, well 'The Jesus Thing" with sin and redemption...
If and when it comes time to pay the piper, the dodge of: "Christ you know I love you, did you see I waved. I believe in you and God, so..." I believe, just won't cut it.
If a tally is being kept, it is in one's own best interests to behave as if you will be held to account...
apologies to Pascal. Or thanks. :D

Making life that much MORE absurd.
you find the notion of engaging in progressive activities absurd?


There are several statements in the bible - including Jude, Matthew, Mark, Luke etc that all state hell is eternal.

You've not read the bible or you just don't believe the bible?

there are also several statements in vedic literature that define conditioned life as eternal, eg

SB 8.19.35 You will certainly be unable to fulfill your promise, and I think that because of this inability your eternal residence will be in hell.

however these are contextualized by other information

SB 3.9.4 “‘This present form, or any transcendental form expanded by the Supreme Personality of Godhead,Sri Krsna, is equally auspicious for all the universes. Since You have manifested this eternal personal form, upon whom Your devotees meditate, I therefore offer my respectful obeisances unto You. Those who are destined to be dispatched to the path of hell neglect Your personal form because of speculating on material topics.’

in otherwords one can remain in "hell" for as long as one is determined to neglect god (there are no finite limits on the living entity's determination - its called free will)
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I don't know... I just don't think that,,, well 'The Jesus Thing" with sin and redemption...
If and when it comes time to pay the piper, the dodge of: "Christ you know I love you, did you see I waved. I believe in you and God, so..." I believe, just won't cut it.

A lot of religions have the same mindset. That trust in the promise of God "just won't cut it" And a lot of supposed christians think in the same way. It's not so much the disbelief in the forgiveness of God as much as the desire to be justified by ones own deeds and actions. People don't want a Redeemer they want to be able to achieve eternity by justifying themselves. Of course that is pride and vanity personified.

If a tally is being kept, it is in one's own best interests to behave as if you will be held to account...

If a tally is kept then a perfect God would condemn all mankind because no man is perfect and all men fall short of the pass mark of 100%

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

you find the notion of engaging in progressive activities absurd?

Don't know where I said that. But, it would appear you need to put words in other peoples mouths when YOU have nothing left to say yourself.
impossible or improbable?, are we supposed to use the word impossible without proof in the scientific community? peace.
M*W: Well since we cannot test its hypothesis at present, it is impossible to prove. Now, in the future, should more evidence arise, it could become testable and the results may advance to improbable.
A lot of religions have the same mindset. That trust in the promise of God "just won't cut it" And a lot of supposed christians think in the same way. It's not so much the disbelief in the forgiveness of God as much as the desire to be justified by ones own deeds and actions. People don't want a Redeemer they want to be able to achieve eternity by justifying themselves. Of course that is pride and vanity personified.
No, I think you want a way out of this, this, this trap you've set for your selves with your fantasies of an all loving, all malevolent Jehovah.

...And the Lord God said "all you motherfuckers are gonna burn forever. Wait, here, kill my boy, drink his blood and worship his 'corpse-in-execution' and everything will be cool". I do realize not all christian types do the communion thing...

If a tally is kept then a perfect God would condemn all mankind because no man is perfect and all men fall short of the pass mark of 100%
All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise The Ancient Ways!
such a view tends to make life absurd

Maybe life is absurd, who's to say? What do you mean by that statement?

According to Stephen Hawking belief in an afterlife is just wishful thinking. A polite way of saying it's a delusion. I tend to agree.
M*W: Well since we cannot test its hypothesis at present, it is impossible to prove. Now, in the future, should more evidence arise, it could become testable and the results may advance to improbable.

if you cannot test something it does not mean it is impossible, it means it simply cannot be tested. if you claim something is impossible when you cant even test it, that is not scientific. the best thing to do in this situation is not say anything until you can perform some tests on the subject to earn results.

in other words leave it open as a possibility, to regard something as impossible in this situation is not the normal practice. but to weigh it up as improbable due to your calculations (if you have any) would be accepted.

M*W: Well since we cannot test its hypothesis at present, it is impossible to prove. Now, in the future, should more evidence arise, it could become testable and the results may advance to improbable.

When evidence is found it rises to improbable? Impossible to prove means it is impossible? I don't think so.

Sounds very subjective M*W.
Maybe life is absurd, who's to say?
plenty have said it - even gave rise to existentialism, of which camus concludes the only philosophical problem is the problem of suicide.

What do you mean by that statement?
if we are left with standard animal propensities (sleeping, eating, mating and defending) to determine the length and breadth of human potential, we are left with nothing much at all.

According to Stephen Hawking belief in an afterlife is just wishful thinking. A polite way of saying it's a delusion. I tend to agree.
given his knowledge base (ie classical empiricism brought to the boil by atheism), its understandable