Question-Its just a question to theists-Dont flame me!

No, I think you want a way out of this, this, this trap you've set for your selves with your fantasies of an all loving, all malevolent Jehovah.

No. I am quite happy being a follower of the Messiah Jesus. And i am Glad The God of Abraham is the God of all existance. :)

...And the Lord God said "all you motherfuckers are gonna burn forever.

No He did not say that and you know it. Your outburst is pathetic and has no effect.

Wait, here, kill my boy, drink his blood and worship his 'corpse-in-execution' and everything will be cool". I do realize not all christian types do the communion thing...

Well i think you are describing the catholic thing actually.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
i am Glad The God of Abraham is the God of all existance. :)
Seriously, let's talk on this, eh? But please, no bickering.

T1G! "all you motherfuckers are gonna burn forever"

No He did not say that and you know it
So it's not an exact quote...:rolleyes:
Your outburst is pathetic and has no effect.
See, the difference here is: I ain't lookin' for converts.

Well i think you are describing the catholic thing actually.
Very Good.

Episcopalians have something akin to it if I remember right from childhood. Not positive on that tho.
I sometimes have trouble sorting out which branch 'o christianity tried to shove what down my throat.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
All praise The Ancient Ways
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Seriously, let's talk on this, eh? But please, no bickering.

If you want to be taken seriously then stop injecting provocative statements like

T1G! "all you motherfuckers are gonna burn forever"

That’s if you are serious about having a mature discussion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
If you want to be taken seriously then stop injecting provocative statements like

That’s if you are serious about having a mature discussion.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Fair enough.
I just get tired of christian proselytizing. Now I acknowledge there are some christians who live up to their beliefs and don't try to push their faith on others, but as someone who is not christian, perhaps I should explain the frustration with the 'conversion paradigm' and the anger at the hypocrisy of it as well.
But, as I don't know if you want to hear it, I'll wait to hear back...
T1G! out.
Do theists really believe that they are going to physically spend eternity in hell if they dont obey their bible doctrine?

I mean are you literally affraid (to the letter) that this foretelling will realize?

I really believe that most of the people in the world, (possibly over 95%) in every generation, are going to spend eternity in hell.

Matthew 7:13 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
Matthew 7:14 Because strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

That's why I try to show people the narrow way that leads to life.
The King James version New Testament, read it.
You can listen to someone else read it on the computer at this website: Start with Matthew and go all the way through to Revelation.
Fair enough.
I just get tired of christian proselytizing. Now I acknowledge there are some christians who live up to their beliefs and don't try to push their faith on others, but as someone who is not christian, perhaps I should explain the frustration with the 'conversion paradigm' and the anger at the hypocrisy of it as well.
But, as I don't know if you want to hear it, I'll wait to hear back...
T1G! out.

Why don't people like you understand that is a central part of the Christian religion to go out and telling everyone who will listen about it? That is the call of Jesus to us, To go our and give the message to all mankind.

Now if i go and tell someone that does not equate to pushing my faith on to that person. I can be as enthusiastic as i can in giving the message but that enthusiasm should not be misinterpreted as pushing something. Everyone is free to reject any information they wish to reject. And no one can force another to believe anything.

If someone is confident that the message a Christian gives is wrong then a simple I do not believe in God will suffice, There is no need for any kind of frustration.

Also you mentioned Hypocrisy in your post. Please explain how this fits into the situation?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
What is wrong if I live fearing the apprehensions of my wrong doings? Do you think this is beneficial or incommodious to those around me?

Definately beneficial.

Do you think its scary or sane that you base your decisions on what is right/wrong from a 2000 year old book?

Think about it! :m:
Luckily, I still think for myself.
Your threats are meaningless...resistance is not futile!;)

given that death has a 100% success rate, it certainly does appear that resistance is futile ....

Definately beneficial.

Do you think its scary or sane that you base your decisions on what is right/wrong from a 2000 year old book?

Think about it! :m:
ironically it becomes a lot more scarier if one bases such decisions on say 20 or 50 years of recourse
That's only if you believe God is as vindictive,petty and cruel as the Bible often portrays him.
Luckily Yahweh is not God.

Hell is not eternal.

The bible shows that the suffering of the wicked in hell and the lake of fire is eternal.
Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
The bible shows that the suffering of the wicked in hell and the lake of fire is eternal.
Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
what happens if they give up the notion of worshiping the beast?
Most anybody would give up worshiping the beast the instant they find themselves in hell. So i guess hell really is for eternity.

SB 5.14.38 The path of this material world is full of material miseries, and various troubles disturb the conditioned souls. Sometimes he loses, and sometimes he gains. In either case, the path is full of danger. Sometimes the conditioned soul is separated from his father by death or other circumstances. Leaving him aside he gradually becomes attached to others, such as his children. In this way, the conditioned soul is sometimes illusioned and afraid. Sometimes he cries loudly out of fear. Sometimes he is happy maintaining his family, and sometimes he is overjoyed and sings melodiously. In this way he becomes entangled and forgets his separation from the Supreme Personality of Godhead since time immemorial. Thus he traverses the dangerous path of material existence, and on this path he is not at all happy. Those who are self-realized simply take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in order to get out of this dangerous material existence. Without accepting the devotional path, one cannot get out of the clutches of material existence. The conclusion is that no one can be happy in material life. One must take to God consciousness.

I guess it depends how determined you are to resist the other object of worship ....
Why don't people like you understand that is a central part of the Christian religion to go out and telling everyone who will listen about it? That is the call of Jesus to us, To go our and give the message to all mankind.
People like me??? Meaning what?
And, that's precisely the problem: Going out and telling folks...
Let the example of your life be your testimony!
Now if i go and tell someone that does not equate to pushing my faith on to that person. I can be as enthusiastic as i can in giving the message but that enthusiasm should not be misinterpreted as pushing something. Everyone is free to reject any information they wish to reject. And no one can force another to believe anything.
If only tract passing christians were so polite... and being told "If you disagree, eternal damnation is your reward" Not a good start to any conversation. Or finish to one either. What would you say to someone who said that to you?

If someone is confident that the message a Christian gives is wrong then a simple I do not believe in God will suffice, There is no need for any kind of frustration.

Also you mentioned Hypocrisy in your post. Please explain how this fits into the situation?
How do you think you'd react if your child came home from the park with, or someone handed you a tract on Wicca? Explaining that the Satan thing is a red herring created by the early church fathers to scare people, and has nothing to do with Wicca.
That Wicca is a system that holds ALL life sacred, not just 'people'
And that Wicca recognizes the very gutrock of the earth is imbued with the lifeforce that the All/the Is/the Creator/the Mind/the Goddess/the God/God gave it.
And is something everyone can do, no need for a priesthood...
I think I'd have an angry mob at my door PDQ.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All praise the Ancient Ways!
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The bible shows that the suffering of the wicked in hell and the lake of fire is eternal.
Revelation 14:11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

He's your God, they're your rules, you burn in hell!