Question-Its just a question to theists-Dont flame me!

rebirth is better than heaven.
The thing I've often thought about the whole reincarnation idea is: Do you remember your last life?

Is it really "you" if you can't remember it with detail? Why call it reincarnation and not just call it the food-cycle or circle of life?


PS: I can hardly remember my teens in detail let alone another life!
The thing I've often thought about the whole reincarnation idea is: Do you remember your last life?

Is it really "you" if you can't remember it with detail? Why call it reincarnation and not just call it the food-cycle or circle of life?


PS: I can hardly remember my teens in detail let alone another life!

In fact the reason I believe in rebirth is because I have visions of lifes...I am not sure thou if it is real or not. I remember I was an astronaut...but not sure if it was past or future...
Do theists really believe that they are going to physically spend eternity in hell if they dont obey their bible doctrine?

I mean are you literally affraid (to the letter) that this foretelling will realize?

This is not a theists perspective. It is a christian belief. There are more theists who don't believe this than those who do.
Christianity is not the world's most popular religion.
Do theists really believe that they are going to physically spend eternity in hell if they dont obey their bible doctrine?

I mean are you literally affraid (to the letter) that this foretelling will realize?
No, hell is not eternal...but hell still exists..
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M*W: Both are impossible.

In an infinite universe all things are possible.

M*W: Okay, I understand now. Rebirth can be an important step in one's intellectual development. It was like I was born again when I realized there was no god, then I was awakened and everything made sense to me.
Italics mine

It's nice when we get the info we need...

M*W: Now, I gotcha!
You got jack. :D

'Cuz the statement:
...when I realized there was no god...
again, is one of belief.
Or we to take it on faith that you know the answer. :rolleyes:

How 'bout we take this instead?
In fact the reason I believe in rebirth is because I have visions of lifes...I am not sure thou if it is real or not. I remember I was an astronaut...but not sure if it was past or future...
I kind of remember a few things in this life that I'm not sure were real or not ;)

I suppose the point is, whether real or not, the memories would be so vague as to be not better than a dream. Certainly something I wouldn't worry too much about.
I kind of remember a few things in this life that I'm not sure were real or not ;)

I suppose the point is, whether real or not, the memories would be so vague as to be not better than a dream. Certainly something I wouldn't worry too much about.

well I feel more me...when I remember these past memories, it is so vague but sometimes when I remember it, it makes me miss my self at when I was during that life. It is strong, but the feeling drifts away after a while as I cannot focus on that memory.
This is not a theists perspective. It is a christian belief. There are more theists who don't believe this than those who do. Christianity is not the world's most popular religion.
M*W: The theist perspective IS the christian perspective. What is it that you don't understand about this?

I would agree that christianity is not the world's most popular religion. After all, the world is a big place and only 33 percent (give or take 8 percent) is adhered by christians. In reality, that means only 25% of the world's religions believe in christianity. So what of the other 75% of the world's population? That 75% is NOT christian! So what we're dealing with here is a measly 25% of the world's population who believes in christiandom. Is the other 75% wrong in their beliefs? Well, no. Their beliefs are as accurate as christianity's 25%. The reality of it is that 100% of the world's religious beliefs are false.
M*W: The theist perspective IS the christian perspective. What is it that you don't understand about this?

The christian perspective is 'A' theist perspective.
It is not 'THE' theist perspective.
What is it that you don't understand about this?
The christian perspective is 'A' theist perspective. It is not 'THE' theist perspective. That is it that you don't understand about this?
M*W: Oh, I think I understand quite well. You are grasping at semantics, but you are also grasping at straws. Not much difference, I'd say.
M*W: Oh, I think I understand quite well. You are grasping at semantics, but you are also grasping at straws. Not much difference, I'd say.

Huge difference. I'm a theist, but the christian perspective is not my perspective.
It appears that folks on this board equate theism with christianity.
And to those who take umbrage with this, please prove me wrong, 'cuz it's getting kinda annoying.
Do theists really believe that they are going to physically spend eternity in hell if they dont obey their bible doctrine?

I mean are you literally affraid (to the letter) that this foretelling will realize?

I don't believe in Biblical doctrine, although the Qur'an and the Bible are comparably similar within afterlife events. Do I believe it? Absolutely. What is wrong if I live fearing the apprehensions of my wrong doings? Do you think this is beneficial or incommodious to those around me?

Think about it.
Huge difference. I'm a theist, but the christian perspective is not my perspective. It appears that folks on this board equate theism with christianity. And to those who take umbrage with this, please prove me wrong, 'cuz it's getting kinda annoying.
M*W: Then STFU! You don't know what you're talking about.
Huge difference. I'm a theist, but the christian perspective is not my perspective. It appears that folks on this board equate theism with christianity. And to those who take umbrage with this, please prove me wrong, 'cuz it's getting kinda annoying.
M*W: Theism equates to deity worship. If you're not christian, what are you? Theists do not automatically include christians only. Theists can be Muslim, christians, monotheists, and polytheists.
because the life you lead now is the means to attain such a state
Ok everybody, let's all take a deep breath and hold. Hold it a little longer. Longer. Um, this might take a while... maybe we shouldn't hold our breath...
Ok everybody, let's all take a deep breath and hold. Hold it a little longer. Longer. Um, this might take a while... maybe we shouldn't hold our breath...
fortunately one can get indications earlier

BG 2.50 A man engaged in devotional service rids himself of both good and bad reactions even in this life. Therefore strive for yoga, which is the art of all work.

So what of the other 75% of the world's population? That 75% is NOT christian! So what we're dealing with here is a measly 25% of the world's population who believes in christiandom. Is the other 75% wrong in their beliefs? Well, no. Their beliefs are as accurate as christianity's 25%. The reality of it is that 100% of the world's religious beliefs are false.
what are the clear contradictions between varieties of monotheistic descriptions of the absolute?