
The last thing I will do is comming near one of those boards...
I don't like those things...
The last I want to do is to make a deal whit an upset spirit or the Devil...

Although I was insipered by the movie The nineth gate, I'm not satanic or belive in Satan...
I do doubt in views about God's and Goddesses, and I'm not sure anymore how to look from my point of view up to him/them...

I do belive in Mind power...
If you look in the medical and psychological facts that do have things in common, than you'll be fasinated by it...
Maybe something for Mr. G to give a try...

The plasebo effect is something I'll plan to play whit some day...
You make someone belive something in it's unconsious mind that is not true, and it'll have the effect you told the person...

Example: You say you have some mayor good weed whit you, while it's only shag...
You give it, let him light it up and take a mayor suck from it...
And he'll be so stoned that he normally would be after a while...
This truely happend whit a friend of mine./
She wrapped some shag up, told him just for the fun and he realy did get stoned as unbeliveble as it was...

Stimuli is something usefull too, it's that you do something special that your unconsiousness recognisez and trigger the event you linkend to it...
It does have it's limits...
It only depends on your use of it...

Do you know how many of all sicknesses in the world are Psycho-somanic?

Latin words Psyche (mind) and soma (body)...
Imagine how many sicknesses there are...
If you'd know how many sicknesses are caused by the mind, you have to belive in some of our abilities...

Alright, I'll tell how many sicknesses it are...
About 80% of all diseases...
That's a lot, so it is all curable whit a good will and a good use of you mind power :)

That's it for today...
By the way, I don't do drugs myself, nor do I smoke or am I an alcoholic...
I did read from someone that whit practicing, don't use drugs, because it's more like jumping of a mountain that climbing of...

Psy-Learner Wrote:
You make someone belive something in it's unconsious mind that is not true, and it'll have the effect you told the person...

You stumbled upon something that jogged my memory from something I worked out. It involved Hypnotism.
This is something that you could possibly call Psychokinesis, as you manipulate the thoughts of the individual that is hypnotised.

For instance, you watch a red car drive by, and over the few seconds after it's passed you might normally ponder "Oh that car was red", those few seconds are because you mind is deciding wether the information is relevant to store, and that's why you Process it like you were working out some calculation.

A Hypnotist can mess with this calculative path, and they will suggest to the individual that the car in their memory was blue, and that all "red" cars are now blue. (Don't do this at home!)

From no one that individual has the instance it see the a car, but if it's red, he will see it blue, and remember it blue.

(I suppose you could say that CRC errors from RAM in computers is a clue to programmers and computer literate people to how hypnotism works)

This trick of course can be made to happen far faster, like "When you look at an object" I've just explained it like this to slow it down.

As for Ouija and the like, well my beliefs differ from everyone, I don't believe it's a ghost, or some evil apparition that occurs with superstition and religion, my understanding makes me focus more upon the possibility that it's Humans interacting with particular equipment that people tend to think can't be created, when in fact it exists.

As with the X-files saying "The truth is out there", mine is "Believe nothing!"
Please, don't start with Hypnotisme....

Stay away from it...Bad News...

Don't try it out on your own it will backfire on you. And sooner then you yourself realise.

Has nothing to do with Psychokinesis in any way.

Back to the Topic...
~*I lost my last post, so here is it again, in a fast way...*~

It's true Banshee, it isn't a part of Psycokinesis...

It is a part of mind power and the unconsious mind...
There is no danger in some cases whit hypnotism.

The hypnotized person wouldn't do the commands he doesn't want...
One other example is based on the question "What happens if my host dies of a hart attack while I'm hypnotized?"
You won't stay in a trance forever...
The awnser is: You will slip in to a quick natural nap, or in the natural 8 to 10 hour sleep...

I'm interested in this also, but I don't hold on to it for practicing...
It's not for me to use it all the time, so why bother unless you realy need it or feel you need it?

Well, this is all now...

I did a lot of experiments in what is today called occult during my undergrad and grad days including using equipments in physics lab and later in computer lab with high gain amplifiers, magnetic fields etc. The safe conclusion: No devil or evil force, no angels, just pure energy that you can use for good or bad purposes. In close proximity one can tap into brain waves (information) with another in total darkness subconsciously. If properly developed, this may work well for interogating enemy spies. Fortunately, someone already has developed a brain scan machine that does the same thing.

Energy is neutral, it is how you use it. One can convert a neutral energy to a negative energy that can have a negative influence though. Crystals can be used to store such energy but they have to be massive to have any real effect. Energy in this sense means energy similar to human aura. Sometime ago, I did a test on a crystal placing inside a large coil that is inside an emf neutral cage such as to reduce external emf induction. We tested the signal level first to get a baseline, then charged the crystal and left it for 24 hours. Then again tested the crystal. We got about 20 percent increase in the UV and higher range. More test needs to be done to conclude anything. But it is a smoking gun....

You mentioned crystals, well through whats been occuring with me I have worked out that Radiation energy can be redirect with crystals (of course that is known by all with prisms) but the difference here is that Everybody has an amount of salt within their body and Melalin (which the body converts to melatonin).

This means when a radiation effect occurs it can cause salt and mineral crystals to appear on the body. This means anybody that has thought manipulation will have those crystals appearing throughout the scalp that are similar to salt/sand granules.
(this could be very important in Autopsies when trying to work out if an individual died under their own will or was controlled to do so, very useful with assassination suspects.)

Since these crystal's exist within the body if UV radiation increases it does cause a Photosensitive reaction (Blindness when bright lights are about, even tanning.)
The Crystal I mentioned is the pure Stone called Crystal and I mentioned it to use it only for a Pendle. Just because the Crystal has such influence on the human body, it is a perfect Stone to use as a Pendle, because the Pendle answers you only at questions to your Deeper Self, thus to learn to know yourself better...

As far as Hypnothisme concerns, you better be careful there and perhaps it is much better to learn Self-Hypnothisme first, for you are much more covered then.

Yes it is true that a Hypnothist can't let you do any thing that is not in you, like killing someone on his/her command when you do not have the killer mentality.

But it is also true that part of the Hyphnotists will power gets into your mind, like long crawling fingers and mingles with your mind.

Only lab results??

Scientific proof again??

What about psycholic proof??

Doesn't that count??

Go back to the topic please...
Alright, so almost everybody here knows that you can:

1. Make soap out of human fat...
2. Make explorives only by using mere soap...
3. And that explosives can be made out of almost any house-hold item...

Why don't we use this forums more for theory's, techniques and experiments that skepticism and things that almost doesn't matter a bit for the subject psycokinesis?

It's just a little idea...
Tell me what you think about it...

The Topic is called'Psychokinesis'...

If you want to change the subject I suggest you contact Tristan about it, for he started the Topic.

Have a nice day.;)
Originally posted by Psy-learner
[BThe hypnotized person wouldn't do the commands he doesn't want...

c-yah [/B]

i specifically remember a sort of demonstration in some program long time ago.there was this hypnotist and group of 30-35 people i think,what he does is mass hypnosis.he first hypnotises all his targets(100 viewers are sitting,watching the demonstration)and then ask them to laugh when he says number 1. he then demonstartes it. when he calls number 1 people start laughing as if they had been given some sort of laughing gas,they were hysterical.

other instance he demonstrated,some thing else.he tells one of the womens target to forget the number 6.after she's asked about it and she begans counting she counts like this...

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 ........

on the second counting he tells her that she doesnt remember any sort of counting and she doesnt know how to count....

she is later asked about the counting and guess what she's blank on the whole thing.

in other demonstrations one of the men was told that he is about six years old,and then asked questions regarding his childhood,he replays to them positively be quoting correct and detailed descriptions(his parents were there)he even gave them a sign of what he actually could have done while he was six,the sign actually matched the progress report signature of his,during his medical examinations

one of the most interesting was about a man and woman.
this women during her hypnosis is told that the man sitting in front of you is god like.and will give you"ll follow them as he is god.
later she is asked to take a red hot metal in her hands by that man.she does that by actually going near to it to touch it,despite telling of the man himself that the thing is hot.
hypnosis is not your summer correspondence course as we often tend to associate it is not also of that sterotypical thing like hypnotherapist saying all those weird words efficient.the biggest example perhaps would for parents to try.i have taken this from Zig Ziglers speech,so please Zig,sorry for taking your words.try this for the children who wet their bed quite often during their childhood.when they are in deep sleep slowly as if whispering tell them to fight the thing out,remember dont use negetive words like not it for two nights consecutively and you"ll see the results yourself.

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Good post zion...

We alow a lot of things in hypnotism, unconsiously...
All things we are not willing to do consiously are canceled out by the unconsious part (my own theory)...

If you do experiments, I know a good one from the same source as that you won't do what you dan't want to...

1st. Hypnotize a person who is willing to do the experiment...

2nd. under hypnosis, say to him/her that the coin is as cold as an ice clump and lay it on the left hand...

3rd. take the coin and say that it now is as hot as a burning charcoal and lay it on the right hand...

Take it of his or her hand and stop the session...
First feel the left hand fast...
It'll probably be very cold...
Maybe you will notice something whit the right hand after a minute or 2...

I won't tell it, but you'll maybe figure it out...

It is theorized that you can unlock some doors to the unconsious whit hypnosis, maybe even psycokinesis and telepathy, but it's certain to work for self-healing abbilities...

maybe another idea for this thread, psycokinesis by hypnotism, as long it has to do whit psycokinesis it'll be okay, right?

Quick add to reply to Banshee

I was suggesting theories, techniques and experiments about psycokinesis...
Instead of skeptic cry-outs and subject changes, we have an episode of hypnosis now, but I try to redirect it to psycokinesis...

Maybe I didn't understoed the fraze of Banshee, but I want to be clear to all :)

P.S. The thing about soap and explosives was to refer that almost all of us know the most things we have to...

All very Intersting...... I am intersted in finding ways to develop any telekinetic abilities that I may or may not have. Continue. Good Discussion.:)
Yes, keep on telling how to practise Hypnothisme without knowing it all...

Just by watching these television demonstration and what Hypnothists can do to the mind of humans.

How exiting...

Do you know also how often it occurs that someone doesn't come out of the Hypnothisme completely after such 'exiting' demonstrations.
They have trouble with it in the days after being hypnotised.
Do some more research about the subject please...

Psychokinesis by Hypnotihsme...

Yeah...don't you think they tried that out already?

And it is true that you can help children out of their bad dreams by whispering to them when they are dreaming, but that is not exactly Hypnothisme...
It is a reaction on the voice of their Father or mother...

If your child wakes up and comes to you with the message there is a Crocodile or Snake in the closet or under his/her bed, you just chase the d**n creature out the door and away from your house.

The child will be totally calmed down and goes to sleep peacefully...
Quoted by Banshee:

Do you know also how often it occurs that someone doesn't come out of the Hypnothisme completely after such 'exiting' demonstrations.
They have trouble with it in the days after being hypnotised.
Do some more research about the subject please...

Psychokinesis by Hypnotihsme...

Yeah...don't you think they tried that out already?

Banshee is right, we have to search more on hypnotism...
Of all the things I know, hypnotism isn't my greatest field of knowledge...

I almost do not doubt that people tried to unleash PK powers by hypnotism...
MAYBE some of them did sucseed, but not everyone, that's certain...
I think that the people who tried it, didn't search for methods and information about PK...

So a little thought of mine is that we have even to create a new, special method for unleashing PK by hypnotism...

Hypnotism is mostly over estimated whit bad things and under estimated on good things...

From myself:
I wander "Where the h*ck is Mr.G, he didn't show up the last 5 days apperantly..."

I now realize that I might sugest something useless or revolutionary, but whit all those narrow minded power wanting abusers, I will not search on this area

At least half a year...
Maybe after that I will, but won't publish all the things...
People first have to earn it or know it by learning for themselves...

Like the bomb from household things, they will never say the complete things...
Leaving a few chemicals out or half up the name that will hit dozens of it's sort...

By schooling, you can learn how to, but you realize that you can't say it out loud to every one...
This is what we must hold on to, let them learn and earn, and then they diserve help...

Nice post by the way...

Hypnotism is dangerous for the reason Banshee outlined. Some people can not be hypnotized. You can not cure anything. You can take away pain for a few days. Then the pain gradually returns to full force. Under certain circumstances you can be hypnotized by someone who does not know how to do it. People have tried to hypnotise to develop PK/TK but has not worked same way a deaf person can not hear using hypnotism. And so on...
Hypnosis is sometimes defective as KM mentioned.a classic example of it is a serial killer in U.S itself(i dont remember the state or date or venue etc,i just saw it on Discovery) he had actually during hypnosis lied about not commiting crimes,but after enough evidence was found against him,he accepted the fact,thus suggesting that hypnosis is not a perfect tool,as conciousness is not completely dead during the process,otherwise during our dreaming we wouldnt have awakened ourselves if we were getting killed or falling down.
so perception of reality can be changed during hypnosis.

Some humans are that influenceable that they are completely under control of a hypnothist, thus far that there are boundaries to really do things they are not able to because of their 'standing' in life...thus their Deeper Selves.

First learn a little Self-Hypnothisme please before starting to go to a hypnothist. They are the very last ones to consult if you have problems in your personal life...

And I do mean it...

You wake up from your 'falling dreams' because you are not really asleep in that case. It is a kind of nearly awakeness when you 'dream' you are falling.

If you dream that you are killed, you do not have to wake up always. There are a lot of humans who dream they are stabbed with a knife and really see themselves die in the dream. That is what they call a nightmare, but it is only a sign you have to change your way of living and go on in a new way.

Kill the past, something new is coming around in your life...

Even if they don't see it right away, their life will change...

Pay attention to that kind of dreams.
They are not always bad, as most humans think...

Look at your life and see how it'll change...

Death in a dream is a sign you have to close a certain part of your lifestyle and the change(s) in life are coming any way, even if you don't realise it immediately.