Prove that I am not God

No. Like actually pointing out the context that backs up your nonsense. Not telling me to go and find the context for you.

You still have not shown any context that backs up your nonsense. Put up or shut up.
You don't have to find it for me. I already told you where and who posted the comment. If you would rather whine for hours/pages than read something in minutes/paragraphs, that's just your intellectual sloth in action.
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And I pointed out that Baldeee was right and you were wrong.
Obviously you have forgotten what got you started on this whole context whinge.

It's one thing to demand context that one can easily get from reading subsequent posts.
It's quite something else to demand that ones opponent repeat one's own arguments because one is too twisted up, burnt out or dull headed to recall them.

Sounds like its past your bedtime.
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The one who is whinging about context is you. If there is context that makes your wrongness right, roll it out.
Perhaps the first aspect of such a discussion would involve you pointing out, specifically, how Baldee is right and, specifically, how I am wrong.
The only catch being that in order to do that, you would have to read stuff (stuff that both Baldee and myself posted) as opposed to pretending you understand topics under discussion between others and subsequently seasoning a word salad with vitriol.
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Perhaps the first aspect of such a discussion would involve you pointing out, specifically, how Baldee is right and, specifically, how I am wrong.
The post of yours to which I responded quoted Baldeee as saying there is difference between knowledge and claims of knowledge. Your point seemed to be that he was wrong. I said that he was right.

The only catch being that in orderto do that, you would have to read stuff (stuff that both Baldeeand myself posted)....
Not at all. I pointed out that what I quoted from you was wrong. On the face of it, it is wrong. If you think there's context that makes it right, the onus is entirely on you to point out that context specifically. If you could do that, you would/should have done it long ago instead of insisting that I do it for you. If you can do it, go ahead and do it now.
The post of yours to which I responded quoted Baldeee as saying there is difference between knowledge and claims of knowledge. Your point seemed to be that he was wrong. I said that he was right.

Not at all. I pointed out that what I quoted from you was wrong. On the face of it, it is wrong. If you think there's context that makes it right, the onus is entirely on you to point out that context specifically. If you could do that, you would/should have done it long ago instead of insisting that I do it for you. If you can do it, go ahead and do it now.
And then you lost it all by trying to justify an opinion of something made in response to Baldee, while simultaneously admitting you didn't know what Baldee said.
I suggested that in order to avoid appearing silly, you should perhaps try reading it.
You said there is no need.
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The reason being, that anyone can say anything is anything. You are God. You are the president of the USA. You are shit throwing monkey. You are a shit throwing monkey who is president of the USA.
Your argument says less about God, and more about the limitations of atheists who try to launch such arguments while remaining willfully ignorant of religious history and philosophy.
Aren’t we the Godlike pretender. Someone who professes to know the nature of unknowable things, like the actual qualities of a god they can’t perceive, or a person they have little personal knowledge of.
Your desperate search for the most profane thing you can imagine to represent God reveals that you already have something of a clue.
It’s you that sees God’s perfect creations as profane. I’m proud of my shit throwing zoo monkeys.
I took some pains to talk about obscurantism, the brief historical window that irrational revelation gained some popularity (notoriety?) and how this fits in the broader category of the history of enlightenment/revelation/ samadhi.
But these were all subjects you haven't, can't and won't investigate.
Most participants in these religion threads have some general knowledge of these topics, to conclude that haven’t been investigated because they weren’t found convincing is ridiculous.
I also mentioned how the way forward, if one wanted to ply the subject of "I'm God/we're all God/everything is God" would be to look at the philisophers who somewhat vigorously pursued that philosophy. Specifically, I suggested one take note of how they problematized the notion of "category" and "quality", since these are the main stumbling blocks in such arguments.
But once again, this is another subject you haven't, can't and won't investigate.
Everything you’ve presented to defend your position has been considered and logically rejected.
In fact even now, you still can't fathom the stumbling blocks of your argument (which are, in case you are still rattling your empty peanut shell, that your argument also paves they way for me being the president, or even a shit throwing monkey acting as the president of the USA and so on and so forth). If you are convinced of the sublime nature of your small-mindedness, there simply isn't the space for anything else.
Obviously it paves the way. If you have the capacity to adequately assume a prescribed role, you can appear legitimate. Those are the cards you dealt me with an omnimax God, where I can be anything and retain my legitimacy. As you move down the evolutionary scale it gets harder to pull off.
In short, I provided an introduction to the problems you need to address in order to take your argument to higher standard than the sub-moronic. You ignored all this, made the most flame-worthy strawman possible, and noted how easily it burns.
You own the stupid.
Yet here we are, with you no closer to making a justifiable case for how you can know God. Apparently I haven’t cornered the market on stupid.
Done already.
You weren't interested.
The question wasn’t how some historical figure acquired their knowledge of God, but how did you personally come by yours. Everyone is still waiting on that one.
Done already.
You weren't interested.
Jehovah Witnesses on your doorstep will give you a personal account of their acquisition of divine knowledge, but you continually refuse to do likewise.
In the true spirit of the intellectually sloth, again you missed it. I would ask you to try researching the thread and see how ownership of the phrase "I don't know" turns up amongst the discussion. This would not only help determine whether the quote is attributed to sergeant schultz or someone else (it would also help determine the point in bringing schultz to the discussion in the first place ... I mean if the quotated reference is not a direct quote from schultz, what would be the point in referring to a character famous for his stubborn denial of the blatantly obvious?).

...I say, "I would ask you", because such a task would involve getting off your arse to research posts, reading stuff and so on... which all seems to be something you haven't, can't and won't do.
You continually portray such statements as if they contain some deep complex significance, but they really don’t. It must be frustrating for you when your points of discussion are less interesting than the behavior of a buffoonish TV character.
Aren’t we the Godlike pretender. Someone who professes to know the nature of unknowable things, like the actual qualities of a god they can’t perceive, or a person they have little personal knowledge of.
If you didn't know it (even if it is only a half-arsed trickle down version of revelation/enlightenment, etc percolated from the caricatures of atheist hate sites) you wouldn't be able to charade it.
My whole point has simply been that your whole schtick is half arsed because your source material is half arsed.

Everything you’ve presented to defend your position has been considered and logically rejected.
You can't even name the relevant keywords to search for it on google, much less consider it.
And logically reject it?
Staunchly rejecting the very notion of examining religious claims is vastly different from logically rejecting such claims.
Its a task simply unavailable to one who hasn't, can't and won't investigate such claims.
Just to be clear, this isn't atheist bashing. This is bashing the willfully ignorant version of atheism you have your heart sold on representing.

Obviously it paves the way.
If you want to employ special pleading and a divide between subject/object it paves the way for anything and everything.
That's why such means are deemed fallacies of argument.

If you have the capacity to adequately assume a prescribed role, you can appear legitimate. Those are the cards you dealt me with an omnimax God, where I can be anything and retain my legitimacy. As you move down the evolutionary scale it gets harder to pull off.
By the same brilliant means, you can also be a shit throwing monkey who is the president and so on and so forth.
I didn't grant you special pleading and a subject/object divide. You own that stupid.

Yet here we are, with you no closer to making a justifiable case for how you can know God. Apparently I haven’t cornered the market on stupid.
I would agree that a resolute determination to remain wilfully ignorant of philosophy and history, coupled with the inability to launch arguments outside of fallacies does bestow a monopoly of sorts ...

The question wasn’t how some historical figure acquired their knowledge of God, but how did you personally come by yours. Everyone is still waiting on that one.
In order to attempt to pull off your charade, you were already consulting half-arsed, trickled down, percolated versions of religious philosophy and history.
That's where you got your knowledge from.
My only gripe is that you were insisting on maintaining a dumb version of it, which inevitably delivers a dumb version of atheism ... especially when argued through dumb logical fallacies.

Jehovah Witnesses on your doorstep will give you a personal account of their acquisition of divine knowledge, but you continually refuse to do likewise.
You continually portray such statements as if they contain some deep complex significance, but they really don’t. It must be frustrating for you when your points of discussion are less interesting than the behavior of a buffoonish TV character.
Done already.
You weren't interested.
Horses, water and all that.
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That's really convenient for you, isn't it?

This is a really cool thread, full of revelation.

I thought I was stating your position.......yes....the burden of proof used to feel almost like a carrying a cross......sooo heavy....:(

No burden of proof, I feel light as a feather.......godly almost.....:rolleyes:
My whole point has simply been that your whole schtick is half arsed because your source material is half arsed.
That perfectly describes your position and presentation.

I would hate to have to deal with you as a salesman, couldn't trust your knowledge of the product or its utility, other than the "trust me" sales spiel. Why should I trust your veracity?
habitual truthfulness.
"voters should be concerned about his veracity and character"

This may be of assistance;
And then you lost it all by trying to justify an opinion of something made in response to Baldee, while simultaneously admitting you didn't know what Baldee said.
Nonsense. I responded to what you claimed Baldeee said. It doesn't matter what he actually said or in what context he said it. I was only responding to what YOU said, period.
That perfectly describes your position and presentation.
It's strange that you should decree the notion of consulting history and philosophy as half-arsed.

But then again, recalling your previous discussion with Tiassa, maybe not.
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Nonsense. I responded to what you claimed Baldeee said. It doesn't matter what he actually said or in what context he said it. I was only responding to what YOU said, period.
There's no point discussing this if you would rather whinge than actually read anything. It's all there, a few pages back. I just checked.
It's strange that you should decree the notion of consulting history and philosophy as half-arsed.
But then again, recalling your previous discussion with Tiassa, maybe not.
And what is it you recall from that discussion?
No, the only way to know God is to be God.

You could only know that if you know God.

I’m saying that you don’t have the capacity to know me from God. So I might be God.

How did you aquire the capacity to know that?

It has nothing to do with scriptures. It’s an imaginary extention of any concept of quantity and quality. Like infinite time, power, or intelligence.

How can it not have anything to do with scripture?

Can you see how you are talking yourself out of realising God?

Unit Musika already admitted that I could be. In time you may come around as well.

You couldn’t be God, but God could be you.
Do you understand that?
Check your own description of God.

You are talking to an entity that claims to be God.

Then you are not God!
Even if I believe you are.

The choice is to cultivate sound reason or not, and to accept where it leads you or not.

How would you know you are cultivating sound reason?
