Prove it to me


"Something believed or accepted as true, especially a particular tenet or a body of tenets accepted by a group of persons."

From a dictionary

...Beilief is ignorance

You shouldn't have assumed that I thought an atheist isn't ignorant but they are slightly less ignorant then a religous person if you want to be technical as there is no smoking gun proving the existence of God.
Cory, and for all the atheist..You are so quick in questioning our beliefs all this time...

You had your time and we slaughtered your questions with full answers, you reject it or not it doesnt matter, NOW ITS OUR TURN, tell me your reasons of being an atheist. Does it have anything to do with science? Or is it personal?....I will wait for your response....
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
Yeah, what's up Avatar. How are things?
well, what can I say?... Life in the Sci world goes on. There has been a crackpot infestation lately , but we are holding good.

where were you?
What the hell are you talking about!?

Are you serious? I'm sorry I didn't read all the pages but after work I'll go home and read "the slaughter". But it seems you didn't read too much either, I said an athiest is ignorant too. I'm not an athiest. What are you talking about ("Cory, and for all the athiest'). You religous people really are warped. Look how the words are manipulated (inspector tried to make his own definition of the word belief hahahahaha) then adressed me as an athiest when I was never condoning them or claiming to be one.
It has nothing to do with science. My parents didn't raise me religous and because of that I wasn't exposed to the religion paradigm. Nothing dramatic and my father is agnostic but never really voices his opinion on that.
well, what can I say?... Life in the Sci world goes on. There has been a crackpot infestation lately , but we are holding good.

good to hear.

where were you?

I was in training to become a Buhddist Monk...shaved my head and everything. I was learning Tiger Style when suddenly I remembered.....Oh my God, I forgot about sciforums. I picked up my sack of rice and ran and swam back to the USA....ahhh home at last....LOL

JK....I dunno. I wasn't in the mood really, you know how it goes here. But I'm getting back into the swing of things.
"I dunno. I wasn't in the mood really, you know how it goes here. But I'm getting back into the swing of things."

Whatever, you need to get back in the swing of things and start getting back on topic before I ban you.
Nothing, I justed wanted to see what it was like to act as a moderator, sorry if I added to the crackpot inavsion, plus I was I was really just trying to tourment Light.

First off inspector, did you stop trying to prove your religion or you just in hibernation?

Whatsupyall where did you 'slaughter' all this, I just got back here so I must have missed it.

I am really disappointed how this has gotten off topic, I was interested in people proving their religion to me...
What are you talking about

You will learn that whatsupyall does not understand anything...even his own arguments. His proof to you that he is right will be some sort of strange logic. He will believe so much that he is right (and insult you for ever questioning his superior intelligence at the same time) that he will continuously type in CAPS. When he does this, do not bother reading what he types, because it will not make any sense at all.

If you're bored and want some entertainment, try and explain the flaws of his argument to him. He will continue to contradict himself, and entertain you for hours!

Basically, don't take whatsupyalls posts seriously.
Thanks, I could of used that warning earlier as I was caught off guard, I mean he really disturbed me.
"First off inspector, did you stop trying to prove your religion or you just in hibernation?"

Contact me if you would like a personal discussion.

Originally posted by Cory
Thanks, I could of used that warning earlier as I was caught off guard, I mean he really disturbed me.

Cory, and yur listening to that guy? LOL..Vakemp, frencheneez, raithere, whoelse...are the ones who are strange..

I apologize Cory but I thought u were an atheist, because u said "Religious are more ignorant than the atheist", when your wrong...I have a misconception about yur ignorance....
The truth is, alll atheist, and I mean ALL of them didnt think through their faith and beliefs enough, maybe because they dont care, but the bottom line here is generally they are ignorant, either that or they desire to go to hell....
They dont know what the word "faith" means (generally speaking). they think faith means belief on myths....
They use giant purple squid monkeys as an evidence that there is no God...
They generalize and say all christians are killers..(spanish inquisition, etc.)
And they say nature is super duper luck, A PERFECT LUCK.
They say God is a myth, AND THE BURDEN OF PROOF IS NOT ON THEM, but on us who outnumbered them BY BILLIONS. Plus the evidence are overwhelming for God, zero for atheist..
They say to know something means "to do something", knowing means "establishing".
Frencheneez and other atheist even believe that freewill is a myth..(I can quote this for you)..
They also LOVE to falsely accuse you, if u dont agree with proofless claims and proved their opinions wrong, then they will lie and change the topic..

In summary, atheist are not living in a real world, DELUSIONAL..

Fact here is 99% of universities are founded by christians, from harvard, to princeton, to stanford, etc. Fact is 100% of all the presidents are believers of God. Fact is about 97% of the earth's population believes in some form of Spirits. They are calling all the educated, powerfull, and rich, "bunch of ignorants", while living in thier little uneducated world...

Atheist and the word "Skeptism" donot mix..They are not skeptics, they believe in claims without evidence at all. They have much more faith then me, purely delusional, satan as their guide, the father of lies...

Atheist, donot have evidence, and are illogic, and thats a fact....
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reply to whatsupyall

no offense whatsup but you generalized with EVERY accusation you directed at athiests. Something you complained about WHILE doing it yourself. SECOND I reached out and asked religious people to prove it to me in THIS VERY THREAD. Your EXTENSIVE replies exist only 3 posts. 1 which is a snide remark to make a peer feel better? 1 which GENERALIZES athiests and makes astouding premises with out any backing or sources, and another one, your last one which GENERALIZES athiests once more, and also attacks us calling us "delusional". NONE OF WHICH HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH THE INTENDED PURPOSE OF THIS THREAD WHICH SHOULD BE VERY EASY TO STAY WITHIN ACCORDING TO YOU.
Plus the evidence are overwhelming for God, zero for atheist..
SHOW IT, speak it, know it, for christ sake prove it. To take from a previous thread that has revelence here:
"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15)

"For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the same measure you use, it will be measured back to you." (Matthew 7:2)

Assuredly I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! And I say to you that many will come from east and west, and sit down with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the sons of the kingdom will be cast out into outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Matthew 8:10-12)
like lambs

Originally posted by hockeywings
Whatsupyall where did you 'slaughter' all this, I just got back here so I must have missed it.
The only things that whatsupyall is capable of slaughtering are; the english language, civil discourse, and reason.

Hockey...Atheist= Belief there is no God...

Faith= Belief which needs no proof..
Atheist BELIEVE there is no God, and they have no proof of their belief. THEREFORE THEY HAVE FAITH...

Atheists I TALKED TO in this thread said "Faith is the most dumbest word I know", because of this I SAY ATHEIST HERE GENERALLY ARE IGNORANT, attacking faith when the fact is they have strong faith...So yes, I GENERALIZE IT IN THIS POST, because it is EVIDENT...And evidence is rational, not irrational....

They're accusation of me are just frustrations and anger that they cant have any intelligent thing to say. I may show insults, but with it are very profound truths, which they cannot counter act, take Raithere for example, I already proved him wrong about radiometric dating of earth which requires faith, and he insist it doesnt, and at the same time ADMITS THAT IT IS JUST A SPECULATION, but a good one, indeed delusional BY EVIDENCE...
"The only things that whatsupyall is capable of slaughtering are; the english language, civil discourse, and reason. "

Burned!! :p