Prove it to me

And who are this so-called "Theist" that thinks Im wrong? Post the thread that i wrote here and POINT TO ME WHICH ONE I SAID THAT IS WRONG, and I will deal with it....Otherwise stop falsely accusing me...AND I CAN POINT TO YOU MANY MANY MANY posts from the atheists that are all IRRATIONAL, STUPID, AND ILLOGIC.
U want the evidence of God? Then sseek and u shall find, read the words I posted in "God does exist"...And get the book "New Scientific Case for God's existence" by Mark Mahin...That should take care of it, and pray that Satan wont delude you as he did to this people here (some)...
"Frencheneez and other atheist even believe that freewill is a myth..(I can quote this for you).."

What? Freewill IS a myth if you believe in an almighty god. It's impossible.

"Religious people are more ignorant than the atheist"

They are, just slightly, I mean if they don't even except the
possibility. But I say slightly because there doesn't have to be a god.

"Fact here is 99% of universities are founded by christians, from harvard, to princeton, to stanford, etc. Fact is 100% of all the presidents are believers of God."

So? I'm not denying the power of religion and the latter is because the church used to be the government.

"Fact is about 97% of the earth's population believes in some form of Spirits."

Spirits do not constitute an almighty god. Nice try to slip that in

Fact of the matter is you're part of a dying breed. In the next couple of decades, if we make it that long, we will be seeing a lot less of religion. People are waking up and understand that this goes way deeper then the bible. I can't even really begin to argue with you because I don't know what you believe. I mean what? You believe everything in the bible literally? Genesis, the creation story, or do you skip that part (a lot of christians like to look over that stuff, too bizarre, I think now they're kind of embarassed of it) and go to the new testament and learn about Jesus. Or are you the type to change it and give it new meaning so you can apply it in your everyday life?
To the Christians, how can you have Faith in Jesus Christ and try to prove that "he" is "God" and Faith in the Bible at the same time? Think before you answer. ;)
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING
To the Christians, how can you have Faith in Jesus Christ and try to prove that "he" is "God" and Faith in the Bible at the same time? Think before you answer. ;)

I hope you are not planing to slaughter them here. I kinda avoid hitting them that hard these days. They are lost souls misguided by St Paul or should I say Saul?
"To the Christians, how can you have Faith in Jesus Christ and try to prove that "he" is "God" and Faith in the Bible at the same time? Think before you answer."

I would explain it to you, but if I did, your brain would explode. It has to do with prophecy, God's revelation through scripture, soteriology, etc. It would also require that you have a basic comprehension of biblical principles and content. Therefore, you are officially excluded and disqualified.................unless, of course, you can prove me wrong. ;-)

I hope you are not planing to slaughter them here. I kinda avoid hitting them that hard these days. They are lost souls misguided by St Paul or should I say Saul?

Hey Markx,

I guess your right. I'll take it easy on them.
Originally posted by LIGHTBEING

Good way to jump around your answer. I kind of expected it.

Remember they can never answer you right. Because there is not right answer for them either. God bless them, since they don't even know most of the writers of Bible.
When someone, preferably a non-believer, can demonstrate a basic understanding of biblical content and Christianity, including soteriology and the Trinity, then I will address specific questions and/or commentary. Until then, this thread will continue in idle chatter and self-congratulations.

inspector - you are not here to make any demands. If you don't explain - who cares. Smbody else will - but if you don't wish to share your oppinion - what in the hell are you doing in forums??? you know that they usually talk\discuss in those places
When someone, preferably a non-believer, can demonstrate a basic understanding of biblical content and Christianity, including soteriology and the Trinity, then I will address specific questions and/or commentary.

theology dealing with salvation especially as effected by Jesus Christ

deliverance from the power and effects of sin

the state of being delivered; especially: liberation, rescue

So, soteriology is the belief that Jesus will deliver (or liberate) you from your sins.

the unity of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit as three persons in one Godhead according to Christian dogma

Umm...there are three different people, but they all make up one God? Huh?
Originally posted by Cory

What? Freewill IS a myth if you believe in an almighty god. It's impossible.

Frencheneez and other atheist stressed that freewill is a myth without having the "God" topic involve. He brought that out even when we were talking about the design of the universe, claiming that we abide by the laws of "Absolute", where we have no freewill.

Originally posted by Cory

Spirits do not constitute an almighty god. Nice try to slip that in

Fact of the matter is you're part of a dying breed. In the next couple of decades, if we make it that long, we will be seeing a lot less of religion. People are waking up and understand that this goes way deeper then the bible. I can't even really begin to argue with you because I don't know what you believe. I mean what? You believe everything in the bible literally? Genesis, the creation story, or do you skip that part (a lot of christians like to look over that stuff, too bizarre, I think now they're kind of embarassed of it) and go to the new testament and learn about Jesus. Or are you the type to change it and give it new meaning so you can apply it in your everyday life?

"God is Spirit"- John...Are u gonna change the definition now? "There are many gods, but thou shall not have other gods before me"- Bible. 97% of the population accept "spirits", in other words "God" and/or gods, the supernatural..Your atheistic community are living in a delusionary little world, all in complete denial blinded by Satan...

Fact? We are part of the dying breed? YOU CALL THAT FACT? You are making a prophesy, WOW, YOU ARE DELUDED!! Are you a prophet?
hmmm...Jesus said "Peter you are my rock and upon my rock I will build my church and not the gates of hell shall prevail against it"....And Cory said "You are part of the dying breed, the fact is your church will disappear in the next decade or so"...
Hmmm...who should I believe, Jesus who cured thousands, or Cory who the atheist? I think I will put my faith in Jesus, I mean Cory's prophesy have some ummm...u know, hes...ummm...damn it i cant think of the word to say...never mind, the guy is deluded...

over 2000 yrs the church is standing, we have been attacked by muslims, communism, but the church will prevail...97% Believers of God is a dying breed? 1 billion catholics and 1 billion christians is a dying breed? hahahaha..
Argue with me, Im a roman Catholic christian, have studied the bible, and I dont change the bible. The bible is interpreted for the good of humanity, for the sake of morality, not interpreted to support perversion or chaotic way of living.
"........but if you don't wish to share your oppinion - what in the hell are you doing in forums???"

I enjoy the entertainment that individuals like you consistently provide. ;-)

VAKEMP, an analogy of the Trinity would be time. Time is made up of past, present and future. Each is not the other, but they make up the entire nature. Another example would be space. Space is made up of heigth, width and depth. Each is not the other, but they make up the entire nature. BTW, soteriology is simply the doctrine of salvation, which is usually where other religions are separated from Christianity.

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The bible is interpreted for the good of humanity, for the sake of morality, not interpreted to support perversion or chaotic way of living.

I believe the Bible was written with good intentions. That's why so many people follow it.

What if the Bible said that God was a vicious killer, and He created us for His own entertainment? Would you believe it? If it said that God wanted only the most corrupt humans to live with Him in heaven, would you follow it and try to screw over as many people as you could?

What I ask is all hypothetical. I'm just wondering if you would follow a god that didn't think it was wrong to starve children in Africa, or that didn't console you when you were dumped by that girl?

Basically, are you following your own beliefs, or those of your god?
What? Freewill IS a myth if you believe in an almighty god. It's impossible.

"Frencheneez and other atheist stressed that freewill is a myth without having the "God" topic involve. He brought that out even when we were talking about the design of the universe, claiming that we abide by the laws of "Absolute", where we have no freewill."

They sound about right, I just thought that being an athiest would leave room for having free will as brlieving an God makes free will impossible. I'm not sure if there is a god but I'm leading towards what Frencheneez states although I'm not sure of the details of their ideas.

"Hmmm...who should I believe, Jesus who cured thousands, or Cory who the atheist? "

Jesus never existed and I'm not an athiest.
Damn, they sold you a story and you bought it.....

Believers of God is a dying breed?

No-stop being manipulative, jedi mind tricks don't work on me-I said followers of RELIGION are a dying breed. Believing in god doesn't mean you have to be in a religion....(but you already knew that didn't you:cool: )

"Argue with me"

I am, that's what I've been doing, and on that note, isn't arguing the best thing? I love arguing and listening to people argue (that's the best right there)...I mean I could listen to people argue for enetrtainment.

Umm...there are three different people, but they all make up one God? Huh?

"Yeah, I never understood that one either. Seems a bit like like Pantheism mixed with some Paganism."

That's one of the ways the devil tricked man into paganism. You see satan tampered with the bible which is why you see all those famous contradictions. In one story you have a loving god, then in another you may read of an angry killing god.

"And get the book "New Scientific Case for God's existence" by Mark Mahin..."

That sounds like a good book and I would like to read it. And if it sucks I'm going to punch you in the face.

But here's a book you should check out too....

That sounds like a good book and I would like to read it. And if it sucks I'm going to punch you in the face.
I take it you don't review books for a living. :D

Did you think about what I wrote? Take your time if you don't understand. IF YOU NEED ME TO TRANSLATE IT INTO YOUR OWN LANGUAGE, I'LL BE GLAD TO! ;)