prophecy revelation for jpappl

Since your reality is based purely on science
Assumptions again?
Re-read what I wrote:
"But science offers valid testable explanations.
Objective ones, unlike art/ poetry etc."
I didn't say that art and poetry etc have no value.

I assume you have no relationships for example?
Another incorrect assumption.
So who do the vampire, perfect beings etc. relate to in the bible? In your opinion.

well, i see vampiric reference in relation to communion. drinking the blood of christ. the blood of christ being sinless (perfect), allowing restored communion with god and each other.
Can't understand nuance?
Science is an objective view of reality.
Art etc isn't.
Note I did say explanations of reality.

Everything I mentioned is part of reality, objective or subjective.

You just can't accept that you're in fact wrong.
well, i see vampiric reference in relation to communion. drinking the blood of christ. the blood of christ being sinless (perfect), allowing restored communion with god and each other.


This is an interesting take on holy communion.

I wonder what inspired the vampiric myth(not belittling the fact that it may be true)...
maybe i'm wrong but betrayal kind of implies a false loyalty and/or dishonesty and i don't like that.

What if a Nazi got feelings of remorse and blabbed to the Allies about Hitlers whereabouts ? Would you condemn that ?
What if a Nazi got feelings of remorse and blabbed to the Allies about Hitlers whereabouts ? Would you condemn that ?

no. shame he was loyal in the first place though huh? hitler couldn't have accomplished much on his own.
So then betrayal is not always a fault.
In fact, loyalty can then be a fault, do you not agree ?

i don't think that the fault lies in loyalty itself, but in the reason for the loyalty, or the thing or person you're loyal to, which may or may not be sinister.
i don't think that the fault lies in loyalty itself, but in the reason for the loyalty, or the thing or person you're loyal to, which may or may not be sinister.

Oh, could that also be true for betrayal then ? Maybe.. perhaps ?
Oh, could that also be true for betrayal then ? Maybe.. perhaps ?

well if you're loyal because you're being lied to (betrayal) then the lie is the fault (the betrayal).
if you're loyal because you're stupid, careless, or evil, then those things would lie at fault.
if there is no fault in the reasons for loyalty, then there is no need for a betrayal. if you find that you've been lied to, or have a change of heart, then there is no betrayal, because there is no longer any loyalty.
It is easier for people with compassion for people to act this way, but it is also achievable by people with low compassion.

Acting against your nature is a tough thing to do, but it is achievable.

For example there is a homosexual Indian prince, and if he lead a homosexual life style it would disgrace his family and he would not become king.

He decided to not lead a homosexual life style.

That is mere surface, they aren't changing what they feel.
That is mere surface, they aren't changing what they feel.

I think it's the surface that is important.

Like when your a kid you don't want to eat your veg, but you eventually reap the rewards, being healthier. The easiest or more natural thing to do is to eat a big mac, because it's tastier but obviously bad for you.

Certain things can change your emotions I think but it's rare you can actually change them permanently. A leopard never changes its spots but actions speak louder than words.