Proof there is a God

... Which leaves open the question: why should people strive to be good, if being evil can be more profitable? ...
The answer, perhaps an imperfect one, is that humans are social animals and the societies they create sort of have a self preservation drive too. They make laws with punishments if caught.

"Being evil" can be interpreted as violating these laws and often is. Some of the main leaders of the society often are "above the law" so this discouragement of evil does not work on them. They can lead their population into wars, for example, if the oil refinery they have financial interest in needs cheaper oil to increase their profits.
Thank you both for taking the time to provide such considered replies.

The thread title indicated the forthcoming of proof of god.
There has been no proof of god provided in this thread.

I was wrong to participate in this thread because my motivation was to make folk question their faith by pointing out the inconsistency between religion and reality.
I have been a little devil really.
I would not take Santa clause away from children and seeking to take god away from a follower is probably worse given how many humans need there to be a god.
I did enjoy having a rant but perhaps it is best to hold my views private as I suspect they are confronting.
Best wishes to all Alex

Hit and run heh?
You're still being offensive by equating adults belief in god with a child's belief in Santa. Can you at least offer a reasoned explanation for your views, and respond to my posts.

Also you claim no proof for god has been put forward. What would you regard as proof of god?

Hi Jan
You accuse me of hit and run and perhaps you are correct because I have made my point which in my view is v
ry clear.
My use of Santa clause in my view is appropriate but I can understand how it could be taken as offensive if you believe in god. Sorry about that but what would you have me say if my statement is being honest in view.
I am using a little phone and I ask your indulgence and to understand my difficulties providing a decent discussion.
The onus of proof is not upon me to prove there is no god.To suggest this is not really honest on your part.
I have thought about your question about my intelligence.
I conclude I must be below average intelligence as evidenced by the fact that I was foolish enough to think anything I could add to this thread may be useful.
The thread openning claims proof and yet none is provided.
Do you think believing in superstition displays high intelligence.
Do you think this statement is a fair observation...
Men create gods but gods do not create men.
If I had a keyboard I could address all you throw at me which would be fun but I can't see most of what I type
ry clear.
My use of Santa clause in my view is appropriate but I can understand how it could be taken as offensive if you believe in god. Sorry about that but what would you have me say if my statement is being honest in view.

If you understand that, and still use it, you are being offensive, period.

How is equating god with santa honest to begin with?

I have read the bible but I find few believers who have done so.
I like where the bald headed man when being tormented by kids called upon god who caused a bear to rip the kids to bits. If I was bald I could become a believer, but I am not and I won't.
Revelations what can I say seems crazy but what would I know.
I think I get it now.
You don't believe either and are using me to say what you think but afraid to say because of the peer group you are with.
Nevertheless I really have to go.
have a great day
I am using a little phone and I ask your indulgence and to understand my difficulties providing a decent discussion.

I do sympathise with you. But you seem smart enough to not waste the responses with demeaning comments, especially if you're not in a position to explain them.

The onus of proof is not upon me to prove there is no god.To suggest this is not really honest on your part.

The onus is on anyone who makes a claim, and you have made quitea few.

As the thread is still under way, proof may still surface, if not universally, then individually.

Given the subject matter, it cannot be proven separately to one's self. In this way it has to be realized. Do you get what I mean?

I conclude I must be below average intelligence as evidenced by the fact that I was foolish enough to think anything I could add to this thread may be useful.

I wonder you're equating intelligence with smart, or somehow getting them mixed up.
You are adding to this thread, there is no doubt about that. What you're not doing is offering reason for your atheism.
So far the only difference between the reasoning of a someone purely of faith and yourself, is that one clams theism and the other atheism.

Do you think believing in superstition displays high intelligence.

Why do you think belief in god is belief in superstition?

Do you think this statement is a fair observation...
Men create gods but gods do not create men.

Yes. But probably not in the way you think.

If I had a keyboard I could address all you throw at me which would be fun but I can't see most of what I type

I'm quite sure it would be fun, and there too much of that in this forum, what with all boring-gate keepers lurking. :D

Hope you get a 'puter soon.

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I have read the bible but I find few believers who have done so.

Not being funny, but what does that have to do with anything?

I like where the bald headed man when being tormented by kids called upon god who caused a bear to rip the kids to bits. If I was bald I could become a believer, but I am not and I won't.[/Q

Wow! Is that all you could come with out of the whole Bible? Isn't that a tad selective, in favour of your atheism.
Do you anything that is not dripping in cliche juice?

You don't believe either and are using me to say what you think but afraid to say because of the peer group you are with.
Nevertheless I really have to go.
have a great day

You might be right.
You have yourself a great day.

Hi Jan
I don't wish to demonstrate my honesty really it would be elitist at best and futile at worst.
Arguing about something be it god or Santa clause which does not exist in ones personal reality makes no sense and above all has the effect of lending credibility to the non existent entity.
Belief will not be moved by fact so each side is bound not to surrender.
I know there will never be proof of god that is my belief.
I will not even be converted to become agnostic.

It is so nice to chat politely I thank you for your stimulating input.

May your conscience guide you past evil
As to having read the bible I felt it appropriate to tell the truth that I had done so.
I like to select certain things if they are somewhat supportive of my position.
I do like the parts of the bible that support me but it is not right to be selective to suit yourself is it.
Best wishes
Hi Jan
I don't wish to demonstrate my honesty

That much is clear.

really it would be elitist at best and futile at worst.

Two qualities which aren't strangers totie particular forum.

Arguing about something be it god or Santa clause which does not exist in ones personal reality makes no sense and above all has the effect of lending credibility to the non existent entity.

I get you. But why waste your time and energy talking about that don't concern you?

Belief will not be moved by fact so each side is bound not to surrender.
I know there will

I get your mud slinging now.
To be honest I suspected it all along, I investigated it, came to that conclusion, and now believe it. Now I may be wrong, as I only know about you from what is written by you . See how belief works?
