Proof there is a God

Before Adam and Eve did what they did, they had a childlike innocence. Jesus was the second Adam, he had a childlike innocence too. I don't think he would have done drugs.
Jesus must have done shrooms, you gotta' at least admit that.
Jesus must have done shrooms, you gotta' at least admit that.

You will never have your sin debt held against you. You will never have the law contract held against you. The issue at the Great White Throne Judgement is why you still have your identity in Adam, Adam in rebellion. There is a free gift.
You will never have your sin debt held against you. You will never have the law contract held against you. The issue at the Great White Throne Judgement is why you still have your identity in Adam, Adam in rebellion. There is a free gift.
I suppose one could interpret the fruit from the tree of knowledge as magic mushrooms.
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I supposes one could interpret the fruit from the tree of knowledge as magic mushrooms.

Seems sometimes the the human behavior acts their on magic mushrooms. You see, evil is a product of human behavior, not a principal inherent in the cosmos. It is the power of moral choice alone, that is Yahweh like and having that good and bad knowledge is no guarantee that one will choose or incline towards the good. The very action that brought Adam and Eve a Yahweh like awareness of their mortal autonomy, was an action that was taken in opposition to Yahweh.

Yahweh knows that, that human beings will become like Yahweh, knowing good and bad; it’s one of the things about Yahweh, he knows good and bad, and has chosen the good. Human beings, and only human beings are the potential source of evil, responsibility for evil will lie in the hands of human beings. Evil is represented not as a physical reality, it’s not built into the structure of Eden, evil is a condition of human existence, and to assert that evil stems from human behavior. It is a trip to have that moral choice of good and bad, like magic mushrooms sometimes.
Seems sometimes the the human behavior acts their on magic mushrooms. You see, evil is a product of human behavior, not a principal inherent in the cosmos. It is the power of moral choice alone, that is Yahweh like and having that good and bad knowledge is no guarantee that one will choose or incline towards the good. The very action that brought Adam and Eve a Yahweh like awareness of their mortal autonomy, was an action that was taken in opposition to Yahweh.

Yahweh knows that, that human beings will become like Yahweh, knowing good and bad; it’s one of the things about Yahweh, he knows good and bad, and has chosen the good. Human beings, and only human beings are the potential source of evil, responsibility for evil will lie in the hands of human beings. Evil is represented not as a physical reality, it’s not built into the structure of Eden, evil is a condition of human existence, and to assert that evil stems from human behavior. It is a trip to have that moral choice of good and bad, like magic mushrooms sometimes.
Could it not be conceivable then that the body of Christ handed handed out during Communion was actually psychedelic mushrooms?
Could it not be conceivable then that the body of Christ handed handed out during Communion was actually psychedelic mushrooms?

Religion acts like they are on psychedelic mushrooms. Cafeteria Christianity, each group placing on their plate the portion, or portions of Scripture that appeal most to them. “We want this, but we will ignore that.” “We will take one of these, but we will leave the others off our plate.” But we can not pick and choose whatever doctrine suits our appetites, as though it is left up to us to sere ourselves.
Is there any religion that embraces the law of karma?

What does that have to do with karma?

I simply observe this to be rather convenient for a god or gods (free will presents in many of the major religions) who do not care to adjust the rules to minimise un necessary suffering and death.

How have you observed this?

So the trade off is this.
We get free will and can decide to do good or bad with no regard to the sufferring this approach delivers to inoccent victims.

We can decide not to kill.
It's easily done. No?

Firstly there is a god who works in mysterious ways with no compassion for inoccent victims protecting the free will of killers to choose good or bad.

Can you define God?

Secondly we can conclude the absence of action and the absence of any devine intervention points to the undeniable observation that there must be no god and religions sprout from the delusions of folk who really want one to be there to look after the inoccent humans. Wanting does not make it so.. Sorry it just does not.

Either that, or we lack comprehension and understanding of who and what god is, and who and what we are in relation to him.
Have you looked into the latter?

It could be argued that to follow superstition and make believe automatically robs an individual of any claim that they are inteligent at all.

Based on what you've said so far, you automatically believe that god doesn't exist, and willful ignorance seems to have replaced superstition.
Do you think you are at all intelligent?

And while we listern to the many and varied excuses as to why the world does not work as we should expect if god was at the helm we still are offerred no proof or even mildly exceptable evidence of god.

Maybe the god is at the helm, but you haven't figured it out yet. And maybe the world is the proof of evidence for god (for the simple minded).
Who and what is God in your opinion, why you think he is non existent?

The promise offerred by this thread has not and will not be delivered.

How do you know?
Have you considered every claim without the presupposition of the non existence of God?

An imaginary abstraction which cannot be defined.

Yet you claim it has a normal definition.

Define morality and why children posssess immoral souls? I find that kind of talk very dangerous and may well lead to child-abuse in the name of righteousness.

My bad. I meant mortal and immortal.
Here is the response again.

Write4U said:
A *loving* God would protect His children. But of course God (in its widest interpretation) has no emotional stake in the universe and its workings.

Do you mean the mortal body or the immortal soul of his children?

No, the laws of nature are the laws of physical reality. God (as commonly defined) does not exist.

Don't know what you mean by commonly defined.
The God of the scriptures, however, cannot not exist.
How do you show that he doesn't?

First of all littering the beaches with dead bodies of children is not a game that interests me. Second, you can buy a new suit of clothes.

Apparently the body is discarded when the individual, immortal soul leaves it (death). So while it is more valuable (to some) than clothes, it is ultimately discarded as one discards clothes.

Because they don't really die. They just hit the reset button.

Sounds familiar if you read scriptures.

If a god existed the laws of nature would be HIS laws The implication that he could or would change his own laws would imply that God is very fickle and unreliable as a Universal manager.

What is that implication?

Of course all these questions are solved by the conclusion that God des not exist in reality, but is a figment of our imagination.

Of course, if that is what you believe.

Oh, I forgot, God supposedly has a reset button, all we need to do is wait for the resurrection of a dead man. But to my knowledge this resurrecton has not yet occurred, even after 2000+ years. Is God a bad computer game player who can't find the reset button?

To your knowledge. ;)

I am xelasnave.1947
For many reasons I had to open a new account to reply to Jan.
To Jan
I am 800klms from device upon which I post here.
I am not in a position to make a decent reply.
I apologise but I am in the bush at my observatory with poor internet.
Thank your your input.
My view is that there is no evidence of god and as such humans make up cap and then adopt their imaginings as reality.
The bottom line is made up stuff proves nothing other than humans can be irrational delusion.
If you can offer any reason to believe there is a god, defining him in the way you personally choose, please do so.
I am reasonable and would be interested to hear your view.
I may go off air so forgive me if I can't reply or comment.
Am I intelligent...oh yes I am... being of low intelligence or high intelligence is a question I am wise enough to avoid.
Best wishes Alex
I am xelasnave.1947
For many reasons I had to open a new account to reply to Jan.
To Jan
I am 800klms from device upon which I post here.
I am not in a position to make a decent reply.
I apologise but I am in the bush at my observatory with poor internet.
Thank your your input.
My view is that there is no evidence of god and as such humans make up cap and then adopt their imaginings as reality.
The bottom line is made up stuff proves nothing other than humans can be irrational delusion.
If you can offer any reason to believe there is a god, defining him in the way you personally choose, please do so.
I am reasonable and would be interested to hear your view.
I may go off air so forgive me if I can't reply or comment.
Am I intelligent...oh yes I am... being of low intelligence or high intelligence is a question I am wise enough to avoid.
Best wishes Alex
A spiritual reincarnation of Christ in *living* people? So no actual physical reincarnation?

This is who Jesus Christ himself is. Let’s start with the one thing that will define who God really is? What is eternal life? John 5:26b…For as the Father HAS LIFE IN HIMSELF; so has he given to the son TO HAVE LIFE IN HIMSELF. The life Jesus referred to is eternal or everlasting life. 

By his declaration and definition, he declared that he himself did not have eternal life at the time he was walking the earth or he was a complete liar! If you truly believe that the Bible is the Word of God, then you have to believe that Jesus Christ spoke the truth. If so, from his own mouth, he declared that only God had eternal life. Christ himself only had the promise of eternal life!

Jesus was explaining that he was given the authority to give the promise of this eternal life to whomever he wished. He was not the source of that eternal life, but he was the only way to obtain the life from God himself. Jesus did not have life in himself, so he could not be the source of that life; however, that being said, he was given the authority to give the promise to whomever he wished. He was not the source, but he was the only way to obtain the life from God himself. This is not semantics, the scriptures make it quite plain to anyone who reads it. No on reincarnation.
I thought this was about proving God. And doing so with equations.

If all one need do is take excepts from the bible and accept that as proof, then surely, one need not go beyond the first page, where it mentions him.


If (bible) {
God == true;

I thought this was about proving God. And doing so with equations.

If all one need do is take excepts from the bible and accept that as proof, then surely, one need not go beyond the first page, where it mentions him.


If (bible) {
God == true;


Sorry about all this, my bag. With equations, that is way over my head.
My view is that there is no evidence of god and as such humans make up cap and then adopt their imaginings as reality.

To many, their view is that there is evidence for god.
Views aren't what's in question with regards the thread. We are dealing in the realm of reason here, and thus far not one person has supplied any reasons for why there is no god. Or why the reasons given for god are not sound.

What is your evidence that humans (obviously excluding yourself) make up god?

If you can offer any reason to believe there is a god, defining him in the way you personally choose, please do so.
I am reasonable and would be interested to hear your view.

I don't have to offer anything, read the scriptures for yourself. Or if you already have , then air your concern. If at the end you cannot accept anything about god, then so be it. That is the best your ever going to get.
Bear in mind one cannot believe, or not believe in anything with out real reason.
Ignorance being the other option.

Am I intelligent...oh yes I am... being of low intelligence or high intelligence is a question I am wise enough to avoid.
Best wishes Alex

How intelligent are you?

Is there any religion that embraces the law of karma?

Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

Make stuff up, make excuses, fall back to superstition and fail to grasp the possibility that if there is a god he has failed to protect the inoccent (that drowned kid is only one of the un necessary deaths of the millions upon millions of deaths one has to select from)

The karma theory imagines that individuals are reincarnated. They are links on an endless chain where names and personal identities change, but the underlying 'causal' continuity doesn't. And karma theories imagine that the universe is fair, people ultimately get what they deserve.

So let's imagine two problem cases: One a thriving sinner, an evil person who lives a long, rich and happy life hurting others. And the other a suffering saint, a small child born with hideous birth defects, who dies after a short, pain-filled but totally blameless life.

The Western theistic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) all imagine post-mortem judgement. That's how they take care of the first problem case. Even if the thriving sinner doesn't receive justice in this life, he/she will inevitably get it after death. But as far as I can see, the Western theistic religions have no explanation for the suffering saint, the second problem case in which the blameless child lives a short and hellish life.

The karma theories on the other hand, imagine that the suffering saint isn't blameless at all, that he/she was likely a terrible sinner in a previous life. The child's misfortune in this life is basically the sins of that life catching up with him/her.

It's important to notice that gods have nothing to do with this. In Buddhism, the devas are subject to karma themselves and hence are mortal, albeit extremely long lived. Gods have a tendency to come off the ethical rails, since the temptations of heaven and almost infinite power are too corrupting, so gods will almost certainly fall out of heaven eventually and decend into a hell. So Buddhism imagines a 'multiverse' of many planes, some heavenly and some hellish, with our world in the middle. And Buddhism imagines countless beings rising and descending in this universe, entirely as a consequence of their actions and the effects of karmic causality.

I should point out that atheism doesn't seem to have any answer for either problem case, the thriving sinner and the suffering saint, apart from having to acknowledge that the universe isn't fair. Which leaves open the question: why should people strive to be good, if being evil can be more profitable?

We can arrived at either of two conclusions.

Firstly there is a god who works in mysterious ways with no compassion for inoccent victims protecting the free will of killers to choose good or bad.

In the karmic religions, gods aren't the ones who take care of balancing the ethical books. That's the function of karma, an ancient concept something like an impersonal law of ethical causation, the idea that actions have consequences. So perhaps your "innocent victims" weren't so innocent at all, but instead carried a load of karma from a previous life that put them in a place where they would suffer from the killer's freely chosen action.


Secondly we can conclude the absence of action and the absence of any devine intervention points to the undeniable observation that there must be no god

Your own Judeo-Christian-Islamic concept of god doesn't have to be the only kind of god that possibly can be. Maybe one could say that balancing the ethical books isn't part of a god's job-description.

and religions sprout from the delusions of folk who really want one to be there to look after the inoccent humans. Wanting does not make it so.. Sorry it just does not.

That's possible (and in my opinion even likely). But acknowledging that possibility doesn't constitute a disproof of the existence of god.

It could be argued that to follow superstition and make believe automatically robs an individual of any claim that they are inteligent at all. You know you can not steal and not be called a thief but one theft means you are now a theif and it matters not that you had a good record.. One action makes you a theif. Any claim to inteligence is washed away when you practice superstition and make believe. Any inteligent person will understand and agree wouldnt they?

Couldn't we say the same thing about ethics? People want to believe that good and evil are real somehow and that we shouldn't kill, steal or torment other people. But do ethical beliefs have any more objective reality than religious beliefs? Couldn't we make a plausible argument that striving to be good isn't intelligent when its in our interest to be bad?
Thank you both for taking the time to provide such considered replies.

The thread title indicated the forthcoming of proof of god.
There has been no proof of god provided in this thread.

I was wrong to participate in this thread because my motivation was to make folk question their faith by pointing out the inconsistency between religion and reality.
I have been a little devil really.
I would not take Santa clause away from children and seeking to take god away from a follower is probably worse given how many humans need there to be a god.
I did enjoy having a rant but perhaps it is best to hold my views private as I suspect they are confronting.
Best wishes to all Alex