Proof there is a God

I'm an atheist (in this thread).
Dude, that was only 11 posts and 24 hours ago.

I'm beginning to see why you need to ask so many questions...

It is more important to look at what someone does with their belief. Do they use it to foster hate? Do they use it to downplay the concerns and goals of women?

Theists and atheists alike can do this.
That's true, but prejudice is the domain of religion, which command subservience by women. This is *outlawed* in countries with *secular* laws which give a fundamental message that all people have the same rights.
For all we know evil is the natural atmosphere, and God is nothing but a way to sneak in ideas like goodness, love, and compassion into a world where such concepts are alien. Jan.

That would be nice if it were so, but it isn't. There is natural competition, but nowhere in nature does moral prejudice exist. There is only the imperative for food and procreation, in humans we have added the incentive of philosophical prejudice and judgement of who shall live or die for an *idea*.
Another proof that God very probably doesn't exist in that atheists are much smarter than theists. If God really existed that theists would be much smarter than atheists but in fact the very opposite is true.

Also another proof of God's nonexistence is the argument from nonbelief: If God was really all-powerful then he would convince everyone that he is real but the fact is that many people are just not convinced that God exists, therefore God does not exist or is not all-powerful.
Another proof that God very probably doesn't exist in that atheists are much smarter than theists. If God really existed that theists would be much smarter than atheists but in fact the very opposite is true.

Also another proof of God's nonexistence is the argument from nonbelief: If God was really all-powerful then he would convince everyone that he is real but the fact is that many people are just not convinced that God exists, therefore God does not exist or is not all-powerful.

That's funny you would say that you strike me as a moron. I would assume iq test are designed by atheist but I dare you to take one and post your results and prove your superiority with evidence as a bonifide atheist claims as there bread and butter of superiority.
I am an atheist and never gave much thought to spiritualism, until a native American bruha, in response to something I said, told me that I was very spiritual at heart, which I considered a great compliment although I didn't understand exactly what she was conveying. So I did a little research an ran across the following.
Secular spirituality refers to the adherence to a spiritual ideology without the advocation of a religious framework. Secular spirituality emphasizes the inner peace of an individual, rather than a relationship with the divine. Secular spirituality is made up of the search for meaning outside of a religious institution; it considers one's relationship with the self, others, nature, and whatever else one considers to be the ultimate.[1] Often, the goal of secular spirituality is living happily and/or helping others.

Thus, if *spirituality* is taken as form of self-awareness, secular moral spirituality is not necessarily conected with Religion. It more oriented to the search for *intellectual growth* of the self, or as I like to call it; Humanism.
So 30 pages and no proof other than one side seems to indulge in dishonesty and delusion.
Believe what you wish but do not present superstition and belief as proof of god.
So 30 pages and no proof other than one side seems to indulge in dishonesty and delusion.
Believe what you wish but do not present superstition and belief as proof of god.
The honest truth is there is no proof that is why there is a thing called faith. But also something to think about when one is on thier death bed with the feeling of powerlessness you will not be able to stop yourself from thinking what if I was wrong about there bieng no afterlife.

Just an inference all reality and conscious awareness may just be electricity. But here is also a link with some information of atheist and NDE for what's it's worth. Btw you seem like a wonderful individual a deep thinker.
I personally don't see anything wrong with the possibility of an afterlife not for myself becuase I would want to disapear for the simple fact there is nothing I desire accept maybe one thing. But becuase after all the wonderful people on Sciforums has died and gone and I have died and gone I would to still have converstions with you all. Also I so very loved my grandparents and had wonderful deep conversations with my grandfather when I was a child from 3-6 years of age up until 12 I miss those days the simple things. But now they both have died I guess they did not live that long they both died at 74. If they were still alive they would be about 90 for grandma and 86 for grandpa. They were so great and loving I miss them so much. I don't really care much for my parents because my grandparents were the ones that I could rember caring for me when I was a child, this is why I love and care about the elderly so much. I personify all of them as people with great wisdom and much loving personas...Hmm so great my grandparent were...and my grandmother was the best cook ever now that they are gone I feel sort of ready to see them again this world has no more value to me just hate and evil lurking.
You are indeed half correct for I am indeed a wonderful individual but all humans are wonderful individuals.
Perhaps to say that I am a deep thinker does not account for the fact that I have not ever considered the proposition of "near death" experience.
I appreciate your honesty in determining that faith is different to proof.
I have no apprehension in respect of death nor do I have concern that I will be embarrassed to find upon my death to be standing before god with recognition that my disbelief was wrong.
I hold a simple but realistic view as to my place in the Universe.
I know that we each live in an eternal personal Universe. I have no comprehension pertaining to my arrival in the world and I will have no comprehension of my death and so although others can define my existence as finite I can not. And so as I can not define a start or finish to my existence I can only experience eternal existence. I have no fear or apprehension of my death. The prospect of death is the one thing all humans have in common. A rather ordinary prospect not to be feared.

And if there is a judgement day why should I fear any god. I have done my best and can not deliver more than that.
I was typing and missed your second post.
In addition my device went flat so I will consider your second post as it recharges.
I have carefully read your second post.
All people and above all your parents deserve respect.
It is probably not fair to judge them harshly for I suspect you are not aware of their situation such that your grandparents featured greatly in your life. They are humans and could only do their best.
Please understand that the world is not perfect and to expect it to be so is unfortunately unrealistic. But there are many wonderful aspects which you should focus upon. Not to do so is unhealthy.
Please do not welcome the opportunity to leave that is wrong.
If you believe in god such thoughts would be the ultimate insult.
Think of your ansestors who struggled to pass down the genes that make you unique.
Would they be happy to see all they worked for present as somewhat ungrateful.
Live this life in honour of them.
If sadness will not leave you I bet it is a medical thing... Your serotonin may be depleted.
And if there is a better place that awaits you make sure you are together by the time you get there.
I have carefully read your second post.
All people and above all your parents deserve respect.
It is probably not fair to judge them harshly for I suspect you are not aware of their situation such that your grandparents featured greatly in your life. They are humans and could only do their best.
Please understand that the world is not perfect and to expect it to be so is unfortunately unrealistic. But there are many wonderful aspects which you should focus upon. Not to do so is unhealthy.
Please do not welcome the opportunity to leave that is wrong.
If you believe in god such thoughts would be the ultimate insult.
Think of your ansestors who struggled to pass down the genes that make you unique.
Would they be happy to see all they worked for present as somewhat ungrateful.
Live this life in honour of them.
If sadness will not leave you I bet it is a medical thing... Your serotonin may be depleted.
And if there is a better place that awaits you make sure you are together by the time you get there.

Yeah you're atually right, I dont hate my parents am just not close with them I have never bonded with them but I do love and care for them. And will do anything to help them. Btw these are wise words from a wise man I am humbled. I also checked out that link I posted it actually helped me last night as I was experiencing a lot of anger and internal rage as I have been dealing with my whole life. I would have to say these are my personal demons that I must battle and defeat.
The notion of otherworldly life seems to be a common theme in our human history. Why?
Another proof that God very probably doesn't exist in that atheists are much smarter than theists. If God really existed that theists would be much smarter than atheists but in fact the very opposite is true.

Also another proof of God's nonexistence is the argument from nonbelief: If God was really all-powerful then he would convince everyone that he is real but the fact is that many people are just not convinced that God exists, therefore God does not exist or is not all-powerful.

Be careful , this post makes you look dim.

Be careful , this post makes you look dim. Jan.
Why? They are two arguments suggesting God does not exist, but that can never be proved to be the case. Outside the realm of mathematics, proof of non-existance is imposible. All you can do is suggest reasons why that might be the case. Pluto2 suggested two.

To me the more powerful suggestion that at least if he does exist, he/she is not all knowing and kind is what is happening for 5 years now in Syria and earlier in Germany under Hitler (and many worse times through out history). If there is a “loving God,” concerned with mankind, he sure has a strange idea / definition for / about love. I could more easily believe a hateful, powerful Devil existed.

Without even appearing to interfer with the natural laws, Hitler and Assad could have died of a heart attack (early in their youth if God is "all poweful and all knowing.")

Or to put the question on a scale of one life, rather than millions, what did this young boy do to deserve death by drowning?

(Warning: the following is an image of a dead child, which may be distressing.)
Was God not able to calm the sea?
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