Proof that the Christian god cannot exist


CHRISTAIN, i.e. follower of Christ!!!!let me make it a little less complicated for you Caleb CHRIST-ain, can you see where your religion got its name from??

No such thing as a completed Jew, Jews don't believe their messiah has come therefore to believe the messiah is christ is to no longer be a jew!!!! simple!!!!!

but anyway, what are you? a christain or a completed Jew??

Well I wasn't trying to prove the divine nature of the Bible. I was just trying to make a
point. And you said: "As to the prophecies, ask any Jew wether they have come to pass."
Well what about a Messianic Jew? they believe.

*Originally posted by tiassa
Incidentally, this is the question that Creationists seem to be afraid to answer,

Carl Sagan wasn't afraid to answer that.
His idea was that there was all this cosmic semen floating around the universe ("panspermia").
Mind you, he accidentally forgot to mention where that came from.

*Originally posted by tiassa
No wonder God never changes.

For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
(Malachi 3:6, KJV).

*Originally posted by Rambler
so in fact he would have judged us before we were even created.

He did.

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.
(Revelation 17:8, KJV).

*Originally posted by rkmountain
Just because He may be omniscient doesn't mean he controls our lives or choices we make. Am I right?

Regardless of whether God is omniscient, you aren't.

*Originally posted by Rambler
No such thing as a completed Jew, Jews don't believe their messiah has come therefore to believe the messiah is christ is to no longer be a jew!

Right about the first thing.
It is exactly the opposite about the second. See next.

*Originally posted by Deadwood
Many Jews believe[d] in Jesus as Lord and Saviour, many Jews do not.

Things have changed.
Only Jews believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior.

For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

(Romans 2:28,29, KJV).

My point is, you have no power over things of this world. You can pretend and define things in your own mind all you wish, but this does not make them exist in reality. We have the ability to fool ourselves, and puff ourselves up as gods standing on our own made-up universes. Big deal.

The real tragedy here is the broken relationship between us and the true God of the universe. He gives us the gift of life and we shove it in His face saying we don't need Him--we can be our own gods. Heck, we can make up gods that are more palatable to us and define worshipping them as "good" or "right". We can do whatever we please--because we ate the fruit. But all of this is empty authority without power.
Judeo-Christian GOD of the BiBle is GOD!

GOD 'is' who He have said He is! He can not deny Himself, nor deny His own written Holy Word! (The Holy Bible!)

JESUS can not deny His Father(GOD) who sent Him to Earth, and had raised Him back to life and 'is' now seated at the 'right hand' of Father GOD in Heaven! Nor the Father deny His Son (JESUS)!

We are free to our own beliefs, but with..eternal consequences! And the consequences are so final, that the truly 'Holy Spirit Filled' Christians of this world need not be ashamed, nor to hold the 'Light of the Truth' under a bush, or not to cloak it from view no matter what the secular world would think! [In the saving of lifes!]

Christians, let your 'light' so shine before men to see your good works! Be not afraid! Fear only the Lord GOD of Heaven!:D

Sinners, we will believe in the Father, Son (JESUS), and the Holy Spirit of GOD (the Spirit of Truth) even unto our DEATHS! We know the truth, and the 'wisdom' that is far above what Man will ever have apart from being in JESUS! Our Savior! All other 'knowledge' will in time, come to pass! But the Word of GOD is Forever!

Sir Loone,

Looks like the end is near, according to the bible the apocalypse has started. The signs are falling into place. I guess the non-believers will be proved correct.


"... And a great star fell from the Heavens, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood, and many died from the water, because it was made bitter." (Revelations 8:10)

The Chernobyl Disaster

Chernobyl is a town in north central Ukraine and is home to a nuclear plant of the same name. On April 26, 1986, one of the four nuclear reactors malfunctioned and sent 100 million curies of radionuclides into the atmosphere.

Radiation leaked as far as Sweden Poland, Finland, the Ukraine, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and even Russia. Tens of thousands of reindeers as far as Lapland have lost their lives because of radiation poisoning. The disaster has killed approximately 40,000 people; and another estimated 250,000 have relocated away from the contaminated soil. Animals that live in the rivers, or have drank from the rivers have died from contamination.

The Chernobyl Nuclear disaster is another biblical prophecy that has already come to pass. We know this because in Ukrainian, the word "chernobyl" means "wormwood (bitter)."

That entire quote can be found on the "Apocalypse Revealed " website along with 28 others in the revelations section.

Apocalypse Revealed

Still not believing the MYTH........
Hey Devil Dog.

I always thought that verse to mean a meteor. But it is very interesteing what you say.
<i>"... And a great star fell from the Heavens, blazing like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. The name of the star is Wormwood, and many died from the water, because it was made bitter." (Revelations 8:10)</i>

This is very interesting. I've heard alot about endtime events, and know that there is a bit of disagreement between different groups, but I think Revelation really is future prophecy (there are some groups that say the whole book has already been fulfilled). With that particular verse, it is true, I have heard the same thing about Wormword=Cherynobel. However, that does not necessarily mean that the Cherynobel catastrophe was the fulfilment of this prophecy. It may be an advance warning. Think about a nuclear missile for a moment. It has a long, skinny section tapering to a point, and when it launches, it has a flame at the wider end. Turn it upside down, and it would look just like a "torch." It would certainly look like one. And during a nuclear strike, the missile would appear to "fall from the heavens" along its trajrctory. Now, is it really that inconcievable that someone might name a nuclear misssile "Cherynobel" after the famous disaster?

Deadwood, I've also heard the idea that this could refer to a meteor. While that is possible, I think there is a more likely candidate for a meteor than that verse. Like these:

<i>"Rev 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
Rev 8:9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed."</i>

but then again, we don't really know for sure how these prophecies will be fulfilled. The interesting thing is, a nuclear device named cherynobel contaminating water isn't all that far fetched (considering its happened once before) to our modern world. On the other hand, the people back then (such as John, writting the prophecy) would have had no clue. Nor would they have known about burning mountains falling into the sea (meteors). If John hadn't seen the actual event or been told by someone who had (Jesus, who is God, and knows the ending already), then there would have been no natural way to envision what John was talking about in terms of known prcesses and objects. But it all makes sense today, because, just like the angel Gabriel told Daniel,

<i>"Dan 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall <u>run to and fro</u>, and <u>knowledge shall be increased.</u>"</i>

Considering that the fastest form of land transportation for thousands and thousands of years was the horse, it is no surprise that we, with locomotives, automobiles, airplanes, and even space shuttles, would be considered "running" to and fro. And just look at how often we use them. Run to work in the morning, run home, run to soccer practice, run out to the store for a gallon of milk. And of course, knowledge has been increased -- we now have technology that they couldn't have dreamed of back then!

Daniel's prophecies are coming true, and shedding light on the possibility of how John's prophecies in Revelation might come true.

!This is very interesting. I've heard alot about endtime events, and know that there is a bit of disagreement between different groups, but I think Revelation really is future prophecy (there are some groups that say the whole book has already been fulfilled). With that particular verse, it is true, I have heard the same thing about Wormword=Cherynobel. However, that does not necessarily mean that the Cherynobel catastrophe was the fulfilment of this prophecy. It may be an advance warning. Think about a nuclear missile for a moment. It has a long, skinny section tapering to a point, and when it launches, it has a flame at the wider end. Turn it upside down, and it would look just like a "torch." It would certainly look like one. And during a nuclear strike, the missile would appear to "fall from the heavens" along its trajrctory. Now, is it really that inconcievable that someone might name a nuclear misssile "Cherynobel" after the famous disaster?

so does IVEN KANIBEL(that crazy ramp,fire jumping dude)
So does his name mean Wormwood (or bitter), and does he have the power to turn ~33% of the world's water supply poisonous? I doubt it! (BTW, I don't know who he is other than your breif description)

Sure God exists!!!

Sure God exists. And to prove it, I am now stating that you atheists are going to hell!!!!!!

YES YES, thats right. When all you atheists die, your hell will be to listen to the HOWARDSTERN SHOW FOREVER & EVER ! ! ! ! ! !

I look foward to it!

Every-day forever more, you will be forced to listen to HAOWARD & SHALL HAVE NO ABILITY TO REPLY ! ! ! ! ! !:cool: :D :cool:

I personally cannot think of a greater torture for the damned!!!!!
Already threatened


I believe the author Dan Simmons already covered that suggestion, whereby the condemned were sentenced to spend eternity in Hell being tortured and forced to watch televangelists. I believe the story is called Vanni Fucci is Alive and Well and Living in Hell, and was presented in the book Prayers to Broken Stones

Your suggestion, however, is more menacing: at least the televangelists have a certain comic value ;)

Tiassa :cool:
caleb, this might help

Originally posted by Caleb
So does his name mean Wormwood (or bitter), and does he have the power to turn ~33% of the world's water supply poisonous? I doubt it! (BTW, I don't know who he is other than your breif description)


My guess is he meant Evil Kenievel the motorcyclist who set world records in car jumping, canyon jumping, etc., in the 70's (I believe). The records were only recently his son, Evil Kenievel, Jr.
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Great stuff. They haven't quite come to terms with the essentials yet though Perhaps I'll join in.

Thanks for the link.

My pleasure

Well you didn't get mad! I was conserned. I likes that, yea I'm watching the developments myself. We'll see what happens feel free to jump in, this is a cool board full of Humanists, agnostics, atheists, and ofcourse theists.

I believe you'll fit right in! "welcome"
The Judeo-Christian GOD of the Bible exist!

Never the less! GOD is in charge of all creation, in the Heavens and the Earth, space, worlds unknown! And HELL ! GOD is......GOD! And He came to Earth 2000 years ago as a baby, and He lived among us, had feelings as we do, ate and drink, laughed and cried as we have yet without sinning! He enjoyed life when it was enjoyable, and was well acquainted with grief and pain, and loneliness, on this 'fallen world.' Had died, to make the ULTIMATE Sacrifice for our sins that we, even such as I could come boldly before the Throne of GOD for forgiveness of sins! And He has conquered Sin and Death, and HE lives forevermore at the right hand of Father GOD in Heaven, and will come again to reclaim His own and to bring the Throne of GOD down to a 'new' Heaven' and a 'new' Earth,' and then there shall be pease on Earth! GOD is the GOD of Love! HE is Love and He cares for you 'know-it-alls' to! :D Give Him a chance! Well give Him another chance! :eek: :) Well good day! I believe in GOD the Father, GOD the Son, GOD the Holy Spirit! And I will never change my mind about Him, well only for the better! To the Glory of Almighty GOD Supreme!
Re: Sure God exists!!! ABSOLUTELY!!

Originally posted by HOWARDSTERN
Sure God exists. And to prove it, I am now stating that you atheists are going to hell!!!!!! They really are, but do not have to go there!! JESUS SAVES! HE FORGIVES!

YES YES, thats right. When all you atheists die, your hell will be to listen to the HOWARDSTERN SHOW FOREVER & EVER ! ! ! ! ! !

Every-day forever more, you will be forced to listen to HAOWARD & SHALL HAVE NO ABILITY TO REPLY ! ! ! ! ! !:cool: :D :cool:

I personally cannot think of a greater torture for the damned!!!!!
The 'worm' that dieth not!!:rolleyes:
There is such a thing, believe it or not, but would be something far worst then "Howardstern" for many!

Loone, just a reminder, you are preaching again and not debating, and I don't think anyone is listenening to you.

Would your god consider that you are using your time wisely or just see you as wasting your time on heathens and us lost souls that will never change.

Give us up and find others that are more gullible and easier targets.