Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

Jus pointing out to you that theories can be proven to be factual or just WRONG.
Still wrong.
Theories cannot be proven to be factual, they simply gather more supporting evidence.
You are STILL misconstruing what a theory is.
I am only concerned with facts.
Is that why you have a predilection for inventing your own?

If your concern is only with facts why argue about "theory"?
Theories cannot be proven to be factual.

If God knows the decision of every individual, before they are born, regarding the acceptance or denial of Jesus as a savior, then why does he create one set of individuals destined for heaven and another set destined for eternal damnation? This seems unjust, perverse and particularly evil.

True and I agree based on current understanding of the NT(New Testament).

Considering most atheists live a good life or at least play on the same pitch as believers, there seems to be an issue with the authenticity of some of the books in the NT.


If God is omniscient then humans do not have free will (see argument above) and the apparent arbitrary choice of God to condemn many individuals to eternal damnation is evil. I.e. God does not possess the property of omni benevolence and is therefore not worth our attention.

If humans have true free will then God cannot be omniscient (see argument above). If he is not omniscient then he also cannot be omnipotent since knowledge of the future is a prerequisite for total action. Without these abilities God can no longer be deemed a god – i.e. God does not exist.

If humans do not have free will then the choice of whether to choose Jesus as a savior or not makes total nonsense of Christianity since the choice is pre-determined and we are merely puppets at the hands of an evil monster.


I agree(based on using the Bible as the only source of information), and well written.

I wouldn't have 2 years ago :)

Now prove that God doesn't exist...

I would like to add that none of this proves that the Christian god cannot exist :m:
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Perhaps one way to look at it. So you are saying that proving something factual and it is no longer a theory.
Still wrong.
You constantly miss the point.
A fact is a single data point.
A theory is the explanation for a series of facts.
The explanation cannot, ever, be proven to be factual it can only gain more supporting evidence (more facts that agree with the theory). But a single fact that doesn't fit a theory shows that the theory is flawed/ incorrect.
Now you are nickel and dimeing.
Wow you really do have a talent for missing the point don't you.
"Now I'm nickel and dimeing (sic)"?
I have been pointing out your misconception between fact and theory since this started and now that the point seems (maybe) to have finally got through to you, you come up with that as a response? :rolleyes: