Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

The question of Gods existance...


If God(s) exist(s), then he or she or they created human conscience in a way that people can figure God or Gods in different ways, means each culture has it's own religion or image of God.
So all these religions, and the differences between them, are compatible with the existance of God(s).
You cannot talk about a "Christian God" as a fact. God(s) has then created ALL humans and all cultural contexts (even atheism!)

You cannot have distinct Gods creating distinct groups of peoples, distinct religions. If you have more than one architects for building your house, they must cooperate, they cannot work "each on it's own".

Distinct images of Gods and religions ARE NO PROOF AGAINST religion and God.


If Gods do not exist, then something else created world religions and the images of God. The human imagination has so!

Gods images and religions are NOT A PROOF for existance of God. Because the philosophic and affective capabilities of human brains can create religions as well as any other myths.

the question if God(s) exist(s) will remain open forever. We will never find a proof for or against existance of God, on this earth.
Maybe if God and life after death exist, then those who are gone away, know whether God exists...
You cannot talk about a "Christian God" as a fact. God(s) has then created ALL humans and all cultural contexts (even atheism

That raises moral issues with a god creating atheists only to then damn atheists to eternal burning because they're atheists. While your statement might not in itself deny the possibility, it would certainly make some gods, (including the christian one), look like real assholes.
(“ Originally Posted by Godless
I only asked what the hell is a theist doing in a scientific forum/subforum of religion, if not to LEARN or find ways to find converts to their way of thinking! . ” )

Kendall- I wanted to know if they meant that a theist should not be on a science forum or if they think science disproves god?

Is that your picture imaplanck.;)
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I was just joking, you seem to spend alot of time in the religion forums for an atheist, are you thinking about becoming a believer?
No Im thinking about starting out my own religion actually. Thus becoming rich, powerful and revered for asserting any old crap that my imagination can conjure up to an audience of fools.:)
Nothing funnier than two people arguing sarcastically for both sides of the same thing!
The human mind is a strange thing, ever notice someone do the opposite of you to show you that they do not think you are right, I tell them to do the right thing:eek: