Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

That's what was cited by devil81, you're so silly.

Yeah its the same old story everytime....we have the all powerfull God yet lets blame everything on Satan who God could so easily crush under his all powerfull foot...yet chooses not to because he likes to watch his creation suffer before he sends over half of them to hell
"Satan put the fossils there to fool people."

That's one of my favorites. I had a neighbours mother who used to spout that all the time.

So, ..any empirical evidence to support that ???
Nah, just more "one-liners", self denial and preaching :rolleyes:
That's one of my favorites. I had a neighbours mother who used to spout that all the time.

So, ..any empirical evidence to support that ???
Nah, just more "one-liners", self denial and preaching :rolleyes:
Well he probably left his fingerprints all over them. Unless he wore gloves.
Regarding the original post (sorry if its been discussed already)

Is there not a place for the argument that God is Omnipotent, he chooses to control or not control any event as well....
it's an old argument

Yours is an old argument, Cris, and it goes something like this:

Three sailors walk into a hotel asking for a room for the night. Each sailor had only ten dollars so the manager said he would charge them $30 dollars for the night. Now, this was war time and the thought he’d give them an even bigger break and gave $5 to the bellhop to take to the sailors. On the way up, the bellhop thought that since $5 can’t be divided evenly between the three sailors, he’d give them each $1 and pocket the other $2 and no one would be the wiser. It ends up that the each of the sailors paid only $9. 3x9=27 plus the $2 the bellhop kept is $29. What happened to the other dollar?

Figure out the answer to that and you have the fallacy of your reasoning.
Ok I have noticed something and after alot of deep thought I still can not quite figure this out. Why when someone who is a non-believer is arguing with a believer, the believer always uses the Bible to defend his belief? Take for example if I were trying to explain to someone that Cinderella never existed and I was showing that person scientific facts as to why Cinderella in not real..and all this person could do was show me parts of the book. The book is what I am attempting to say is false in the first place. Understand my logic here? You Christians need to show something else other than the bible to defend your beliefs..And don't show me some picture of a nice rainforest or a beautiful mountain at sun set and yell me to look at the world. The minute you do that I will show you a picture of the children who Jesus loves so know the little starving AIDS infected children in Africa. Or maby the children who are being raped by their fathers while God watches on. Lets get realistic. I am tired of coming up with so many good undisputable points only to finally stump the Believer and recieve the age old anwser which basically is a Christians way of saying, "You know you might be right...Maby there is no God." And that anwser is of course, "You got to have faith." Or the other one. "Human minds can not possibly comprehend the things of God." Ok I am done but a last word to the believers..keep raising your children to be good American christians. I love it. To me it is almost as fun as watching ants in an ant farm...working so hard for nothing.
Have a Wonderful Day!:)
Yours is an old argument, Cris, and it goes something like this:

Three sailors walk into a hotel asking for a room for the night. Each sailor had only ten dollars so the manager said he would charge them $30 dollars for the night. Now, this was war time and the thought he’d give them an even bigger break and gave $5 to the bellhop to take to the sailors. On the way up, the bellhop thought that since $5 can’t be divided evenly between the three sailors, he’d give them each $1 and pocket the other $2 and no one would be the wiser. It ends up that the each of the sailors paid only $9. 3x9=27 plus the $2 the bellhop kept is $29. What happened to the other dollar?

Figure out the answer to that and you have the fallacy of your reasoning.

This just about sums up your reasoning skills and how easy it is to fool you.:rolleyes:

The 2 d's the bellend pocketed shouldnt be added on to the 27, because it is part of the 27! The three d's that the bellboy gave back to the fags should be added on to the 27.
Ok I have noticed something and after alot of deep thought I still can not quite figure this out. Why when someone who is a non-believer is arguing with a believer, the believer always uses the Bible to defend his belief? Take for example if I were trying to explain to someone that Cinderella never existed and I was showing that person scientific facts as to why Cinderella in not real..and all this person could do was show me parts of the book.
if your cinderella book gave normative descriptions (ie gave prescriptions of process and methodology that enable coming to the point of direct perception) perhaps there could be a similarity
Yours is an old argument, Cris, and it goes something like this:

Three sailors walk into a hotel asking for a room for the night. Each sailor had only ten dollars so the manager said he would charge them $30 dollars for the night. Now, this was war time and the thought he’d give them an even bigger break and gave $5 to the bellhop to take to the sailors. On the way up, the bellhop thought that since $5 can’t be divided evenly between the three sailors, he’d give them each $1 and pocket the other $2 and no one would be the wiser. It ends up that the each of the sailors paid only $9. 3x9=27 plus the $2 the bellhop kept is $29. What happened to the other dollar?

Figure out the answer to that and you have the fallacy of your reasoning.

This has nothing to do with his argument. Ish, as someone said, simple software for simple minds.
if your cinderella book gave normative descriptions (ie gave prescriptions of process and methodology that enable coming to the point of direct perception) perhaps there could be a similarity
direct perception, being the point that you become completely delusional, well theirs people out there who fantasize that their star trek captains, they must have direct perception with star trek, but I dont think they qualify as delusional as they dont let it dominate their lifes.
however I think all fiction has a methodology, and process, else how would you make sense of it.
but whether it makes you delusional, is questionable you have to believe it beyond any doubt first, Ie: have blind faith in it.
Yours is an old argument, Cris, and it goes something like this:

Three sailors walk into a hotel asking for a room for the night. Each sailor had only ten dollars so the manager said he would charge them $30 dollars for the night. Now, this was war time and the thought he’d give them an even bigger break and gave $5 to the bellhop to take to the sailors. On the way up, the bellhop thought that since $5 can’t be divided evenly between the three sailors, he’d give them each $1 and pocket the other $2 and no one would be the wiser. It ends up that the each of the sailors paid only $9. 3x9=27 plus the $2 the bellhop kept is $29. What happened to the other dollar?

Figure out the answer to that and you have the fallacy of your reasoning.

That was a wierd way to sum things up. 3x9=27, plus the 1x3 dollars given to the sailors, and the 2 the bellhop keeps, is 35 bucks in the system. That's it. Sailors still pay 9 each. No dollars missing.
Proof that the Christian god cannot exist.

Christianity cannot claim that God is omniscient and also claim that humans have free will. The claims form a paradox, a falsehood.


If they claim God is all knowing, how does that conflict with their ability to make choices for themselves? I don't see a connection between the two.

Being omniscient, to my understanding, does not give you power over someone, but rather, you are able to see what they are thinking. Similiar to how some books are written by an omniscient narrator - but the narrator cannot conrtol the actions of the character like you assume a 'christian god' can.
If they claim God is all knowing, how does that conflict with their ability to make choices for themselves?

If an entity has foreknowledge of your choices, how then can you have free will?

Unless you claim, then that god is not all knowing since it won't have forknowledge of your choices. In that case god is not omniscient!.

Why does a god supposedly all knowing, "omniscient" lack the knowledge of an angel that defies it? Hence god had no foreknoledge that Lucifer, would betray him/her/it...
I was not aware that 'foreknowledge' was associated with omniscience. As I understand it, the all knowing aspect of omniscience is affiliated with thoughts, and past events - not the future.

Semantics aside, you believe what you want. If someone believes in a god, then that god exists to them.
Well great, now just tell your buddies running this country to the ground, and back to the dark ages, to keep their religion at home and church, and away from government policy! ;)