Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

When Adam and Eve sinned, the entire universe was corrupted, particularly the planet Earth. I think the following is a likely explanation:

God created microbes, but they were "germs" in that they did not make anyone sick. There are many good microbes (probably more than there are bad ones, but I'm not sure) and they are a neccessary part of Earth's ecosysem, so to create Earth, God would need to create microbes.

During the fall, when nature became corrupted, some of these microbes mutated (some might use the word evolve, although they weren't really changing species) and became the harmful germs that we have today.

At least that's my thinking on the subject.


Just to clearify things a said above:
"Firewalkers for example believe that their faith prevents them from being burned, science has proven that a chemical is not released from their brain, as well as severe callusses on their feet and thus prevents the effect of burn scars."

actually firewalkers (and those who believe there is something extra-ordinary going on) are just ignorant of BASIC physics.

A firewalker (LOL) will walk say 10 meters on coals heated to 900 degrees centigrade and everyone is amazed....well guess what ANYONE can do it....the reason being is that coal/wood is a POOR conductor of heat....very poor infact (inefficient if you like). I would like to see these guru's actually stand in one place on those coals for the duration of a would hurt.... but better still take a 10 meter METAL plate (Big BBQ)...heat it to only 500 degrees centigrade and I bet my left one that there isn't a guru alive that wouldn't come out of that experience BURNT...badly...reason is metal is a GOOD conductor of heat. So chemicals in brain aside it's a load of crap.


First of all the heart story, not the first time indigestion has been mis-diagnosed as a heart attack.....

infact all those story's aren't unique that's why you get told to seek a second and third opinion...modern medicine although its way past leaches sucking the illness out of you is still pretty primitive....but even if we choose to ignore that point we can't ignore the power of the human mind to heal itself, there is a word for it....plaseebo (sp?) ....there are plenty of non-christains out there that claim the same christ acting through those pagans too??? or is that satan??? no maybe its your minister doing some supernatural channeling???

But even if you ignore what I say above PLEASE answer this....did the man with the heart problem live a less sinfull life then an african child BORN with Aids...what is their sin??? why should they suffer, maybe your god is racist prick too ha?? reserves his treatments for the middle class white man??? or is it even more petty then that, reservse it only for those who are there to boost his delicate ego???

ITS BULLSHIT deadwood its inconsistent with what you preach your God has only managed to make this world more ignorant and hatefull....the deluded have had their time now wake the fuck up and smell the reality.....your god is a myth and a poor one at that.

Sorry all but I had to purge this god non-sense...should be good for a while again :D
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infact all those story's aren't unique that's why you get told to seek a second and third opinion

Not having to take tablets or being able to walk. People even being able to get out of wheel chairs and walk for the first time. People being legally blind and able to see. Even one boy in vegas who had never been able to see in his whole life after being at one of Benny Hinn's preaching was able to see. It took a few minutes for him to be fully healed. Not all the time do you need a doctors opinion. But yes, they have no explanation. Also, with that boy, a whole stadium of people had an opinion. The parents also have an opinion. Can you guess what that opinion is? ;)

but even if we choose to ignore that point we can't ignore the power of the human mind to heal itself, there is a word for it....plaseebo (sp?)

So you believe also in something that has not been scientifically proven. Thanks :)

did the man with the heart problem live a less sinfull life then an african child BORN with Aids

All it takes is one sin to be imperfect. My two miscarrieged sisters also didn't get a chance to live on this Earth. Yet I still believe God is a God of compassion.

reserves his treatments for the middle class white man???

My Father does not heal based on race. People from all races and walks of life have been healed.

or is it even more petty then that, reservse it only for those who are there to boost his delicate ego???

My God does not need to have an ego. If you already are all-powerful, there is no such thing as a power trip or an ego. Whether I worship God or not does not effect His ego. Remember, He was just the same even before we were there to worship Him. But I believe that He does want to give us full-life in abundance. More than any mortal could imagine on this Earth. But God doesn't need our praise. But He still does love our praise.

there are plenty of non-christains out there that claim the same christ acting through those pagans too??? or is that satan???

Devils do have powers to make people sick. And with that they can take that sickness away also.

Thats all Rambler. I think I will just ignore your posts from now on. I don't have to be spoken in a manner with swearing and so forth that your last paragraph portrays. I am no different than anyone else on this forum. We all have a right to be spoken to with decency, and in a non-perverse manner.

Originally posted by Deadwood

My Father does not heal based on race. People from all races and walks of life have been healed.

<b>Your father? As in god, or parental figure? If the latter is the case then I see the whole picture. You have been Fed the belief in god since you were knee-high to a grasshopper.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've known firsthand of a pretty amazing "miracle" myself. My grandmother went blind, legally and medically, for six months. She saw a lady, who rubbed a bone from (sp) medjegorie on her eyes, told her to say a novena the first 13 days of each month and no meat on Fridays. Well, six months later her sight was restored. Don't go saying that was divine intervention, because I would believe it was voodoo before I would believe that, but I feel it was the power of the mind to heal.

Here's why...
1. Why should her sight return, yet not a child's.
2. Is her faith any stronger than anyone else's?(no)
3. Did it return for the greater good of mankind?(no)
4. Did her regaining sight, restore anyone else's faith? (no)

So why then, what makes her special when so many others, who may need it more, are left unhealed?</b>

And now your opinion.......

So you get to say all that and then run away....fine ignore me I could careless. I'm not about to appolagise for that post... the swearing may have been a touch strong but it wasn't aimed at you and I'm pretty sure you know who the target was...

If you were insulted by my dig at your God then perhaps you now have an understanding of how others feel when they are subject to christain preaching......I don't believe anyone is born tarnished..that idea is far more of an insult then a couple of words.

Anyways ignore me if you like, its your it is mine to use strong language (well at least while the moderators allow it)....

now the rest of you reply:

Not having to take tablets or being able to walk. People even being able to get out of wheel chairs and walk for the first time. People being legally blind and able to see. Even one boy in vegas who had never been able to see in his whole life after being at one of Benny Hinn's preaching was able to see. It took a few minutes for him to be fully healed. Not all the time do you need a doctors opinion. But yes, they have no explanation. Also, with that boy, a whole stadium of people had an opinion. The parents also have an opinion. Can you guess what that opinion is?

Show me 1 crdeible report. Surely you don't expect me to just take your word for it.

So you believe also in something that has not been scientifically proven. Thanks

Yes I do, I believe the sun will rise tomorrow, I can't prove it but it has happened often enough that I can allow myself that bit of faith...placeebo's have also done the job time and time yes I believe the power of suggestion has strong influence on people...hell just look at what telling people that hell might be waiting for them has done.

All it takes is one sin to be imperfect. My two miscarrieged sisters also didn't get a chance to live on this Earth. Yet I still believe God is a God of compassion.

did these children commit these sins while in the womb???? try harder, why are all those children less important then those who can pay admission fees to benny's circus???

My Father does not heal based on race. People from all races and walks of life have been healed.

Yes it's based on your wallet....

My God does not need to have an ego. If you already are all-powerful, there is no such thing as a power trip or an ego. Whether I worship God or not does not effect His ego. Remember, He was just the same even before we were there to worship Him. But I believe that He does want to give us full-life in abundance. More than any mortal could imagine on this Earth. But God doesn't need our praise. But He still does love our praise.

I see so all those stories in the bible of genocide because God wasn't getting his due praises and arse kisses...wasn't about ego at all...hmmmm

Devils do have powers to make people sick. And with that they can take that sickness away also.

Like Benny????
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the swearing may have been a touch strong
Sometimes I like to skewer the British, but it largely has to do with my perceptions of what has taken place in Ireland. I only swell with American Revolutionary pride when I'm considering the paradox of what it must be like to be the first British army troop to have to open fire against your own Loyalist countrymen. However, it was a Brit, Mr John (Ozzy) Osbourne, who, in Circus magazine, of all media, reminded me that The wonderful thing about America is that you have the right to be offended.

You know, it seems like venting steam has become a hate crime in America, while hate-inspired violence is becoming a right. When Matthew Shephard died, the defense claimed that extreme paranoia incited by aggressive homosexuals in the defendant's past justified the crime; not as a moral propriety, but as an essential insanity plea without pleading insanity. It didn't work. At the same time, anyone critical of the religion that coincidentally (y'know, I blame the religion for a lot, but at some point, a man must stand up and hold himself accountable--for God's sake is good enough for me if humanity isn't good enough for him) creates the most part of the paranoia regarding homosexuality is accused of hating something. Hell, you don't even have to be complaining about their position on homosexuality. You can simply be wondering about Scriptural paradox in juxtaposition to Perfection.

In other words, sir, don't let it worry you. My utterly unsolicited advice is to simply catalog it, and remember it next time; not as a moral lesson, I pray, as I'm not telling you anything new to you. However, as an idiot who has dreamed of being a writer ever since Uncle Shelby inspired him at ... age 5, I think, I consider those moments to which you refer in that inadequate snippet I have included to be something to smile at, and find a quieter, less profane, more subtly damaging way of saying it next time. I admit that we all do have our devilish sides, but so what? It's part of the intraspecies competition that keeps us healthy and that civilization will kill. You've done yourself a service by getting it off your chest; it provides you a new opportunity to examine the conundrum. And that's always fun.

Or so says me. But I'm experiencing a Thoreau couple of days, so I humbly beg your pardon for my pomposity.

Tiassa :cool:
Thanks Tiassa

I wouldn't even say it bothers me...I guess the ONLY reason that comes to mind as to why I even bothered to reply to deadwood is because one of my many flaws is I can't back down from a fight...especially when its started by someone taking a pompous position....

Everyone else,

hope these exchanges haven't interfered too much with the "discussion"

Have a good one weekend has just begun and I'm running low on dopemein (sp?)...time to replenish mmmm m mm m :D
Considerations on respect

I am no different than anyone else on this forum. We all have a right to be spoken to with decency, and in a non-perverse manner.
You mean like having your culture threatened? To be told that you deserve to die because someone thinks God says so?

Better yet, what of people who ignore what you say so that they can make their own point in a completely different vein? Say, exscinding words so that one feels one has an answer? What about that disrespect to communicative attempts shown by dismissive posts littering both sides of every aisle in this forum? Why did I get so steamed at Tony1? Because the best he could give anyone's thoughts was a smartassed retort requiring no thought whatsoever. What, you don't find it annoying when your hours of research and composition are dismissed with a cutesy, nonsensical metaphor, or a threat?

Or is it so bad to be called on bullshit that one just doesn't want to answer the charge of inconsistency?

I know that indignant twinge it inspires, but I would beg you to take a look around. At this point we're all being a little bit grubs and maggots; what, then, is the mission? You'll note that whereas one side of the aisle says Because one book says so, the other side won't resort to that tactic; they feel they have a better one. Likewise, what is the mission? To demand to be treated equally, or to raise yourself above such a mire for the glory of God? Put in practice: do you equalize by striking another man, or transcend for the glory of God?

Two simple points, and I would ask you to read them without attributing a sarcastic voice to them:

* Is it good enough to be equal to the infidels, or does a Christian have an obligation to God to elevate oneself in both idea and practice? (Why do such worldly illusions such as equality seem to obscure the personal relationship with God, and one's duties toward that relationship?)

* Did you not write that Christians are meant to suffer? It seems you feel inappropriately addressed in a disrespectful manner: isn't this part of what you choose when you decide to submit to this faith?

It is not that you deserve to be spoken or written to in any way more or less defamatory than anyone else. Considering the standard of practice at Sciforums (and I still consider this board far more civil than others), calling bullshit isn't that bad. I've had to do it a couple of times recently, myself. But your words that I've included at the begining of this post reflect a sentiment I, myself, wonder about from time to time; it seems acceptable here at Sciforums to call bullshit on one another from time to time, and wake the fuck up, while colloquial, is only harsh because one chooses to perceive it that way. The same point is made without the word fuck quite frequently from both sides of the aisle; what makes it any more disrespectful, other than one's choice to fixate on a single, exceptionally colloquial word?

I stop here because I realize my digression is running longer than my intent. But it's not like anyone threatened to kill you.

Tiassa :cool:

If this forum is just going to turn into some sort of place where you can not debate in a way without people swearing in their responses. Then I don't want to be any part of it. My perception of swearing is pretty bad. Swearing is something you do only when you're really angry, not casually. And even in anger you still shouldn't swear.

Ephesians 4:26

"In your anger do not sin": Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,

It is not my intention to come here and make people angry. If you don't like other peoples views then don't come to the religion forum, or thats the way that I see it, though you may think differently on the subject. I don't think it is petty to dislike swearing. Swearing should have no part in discussion or debate because it conveys to the reader that the person swearing is bringing the debate to a lower level.

If the swearing had not been used then I would most likely have had no problem. The only other problem I had was that my post caused Rambler to blaspheme my God. For this, I feel bad. Though my post was written with good intentions.

Also, the question was asked, I give an answer, then I receive a rude one back. How would a teacher feel if you asked them a question then they responded, and you responded back to them with swear words. The teacher would most likely wouldn't pay any attention to you again, because no matter what they say, they are just going to get sworn at.

Though I'm Christian, I still have feelings. I would certainly hope I have never hurt yours. But don't go saying that I hurt your feelings because I said you are a sinner. Because by your standards I am evil.

Now to your first question.

* Is it good enough to be equal to the infidels, or does a Christian have an obligation to God to elevate oneself in both idea and practice? (Why do such worldly illusions such as equality seem to obscure the personal relationship with God, and one's duties toward that relationship?)

What do you define as infedels. Is it a non-Christian? Also, it is not I who elevate myself, but God who elevates me to believe what I believe. I realise that you may not understand this. He has taught me a lot. Of course scientists could not find proof of this teaching. But anyone could see it by the way I live my life. Though I live in the world, I am not of the world. But I do not feel pride or anything like that in knowing Jesus. For I was once part of the world to, when I do not know. I have been Christian since I was little.

Now the second question

* Did you not write that Christians are meant to suffer? It seems you feel inappropriately addressed in a disrespectful manner: isn't this part of what you choose when you decide to submit to this faith?

Ah yes, it is what I choose. You know my stance on suffering and persecution, however, when I signed up for exosci, I did not choose to debate with people who aren't here to debate but to vent anger.

A guy last week in the city came to where I was eating by myself and preach scientology to me, that he was going to change the world, that he was Jesus Christ. You see, though we talked, we talked about our beliefs in a strong yet passive manner of mutual respect. Not once did one of us swear. Though I may have said to him that according to the bible was a false teacher and I told him why, he respected that. And though he may have said that the world would end in 6 months and that the bible was written by people other than the apostles, I respected that as well. For oneday, we would both know that we would both find out the truth. however, I do wish we could've spoken longer but I had to go to my next class.

So the point is, on this forum, we should all debate with mutual respect and not resort to coarse language.

It's all in how you say it

That's all well and fine, Deadwood, and soon enough I'll haul this very subject over to Ethics & Morality: Why do you find certain things offensive? (Or the next guy ... it's not just about you, necessarily.)

I'm sticking my nose in because Rambler's words are no more severe than other people's words that don't generate such a response. I call bullshit on people every now and then, as well; I did the other day in a debate with Dan.
My perception of swearing is pretty bad.
And that's all I was after.

There are many ways to offend. Of the cussing that's gone on here in the past, I don't see the offensiveness, and that's part of why I bothered opening my yap at all. I'm sorry you perceive those words as offensive in any context. But I'll note American rock and roll this time: Dee Snider of Twisted Sister once explained, Nobody paid attention until someone decided they were offended. It works. And he wasn't talking about album sales.

Other posters find offense elsewhere; how many threads has Loone been invited to remove himself from for the uselessness of his interruptions? I think everyone recalls my last temper tantrums over Lawdog, and how much do you think it bugged me to see his fellow Christians hedging around, trying to say he's wrong without actually having to tell him, and while attempting to justify him with other rhetoric? In the end, the best thing I can recommend is to take the position that these people are only reinforcing my point.

When you become indignant, you demonstrate that you are the important consideration in the debate, and not the knowledge or spirit itself. So if you think Rambler's offensive, then just sit back and know it's part of the advantage that God brings you. One of the reasons I'll engage Loone at all is that he is so awful a demonstration of Christianity's potential that I'm happy to let him go on trashing its image. I've learned that to spend any amount of effort on a post should not offend me when it's written off in seconds by Loone's idiotic babble because I'm quite certain that the effect is advantageous to humanity: who would want to take the faith if it reduces them to that?

But, I'm happy to keep your debate standards in the back of my mind; it's only fair.

I'll even try to put this thread back on track:
When Adam and Eve sinned, the entire universe was corrupted, particularly the planet Earth.
I will skip my usual advocacy of the idea that this is by God's Will alone, and ask a question that sometimes comes up in debates on origins: Are we, humanity, the most important of God's creations in all the Universe? Are we the whole reason the Universe was created?

The notion seems outright silly to me, but there is no religion in the world whose creationary tale tells the story of another tribe being more important. As we view, say, the Judeo-Christian origins: Genesis makes a focus of God's creation, and the Bible traces the evolution of that idea to the Hebrews, and then to the Christian usurpation, which religion then attempted to conquer the world. But as it encountered pagan cultures, none of their tales of origin said that God created man for the Jews and then the Christians as such. Otherwise, they would submit on the day the Christians arrived according to their own religion, and not in superstition and fear.

For instance, to demonstrate how that concept would fit into a Creationist scheme, not only must the Creationist demonstrate the creator, which would settle this Topic nearly instantly (although it would be a hoot if there was a Creator who found the Christian myth insulting), but also must, to accommodate the corruption of the Universe, establish the universal medium by which that corruption occurred. How, did the corruption spread from the point of its origin?
Devils do have powers to make people sick. And with that they can take that sickness away also.
And I'll back Rambler's notion here: Benny Hinn? Oral Roberts? Bob Tilton? Jesus? (Note: Nobody has ever effectively countered the theory originally sponsored here at Sciforums by Emerald by which Jesus is the Devil, the basis of which being derived Biblically.)

Tiassa :cool:
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Tiassa I think you were talking to me and not Caleb?

I offer you this passage to counter emeralds theory about Jesus being the Devil. This is actually Jesus' own words.

Mark 3
Another time he went into the synagogue, and a man with a shriveled hand was there.
Some of them were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus, so they watched him closely to see if he would heal him on the Sabbath.
Jesus said to the man with the shriveled hand, "Stand up in front of everyone."
Then Jesus asked them, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill?" But they remained silent.
He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored.
Then the Pharisees went out and began to plot with the Herodians how they might kill Jesus.
Jesus withdrew with his disciples to the lake, and a large crowd from Galilee followed.
When they heard all he was doing, many people came to him from Judea, Jerusalem, Idumea, and the regions across the Jordan and around Tyre and Sidon.
Because of the crowd he told his disciples to have a small boat ready for him, to keep the people from crowding him.
For he had healed many, so that those with diseases were pushing forward to touch him.
Whenever the evil spirits saw him, they fell down before him and cried out, "You are the Son of God."
But he gave them strict orders not to tell who he was.
Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him.
He appointed twelve--designating them apostles--that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach
and to have authority to drive out demons.
These are the twelve he appointed: Simon (to whom he gave the name Peter);
James son of Zebedee and his brother John (to them he gave the name Boanerges, which means Sons of Thunder);
Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot
and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.
Then Jesus entered a house, and again a crowd gathered, so that he and his disciples were not even able to eat.
When his family heard about this, they went to take charge of him, for they said, "He is out of his mind."
And the teachers of the law who came down from Jerusalem said, "He is possessed by Beelzebub! By the prince of demons he is driving out demons."
So Jesus called them and spoke to them in parables: "How can Satan drive out Satan?
If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
And if Satan opposes himself and is divided, he cannot stand; his end has come.

In fact, no one can enter a strong man's house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up the strong man. Then he can rob his house.
I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them.
But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin."
He said this because they were saying, "He has an evil spirit."
Then Jesus' mother and brothers arrived. Standing outside, they sent someone in to call him.
A crowd was sitting around him, and they told him, "Your mother and brothers are outside looking for you."
"Who are my mother and my brothers?" he asked.
Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, "Here are my mother and my brothers!
Whoever does God's will is my brother and sister and mother."

: Are we, humanity, the most important of God's creations in all the Universe?

I would have to say in this universe yes. But are we the most important of all of Gods' creations. I couldn't tell you. Because I don't know.

Are we the whole reason the Universe was created

I couldn't say a definite yes, but we would be a huge part of it, if not the whole reason. But I could not forget the mammals, the birds, the fish of the sea. Plants and trees. These are all important to. They were probably created for God's as well as our enjoyment.

The notion seems outright silly to me, but there is no religion in the world whose creationary tale tells the story of another tribe being more important. As we view, say, the Judeo-Christian origins: Genesis makes a focus of God's creation, and the Bible traces the evolution of that idea to the Hebrews, and then to the Christian usurpation, which religion then attempted to conquer the world. But as it encountered pagan cultures, none of their tales of origin said that God created man for the Jews and then the Christians as such. Otherwise, they would submit on the day the Christians arrived according to their own religion, and not in superstition and fear.

I have to be honest and say I don't really understand what you are getting at here. But I will try and answer from my own understanding.

I'm not sure if you could call the first people Jewish because they were not under the covenent that we know of that God gave to Moses. But I think I can help you on this next quote.

As we view, say, the Judeo-Christian origins: Genesis makes a focus of God's creation, and the Bible traces the evolution of that idea to the Hebrews, and then to the Christian usurpation, which religion then attempted to conquer the world. But as it encountered pagan cultures, none of their tales of origin said that God created man for the Jews and then the Christians as such. Otherwise, they would submit on the day the Christians arrived according to their own religion, and not in superstition and fear.

I go by the assumption here that all men(as in mankind) were created for God and not Jews. So in saying that if someone were created for something that they would like it holds true and false. Some will be obedient and listen. Others will choose to follow their own path. Am I fair in saying this? Though, and you may not agree with me thats fine, we all have a body and a spirit, our spirit does long to be close to and be with our God. However, our current body(flesh) desires what is against Gods will, which is sin, the selfish desires of this world. So here we have a conflict between the flesh and the spirit.

So it is if God. Though we are created for Him, it does not neccessarily mean that we won't be against Him.

but also must, to accommodate the corruption of the Universe, establish the universal medium by which that corruption occurred. How, did the corruption spread from the point of its origin?

I believe that the "universal medium" that made the corruption of the universe is sin. This is how Judiasm and Christianity hold why the universe is in the state it is. But please remember that even Satan(means deceiver) was once Lucifer(I think it means enlightened or something along those lines). This was Lucifer before he had sinned. The reason that most Christians hold he sinned was pride. we come to this conclusion because he considered equality with God. This was because God made him very beatiful. Before he sinned and was corrupted, he was held very highly by God.

I think that Christianity is the only religion that says God suffers also. Though He is perfect, He suffers because of how lost many of us are, this is how much He cares about us, that He even be sad for our sake. He finds no pleasure in making people perish.

2Peter 3:9

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day
The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.

But, I'm happy to keep your debate standards in the back of my mind; it's only fair.

I'm all to happy to discuss things with people who want to discuss. :)

Originally posted by Deadwood

Swearing is something you do only when you're really angry, not casually.

First of all, being an ex-marine, the word in question FUCK, is part of my vocabulary. It is commonly used there, CASUALLY, and angrily. More often casually though. Even in bootcamp the drill instructors warn new recruits before going home for the first time that "mama" might not like their newly acquired way of communicating. The phrase "what the fuck" is heard numerous times during the day, while in bootcamp. To be more specific, every time the rules are broken.(They get broken a lot when you don't know them all yet.) So don't take offense to them too much.

The only other problem I had was that my post caused Rambler to blaspheme my God.

Secondly, there are two common, not necessarily correct, definitions for this word:

1. Fornication Under Consent (of the) King-permission to have sex with your wife. This is impossible since you can't fornicate with you wife by the true definition of the word fornicate.(voluntary sexual intercourse between an unmarried couple)

2. For(ced) Unlawful Carnal Knowledge-rape, sex with a minor, etc. More or less legal jargon.

Neither of these definitions are blasphemous unless you are a believer in your god. So if it is not said by a believer, it cannot be called blaspheme. My suggestions would then be:

1. Take it to heart, and feel hurt and betrayed by non-believers.


2. Ignore it and continue on with your mission to convert everyone.

Hey Devildog

It wasn't actually from offense, it was just the fact that we are all here to discuss and when people start swearing in regard to your responses, I don't think its healthy.

People around me swear all the time casually and when angry. But I don't take offense to it. I just ignore it. As I stated I do have a pretty bad perception on swearing when people start swearing at me. Like I post on the "Bible is Bulls**t" thread without even a worry about swearing. But I don't like it being directed at me, its not in the spirit of good debate.

I don't swear that much myself, like today at one of my classes, I did a whole heap of work and couldn't save it to hard drive. I did so much work and I decided to save it to floppy. Then since my floppy decided to become damaged, it instantly restarted the system. then I swore, kinda just slipped out. Then I took the floppy out and said to it "now you made me swear". then the people sitting next to me started laughing at me and started imitating me saying "now you made me swear". I felt pretty bad for swearing and hope I don't do it next time.

I am noted for not swearing, so people find it either pretty funny or pretty serious when I do. Even the teacher took pitty on me.

but I prefer to say "sugar". Perhaps if you were still in the marines you could ask your drill instructor to say "sugar" next time. :D

BTW I am aware of the first definition.

Fixed the post, I think, and my apologies. Such errors are what happens when I stop to worry about inane things like this whining.

For the entire time I've posted here, Christians have maintained the utter disrespect of simply not paying attention to what anyone is writing: they affirm one another without ever knowing what they mean; they argue dead points over and over because they are either unwillling (disrespectful) or unable (ignorant) to figure out the point is dead; they dismiss carefully researched posts with sarcasm and generally assert such stupidities as, "No, I don't have to prove that because I have faith."

Generally, we the thinking try not to complain; we try to understand.

But if you think the cussing at this board is bad, take a trip around to the others.

This board isn't yours merely for the preaching: it's all of ours (courtesy Dave) for debate. And yes, debate steams people. If you don't like their reactions, consider at least why they react that way: again, I charge Christians to be without human empathy, else this leap is simple to take on faith.

When it comes to disrespect, cussing is much more economical than the alternative. Look at the amount of boardspace wasted by Loone and Tony1. They've never had any care for the topic they're posting in, and have behaved accordingly. If you can't think of anything to put down the cussing on your own, that's not my problem. I'm thankful that Dave chose not to intervene when Lawdog threatened people, and I got essentially the reaction I expected.

Disrespect, my ass.

I'm happy to debate on the terms set by the Christian posters, but what's the point of that? None of us would ever have anything to say for lack of an original thought. Oh, wait ... I have one: "Praise Jesus!" It's not like anyone's ever said that before. It's the most original and well-thought argument ever made at Sciforums.

Tiassa :cool:
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ummm, Tiassa, I have a post right up the top of the page that I replied back to which didn't receive a reply. So who is it who doesn't want to reply?

the fact is I do try my best to reply. If I miss something I'm sorry, I can't be answering to every single post.

Generally, we the thinking try not to complain; we try to understand.

Can say the same thing about others on this board including you.
You missed my post up the top there and now I am just going to keep on complaining even though it was just a terrible mistake. I think I will just expect the worst and say that it was a calculated evasion of that post. I think Militaristic metaphors are bad, but saying a well thought out post and being replied back with BULLSHIT and Wake the fuck up, I find that completely OK, these complaining Christians always whining. :rolleyes: (Deadwood actually did go and look for this post but couldn't find it, all this even though afterward Deadwood did actually reply and asked Tiassa and Pragmathan but didn't receive a reply saying where until about 5 days later. Then deadwood had to be busy and wasn't able to post. After this, Lawdog posted a topic about copernicus.

but deadwood didn't receive any reply back, Lawdog ceased posting for a long time and now only posts occasionally.)

tiassa check with the facts and circumstances before you go on with you whining. You see I did ask Lawdog, but I got no reply. If you would have checked every post you would have seen and known that. But like me, you can't be everywhere at once.

If you don't like me, just say so. But please don't spread lies about my actions in this forums.

If you think that swearing is appropriate on this forum then you are old enough. I'm sure you can work out if you want to swear or not. I just hold the view that swearing is inappropriate.

and why do you put me in the same group as lawdog, he doesn't even like me, he thinks of me as an apostate(against the teachings of Jesus Christ and against Jesus Christ himself) as well as loone and Tony1. Please do not put us with someone who doesn't even like us. I have no problem being yolked with loone and tony1, the guys you love to hate, but why put me with lawdog? Is it just for conveniences sake, or so as you have something to say against us who actually do love people and would not want to see them die, but instead live so as they can have a fuller knowledge of the truth.

Oh no, looks like I'd better quit my whining.

Believe the worst in me if you like. But I know I am none of these things you say, apart from Christian. Thats all that matters.

you got something with lawdog, take it up with him. But don't drag me into his witch hunt, because like you, I don't want to be apart of that either.

A) We've been over the issues I have with your support for Lawdog. Your half-assed justifications in the To God be the Glory[/b] debate didn't cut it then. You chose to drag your own ass into that one, so don't lay it on me. At the time of your entry, it was still between Lawdog and Loone and myself. With evidence of my point manifest in Lawdog your first instinct was still to justify the hollow militarism of your faith. If you'd kept your mouth shut, we wouldn't be having this portion of the conversation.

B) Help me out with that ranting paragraph of yours:
You missed my post up the top there and now I am just going to keep on complaining even though it was just a terrible mistake.
What, you mean the top of this page, where you fought scripture with scripture and included a logical justification offered by Jesus that is of a method usually attributed to the Devil? The problem of Christian "logic" is that it stands not on its own merit but seeks fault in others' logics and accuses, much like a bilbical accuser. I consider the scriptural portion of the response thin at best.
and why do you put me in the same group as lawdog, he doesn't even like me, he thinks of me as an apostate(against the teachings of Jesus Christ and against Jesus Christ himself) as well as loone and Tony1. Please do not put us with someone who doesn't even like us. I have no problem being yolked with loone and tony1, the guys you love to hate, but why put me with lawdog? Is it just for conveniences sake, or so as you have something to say against us who actually do love people and would not want to see them die, but instead live so as they can have a fuller knowledge of the truth.
You know, you, sir, are the one who chose to intervene in my debate with Loone after I pointed out the damaging aspect of those military metaphors as manifest by Lawdog. You simply repeated what Loone had already attempted to push, and then went on to blame it all on Satan. It seems you chose to throw yourself in with that lot; I have done nothing but hold you to your excuses.
tiassa check with the facts and circumstances before you go on with you whining. You see I did ask Lawdog, but I got no reply. If you would have checked every post you would have seen and known that.
So you asked] Lawdog? Oooh, that's a fulfillment of your duty to God. Um, excuse me, sir, are you sure murdering something is right? Okay, just checking .... :rolleyes:
Believe the worst in me if you like. But I know I am none of these things you say, apart from Christian. Thats all that matters.
Unlike Christian philosophy, I don't assume the worst in peole, such as that silly notion about being born into sin. As to the rest of it, I'm going based on what you write.

A couple of notes on that post you're so distressed about:
I would have to say in this universe yes. But are we the most important of all of Gods' creations. I couldn't tell you. Because I don't know.
This is part of the problem of Christianity. The assumption of human (specifically Christian) importance compared to the Universe is part of the reason Christians fail utterly to understand their place in it. The world is there for Christian dominion, or something like that, and the results have been, as history has shown, catastrophic.
I couldn't say a definite yes, but we would be a huge part of it, if not the whole reason. But I could not forget the mammals, the birds, the fish of the sea. Plants and trees. These are all important to. They were probably created for God's as well as our enjoyment.
I believe this to be one of the dumbest things you've written here, sir.

We are part of the Universe, just like the stars. Did you know stars sing? Do you care?

I'll get to the rest of it later--must get to work. But here's a hint: if you want a reply, don't post the same old crap that's been covered, and don't be quite so ridiculous. Every once in a while, it's just not worth the bother because you demonstrate with your words that there are simple concepts about humanity that your faith precludes you from understanding.

Your faith is your choice, and your limitations are your choice. But it's not my fault when you will yourself to them.

Tiassa :cool:
Tiassa ...

Unlike Christian philosophy, I don't assume the worst in peole ...

Tell me another ... Oh please do.

(posted in memory of my Chinese friend 'Won Hung Lo')

Originally posted by Deadwood

Perhaps if you were still in the marines you could ask your drill instructor to say "sugar" next time. :D

I'm quite sure the enemy would feel threatened with the battle cry,"Hey, Sugar You, Mothersugar!!!!"

:) ;) :p :D :eek: :D :p ;) :)
I can't believe this...


You'd think I was the first person to say shit infront of a christain....

Hey Deadwood, take a GOOD look around on this forum...people swear thats what we do...your holier than thow nonsense is PURE hypocrasy (sp?, do I care??)....In a post above you repeated what I wrote i.e. BULLSHIT, and what the FUCK, the context you wrote it in wasn't directly aimed at me but niether was what I wrote (aimed at you...directly) do I get all super senitive now and complain because you wrote some words that I might not your own admission you are surrounded by people who use such language in normal conversation and still you take offense to a couple of words on an internet forum....

Deadwood if your that easily offended stay the (turn away now deadwood) fuck off the internet....there's much worse then a few heated words....infact wrap yourself in cotton wool and stay inside I fear your super-sensitive nature might not like whats out there.....or else grow up...if you want to play with the big kids in the playground you'll need to do some growing up yourself....

BTW I think seasame street is on the tele at the moment...might be more your style...
Tell you what, Chagur

Tell me another ... Oh please do
The next time you feel yourself irritated by some too-liberal-for-your-selfish-tastes idea I'm touting--say, prison and sentencing policies--remember that part of what I base this on is that people are not inherently evil, and that because a man has committed a wrong does not mean he will spend the rest of his life doing wrong. So if it makes you grind your teeth because I'm being too soft-hearted toward those other people you find so insignificant (or, rather, only significant enough to dislike), remember that it's because I don't assume the worst in people, and keep your piehole shut about it because you'll only be making a contradictory fool of yourself. Easy enough? Thought so ;)

Tiassa :cool: