Free will? (origianally posted on "My .02 (or $20, whatever)"
Hi Cris,
I'm a "Christian" (i hate to lump myself in with such a dispicable group of people) that takes what I read in the bible as the truth. I could give you a whole bunch of reasons why, good ones I think, but I won't for now. I agree with what I've read here that if God knows the future as a certainty then we are pretty much like a computer program.
I don't have an axe to grind and I'm not bitter because of some terrible experience with the religious establishment, catholic or otherwise. i do believe that "christian television" is a stench in the nostriles of every person who can think for themselves. I agree that religious people have and continue to pervert the word of God for their own selfish wants.
The bible taken at face value is a source of incredible insight. When I read it I see just how... Oh, ok I won't get into how great the Bible is. Back to the beginning of this thread.
I don't believe my future is fixed because I really do have a free will. I also believe God is omniscient. How do I reconcile these two beliefs and still be able to claim my IQ is pretty much the same as the general public? Actually I have no idea what my IQ is. Well, anyway...
It all comes down to how you define God's omniscience. To understand God's omniscience I believe you have to view it with his other attributes. God is also omnipresent and omnipotent.
Here's how the dictionary on MSN defines these words...
om·nis·cient [om níssee nt ] adjective
all-knowing: knowing or seeming to know everything
om·ni·pres·ent [òmnee prézz'nt ] adjective
1. always present everywhere: continuously and simultaneously present throughout the whole of creation
2. found everywhere: present or seemingly present all the time or everywhere
om·nip·o·tent [om nípptnt ] adjective
all-powerful: possessing complete, unlimited, or universal power and authority
God's attributes taken together help shed light on each. Where in theses definitions can you deduce that God knows all the future as a certainty? God's omniscience is only possible because of his omnipresence. The only thing i can say about God when considering these attributes is that because God is everywhere He knows everything that is going on. Nothing is hid from Him.
How does this do away with free will?
Classical Greek philosophy is where the idea of Omniscience as: Perfect knowledge of past and future events, originated.
The Greeks where obsessed with the idea of perfection. The state of perfection by definition meant that it was unchangable, in other words... static. This philosophy enter Christian theology early on and has tainted accurate intrepretation of scripture and therefore most everyones few of God.
Because God is all powerful he is able to determine certain aspects of the future. That does not mean that everything in the future is set.
How does the following scripture support the idea that God's omniscience means He knows everything in the future as set?
Genesis 6
5 The LORD saw how great man's wickedness on the earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.
6 The LORD was grieved that he had made man on the earth, and his heart was filled with pain.
7 So the LORD said, "I will wipe mankind, whom I have created, from the face of the earth--men and animals, and creatures that move along the ground, and birds of the air--for I am grieved that I have made them."
8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.
It seems to me that there is something here and many other places in the bible that doesn't line up with Calvinistic (Classical) theology. How can this be?
Let's think for ourselves. God gave me a brain and told me to use it "come let us reason together". I happen to believe the bible. For me it is the standard I test everything with. A good question to ask yourself... What standard do I stand on? Why?
If I saw someone take a mathematics class and he flunked out because he didn't read the textbook, didn't pay attention to the instructor and generally disrupted the class by being totally abnoxious. Would you agree with me that the reason that this guy flunked was because the text book was screwy. Probably not... I'm doing a terrible job of trying to get my point across.
The point is, judge the bible by its own merits not by what you see some so called believers doing or saying.
For more about reconciling God's omniscience and our free will check out:
Its an excellent resource for understanding the idea that the future is partly open, even to God.
I guess I'm assuming that you are interested in the truth and that it can be determined.
Here's a quote from you welcoming sensie:
"Everyone is free of course to hold their own points of view, but the issue here is whether your view represents truth or not. Your statements really just represent an unsupported assertion; you have not addressed the problem of the paradox. "
I hope that i have addressed the issue of the paradox, let me know.
i'm glad you are a seeker of truth. So am I.
Maybe we can disuss the problem of evil in the world. If God is good and loving why so much suffering?