Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

2nd is how Gustav initially responded to me with the "gay Hate" thing.
I live in Las Vegas! Gamblers are the most religious people the Casinos know of, they are always PRAYING to hit the BigOne!. ;)


Wow, that was by far the stupidest thing i've ever read on sciforums. Congratulations.

You're welcome. But I can't help but wonder why I'm stupid yet you're the once who believes in imaginary beings?

Nonetheless, it appears if that is the best response you can muster, then there is nothing I said you can find to refute.
I would like to comment, and teach you something. But I think you would learn more on just reading what you said, and finding the flaws in your own reasoning.

You will benefit more from realizing for yourself, why you're wrong, then from me pointing it out to you.

If I point it out to you, you will just bring up something equally foolish. So in intrest of preserving for you the opportunity to learn from your own mistakes, you should go back and read what you said;

If I point it out to you, you will just bring up something equally foolish. So in intrest of preserving for you the opportunity to learn from your own mistakes, you should go back and read what you said

But that's what this forum is all about, me making extraordinarily ridiculous claims and you pointing out the flaws.

So, point out the flaws. :D

Who are your teachers?
Generally the better educated and the more intelligent. Statistics indicate that such people tend to be less inclined towards religious beliefs.

Are they delivering their message with the same effort as those of diverse religions, who are even now as we speak, knocking the doors of people all around the world in every country? Sharing the messages of God, and Faith in every country around the world?
I’m not sure that this matters too much. A single truth once discovered will destroy all of that. E.g. the declaration that the world was a sphere destroyed the flat Earth concept virtually overnight. As science delivers more knowledge and makes more discoveries then the effects of those spreading irrational concepts will simply evaporate. Remember there is no substance behind religious beliefs – they are selling a vacuum and that cannot withstand time and real knowledge.

Your athiest ideals, lack leadership. Funding. Organization, establishment.
Yup, appealing to the logic in us rather than irrational emotions of religionism is an uphill struggle, not helped of course by thousands of years of persecution and suppression. Fortunately in those countries that now support freedom we now see the non-religious making far more progress in these recent years.

the lazier humans will become. The more glutonous, the more uneducated and addicted to pleasures of the world.
Yes I agree and the reason why religions will continue to exist for a while – they offer the easy way out rather than deal with reality.

We will see an increase in education. We will see and increase in technological advancements---medicines--but they will be unparalleled with the increase of apathy towards life itself,
Not sure why you would say that. Science and technology offer several massively important factors – less poverty, superior health, longer to open ended lifespans, significant standards in the quality of life, and the opportunities to eventually explore the rest of the universe with all the fascination that that promises. Without abject poverty and poor standards of life that have plagued humanity these past 2 or more thousand years, religions will have little on which to base their appeal.

and you won't need athiesm to destroy faith... you've got gambling,
prostitution, drugs, Las Vegas, Hollywood, Babylon, and Amsterdam--that already stand as shining distractions to the human race.
I find it curious that prison populations in the USA have the same proportion of religious to non-religious as in the outside. Clearly claiming a religious belief doesn’t appear to make any difference to practices in morality.

I know the resolves of my Church (and many other churches) are firm and unshaken, and so long as a free world exists, our people will prosper and continue to believe in God.
Such is the strength of 2000 years of perfected indoctrination and emotionalism. I’d still prefer truth rather than religious delusions. Truth doesn’t need a massive support group; it stands on its own.
Nice opinions, but you still aren't even in the least bit convincing. Your ideas hold no ground and no effect in the process of time--nobody really cares about athiesm, like I said people are more into 50 cent and stuff like that.

People have a trend of following a trend. Until you make Athiesm somehow appealing to masses of people--it's going to continue to be of no consequence in the greater scheme of social developments.

You actually have alot of faith-- to look past all the things that stand in opposition to your religious ideals. Though your "heaven" is a world without religious faith---you'll never see that place Cris. That fantasy is as Disney as i've ever heard.
Nisus: It's funny how your normal name calling only stops when it's to go over classic theist lines such as lack of faith is a faith, and lack of faith makes no change to society/makes society worse.

Well actually (like I have to keep saying whenever a theist brings up the argument), lack of belief actually makes a lot of difference to a society which explains why free secular societies are much healthier than non-secular states.

People have a trend of following a trend

Isn't that why you got a Christian membership card? :D

Some centuries ago the world was ruled by religion - it was known as the dark ages. To even voice the idea that a god might not exist was often met with death. Today, even though a third of the world claim a belief in a Christian god, very few actually practice Christian doctrines. The fundamentalist believers such as you are most definitely in a minority. The rest simply don't know anything better and if presented with some evidence to the contrary will switch overnight. Remember Christianity has no substance as a basis, it is built on fantasy only, and that can easily change.

Today atheism is open in many parts with many around the world claiming this non-supernatural perspective, something that would have been unthinkable just a few decades ago, when even in some states it was illegal for an atheist to be a member of a jury or be a witness in court.

But still many atheists do not openly declare their position even when they feel strongly. In the USA especially there is still a stigma associated with the term. But organizations like secular humanism and the Brights network are growing at phenomenal rates. The term atheism is being sidelined by many and that might not be such a bad thing.

And no one should care about atheism, the issue should always be the irresponsible irrationality of theism and that can be opposed by many groups.

You actually have a lot of faith-- to look past all the things that stand in opposition to your religious ideals.
As Kenny points out it is curious that religionists who claim faith is so vital and essential and valid that they then use it as a weapon against those without faith and claim they have an equally valid faith. If you claim faith is an indication of truth and you claim I have faith then aren’t you saying that my perspective is equally valid as yours? The problem of course is that the two concepts are mutually exclusive.

I do not have blind faith that religions will eventually become insignificant and will become sidelines. I certainly hope that they will but the evidence of history and world trends in countries with higher education and standards of life is on my side. Fortunately Christianity is declining as a proportion of world population; unfortunately Islam with its high birth rate is growing. That even worse barbaric religion presents all of us with a new challenge – Islam is still at the Dark Ages stage that Christianity welcomed some centuries ago.

Though your "heaven" is a world without religious faith---you'll never see that place Cris. That fantasy is as Disney as i've ever heard.
Dream on kiddo. I have no faith to equal the blindness of your religious delusions.
The declining factors of Christianity and the uprising of secularism.

The percentage of American adults who identify themselves as Christians dropped from 86% in 1990 to 77% in 2001. This is an unprecedented drop.
Confidence in religious institutions has hit an all-time low.
There appears to be a major increase in interest in spirituality among North Americans. However, this has not translated into greater church involvement.
Mainline denominations have been losing membership for decades in the U.S.; conservative denominations have been growing.
At the present rates of change, Islam will become the dominant religion in the world before 2050 CE.
At the present rate of change, most Americans will be non-Christians by the year 2035 CE.
The numbers of "unchurched" people has increased rapidly in the U.S. These are individuals who have not attended church in recent months.
Agnosticism, Atheism, secularism are growing rapidly.
Interest in new religious movements (e.g. New Age, Neopaganism) is growing rapidly. In particular, Wiccans are doubling in numbers about every 30 months.
The influence of the central, program-based congregation is diminishing as more cell churches are being created.
Many Christians have left congregations and formed house churches - small groups meeting in each other's homes.

Godless said:
Many Christians have left congregations and formed house churches - small groups meeting in each other's homes.


:eek: sacrifice gays in horrific blood rituals, practice pedophilia and swap wives

Hi and welcome to sciforums.

Thanks for the link, but the article doesn't even recognize or appear to comprehend the paradox of omnisience vs free will.
a few posts back you said that "statistics" show that secularist are generally more intelligent than religious folks.

Intellegence is unmeasurable, and certainly it would take few intellegent characters in ancient past to write their life story and make it into some religion. The gullible ones are who believe without question though. It's not intellegence but gullibility, to believe without question anything is bit ingnorant don't you think? Yet many people have done just that, for thousand's of years, so what do you think?. Are atheist, secularist, humanist, agnostic smarter because they question?. They don't just accept with blind faith that ancient stories depict some god, they question all religions not just the christians. That's not intellegence that's curiosity and not willing to believe anything on "blind faith" alone.

But if you want statics check here

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