Proof that the Christian god cannot exist

Godless said:
Thanks for clarifying that! not only is "IT" not omniscient, "IT" Dont exist. "IT" is not omnipresent, nor omnipotent, but it is "NONEXISTENT". We knew!.

How funny! "IT" does exist. If "IT" does not exist hypothetically speaking, why use "IT"?
Godless said:
I put the "IT" between paranthesis, to imply god. The word "god" to me is an it, not a being, not an existent, but a word with no identity. No other way to describe such a concept. God is nothing more than the illusions of ancient schizophrenic men.

You didn't pay attention to what I said, did you? :rolleyes:
I wasn't talking about the usage of "it"...
dalahar said:
Can someone tell me where I can find "free will" in the bible? I tried to figure out where it is but I haven't been able to. Thanks.
It`s not written in the Bible. It`s written in your heart.
Well, giving answers like "it's written in your heart" has so many problems I can't begin to list them. I can give that kind of answer by randomly picking out sentences from any book of bad poetry.
I understood very well what Usaid, that my grammar is lousy. So fucking sue me!!.

I'm a highschooldropout, thatearnsanaverageof80000ayearinthestockmarket!!.


superluminal said:
Well, giving answers like "it's written in your heart" has so many problems I can't begin to list them. I can give that kind of answer by randomly picking out sentences from any book of bad poetry.
By the way, I just mix illumining poetry. Don`t be mad because I am a poet
( ).
Cris and supporters,
Firstly I say that I disapprove of forums like this, and that we should be respecting all opinoins, not using it as an online battle ground. I am a firm believer in God by the way, and your paradoxal arguement regarding His omniscience and free will works only in our present level of consciousness. God is obviously beyond the physical plane, and will never ever leave physical evidence as to His existence - you or anyone else as long as they live will never be able to prove or disprove God's existence. Is it so difficult that He is just beyond our comprehension? If you think of us now as the peak of humanity and its intelligence you are very mistaken. To think that "God does not work in terms I understand, therefore He must not exist" is exactly what makes us human. His consciousness is infinite, and the dwarfed vision of men cannot even begin to perceive His divine state. Humans have free will, and God is omniscient. It is the task given to us to overcome our state of existence through choice to find God again.
Hello old thread.

A (Christian) God can not exist because 7 day creation did not happen.

Good Game and Good Night.
KennyJC said:
Hello old thread.

A (Christian) God can not exist because 7 day creation did not happen.

Good Game and Good Night.

I read somewhere that the word for "day" in Genesis can also be translated as "era" or "unspecified period of time."
edited - This is an old thread, so im making a new one for this post to go in.

-Chris Grose
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Marlin said:
I read somewhere that the word for "day" in Genesis can also be translated as "era" or "unspecified period of time."
M*W: More correctly it is translated as "age," as in the end of the "age."
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: More correctly it is translated as "age," as in the end of the "age."

Yes, that's it. So the Genesis account doesn't necessarily limit the Creation to 7 "24-hour days," but instead could be 7 "ages" of unknown amounts of time (millions of years, perhaps?).
Days, eras, ages...what does it matter? The only thing thats important is to make it satisfy what science is discovering every day. So, are we on Day 6 since things are still happening out there in the universe, or are we on Day 7 and God's still on siesta or are we on Day 8 or more? Some days were obviously longer than others when you think of hominids only being around for 2 million years and the Earth is 4.5 billion. Just how long is a day in biblical parlance. Let's figure it out assuming all days are of equal length.

If God took day 7 off, that would mean the first 6 days took 4.5 billion minus 2 million= 4.498 billion years. So each of the first 6 days were 4.498 billion divided by 6 = 749,667,000 million years. That would mean that God must still be off duty and resting because his 7th day still has 747,667,000 years to go. Of course the days could be 3 times that if you start at the beginning of time 15 billion years ago. Did the bible specify some days longer than others? It would have to be so because there are 10.5 billion years from light to the Earth creation. Biblical scholars are wonderful philosophers but lousy mathematicians.
Just saw this one -I must admit I have not read all the postings - too many !!
I promise that on this beauty I will ONLY use my philosophically skills !!

Cris, you claim, that the Christian God do not exist !!

It actually looks like both your proposal and reasoning holds water ...
Con gratulations.....

Then your question , OK ...

Conclusion 1: The first part is OK - you actually proves that God has no benevolence as you know benevolence, if he is omniscient - but then you jump to the conclusion that he is not worth our attention , I disagree : not all christians believe, that God is good as humans understand good.

Why do you think that God has benevolence as you know it - he loves to punish people :

He created Adam and Eve knowing they would eat his apples and kicked them out Paradise.
He created the people in the time of Noah - knowing they would sin and killed them by flooding the world.
He created the people of Sodom and Gomorrah , knowing they would sin and burned off their cities including the people .
He knew the people he created in Egypt would do wrong and send them the plagues.

God is still a bloody interesting creation and deserves our attention ........
This only proofs that God does what HE likes, and may not have the same ethics about good and evil as humans have ..

If Philosopher´s Stone is right about souls not feeling pain but just feel a little different when burning in fire - then actually God has benevolence because it is then NOT evil to let humans go to Hell !!!!!!!!!!!!

Conclusion 2: Yes , you actually proves that God do not exist if we have free will .
Con gratulation Cris - that is actually interesting ...

Conclusion 3) hmm , I am not sure this is good Cris , it is true that you prove that we are puppets in the hand of an evil monster (as you understand evil ). But now you jump to conclusions again , IF there are Christians that might accept God like that (God does what he wants and has no benevolence as you understand it ) ,then the choice is NOT nonsense, and after all they do not have any choice but accepting it, if it is Gods will , since in this case they do NOT have free will - do you see the logic ....

Or even worse - if Philosopher´s Stone is right with his souls not feeling pain - then God HAS benevolence, because it is not evil to condem humans to hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And then your proof has failed - then God DO indeed exist, omniscient,omnipotent and with benevolence ..... !!!!!

Cris - I think your proof is in dire strait !!!!!!! Please help me out on this one ,Cris !!!
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Paraclete said:
Or even worse - if Philosopher´s Stone is right with his souls not feeling pain - then God HAS benevolonce, because it is not evil to condem humans to hell !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or, hell is very painful but only a temporary condition and God will forgive whoever repents eventually. The only people for whom hell is truly eternal and forever are the devil and his angels (including the "sons of perdition" who defect to the devil's side in mortality). The rest of us have hope and God is benevolent.
Marlin said:
Or, hell is very painful but only a temporary condition and God will forgive whoever repents eventually. The only people for whom hell is truly eternal and forever are the devil and his angels (including the "sons of perdition" who defect to the devil's side in mortality). The rest of us have hope and God is benevolent.

I forgot to put this in:

Of course, to avoid hell altogether, we need to repent in this life and obey God's commandments, because if we procrastinate repentance, we may find ourselves unable to repent. Without repentance there can be no forgiveness, so it is vital for us to repent while in this life.
Oh my God !!!!!!!
Cris, Cris, Cris, Cris - come and read this one !!!

This is a very,very good thread !!

Cris , your proof is a true beauty - I bow to yeh !!!!!!!!!!

But I actually think Paraclete did the impossible - he trumped it !!!!!!!!!!!!

Paraclete I have only one question : Are you God ?