Proof Nasa Lies "Mars Coverup--literally"

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I have attempted not to allow myself to be drawn into this ridiculous debate, but I feel that I must at least respond to Fluid's last post; If only to set some facts straight...and attempt a recovery from such misrepresentation, or ignorance of information.

Olivine is nothing special. Yes, it does contain a large percentage of Oxygen. However, oxygen is not a rarity in the Solar System...only an oxygen rich atmosphere is.The mineral itself is common on Earth, and typically found in volcanic sediments. Even though there are no known Volcanoes in the immediate region of the rover...there are plenty of extinct/dormant ones scattered across the face of Mars (including the largest known Volcano in the solar system). Given the brittle nature of the Olivine mineral and the scope of Martian dust storms, it is quite rational to conclude that the mineral was transported over a very large region by the Martian wind (if not, this would throw some evidence against the warmer, wetter scenario)....Also, there was no "drilling" needed to locate this mineral. It readily lies just on the Martian surface and was identified with the The Alpha-Particle X-ray Spectrometer and the Mossbauer Spectrometer attached to the rovers robotic arm. Furthermore, there has been no drilling by the rover as of this date (or at least this morning). The mission operators have yet to decide whether or not they should use the RAT (Rock Abrasion Tool) on the rock dubbed "Adirondack" (and just to point out, they identified these minerals in the Martion soil, not within the rock itself. We have already concluded that the rock is made of Basalt.)

As far as the soil that is, in your words, "stronger and more cohesive than they expected"...Please continue reading the latest information coming from the rover and mission scientists. Along with Olivine; Silicon, Sulfur, Chlorine, Calcium, Iron, and Nickel have been detected as well. Early speculations are that this "cohesion" is the result of sulfur and chlorine, two components of salts, holding the miniscule grains together by static attraction. Whether these salts came to Gusev Crater by water or Volcanic activity has yet to be learned.
me neither, I have a idea here: what if one of us were to make "mars photo" of natural untouched terrian here on earth and give it to fluid1959, do you think he will see what ever it is he sees in it?

as for the colors the cameras take colors in 13 spectra from 400-1100nm (8 filters per camera 16 total - 1 blank and 2 for sun gazing) the combined image colors have to be computer enhance to make a image that would have the proper colors for what our eyes would see if we were there.

I have two theories on fluid1959, either he is just jerking our chains or he’s a paranoid schizophrenic.
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fluid sez
Any area that has a darker or lighter color is an edit
Any area that appears like a dirt mound is an edit
Any time an object looks half covered with dust's an edit

I don't think it's unfair to say that you are paranoid, since you consider any colour change, dirt or dust visible in these photographs to be the product of tampering.

NEWS FLASH: Mars has dirt.
Ok, first of all...highlighting sections of the Martian surface does nothing to prove that there has been tampering with the images (aside from hundreds of images being digitally "stitched" together to form a whole). Furthermore, you have shown nothing to prove, or at least acknowledge, that the color and shade of the surface could be anything more then natural variations in terrain, sediment, minerals, and shadow...and the dirt mounds are really nothing more then miniature sand dunes created by the Martian wind as dust is pushed across the surface and collects against areas of resistance.

Let us even look at the darker sediment located near the lander...Are you forgetting that it bounced and rolled, more then thirty times, to its current location? There is obviously going to be disturbances to the surrounding soil. Hell, look at the deflated air bags used to cushion the landing...clearly seen is the soil sediment that adhered to the bags as it rolled and bounced.

You claim that this is all proof of editing, but you have yet to show any minimal evidence to the "fact". Show me unnatural uniformity of color. Show me unmatched pixilation of natural borders or shade. Show me any object that casts a shadow in opposition to that of light position, source, terrain, and surrounding objects.You NEED to give us some form of evidence that will take a stand against rational scrutiny. If you are unable to, you really should abandon this "proof" and move on to the next irrational observation that is supported by no evidence.
Does anyone remember chemistry? IF there was water present, or had been recently, say in the last 5 years at least, the water would have chemically changed the Olivine, which is easily determined. That is a bit I picked up reading about what has been found on Mars and why. Also some physics tests wont work well on Mars because of the extremely low atmosphere pressure.

WCF may have a better handle on this than I.
Welcome to Sciforums TredLightly!

Don't expect fluid to listen to anyone, or behave rationally. He hasn't yet.
craterchains (Norval said:
Does anyone remember chemistry? IF there was water present, or had been recently, say in the last 5 years at least, the water would have chemically changed the Olivine, which is easily determined. That is a bit I picked up reading about what has been found on Mars and why. Also some physics tests wont work well on Mars because of the extremely low atmosphere pressure.

Yes water would have destroyed the Olivine after just a few thusand years of exposure, but
- if this freshly exposed olivine then water even existign jsut a few million years ago would no have destroyed it

- if this is micro particulated olivine then it could have been lifed (as dust) from lava flows that form only a few million years ago.

- it is possible that the soil scan was scaning a rock just millimeters below, giving false result on the soil, that rock could have been resently exposed

all in all much more evidence needs to be collected to determine when was the last time water existed in this area.

now I have a class to get to sorry can't edit my errors just yet.
Seriously, he has yet to even give us a reason why he believes NASA would be editing the photos. Are they trying to hide some form of Martian lichen or grass? Alien pottery shards? The Martian equivalent of spy-hoping Gophers, with long necks and conveniently rock shaped heads...that are nothing more then your inability to grasp perspective and distance in a two-dimensional image?

Oh, and Thank You for the welcome BigBlueHead.

Now you see why we're frustrated here Tred. At this point, most people tend to reflect and realize the flaw in their thinking. Not fluid. Dementia has kicked in hard. But it is fun to argue with him though.
oh i see what he means.


Yeah, pretty much. This is the image that Fluid posted, and the one in which I was referring to. Humorously, when I went backwards through the posts to locate this image...I found that Fluid has taken our distraction to his advantage, and modified many of his original posts. Presumably to render damning declarations null, inconspicuously.

I seem to remeber a post (or posts) by Fluid, stating that the subject of the image (the "head") was three feet off the ground, supported by a long neck...and furthermore something about eyes and ears. However, I can no longer seem to locate it. Please correct me if I am mistaken.
I remember the post as well, although I am unable to find it now. Another piece of "information" has fallen victim to fluid1959's revisionist history.
BigBlueHead said:
I remember the post as well, although I am unable to find it now. Another piece of "information" has fallen victim to fluid1959's revisionist history.

your right he did delete allot of his old post, I see my self screaming at him to leave, and the post he made saying he would leave are gone, trying to make a ass of me are you :mad:
next time I'm going to quote everything you do! fluid1969
Yeah, I can't even find that thread I quoted from earlier in this thread, where he said the aliens were gonna shut us all up.
Ah, he is one of "those" individuals. He may have back peddled on his comments under this thread, but apparently he didn't have the intelligence to so on a similar thread entitled "Optical Illusion".

In that thread, fluid1959 posts the same tired image (see above), and the following comments are made...

One_Raven: "What is this supposed to be?"

fluid1959: "A rock with long neck and ears...Nothing of importance I'm sure that's why NASA painted it out"

Don't trust my word though, for it is still there for all to see. That is unless fluid1959 has made yet another "correction" which case, I must be a liar.

PS. Actually, it appears that he has deleted the majority of his posts under this thread...which leaves many of you painted as incoherent lunatics.
They sure went out of their way to dispose of Jimmy Hoffa. Is the little stick figure supposed to be the "individual's" dolly?

Seriously Fluid, this still proves nothing other then the fact that you have a very vivid imagination and have access to Photo/image editing software. I need more "proof" then that of lines drawn on the sand.
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