Proof Nasa Lies "Mars Coverup--literally"

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but did Buzz Aldrin really punch the anti-conspirator?, I mean we may have video evidence of it and may be even physical evidence of it, but so? We have the same evidence of the moon landings and it clearly obvious (according to Fox TV) that we never landed on the moon, there for we can question the evidence that buzz Aldrin punch a anti-conspirator! I propose that it never happened! This is why no charges were ever filed because it was a totally obvious hoax set up by the anti-conspirator to further their cause!
It was actually edited by NASA to make it LOOK like he punched him. The goal was to discredit Mr. Lightyear when he came out about the moon and mars hoaxes. (The had already filmed Buzz landing on Mars too... they put a red filter infront of the cameras and threw some mud on the lander.)
Oooooooh I like that one that is really possible, those people at NASA are really evil and conniving, did you know that 3 days ago I had a thought and I swear that NASA must have put it into my brain using their team of psychics they refuged from the planet Transsexual in the galaxy of Transylvania. I think they may be controlling my mind riht now!!! get the tin hats on!!!
Oh it was obviously edited. See the woman's shirt? Yeah, no one would wear a shirt that bright. NASA obviously edited it to hide the things under the shirt...


I told you don't you see it now those transvestonians from the galaxy of Transylvania ae everywhere!?!
Nothing but slander.

fluid1959 said:
Ignorance is your right , but shouldn't be your ambition

Why are you here ? Did they close the kiddy porn forum on you again?
A mind is a terrible thing to waste

If you knew anything %$%#%$ about the high gain and low gain data transfer capabilities...

Just because you take the special bus to school ... don't make you special
Did you know if you cut a chickens head off still runs around for like a minute. So it just goes to show you don't need a brain to flap your wings.

I am absolutely boggled by your genius

Get back on the bus Persol .. your not quite there yet! And my chicken comment ,case in point!

Persol you have demonstrated nothing but the ability to flap your mouth.
You are repetitive rude and ignorant. If the thread is offensive to you speak to a moderator or a counselor. Or go back to the kiddy porn forum where you came from.

For i'ts is in the majority that things can change. (wow, had to post this)

So come on all you jackasses from Purse-girl Skin-wabbler- blackbarney

stop flapping your repetitive ignorant moronic mouths and go show me a better photo that will silence my idiotic beleifs (at least he admits they're idiotic)

Instead of endless attacks of character which you ignorant trailer trash people all have none of (hypocrisy is fun)

You wouldnt know data, If it crawled up your left leg and bit you in the ass.

I think Im Informing you of something your vision apparently can't detect

you must be from france .. cause here the word guess
does't imply stating fact. Dick

how bout you shove your head back up your butt cheeks

Are you really as stupid as you claim

I put up a map for stupid people like you

Be quite turd brain

Your apparently too stupid to d/l a tif and check for your self.. that take brains
you and your boys don't have..

So save the hot air for breathing you inbred ....

You couldnt hunt down your brains let alone edits.

nothing but slander coming from you morons ,
I have nothing to prove.. you have much to learn


Elimadick? What?
Haha, I just got it...

"Purse-girl Skin-wabbler- blackbarney elimadick"

Those were attempts to make fun of our names... I thought he was just rambling.

I am amused.
There coming for you now GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Funny... fluid didn't make fun of my name even though I think I was his most abusive detractor in this thread. Am I standing behind an alien or something?

BTW fluid - I know you probably said "I guess" to yourself when you were typing or something, but that "Rock three feet off the ground"? I suggest you find out what "perspective" is before you continue with this mess, otherwise the other ET Photo hoaxers aren't gonna let you into the clubhouse anymore.
Hmm...BigBlue made me think of other colors and I came to the conclusion that I want a stick of BigRed gum. Aaaaaaaanyway, yes perspective would help. That rocks can't be more than a foot high, if that, given it's approximate distance to the lander.
All I've done is ask fluid to explain WTF he thinks he is seeing and why. He has been completely unable to do that.

Hence the applicable title of KOOK

Oh Jesus, read up on geology, chemistry and biology please. Oxygen is normally chemically combined with many minerals; the moons soil is 45% oxygen by weight for example, and I don’t see any air there! Yes mars does not have much free oxygen (O2) in the atmosphere this would be expected as oxygen normally oxidizes minerals removing its self, if we did not have life constantly pumping it out this planet would be depleted of it in just a few million years.

Also its we breath out CO2 or carbon dioxide not monoxide (CO) which is highly lethal. And to be really truthful as a biochemist the oxygen plants make and the CO2 we breath out got its oxygen atoms from water during electron transport in the chloroplast and mitochondrion. The oxygen from CO2 is recombined back into water or remains chemically combined to plant organics (and ours as we eat plants) tell we/they rot or burn after death.

O2 can be extracted from CO2 by many was, NASA and other mars enthusiast like the following:

2CO2 + Heat = 2CO + O2 this makes oxygen and carbon monoxide, combined it’s a low impulse rocket fuel.

CO2 + 4H2 + catalyses = CH4 + 2H2O CH4/O2 is a better rocket fuel then CO/O2 but needs hydrogen.
2H20 + electricity and catalyses = 2H2 + O2 hydrogen from water.

All of this needs only Martian air and (opition) water ice, no soil is needed.
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fluid1959 said:
Oxygen ----
First rock they drill has mineral olivine which is 40 percent oxygen
thats amazing since this is an Oxygen deprived planet.

No such thing as an 'oxygen deprived planet' in our solar system. Our sun and major planets were formed from the remnants of a supernova. This supernova formed heavy elements, and threw them out into space. They then swirl around a bit under gravity, coalesce, and form a second generation star, and planets. The elemental composition of the sun, and the planets therefore, is broadly similar. Iron, carbon and oxygen, being very stable elements, are quite abundant. So you find rocks which are composed of various oxides.
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