Proof Nasa Lies "Mars Coverup--literally"

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Better still, perform the same experiment with luminosity on other photos from other Mars missions as well as photos of various landscapes in Earthbound locations. As a photographer, I would expect a cline in luminosity from the horizon to the foreground. Much as fluid demonstrated on the Mars rover picture.
So you claim ONLY that the photos have been tampered with, but speculate that there are living beings on Mars?

Before you were claiming that the rocks were bones, skulls, and other artifacts of living creatures, and that this was obvious.

When did your claim change?

EDIT: Just in case anyone is wondering why this and the proceeding post don't seem to make sense, there used to be a post just after this one by fluid saying "Show me where I said those things - I don't remember saying them."
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Since you're gonna be a dick about it.

fluid1959 said:
Well they may be rocks.. but my guess is probably not.

I have many nasa tif 's in the 50-70 mb range. They show many artifacts immediately around the craft. And Possible bones/ skulls etc..

Nasa has requested all school children to send rocks to nasa. To help them figure out what these rocks are made of. Because most of the rocks dont match any known origin.

And we should find out very shortly.

Please note all images showing a red mars have been adjusted by nasa to appear that way. This little rover is going to make many big mouths close .. shortly

There are artifacts here.. And we have the abilitiy to scientifically discern that.

Unless some mysterious thing happens to the rover in the next day or 2 . The Paradigm shift will arrive shortly.

And that is what my crystal balls are telling me !

In case anyone remembers you posting this in the other thread.

Interestingly it claims that all of us are going to be wowed by the proof of alien presence everywhere, and that "big mouths were going to close". Well you were wrong on both counts 'cause I don't see any aliens anywhere but your big mouth is still flapping.

I guess NASA pulled the rug out from under you again.

P.S. Feigning ignorance of your own words makes you a big fucking loser.

EDIT: To defend himself against my accusations of intellectual dishonesty, fluid has removed quite a few of his posts. It's rather frustrating, but still serves to demonstrate the dishonesty of his approach.
Two can play the editing game.
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You know, it amazes me - the depths of intellectual dishonesty you are willing to sink to. You are willing to put a sentence into one of your posts like:
The Paradigm shift will arrive shortly.

And then a couple of days later state that because you said "I guess" or "I think" or "maybe" ever before in your life, that all of the shit that you've spouted since then was just idle speculation and is therefore ABOVE QUESTION, and that you are justified in defending it as a reasonable position. This, of course, is when you're not, Reagan-like, feigning ignorance of your moronic past statements.

Then, after your original foundation of pathetic lies has been laid down, you start posting pictures of Mars that you hacked your mother into with Photoshop, and put some caption like

my mother on mars Persol is a retard

which serves to underline your idiocy!

They are wrong... you are not delusional... you are just a piece of shit. I feel sorry for the UFO types who actually believe you. I may not like them much, but they deserve better than you.
you start posting pictures of Mars that you hacked your mother into with
LMFAO. So you imagine that those rocks are covering up UFOs, so suddenly it must be so. But BigBlueHead points out that your hacked photo means nothing and you make fun of his? Uh huh.

I have asked what is similar about those two areas. I blew the damn thing up for you. You still couldn't answer.

I asked what was special about those other rocks. I even demonstrated that rocks on earth look the same. You ignored it.

You do realize that completely ignoring the obvious questions doesn't help your quack theory, right?

So, answer the questions already.

otherwise do thee intellectual thing

Go away-------> bye bye now-- thanx for stopping by
Well... to be fair, I edited one. But my Hummer fits better with the off-road look than his.
And fluid is the only one editing photos to infer something real. NASA hasn't done anything.
The provenience of your photos is not forthcoming. Perhaps if you show them in situ on a NASA or JPL site, they have more credibility.

Morons like us are likely to question "official" photos that don't reside on "official" websites.
oh... I got them. I've been d/l'ng that stuff since the mission began.

But your examples still don't show any "edits."

What do you define as an "edit?"
I looked. Between these posts and the Tiffs, the only things I noticed were the expected mismatches of color saturation and perhaps some offset do to stitching of multiple images (I'm working under the assumption that you do realize that the camera doesn't see all that at once).

I also noticed your repeated ad hominem remarks and comments at those who question or disagree with you.

So, please, entertain a stupid person like me for a moment: What do you define as a NASA edit?

I looked at the regions you indicated. Nothing appears amiss.
Hey Fluid you do know that NASA could potentially hunt people down for Slander, if those photos were edited by someone else, afterall such malicious rumours could potentially hamper future funding for such projects.
fluid1959 said:
Bye bye see ys thanx for stopping by

I have a better idea... you can join Jahairo in the Ignore list... That's the only way to weed out the kooks around here.

I mearly stated they could get you for slander, I didn't say "I protest, you must be taken to the authorities", afterall I couldn't care less if you edit a photo of Mars to hide a rock or two to make it look more interesting.

Lets see, Originally you were looking for shapes in rocks, now you've been looking for edits in the pictures of rocks... Fluid, are you sure the Rover is actually on Mars?
You know he is desparate when he must make fun of everyone for not agreeing with him. That's one of the signs of a kook. This guy really has some mental problems. Reminds me of that movie "A Beautiful Mind" where his schizophrenia made him paranoid against everyone and see stuff that wasn't there. This is a textbook case of that mental illness.
Actually I think "A Beautiful Mind" was slightly different as although some people take that at face value, John Nash at the time attempted multiple times to talk to particular scientists of that era, ones working in Quantum fields that looked at how our universe worked and even if it was possible that what we see is only one of many universes.

Theres a potential that if John Nash had been able to talk with them, something in the universe might have been different and a duality of visual universes could have insued.

(Of course this is just a theory, and for it to be a fact, it would have to be proven)

Anyhow, as for Fluids little tantrum.

I managed to hunt down the image, a TIFF 40MB image

And guess what, NO EDITS AT ALL.
[Edit] Other than glueing images together.
Fluid, Easy on the insults there, afterall insulting someone just for providing a link to an UNEDITED version of an image isn't exactly the way of proving your case.

If anything getting in arguements doesn't prove anything.

If you have something truly to prove, then why don't you get a NASA representative to look over your images? I would personally try to hunt one down, but I know they would have 100's if not 1000's of e-mails asking for their time to set people right.

Perhaps what we should do at Sciforums is get all the questions that people keep raising together, and then send them off to NASA for a response. I mean they would have to be questions collected up from all these posts, and just maybe (I'm not promising anything) we might be able to get someone to laugh.. I mean look at the evidence.
Why would NASA lie, won’t its budget go up big time if they displayed proof of ETI???
fluid1959 said:
What is and edit change an object that is in the clear to appear to be buried or behind red gravel
Why do you think that it was edited to 'appear to be buried or behind red gravel'? If there are reasons for you to think this, point them out. And your childish insults and blowoffs are probably pushing most to think you are either 12 or mentally ill.
*Everything in quotes is a mocking of fluid1959

What is there? Rocks and shadows.

Much like:


"Wow, you stupid poopheads!@ that has to be prof of alien feet! see the unmistakable foot!?!? I cn't believe they didn't edit it out ah!"

Haha, and...


continued mocking:
"yeah bye bye fools. that shows the skull. see the skull and the ears. whoa. this will come out. so there. ha! i proved you wrongG1!!"

And also,


"No, I didn't edit out any rocks or anything. It doesn't matter if people saw this image come straight from the rover into mission control with rocks and a reddish tint, with rocks strewn randomly about... I edited it, in a futile, foolish attempt to convey a message that does not say anything or prove anything. Go me. My 14 year old self is superior to logic, science and reason. I like attention. Everyone, argue against my ADD self. I will put forth obviously false posits to piss people off. Even though I resort to ad hominem attacks whenever I am denounced, or when I get scared, my points still hold, because I refuse to give any more information than necessary for open mindedness and understanding. That is completely beside the fact that I have multiple claims that have absolutely no basis or bit of supporting evidence. I rule. you damn thinkers can go wait for the future to see my un-founded prediction and thoughts to come true. Ha, so there."

I am done. Thank you.
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