Proof God Exists

I see.
It was just another airy-fairy claim.

Seriously though, I find that I'm happier being a believer than being an infidel, and I've been both. God does two things for you for every one thing you do for him. He's also quite nice.
God does two things for you for every one thing you do for him.

He's also quite nice.
Some mass-murderers/ dictators are.
Until you realise that they're also mass-murderers/ dictators.
"Hey yeah, he killed millions but, yanno, he's nice."

" If we call for the proof, and we question the answers, only the doubt remains…" Alan Parsons Project

Some mass-murderers/ dictators are.
Until you realise that they're also mass-murderers/ dictators.
"Hey yeah, he killed millions but, yanno, he's nice."

Are you seriously comparing God to a mass murderer?
" If we call for the proof, and we question the answers, only the doubt remains…" Alan Parsons Project
So you haven't got any evidence?

Are you seriously comparing God to a mass murderer?
Sure thing.
If not directly (although he's done that) then indirectly by proxy.
And he's a sadist.

Are you seriously claiming he isn't?
How many deaths are attributed to god, to give one example, from the Flood?
So you haven't got any evidence?

Sure thing.
If not directly (although he's done that) then indirectly by proxy.
And he's a sadist.

Are you seriously claiming he isn't?
How many deaths are attributed to god, to give one example, from the Flood?

Quite a few. But what you have to understand is, God doesn't view death as the final thing that we do; it's just a doorway, not the end.

Now before I wax didactic, let me just say that I don't understand everything God does. He has his own reasons and timetable for doing things. All I know is, I'm a happier person as a believer than I ever was during my dark years, and that's enough for me.
Quite a few. But what you have to understand is, God doesn't view death as the final thing that we do; it's just a doorway, not the end.
In which case there's no such thing as murder, at all. It's just a matter of perspective.
Can't have it both ways.
I wonder why "thou shalt not kill" is a commandment. Because god wants to be the only one that does it?

Now before I wax didactic, let me just say that I don't understand everything God does. He has his own reasons and timetable for doing things. All I know is, I'm a happier person as a believer than I ever was during my dark years, and that's enough for me.
Er, bully for you?
Hmm...should I start a thread: "Okay, prove YOUR version of God exists?"
If someone else accepted my evidence I would be creeped out, I think, think them overly-credulous.
They weren't there, they didn't see it. If they want a sign from god they should go ask for their own.
Hmm...should I start a thread: "Okay, prove YOUR version of God exists?"
And then we could have another thread: How (correctly-interpreted) sage advice from a goldfish improved my finances and love life.
@Dewy --

Seriously though, I find that I'm happier being a believer than being an infidel, and I've been both.

Well so long as you are happy then I guess it's alright. I mean, it's not like our beliefs influence our actions and thus affect(both directly and indirectly) everyone around us. Oh mean that they do?!? Well damn it, I guess my "personal faith" that the Irish are naturally superior to everyone else(well, except for our whiskey, we know that that is superior) really could be harmful. I guess I'd better think about that.

God does two things for you for every one thing you do for him.

Now this one is going to take some proving because that's demonstrably not what reality shows and it's certainly not what the bible says. While it's not often that the two things agree on anything, they both agree that you said that because you felt like it would justify your beliefs, not because it's true.

But I'm willing to give it a go, why should I take your word over both the bible and, more importantly, reality?

He's also quite nice.

Really? I don't generally consider mass-murdering dick heads "nice". That's just me though.

" If we call for the proof, and we question the answers, only the doubt remains…" Alan Parsons Project

If we don't call for the proof and don't question the answers then we wind up in a bathtub full of ice somewhere in Tijuana missing a kidney, which would you prefer? Having doubt is healthy and a good survival trait. If someone came up to you and offered to sell you the Golden Gate Bridge for a thousand dollars then not having doubt is a good way to get yourself swindled out of a thousand dollars.

Not like any of that matters, you still haven't provided a single piece of evidence. Not a one. So why should we think that your claims are anything other than delusional ranting? This is a legitimate question.

Are you seriously comparing God to a mass murderer?

Oh yes, the greatest one in history according to the bible. Also according to the bible he's the worst homophobe, the biggest misogynist, the most prolific genocide and infanticide of all time. You can't really do much worse than wiping out all of humanity, save for one family, just because they aren't listening to you. That's a poor reason to spank a child(maybe yelling at them with a swat to the back of the head), and it's just plain not a valid reason to kill off the entire population of the planet.

If you want to go further into his crimes we can. He has the worst animal rights track record in history, what with the burnt offerings and sacrifices and all. I shouldn't need to say any more, any single human(without exception) who even attempted one of these things would be locked away in a loony bin at best.

Quite a few. But what you have to understand is, God doesn't view death as the final thing that we do; it's just a doorway, not the end.

And that makes murder magically become alright? Wow, this really isn't all that far from those who say it's fine to kill in the name of god.

Now before I wax didactic, let me just say that I don't understand everything God does.

That would be an awfully grand achievement considering that the biblical god almost certainly doesn't exist.

He has his own reasons and timetable for doing things.

And I'm sure that this would be a great comfort to the billions of his victims. Oh wait, they're dead. Kind of hard to comfort the dead. Every two-bit murderer and rapist has their "reasons", this doesn't mean that they're not rapists and murderers. Nor does it excuse their actions.

All I know is, I'm a happier person as a believer than I ever was during my dark years, and that's enough for me.

Wishful thinking fallacy. Besides, there's not a single good thing that religion does that you can't get somewhere else. Yeah, having "happiness" spoon fed to you through religion is a hell of a lot easier, but that doesn't mean that it's the best for you.

@chimpkin --

If someone else accepted my evidence I would be creeped out, I think, think them overly-credulous.

Huh, I never saw it that way as a theist until my very late days.

They weren't there, they didn't see it.

That's true, but that's assuming that it can't be replicated. A safe assumption to be sure, but not one that makes your hypothesis look any better.

If they want a sign from god they should go ask for their own.

Yeah, I tried that, but there's this problem you see. The problem is that every "sign" I received(or was told that I received), right on down to the multiple NDE's, has a much better and completely naturalistic explanation.

Hey, just because mr bubbles doesn't talk to YOU...

You Heathen! You will be crushed by my Web-Footed Lord, the Giant Space Duck.

Geez, who pissed in your cornflakes?

God wuvs you.

Arioch is intentionally confrontational..dunno yet if he is intentionally trying to piss ppl off..i suspect so..but the jury is still out on that one..

You have a very immature and fallacious idea of who God is and what he does. Yes, he kills wicked people. Get over it. He rewards good for good and evil for evil. This is a function of the quality he possesses known as Justice. He also forgives sins as a function of the quality he possesses known as Mercy. If you don't want God to do evil to you, then don't do evil.

He takes no pleasure in destroying the wicked. He does so to fulfill his righteous purposes. Fortunately for all of us, he forgives us our sins when we repent and keep his commandments.