Proof God Exists

Itchy, and Scratchy in The Simpsons must be disciples then? :D

This thread is funny...

Itchy anus signifies that a previously discarded, erroneous belief, attitude, or way of thinking is trying to get back in.

Itchy buttocks signifies (as far as I can tell) something important or obvious that you had forgotten.

I hate myself for saying this because I'll be ridiculed mercilessly for it. It sounds so ludicrous and silly. Yet I didn't make it up--I reach my conclusions carefully over time through observation and experience.

It sounds like you are being punished for your sins to me. :D

I never get itchy buttocks.. I suppose I have a bit of an elephant in me.....

... I might need to rephrase that! :eek:
@Pincho --

I never get itchy buttocks.. I suppose I have a bit of an elephant in me.....

Or you're too busy spouting pseudoscientific bullshit from it that it never gets a chance to get itchy....just sayin'.
@Pincho --

Or you're too busy spouting pseudoscientific bullshit from it that it never gets a chance to get itchy....just sayin'.

You wouldn't know. Seriously.. if you can tell what is bullshit, and what isn't then you are pretty special... because it requires the TOE stored in your head. But this person wouldn't bother with the quote above, they would simply correct the mistakes.
Seriously.. if you can tell what is bullshit, and what isn't then you are pretty special... because it requires the TOE stored in your head.
Seriously, it doesn't.
The fact that you posted it is a pretty good indicator that it's bullshit.
@Pincho --

Ugh, the old "if you can say that it's wrong then you must know what the right answer is" bullshit. The hallmark of an amateur philosopher who's had minimal or no education in the subject. You're the second person today who's tried this line of bullshit on me.

I may not be able to tell you right off the bat what pi over eight is but I can tell you that one and zero are wrong answers. Cut the bullshit and come back to me when you've graduated from grade school.
I agree.
It was a pretty stupid claim to start with.
Maybe you'll think a little bit before making similar inane unsupportable claims.
@Dewy --

Good god! Would the theists just admit that they've got fuck-all to support their claims already?
OK, so I used to be extremely mentally ill and at times I used to seek guidance by noting which part of my body itched (or twitched) and then take action on the itch. MENTAL ILLNESS people...


Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.
Muscular twitches work just like itches.

How amusing. Some one knows how to cut and paste. Your willingness to mock says tons about your character.
Unsupported claim! Prove it!
Oh my.
Somebody missed out a couple of English lessons.
Here's a hint: when there's this little squiggly thing - "?" - on the end of a sentence that makes it a question, not a statement or claim.
@Dewy --

I believe the term "burned" would be appropriate here. And while I understand that ripping on yourself can take some of the edge off, it doesn't make it any less true.
Time to come clean. My masterful portrayal of a clueless and gullible person who will believe any old thing must come to an end. Don't get me wrong; belief in God is a good thing when not taken to extremes. It's when you are willing to abandon good sense in favor of fanaticism and ridiculous doctrines that you get in trouble.

What, did anyone actually think an itchy anus meant something?
@Dewy --

Have you ever heard of a Poe?

Don't get me wrong; belief in God is a good thing when not taken to extremes.

I don't. I think that any belief system which lends itself so well and so easily to wholesale slaughter and genocide(in addition to such travesties as slavery and general bigotry) is a bad thing. The fact that the moderates, merely by looking everywhere but religion for the cause of problems, provide a very thorough camouflage for those who will kill for said system.

We're gradually coming to a time, a time where even the most destitute of terrorists or psychos could conceivably get their hands on nuclear weapons, where the toleration of such belief systems will be out of the question. In a time where all it takes is one person pushing a button to evaporate millions of people, can we risk such dangerous beliefs?

We already lock up people who we consider to be too insane, people who are a danger to themselves and/or to others. The only thing that really separates the ones we lock up from the ones who kill in allah's(or pick your deity, doesn't matter) name is that those who do the killing call their psychosis a religion. Obviously there's sanity in numbers.

Do I like such possibilities? Absolutely not. One of the most highly held scruples I have is freedom of, and thus by necessity from, religion. I despise the very thought of depriving someone of that right, but I'm practical enough to recognize that my scruples may not always be the best thing when I take into account the bigger picture.

(Unfortunately a disclaimer like this is necessary or I'll get the standard, and oh so tired, theist complaint that I'm "out to destroy religion". It's really not on my to do list, but it's something that I wouldn't hesitate to do should it become necessary, the right people have to life way outweighs any right we have to practice our preferred brand of insanity. And yes, our courts virtually always uphold this.)

What, did anyone actually think an itchy anus meant something?

It's really not that far-fetched. I encountered a theist six months ago who genuinely believed in something similar, and there are millions(if not more) of catholics who believe in Stigmata which are pretty much the same thing. So your Poe, whether you meant it to be one or not, wasn't all that spectacular.