Proof God Exists

Let me bring up a tangential point, you don't have a consistent answer for why you care for someone or why you see a relationship or life as meaningful if you do.

Nor, then, do you have a consistent answer for why God has the qualities that he has. The best you can do is to say that God simply is what he is.
That there is no point to life with no God, and we should all be running around naked having orgies all over the place.

And once again we can clearly see that a theist is sometimes little more than a nihilist with a poorly developed knowledge of self.
That there is no point to life with no God, and we should all be running around naked having orgies all over the place

We do that with God, don't we? Go forth, be fruitful and multiply.

If God isn't real someone like me would easily conquer the world

You mean while the rest of us are rolling on the floor laughing at you, you take over?
sorry, he doesn't speak for all theists..

When I said "a theist is sometimes", I did indeed mean for it to allow such an exclusion. In any case, if you are indeed someone who wouldn't consider rampant orgies and other similar examples of unrestrained behaviour a forgone conclusion in the absence of a conception of God, then consider yourself excluded :)
Let me bring up a tangential point, you don't have a consistent answer for why you care for someone or why you see a relationship or life as meaningful if you do.


But are consistent explanations necessary in order to think, feel or behave a certain way?
Not really.
He said:

He's arguing that since he, ie. Knowledge 91, hasn't counquered the world, this means that God is (possibly) real.

yes, but i chose to have fun with it, rather that point out the logical fallacies of it..
Even the gods probably have gods?

We were made from stellar cosmic dust and material this universe is only somewhere over 10 billion years old..... Imagine how much life was created and how much life was evolved (simple organisms) and possibly have transported via meteorites to other planets? This is a pretty young universe why would anybody believe there is some authoritive god that is centered upon earth for the purposes of putting humanity through a evil test where every player is completely different and is all bound to go through eternal hell unless we praise and dumb our selves down to contentious and hopeful thinking.
The do point them out now.
"If God isn't real someone like me would easily conquer the world. "
fallacy of consequence..(?)
whether God is real or not would have no influence on his ability to take over the world.
"If God isn't real someone like me would easily conquer the world. "
fallacy of consequence..(?)
whether God is real or not would have no influence on his ability to take over the world.

But the only reason I haven't is because God has not had me do that yet
But the only reason I haven't is because God has not had me do that yet
Fallacy of false dilemma. There are more reasons... such as God does not exist, or God (if it exists) is not capable of making you. :shrug:
Some more signals

To get back on topic, here are some more important body signals:

Right ear symbolizes the Mercy of God
Left ear symbolizes the Justice of God

So, if my right ear or the region round about has a muscular spasm or itch, this means that I have incurred Mercy or Forgiveness for something I did.

If my left ear or the region round about has a muscular spasm or itch, this means that I have incurred Justice or Punishment for something I did.
Fallacy of false dilemma.

I think it's a false dichotomy, not necessarily a dilemma.

(Form Wiki: "A dilemma (Greek: δί-λημμα "double proposition") is a problem offering at least two possibilities, neither of which is practically acceptable."
The word "dilemma" is often wrongly used to mean 'dichotomy.')

Nor, then, do you have a consistent answer for why God has the qualities that he has. The best you can do is to say that God simply is what he is.

To be clear, I'm not talking about a descriptive explanation rather one that lacks such details. Having said that I do have an answer through my belief but there's also logic behind my belief.


But are consistent explanations necessary in order to think, feel or behave a certain way?
Not really.

We may not need a descriptive explanation but we do require an explanation to prevent denial.
I think it's a false dichotomy, not necessarily a dilemma.
(Form Wiki: "A dilemma (Greek: δί-λημμα "double proposition") is a problem offering at least two possibilities, neither of which is practically acceptable."
The word "dilemma" is often wrongly used to mean 'dichotomy.')
They are actually synonymous when only two options are offered, and those offered are not practically acceptable.
A Dichotomy is more precisely the splitting up of a whole into exactly two non-overlapping or mutually exclusive alternatives.
A dilemma is offering only certain possibilities (two or more). "Either we go through the door on the left, or the door on the right - and neither will be good!!"

As such a false dichotomy fallacy is synonymous with a false dilemma fallacy when there are only two possibilities provided - as both intend the consideration of two mutually exclusive alternatives and the ignoring of other possible alternatives - with the ignored alternatives being more practically acceptable.
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To be clear, I'm not talking about a descriptive explanation rather one that lacks such details. Having said that I do have an answer through my belief but there's also logic behind my belief.

We may not need a descriptive explanation but we do require an explanation to prevent denial.

True, just as we require a succifient explanation in order to act consistently over a longer period of time

There are many things we are able to do as feats of will. But sooner or later, this becomes exhausting and we give up.

But the same principles apply to believing in God:
A person can will themselves to believe in God, but such belief requires a lot of energy and focus just to be maintained, and sooner or later the person will give up, unless they find a reason to believe in God that makes it seem worthwhile to believe in God.