Proof God Exists

@Signal --

I have no spiritual master and I don't need one. I'm filled with awe at the universe all on my own, no supernatural or half-baked theologians needed.

@Pincho --

Irrelevant to my point, red herring fallacy.

Again, this is irrelevant. My point was that you don't need to know the right answer to tell when an answer is bullshit. This is yet another red herring.

And if I'm the second person to say this to you, then that tells you something that has nothing to do with philosophy.

It's a philosophical position, how could it have nothing to do with philosophy?

Give me one reason why I should let that bother me? I swear because it's a good way to vent frustration(much better than punching a pillow or potentially harming those around me) and because when it's used in the right way it adds an emotional value to the post(in communicating my emotions). I'm a writer(what? did you think that this is all I do?), I'm not going to eschew the use of words just because some people might consider me immature for using them. If someone would judge me just on that then I really don't have any reason to care what they think, the mature thing to do is to judge a person's argument not on how it sounds but on it's validity.

And quite frankly you, and a few others here, have given me absolutely no reason to give a shit about your opinions.

@Knowledge --

Yeah...not going to happen. Even if I wanted to give up my lust for knowledge I couldn't, it's human instinct to learn about the world around us, even newborn infants do it(to an extent limited by their physical capabilities). What you're asking isn't just difficult and likely painful, it's just plain impossible. You and your god both seem to like giving impossible decrees and demands, don't you?

@Jan --

Small wonders.

You haven't actually been looking at the evidence have you?

Not only do you swear to be heard, but you are also one of these people that post a longer, and longer post each time. That's another sign that you want to be heard to the extreme. And that sort of personality sure fits a writer who has the job of being heard.

I don't really feel the need to correct you. I would write it down, you would hear a whooosh! above your head.
Congratulations Pincho.
I hadn't realised your crackpottery extended into amateur psychology as well.

Kudos to you on being multi-untalented, not many people can manage to be so tediously incompetent in so many fields.
@Dyw --

Now now, don't insult the already questionable practice of psychology by associating it with Pincho, that's just unnecessary.
@Pincho --

Actually what would happen is you would write it down and then everyone in the room with me would hear the dying screams of a couple million brain cells undergoing stupidity induced neuronal apoptosis. It would normally be more neurons but I've developed something of a resistance due to prolonged exposure to your posts.
@Dyw --

Now now, don't insult the already questionable practice of psychology by associating it with Pincho, that's just unnecessary.
Pfft, I did say amatuer psychology. ;)

And, (despite my engineering background), I will defend psychology as, at the very least, a nascent science (or a damn good attempt at being one).
@Pincho --

Actually what would happen is you would write it down and then everyone in the room with me would hear the dying screams of a couple million brain cells undergoing stupidity induced neuronal apoptosis. It would normally be more neurons but I've developed something of a resistance due to prolonged exposure to your posts.

Well you impress Dwindler so you are at least heard by somebody.
Stupid move on your part Pincho...

To have a name that is hard to remember... yes.. Although you can use it as a fly trap I suppose. That's the sort of response you seem to like in threads. Maybe get people banned now and again. If you posted on topic there would be no problems.
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To have a name that is hard to remember.
And being hard to remember also makes it impossible to copy from a post that is directly above the one you made?
Stupid excuse.

Although you can use it as a fly trap I suppose. That's the sort of response you seem to like in threads. Maybe get people banned now and again.
And another stupid "excuse". Since "dwindler" isn't even close to Dywyddyr.

If you posted on topic there would be no problems.
How was your post attacking Arioch "on-topic"?
Maybe if you didn't post there'd be fewer "problems".
And being hard to remember also makes it impossible to copy from a post that is directly above the one you made?
Stupid excuse.

And another stupid "excuse". Since "dwindler" isn't even close to Dywyddyr.

No, but you Dwindle around in threads, so I wasn't using your name I was using your personality.
And being hard to remember also makes it impossible to copy from a post that is directly above the one you made?
Stupid excuse.

And another stupid "excuse". Since "dwindler" isn't even close to Dywyddyr.

How was your post attacking Arioch "on-topic"?
Maybe if you didn't post there'd be fewer "problems".

If you go back to the beginning, I wasn't attacking Arioch. Arioch posts off-topic like you, and makes threads go off topic.
If you go back to the beginning, I wasn't attacking Arioch. Arioch posts off-topic like you, and makes threads go off topic.

That's another sign that you want to be heard to the extreme.
You post things like this, basically claiming to have the perfect set of experiences to basically know all about the universe. You lie and bullshit in ever increasing amounts to get attention. I hardly think you're in a position to be accusing others of being attention whores.
@Alpha --

Just because that's true is no reason to just dismiss what he's saying, even hypocrites can be right. He's not right(my behavior isn't attention seeking it's a sort of "I like arguing with people because it's fun" behavior), but that's irrelevant to whether or not he could be.
Dewy's Confession

I have a confession to make.

When I said that I wanted to "come clean" and that I had just been pretending to be a "gullible" person who would believe any old thing, I was lying to save face because everyone was making fun of me.

The body signals are in fact real.

I very well may have lost my soul by denying the truth. Please forgive me for this awful betrayal of your trust.

The signals are real and true! They are from God and will guide you to an understanding of the truth. Disregard my dishonest denial. I was embarrassed to be ridiculed so I lied. Shame on me.