Proof God Exists

You post things like this, basically claiming to have the perfect set of experiences to basically know all about the universe. You lie and bullshit in ever increasing amounts to get attention. I hardly think you're in a position to be accusing others of being attention whores.

Attention Whore EEEuuu I Like That . Yeah Me be that . Oh yeah feels good Bubba. Do it to me one more time .

You don't pick on Me anymore . I am not feeling your love brother .
And we have our Poe back, yay.

I can't describe how horrified I am for you to be considering me to be a lying "Poe." A Poe pretends to be a pious believer for the sake of parody. I am struggling to correct a grievous mistake, nothing more.
@Dewy --

And that's exactly what a Poe would say under these circumstances. It's the ultimate reductio ad absurdum.
I can't describe how horrified I am for you to be considering me to be a lying "Poe." A Poe pretends to be a pious believer for the sake of parody. I am struggling to correct a grievous mistake, nothing more.

And it is a mistake that is very very difficult to correct.
The more you try to explain and justify yourself, the deeper you sink into the mud of your own making.

I suggest that you stop fooling around, stop explaining or justifying yourself, and begin presenting your stance straightforwardly as it is.
My logic goes like this.
People would like to know whether God exists.
It says you can ask of God in prayer.
What you ask in faith you will receive.
Pray in faith that God proves he exists.
Wait for the answer.
Bam! God is revealed!

Well at least on a personal level. (I say this from a personal level for I went through this procedure.) I have no idea what God is but I know it exists.
@Rob --

If that worked then there wouldn't be nearly as many atheists in the world as there are today. Don't you know that most of the atheists from the US were theists(almost always christian) before they freed themselves from their faith?
@NM --

Given that praying to a bottle of milk demonstrably gives the same results as praying to god I would just say "bin it" and actually go do something productive. You know what they say "one pair of hands at work is worth more than a billion clasped in prayer".
@Rob --

If that worked then there wouldn't be nearly as many atheists in the world as there are today. Don't you know that most of the atheists from the US were theists(almost always christian) before they freed themselves from their faith?
As i said I don't know what God is but it exists, so I read a few threads on this forum and the "God" question seems to be a dominant issue.
Is God and Nothing similar -that is being discussed here, Is God Nothing?
Who knows but it exists, and I don't know what I expect. I too have wondered "will I end up Atheist?" but I don't think so.
I can see the problem; How do you pray in faith for something you don't believe? now that could be a tricky situation but if it is approached I really want to know! That should work.
And you say it hasn't worked for others! I don't know the answer to that but in my case the answer took a period of 30 odd years.
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About the body signals:

To be truthful, I have my doubts that they will prove anything if people don't want them to. I already knew God existed when I began noticing them. As my experience here has taught me, they aren't the miracle cure for unbelief that I thought they would be.

When I posted this thread, I had grand dreams of converting thousands, maybe even millions or billions, to the truth. I was on a power trip. Then to confound things, I went and lied to save face. Stupid. By doing this I've offended God and brought severe condemnation on my head.

I apologize to the people of this message board for this lie and for my arrogance. I do not speak for God. As for the body signals, it remains unclear to me what or who they are for. I shouldn't have said anything about them when I wasn't sure about them, even though they appear to work for me.

If I may be so bold, the way to discover God is through faith and prayer, not by watching itches and twitches. I'm sorry for the trouble and confusion I've caused.
About the body signals:

To be truthful, I have my doubts that they will prove anything if people don't want them to. I already knew God existed when I began noticing them. As my experience here has taught me, they aren't the miracle cure for unbelief that I thought they would be.

When I posted this thread, I had grand dreams of converting thousands, maybe even millions or billions, to the truth. I was on a power trip. Then to confound things, I went and lied to save face. Stupid. By doing this I've offended God and brought severe condemnation on my head.

I apologize to the people of this message board for this lie and for my arrogance. I do not speak for God. As for the body signals, it remains unclear to me what or who they are for. I shouldn't have said anything about them when I wasn't sure about them, even though they appear to work for me.

If I may be so bold, the way to discover God is through faith and prayer, not by watching itches and twitches. I'm sorry for the trouble and confusion I've caused.

You saved one -yourself. I try and never lie. Never ever lie that is my philosophy.:)