Proof for ETI: Part 2

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Fiery said:
Stop to think for a second, CrazyMikey, there is a say I have heard in relation to miltary and underlings of any sort, "I don't pay you to think".
Some thought processes will not match the humans thought processes. Don't forget humans use only a fraction of their brains at present, thus we humans were created with future potential, not necessarily the same applies to ETI.

Fiery, this post was not interesting enough to make it in two different threads...

View his obtuse reasoning again, and my response <a href="">here</a>.
crazymikey said:
You never seem to say anything new, it's always the same -

Something about "pots" & "kettles" wants to emerge in this post, but I'll restrain it. Your ignorance to scientific method and the nature of evidence is apparent to those that aren't looking to you for justification of their own belief systems.

crazymikey said:
I would appreciate you halt doing this, as it only detracts from the topic, and real reason - I'm getting bored of you.

So put me on your ignore list. That way I can go on refuting your BS without distraction and you can keep vomitting it out in the same manner.

But you have yet to answer a few things:

What is your evidence or citation to research that suggests dinosaurs weren't exterminated by a meteorite?
If you are so sure that your evidence is solid and that your claims are based in science, why do you continue to post in the pseudoscience forum?
What two scientists see you or your claims as valid?
And I think there were a couple other questions that have gone unanswered among these threads of psuedoscience claims... they escape my memory for now.
So put me on your ignore list. That way I can go on refuting your BS without distraction and you can keep vomitting it out in the same manner.

You know what I think is BS?

I think your periodic entries into this thread to proclaim the same things over and over again, when we heard you the first time - is BS

I think your incredibly prejudiced notion of ETI/UFO researchers and scientists to be cultists and fanatics - is BS

I thik your non stop whining and labelling of everything that doesn't support your views, as pseudoscience - is BS

I think your constant rant about the scientific method, when you don't even understand the scientific method, science and physics, and nor are a scientist - is BS

I think your pseudo-intellectual manner of meticulously composing posts, wording sentences and decorating it, and yet never making an intelligent and constructive point - is BS (as well as pathetic)

I think your constant demand for evidence, even after you are given it - is BS

I think deluding yourself that you have been of any worth to this discussion -is BS

I think your pointless arguments and fights, when you don't even have a issue - is BS

I think your constant citation of other web sites, when they have little to nothing to do with the subject - is BS

I think you instantly accusing Dark_Knight of being psychotic and schizophrenic, simply because she claimed to have been abducted - is BS

I think your semi-retarded approach of unending logical fallacy, and trying to pass it off as legitimate logic, when you have been reprimanded many times before for the same - is BS

I think - you are complete and utter BS; a complete jerk, with barely any intelligence, maturity, and tolerance for other views. So yes, I think I will put you on my ignore list.
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Its' clear this thread should be closed. Mikey is not interested in discussion but only to preach his doctrines and insult everyone who does not agree with his views.
SkinWalker said:
Hathaway, et al attempted to replicate Podkletov's published research in the 1990's, not his experiment in J. Low Temp Physics. In fact, in the latter article (and I'm looking at the print version which put the article dead last in the journal for August) appears unrelated to Hathaway, et al's experiment. At any rate, I'd suggest reading the Physica C paper.

Sadly, I do not have access to the printed Journals, as I am not a student.
I can sometimes find access to full versions of published papers online and
sometimes I can't. I could only find an abstract of Hathaway's paper, but I
have read comments on it in the past. It was, of course, based on Podkletnov's earlier work and not on his recient publications. The following
remarks are hearsay and not necessarily true, although they are supposed
to follow from direct conversations with Podkletnov and others connected
with Hathaway, et al, attempts to replicate the earlier results. There was
reported to be much friction and personality conflicts when constructing the
device. Prodkletnov's instructions were not followed exactly, resulting in
him withdrawing from the project before completion. There was reported to
be professional differences of opinion among the other participants, also.
Podkletnov has also stated that he was concerned his work would be used
for military purposes and not for the benefit of mankind, as per his dream.
It is said he now collaborates with few institutions or industries, preferring
to work with a small group of scientists and friends. I cannot be certain the
previous comments are absolutely correct, but I have read them at more
than one location in the past and I like to entertain the thought that maybe
someone IS concerned with what is best for humanity. I have seen no rebuttals of Podkletnov's latest papers, but, of course, I don't know everything. I realize his papers are controversial, but they did pass peer
review and just maybe he ISN'T a fraud. I guess you could consider me an
optimist, correct?
Oh, I agree, his latest papers appear to be interesting and surviving the peer review process.

But the antigrav papers, where he claimed to have obtained a decrease of 1-2% mass don't seem to be reproducible based on the methodologies he presented. I think its safe to say that his work is promising and, with revision, can advance.

Crazymikey said, "counter that" when he posted the link to the New Scientist article. I felt the need to demonstrate that just because he reads it in a popular magazine doesn't mean that it's necessarily factual. There are some inherent problems with Podkletnov's work, which he may or may not be able to overcome. But Boeing, NASA, etc. aren't going out of their way to kiss his butt, based on what I've seen so far.

I realize that this won't sway crazymikey, but it's important that others who are reading his dribble see another side of the fence. The wow-factor can only go so far.

By the way, I can email you the paper in .pdf if you want it (Hathaway's). If attachments were working, I'd have posted it.
Yes, Boeing later released a statement in response to the New Scientist article.
"We are aware of Podkletnov's work on 'anti-gravity' devices and would be interested in seeing further development work being done. However, Boeing is not funding any activities in this area at this time," the statement said.

"The recent report that we are is based on a misinterpretation of information. For instance, GRASP is not a codename for a current project but rather an acronym for a presentation entitled "Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion," in which a Boeing engineer explains Podkletnov's theory and proposes that we should continue to monitor this work and perhaps even conduct some low-cost experiments to further assess its plausibility. No steps have been taken beyond this point by Boeing."

According to Cook's report, the GRASP document made these observations about Podkletnov's work:

An anti-gravity beam four inches (10 centimeters) wide has been demonstrated in Russia, successfully repelling objects more than a half-mile (1 kilometer) away with negligible power loss.
Such technology could be engineered into a new weapons system capable of vaporizing objects.
Objects placed over a rapidly spinning disc of superconducting material lost up to 2 percent of its weight, a feat NASA was unable to replicate during the 1990s but plans to try again soon using hardware built to Podkletnov’s specifications.
The Boeing paper also states that "classified activities in gravity modification may exist" and that Podkletnov is against the military use of this technology, according to the report by Cook."

Funding for NASA's Advanced Propulsion Project has also been stopped by congress.
In essence, (paraphraising) the comment of a member of congress "It is a waste of
taxpayers money to continue funding a project trying to overturn the laws of physics."
I couldn't disagree more with that statement. I believe more money should go into
research in advanced physics, but know that everyone doesn't agree.
Funding for NASA's Advanced Propulsion Project has also been stopped by congress.
In essence, (paraphraising) the comment of a member of congress "It is a waste of
taxpayers money to continue funding a project trying to overturn the laws of physics."
I couldn't disagree more with that statement. I believe more money should go into
research in advanced physics, but know that everyone doesn't agree.

Well, in some respects they are right: the technology has been progressing for over 50 years, and since the 80's, anti-gravity propulsion craft have been tested in secret bases. It does seem like a waste of time and money to fund research of something that already exists. What is happening now, is the technology is surfacing into the "white world" so to speak; much like the transistor; fibre optics; compact disk; integrated circuit chip technologies.
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If you have empirically verified the existence of the Higgs Boson I think a great number of particle physicists would like a chat.

Exploiting chemical energy depends on the energy released when chemical bonds are created, such as H + O (Sorry, I don't mean to be condescending, just trying to get myself across from first principles). Water has lower energy state than its component hydrogen and oxygen. I'm afraid that I don't know the proper terminology - any chemists out there please humour me.
When nuclear fission occurs, the combined mass of the fission products is less than that of the initial unstable nuclei. The mass deficit has been converted to energy. The nuclei the other side of iron in terms of mass release energy the other way - by fusion.
In all of the above cases there is an energy gradient from relatively high to relatively low. Although Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle forbids the energy in a bounded volume from being known precisely (hence its probable non-zero value), there is still no lower energy level that it could take. So even hough the energy of the vacuum is non-zero, it is unusable.
I am sorry, no it has not been empirically verified - rather it has been observed.

Yes, I am aware, (I have studied chemistry :p) of chemical bonds. You see, from our zero point reference, the binding energy of molecules seems to be the highest source of energy - untill we can look down so to speak. There is a natural energy gradient - from molecular binding energy - atomic binding energy - sub-atomc binding energy. We know that all these binding energies can be exploited, the further we look down, the energy density increases by powers of 10, henceforth, it should be possible to exploit the vacuum field energy.

In fact the vacuum energy is not the absolute and highest density of power. Even virtual matter is binded with energy. It is my contention that we can continue this progression to infinity - the binding force of existence itself.

Now, I am not sure why you are convinced the vacuum energy is not usable. I suggest you do some research into zero point physics and over unity devices - electricity, magnatism, and gravity are manifestations of this field energy. This is where electricity(electron streams) is originating from. We can enchance this process with over-unity devices to yield more electrical energy. By using/controlling inertia forces to perpetuate the process of electrical generation; as in spinning a coil in a magnet - eliminating the reliance on mechanical energy. Free energy is actually simple, and it always has been.

We rely on wind power, hydro power, steam power, to spin the coil. When in fact we could use inertia forces themselves to spin the coil - we ARE extracting energy from the vacuum fied. The more we can control these inertial forces, the more energy we can generate. This can be done crudely with special arragements of electromagnets, or with more sophisticated anti-gravity devices.

In fact its somewhat bemusing that you suggest we cannot tap vacuum field energy - because we've been doing just that ever since we discovered how to generate eletricity. Is it not logical to you, the more you spin, the faster you spin, and the better the coil - the more electricity you generate ?
Ever heard of a Tesla coil? A tesla coil inducts energy from the Earth's magnetic field, and With just low voltage power, about 112 volts, it can generate high voltage, high frequency power(thousands of watts) and transmit electrical power in the air - even if you hold a florescent light tube several feet away, it will light up.

You see, this is been known for around a 100 years. Have you ever realised that if we could harness inertial forces, we would generate free, abundant, and clean electricity from it. This is the principle, over-unity and Tesla coils operate on. They are all tapping into field energy.

Now to access all the energy of a vacuum field - as in 10^70, we will need more than just special arrangments of electromagnets or anti-gravity. We will need to modify quantum gravity and the very quantum nature of matter, to completely convert the vacuum field into electrical energy.
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Proof of Government assassinations:

I'm not feeling well today, so forgive me for not fully writing up on each case. I may add to it later, when I feel better. I have provided sources for each case for your reading.

In this proof I present, how serious this matter really is and how sinister and dangerous this shadow government is. It is not just a philosophical musing of "Are we alone?" this matter is actually tainted in blood of innocent people, and the criminals behind this have not been punished, and worse still, they are running our planet, continuely commiting atrocities against our people.

I ask people to look at these unbiassed and unswayed by official explanations - which are suspect anyway:(although do seek them)

James Forrestal:

Overview: James Forrestial was US sectery of defence to President Truman. Who was dischanted by sinister matters, with a possible UFO connection. He repeatedly claimed, that officials were after him. Later found dead at Nevada military hospitol. of James Forrestal.htm

Dr Wilhelm Reich:

Overview: Dr Reich claimed to have discovered a new form of energy that he said pervaded all of existence. He wrote scientific papers on how energy is the primary manifestation of the universe. He continued on to experiment with weather modification experiments, and how this life energy could be used to treat any illness. His experiments attracted UFO's, that he speculated were ETI. Later the US government arrested him, and he was sentenced to two years on a charge of violating interstate commerce laws connected to the transport of an invention Dr. Reich called Orgone Energy Accumulators and his invention was destroyed by the FDA and his scientific papers burnt. The next year, Dr Reich was found dead.

Senator Joseph McCarthy:

Overview: Josepth McCarthy had publically made his reservations for the US governments's undertakings and it's connection to UFO to the point of becoming a hurdle. Later he was found mysteriously dead at Nevada military hospitol.

Edward Ruppelt

Overview: Captain Ruppelt was the head of the Project Blue book, and was very disatisfied with the government's investigations into the matter. He later died of a mysterious heart attack.

John F Kennedy:

Overview: In 1963, Kennedy evidently issued an ultimatum to MJ-12 and they decided that Kennedy should be subject to an expediency - killed.

Dr. James E. MacDonald:

Overview: Long time enemy of the government, and prominent UFO researcher, suddenly drives out into the Nevdaa desert and shoots himself in the head.

Bill Copper:

Cooper first appeared on A 1988 broadcast ‘UFO COVER-UP LIVE’ from Washington DC along with another unknown official - under the pseudonym "agent falcon" and "agent Condor" They disclosed information about the Greys from Zeta Reticuli, and how the US government had in their captivity a live alien from the Rosewell crash. In 1952 The US government recieved from the Alien several UFO's to test-fly. He claimed it takes them around 91 days to get here(Zeta Reticuli is 39 light years) - meaning they travel over 150 times faster than the speed light.

Several years later Agent Falcon was identified as William Cooper. He was later shot dead in a police encounter on the charge of "local matters"

22 British SDI scientists and researchers die in "suicides" and "accidents"


AUTO ACCIDENT--Professor Keith Bowden, 45, computer scientist, Essex University. In March 1982 Bowden's car plunged off a bridge, into am abandoned rail yard. His death was listed as an accident.
MISSING PERSON--Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Godley, 49, defense expert, head of work-study unit at the Royal Military College of Science. Godley disappeared in April 1983. His father bequeathes him more than $60,000, with the proviso that he claim it be 1987. He never showed up and is presumed dead.

SHOTGUN BLAST--Roger Hill, 49, radar designer and draftsman, Marconi. In March 1985 Hill allegedly killed himself with a shotgun at the family home.

DEATH LEAP--Jonathan Walsh, 29, digital-communications expert assigned to British Telecom's secret Martlesham Health research facility (and to GEC, Marconi's parent firm). In November 1985 Walsh allegedly fell from his hotel room while working on a British Telecom project in Abidjan, Ivory Coast (Africa). He had expressed a fear for his life. Verdict: Still in question.

DEATH LEAP--Vimal Dajibhai, 24, computer-software engineer (worked on guidance system for Tigerfish torpedo), Marconi Underwater Systems. In August 1986 Dajibhai's crumpled remains were found 240 feet below the Clifton suspension bridge in Bristol. The death has not been listed as a suicide.

DECAPITATION--Ashaad Sharif, 26, computer analyst, Marconi Defense Systems. In October 1986, in Bristol, Sharif allegedly tied one end of a rope around a tree and the other end around his neck, then drove off in his car at high speed. Verdict: Suicide.

SUFFOCATION--Richard Pugh, computer consultant for the Ministry of Defense. In January 1987 Pugh was found dead, wrapped head-to- toe in rope that was tied four times around his neck. The coroner listed his death as an accident due to a sexual experiment gone awry.

ASPHYXIATION--John Brittan, Ministry of Defense tank batteries expert, Royal Military College of Science. In January 1987 Brittan was found dead in a parked car in his garage. The engine was still running. Verdict: Accidental death.

DRUG OVERDOSE--Victor Moore, 46, design engineer, Marconi Space Systems. In February 1987 Moore was found dead of a drug overdose. His death is listed as a suicide.

ASPHYXIATION--Peter Peapell, 46, scientist, Royal Military College of Science. In February 1987 Peapell was found dead beneath his car, his face near the tail pipe, in the garage of his Oxfordshire home. Death was due to carbon-monoxide poisoning, although test showed that the engine had been running only a short time. Foul play has not been ruled out.

ASPHYXIATION--Edwin Skeels, 43, engineer, Marconi. In February 1987 Skeels was found dead in his car, a victim of carbon-monoxide poisoning. A hose led from the exhaust pipe. His death is listed as a suicide.

AUTO ACCIDENT--David Sands, satellite projects manager, Eassams (a Marconi sister company). Although up for a promotion, in March 1987 Sands drove a car filled with gasoline cans into the brick wall of an abandoned cafe. He was killed instantly. Foul play has not been ruled out.

AUTO ACCIDENT--Stuart Gooding, 23, postgraduate research student, Royal Military College of Science. In April 1987 Gooding died in a mysterious car wreck in Cyprus while the College was holding military exercises on the island. Verdict: Accidental death.

AUTO ACCIDENT--George Kountis, experienced systems analyst at British Polytechnic. In April 1987 Kountis drowned after his BMW plunged into the Mersey River in Liverpool. His death is listed as a misadventure.

SUFFOCATION--Mark Wisner, 24, software engineer at Ministry of Defense experimental station for combat aircraft. In April 1987 Wisner was found dead in his home with a plastic bag over his head. At the inqust, his death was ruled an accident due to a sexual experiment gone awry.

AUTO ACCIDENT--Michael Baker, 22, digital-communications expert, Plessey Defense Systems. In May 1987 Baker's BMW crashed through a road barrier, killing the driver. Verdict: Misadventure.

HEART ATTACK--Frank Jennings, 60, electronic-weapons engineer for Plessey. In June 1987 Jennings allegedly dropped dead of a heart attack. No inquest was held.

DEATH LEAP--Russel Smith, 23, lab technician at the Atomic Energy Research Establishment. In January 1988 Smith's mangled body was found halfway down a cliff in Cornwall. Verdict: Suicide.

ASPHYXIATION--Trevor Knight, 52, computer engineer, Marconi Space and Defense Systems. In March 1988 Knight was found dead in his car, asphyxiated by fume from a hose attached to the tail pipe. The death was ruled a suicide.

ELECTROCUTION--John Ferry, 60, assistant marketing director for Marconi. In August 1988 Ferry was found dead in a company-owned apartment, the stripped leads of an electrical cord in his mouth. Foul play has not been ruled out.

ELECTROCUTION--Alistair Beckham, 50, software engineer, Plessey. In August 1988 Beckham's lifeless body was found in the garden shed behind his house. Bare wires, which ran to a live main, were wrapped around his chest. Now suicide note was found, and police habe not ruled out foul play.

ASPHYXIATION--Andrew Hall, 33, engineering manager, British Aero- space. In September 1988 Hall was found dead in his car, asphyxiated by fumes from a hose that was attached to the tail pipe. Friends said he was well liked, had everything to live for. Verdict: Suicide.

In addition to the above cases, we have Phill Schiender's assassination, that we have already covered. There is a reported case of 66 scientists being killed by military officials at three mile island on October 1979. Although there is little evidence to suggest this happend, yet, the case cannot be ruled out.


All these cases have one common denominator: UFO and ETI. All suggest foul play and all are a series of chance encounters. In some of them, the victim has even said prior to their death, that they are in danger. It's quite clear what is going on here, and I implore you to not be so gullible and swallow the official explanations.

Have all these men died invain? They have lost their lives in getting the truth out to you - the public. So now, I implore you the public, to do something to get these courageous people some justice.

If you still don't beleive, there really is an Government and ETI agenda. Fine. But at least recognize how serious this matter is, and why it should be heard by all. What is at stake here - is nothing but the future of our human race. What is at stake here - is nothing but us, our friends and our family. What is at stake here - is nothing but our planet.

The rest, I leave to you :)
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Amazing, not one fatality caused by an alien 'death ray'. Not one victim quoted as suffering from 'Cobalt Radiation'.

In fact, a mix of methods, that seems nothing out of the ordinary. People kill themselves all the time, and many die in car accidents. So there is nothing to see in that list.

It didn't list the guys that worked for Marconi that all died of cancer, because they worked in an adjacent lab to one where Radars were tested, and had insufficient screening. Now that was just a fuck up, plain and simple, so conspiracy required.

You're going to have to far better than a bunch of disparate deaths and allusion.
In fact, a mix of methods, that seems nothing out of the ordinary. People kill themselves all the time, and many die in car accidents. So there is nothing to see in that list.

It's just a miraculous coincidence that they all share the common denominator of ETI/Government. The same people benefited from their death. Some of them went on record and said they were in danger. They all die in "suicide" and "accidents" and some in government establishments. Yes that really is amazing.

For some, thinking is a choice.
crazymikey said:
It's just a miraculous coincidence that they all share the common denominator of ETI/Government.

They only have that 'common denominator' because you have selected to publish deaths of people who work for the government, and claim they have something to do with ETs, which is completely unproven.

For some, thinking is a choice.

Now, using a really bogus selection criteria like you have, and saying that, is pretty funny. You're still on this superiority kick, but time and again you don't see the obvious holes in your 'evidence'.

Hey, a guy I knew was found hanging in his garage, was that due to ETs?
They only have that 'common denominator' because you have selected to publish deaths of people who work for the government, and claim they have something to do with ETs, which is completely unproven.

Connect to: "The same people benefited from their death. Some of them went on record and said they were in danger. They all die in "suicide" and "accidents" and some in government establishments."

Now go and work out the probability of this :)

Then, read up each case, and see how mysterious and conveniant their deaths are.

For someone who accuses ETI/UFO believers of being gullible, yet swallows every government explanation, without questening it, you sure are the wrong person to comment.
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I have a question Mikey.
Why isn't Eugene Shoemaker on that list? Is there something more about Eugene I missed? If so, what is it?
Mikey, the probabilty means squat because you have hand picked the sample! If you looked at ALL suicides and suspicious deaths (although many of those you cited sounded mundane) and proved that Govt employees had a higher incidence per unit measure than employees in other fields I might start listening.

But if you cherry pick a bunch of stories and try and force a correlation, it's not convincing.

You think you're clever, yes? So go do the research, and publish the stats. Are you familiar with statistical analysis?
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