Prince Harry the Nazi

Some old fogey living in the west end may decide to teach the young man a lesson about what it's like to loose a family to a Nazi bomb.

Or losing a family to an American bomb or any other violent action caused by any other country? Yet hey, there is no problem showing Americanism or any other country pride. Worse actions have happened to more people than they have to Jews, by other countries that weren’t Nazis’ as well. Yet the amount of hatred compared to those other countries do not compare to the outrage shown by Jews from Nazis’. C’mon, let’s hear the outrage when someone waves their American flag for all the atrocities they have commited. Why don’t wear hear about that, eh?

Nope. Its called tact. You may enounter it someday.

Tact? Funny. So you have no problem with millions of people playing the role of a Nazi in a video game, yet you’re going to scream bloody murder for one person wearing a Nazi uniform? Heck, YOU need to show tact and restraint in your cries of vicitimization. If anything you should be complaining about the millions of people reinacting the role of a Nazi rather than one person doing so.

I wouldn’t mind this huge fuss that Jews are making of seeing the swastika IF those Jews were actually victims in WWII, but most people that complain about it weren’t even alive in those days. So for those people, I have the utmost respect of, but any other Jew complaining about it, they need to chill the heck out.

I’m curious, just how many more years are we going to have to hear about the holocaust or other Jewish persecution from you guys? Because if it’s going to go on for another 2,000 years which most of you have never lived through, I’m going to start complaining about lots of victimization that my people have gone through even if it may be hundreds of thousands of years in the past as well, which of course, I’ve never lived through either. Does that sound silly of me? If so, go look in the mirror (not directed at you, but everyone in general).

Manipulating? You amateur.
I can think of a million ways to do it.

Oh, I’m suuuure you could. ;)

If your argument was cutting, it wouldn't need manual drilling.

" it would have made no impact and you would have just schluffed it off."
Exactly-Do we blame your weak argument, or you lack of manipulating?

Neither. I blame your fanatical, no-way-in-hell-am-I-changing-my-position stance in which you have. There’s absolutely nothing I can say that will change your opinion, however, that doesn’t apply to other people. There are more people that feel the action of Prince Harry isn’t as bad as others that scream bloody murder think it was. So in that case, I have no weak argument if most agree with that. It’s just that there’s nothing I can say or do to sway your opinion on the matter.

The Japanese were in a marriage of convenience with the Germans. In reality, the Japanese harboured hundreds of Jewish families during the war

No, it was China, the victims of the Japanese, that harboured the Jews during the war.

Dude, this is flat out stupid. I said that
"the japanese killed indiscriminately"
which is equivelant to
"They flat out killed anyone who wasn’t Japanese."

'indiscriminately' means anyone, regardless of religion, race, sex, etc...

Yeah, I know, another word popped into mind, heh, my bad. But still, it’s silly to think the genocide of one race is worse than the genocide of all. The Japanese in that war were worse than the Nazis’.

An honor system.. heh, that’s pretty amusing. I’ll try and use that excuse sometime if I ever do something bad. ” - N

Kamikaze takes balls.

Ha, ha, f’in ha! You have no idea how funny yet idiotic I find this statement to be coming from you, a Jewish person. I guess I don’t even need to mention the balls of Palestinian suicide bombers. So if you weren’t the victims (sheesh, everyone is just out to getcha, eh?) of Palestinians, you’d be behind them 100% because of the balls and honor it takes to blow themselves up?

I don’t see ANY news footage or articles about others, but if something that offends only the Jews, all of a sudden BLAM, it makes headline news and is talked about for the next couple days. Those other people don’t even get a small blurb. You guys are acting like little babies with no self-control. - N

The Jews are in a very unique position. Maybe you should factor that into your thought to understand why.

A unique position my arse. Oh wait, they’re God’s Chosen People, so I guess that makes it all okay. As I said earlier, worse atrocities have happened and more people have died than Jews, yet their outcries combined from all those people compare nothing to that of you guys.

75% of the time the only rebuttal I hear is that they’re an anti-semite. I’m always going to wonder if you would have called me that if I wouldn’t have made that “save my ass from being called it” comment. ” - N

To say that something is categorically true about a group of people as diverse as Jews is quite a lot stupider than being called an anti-semite. I think these people are just being kind by not using harsher language.

Also, thats still weak grounds for 'protecting yourself'. Whats so bad about being called an anti-semite if you know its not true?

I actually have no problem being called anti-semite (which I’m not) as the word is meaningless these days due to the overuse of it. The ONLY problem I have with the word “anti-semite” isn’t the word itself but the constant overuse of which Jews use it. When an argument doesn’t go their way, they resort to calling someone an anti-semite as if it’s a trump card to try and end the conversation and make themselves out to be the victim and winner of the conversation.

If you can think of any good ideas, exclusive to the Nazi ideology then I'd like to hear them.

You put emphasis on “exclusive” which is what I find amusing. Why do I? Because there are no exclusive ideology which they had. They were just doing what EVERYONE else was either already doing or trying to do. Try and get rid of the lesser peoples of the world and breed a super race? They borrowed it from America. Conquer the world to create a one world government? That’s what everyone wants to try and do even if they deny it. Heck, that’s what America wants too.

Nazi ideology takes the best, yet controversial and extreme, ideas from everyone and actually put it into practice for everyone to view. That’s the only reason why people hate them. They weren’t doing anything new that wasn’t already being done by others, it’s just that people actually got to see it without it being so discrete and “behind the scences” which other governments and countries did. In this case, ignorance is bliss, but that doesn’t stop those actions from continuing to take place. Nazis’ only suck because they failed, yet were so close, in doing what they were trying to do. Once any other country or government gets as close to accomplishing what the Nazis’ did, that’s when they’ll get hated. Why do you think everyone hates America so much? There isn’t much difference between America and Nazis’ other than the discreteness of it all. This is why other countries got away with doing the exact same things the Nazis’ did.

Which brings me to:

The Jewish campaign is to raise awareness about genocide and racial conflict around the world. I haven't been to a single yom hashoah where there hasn't been mention of some other genocide going how we should all be working to put an end to it.

The problem of course, is that if falls on deaf ears because people are so convinced its a campaign of pity.

If you don't speak out, you will never be heard.

That’s good and all. If you want to spread awareness then do so. However, the only things I ever hear coming out from your corner is Nazi exclusive things which is why it IS a campaign of pity. Usually it’s about the problems and victimizations which you guys had to deal with as opposed to the opression and victimization of humanity as a whole. Preach about humanity = a good thing that gains massive respect. Preach only about yourselves = stfu you stingy bastards. That’s the problem.

Perhaps you should start a campaign against various news outlets that are painting you people in a bad light. They don’t focus on your awareness for all but only when it comes to bitching about things that only affect yourselves. Seriously, the only public things I ever hear of is only that and I doubt I’m not alone. If you truly care about humanity as a whole, take it up with the news networks and tell them to quit showing only you guys as victims, and please, do not call them anti-semites for doing so as that’ll just ruin your chance.

“ Well first off, Nazis’ didn’t get away with anything ” - N

Does the number 6 million mean anything to you.

And where are the Nazis’ today? They didn’t get away with anything. Where are the governments and countries that did the exact same thing Nazis’ did? They exist to this day. Therefore the OTHER governments and countries are the ones to have gotten away with it all. Heck, your "honourable" Japanese killed 8 million Chinese civilians (read 20M, all the way up to 60M) vs your 6 million Jews, which to this day, the amount continues to decrease. What's the latest number? Only 750k-1M Jews died from the Nazis'? Heck, the Nazis' called the Japs the Japanese Killing Machine because they made the Nazis' look like nothing!

“ Well you have some self-control issues then if you’re going to voice your differing opinion on everything. ” - N

I'm an easygoing person. I rarely feel the need to voice my opinion to a roomful of people who don't care, but when I do, I don't hold back. I come here expecting to find people who care at least a little. Nothing wrong with that.

I don't stand on crates and yell at the people passing by me.

Cool, I’m behind you 100% then. However, that’s just you. Why is it we constantly hear about Jewish victimization then? Why is it nobody cries as loud as you guys when it comes to bad things that have happened to ya? I mean c’mon, because of this Prince Harry incident, now all of the EU wants to ban swastikas, lol. Seriously, when it comes to Jews, Gays, the NAACP, and the ACLU complaining about things, I’ve had enough. We hear too much about it. Each of those groups are COMPLETELY justified in what they’re arguing against and discrimination for all should be abolished. But when we constantly hear about that crap, rather than gaining sympathizers, those groups then lose em. You mentioned tact, well, they all need to learn it.

“ Things which the Japanese did as well, if not even more worse things, yet almost everyone loves Japanese people and their culture. Other than reading about, or watching a documentary on, it, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone complaining about the Japanese. ” - N

Part of the reason the Japanese are so advanced is because they're packed so tightly together. They understand way more about culture, manners, tact and honor than most of the world, so I don't think its surprising that we idealize them.

Sorry, but this is another comment which I find funny yet so idiotic. So because a country somehow has culture, manners, tact, and honor, that gives them a get out of jail free card? So one can commit horrendous crimes and violent acts, yet if they have culture, manners, tact, and honor, it’s okay? That’s just absurd and no wonder all these countries “got away” with all of their crimes! Heck, the more I think about that unbelievable mindset, the more I’m actually gonna start feeling sorry for yes, the Nazis’ of all people, for getting such a bad rap and being the huge scapegoat of everything. Sorry Nazis’, but if you would have shown some manners, tact, and honor in the way you killed all those people, you would have been able to get away with it all. Nobody would have stopped you from conquering the world because you would have just been so awesome to be ruled by with your cool culture and all. :confused:

- N
The NZ Herald, published in Auckland, put it in context; there was a cartoon the day after this kerfuffle broke out. A guy in an academic capand gown was hanging by his wrists on the walls of a prison cell. He turns to a fellow prisoner and answers a question--"Me? I was Prince Harry's history teacher."
"Wearing a swastika = mocking human atrocity?"

He was in full Nazi dress, complete with armband. This is different from wearing a swastika alone.

I can't answer for anyone else, but to me the problem is simple: I'm not an anti-Semite. I dislike people who are. And the more people call things anti-Semitism that aren't really, the more people start thinking of all anti-Semitism as equally mild.

I understand what you're saying. Essentially, stating the obvious or untrue discredits the argument (years of sciforums experience speaking!!) Lobbyists though use this all the time. Its effective if you've got enough backup.

C’mon, let’s hear the outrage when someone waves their American flag for all the atrocities they have commited. Why don’t wear hear about that, eh?

Nazi uniform is synonymous with the Third Reich and everything it stood for. The American flag, while tied to some negative things, stands for things like freedom, democracy, right to a fair trial.

Which is worse?

I'm not a fan of flagwavers, but I don't think you can compare the two.

Tact? Funny. So you have no problem with millions of people playing the role of a Nazi in a video game, yet you’re going to scream bloody murder for one person wearing a Nazi uniform? Heck, YOU need to show tact and restraint in your cries of vicitimization.

Dude, its you who needs to chill down. I merely pointed out what a dumbass thing it was for him to do and you call that 'cries of victimization'?

I have a problem with video games that portray war as more than a first person shooter and mock atrocity. Its disrespectul and also... tactless.

I’m curious, just how many more years are we going to have to hear about the holocaust or other Jewish persecution from you guys?

Well after you're dead I'm guessing. You're going to hear less about it as the years go on, but talk of the holocaust won't die out in this lifetime.

Neither. I blame your fanatical, no-way-in-hell-am-I-changing-my-position stance in which you have. There’s absolutely nothing I can say that will change your opinion, however, that doesn’t apply to other people.

I've admitted to being on the wrong side of an argument in the past, but in this case.. I think I'm right.

There are more people that feel the action of Prince Harry isn’t as bad as others that scream bloody murder think it was. So in that case, I have no weak argument if most agree with that. It’s just that there’s nothing I can say or do to sway your opinion on the matter.

So, if the majority of people agree with you, you're right? sweet, I guess you're right man.

No, it was China, the victims of the Japanese, that harboured the Jews during the war.

No, actually, they came from China. I was shocked by the story, I'll see if I can pull up a link for you.

Yeah, I know, another word popped into mind, heh, my bad. But still, it’s silly to think the genocide of one race is worse than the genocide of all. The Japanese in that war were worse than the Nazis’.

I don't think so. Indiscrimate killing is not the same as genocide. Its kind of like what ghenghis khan and his crew did. They marched up to a city, gave its residents one chance to surreder and pay tribute, OR fight to the death, be raped and have their cities burnt to the ground.

Not nice, but not systematic and planned like genocide. They laid out the rules in advance, rather than blocking migration to another continent just so there would be enough to kill.

Ha, ha, f’in ha! You have no idea how funny yet idiotic I find this statement to be coming from you, a Jewish person. I guess I don’t even need to mention the balls of Palestinian suicide bombers. So if you weren’t the victims (sheesh, everyone is just out to getcha, eh?) of Palestinians, you’d be behind them 100% because of the balls and honor it takes to blow themselves up?

Just because I'm Jewish doesn't mean I need to fit on a certain side of argument. I take this prejudice as another sign of weakened reasoning.

Suicide bombers and kamikaze pilots may be foolish but I prefer them to the people who don't opinions(note that some suicide bombers/kamikaze fit into this category).

Oh wait, they’re God’s Chosen People, so I guess that makes it all okay. As I said earlier, worse atrocities have happened and more people have died than Jews, yet their outcries combined from all those people compare nothing to that of you guys.

Numbers are meaningless. The most important thing in considering genocide is the methods used by the killers. Nazi's tricked (?) Jews onto cattle trains, demoralized them, starved them, performed awful experiments and used the ashes for soap.

The khmer rouge were close, if not worse in their techniques, even though many fewer people were people were killed by the khmers. Get my point?

I actually have no problem being called anti-semite (which I’m not) as the word is meaningless these days due to the overuse of it.

I think Hitler was quoted as saying the exact same thing 70 years ago. You may be right - and I don't think you're a self-realized anti-semite- but theres no way of knowing for sure.

You put emphasis on “exclusive” which is what I find amusing. Why do I? Because there are no exclusive ideology which they had. They were just doing what EVERYONE else was either already doing or trying to do. Try and get rid of the lesser peoples of the world and breed a super race? They borrowed it from America. Conquer the world to create a one world government? That’s what everyone wants to try and do even if they deny it. Heck, that’s what America wants too.

In defense of:
Neildo said:
They had many good concepts so I see no reason for people to ignore them completely.

What I want to hear is one of the 'good concepts' you claim they had which hadn't already been in existence.

Usually it’s about the problems and victimizations which you guys had to deal with as opposed to the opression and victimization of humanity as a whole. Preach about humanity = a good thing that gains massive respect. Preach only about yourselves = stfu you stingy bastards.
In this case it is. Obviously, because thats the subject matter. We don't take unnecessary tangents. But I'm sure it would've been far less 'funny' to you if he'd have dressed up like a khmer if thats what you're talking about. We see pictures of it in color and many survivors are still around.

As for getting me to stfu, if you still think you can do that then you simply don't learn.

And where are the Nazis’ today? They didn’t get away with anything.

Simply existing is getting away with something. Do you really believe 6 million unprevented brutal murders don't count?

Only 750k-1M Jews died from the Nazis'

I'd like to see where you get your numbers. Mel Gibson?

Heck, your "honourable" Japanese killed 8 million Chinese civilians

Please don't put words in my worth. The fact that they didn't put people in those awful concentration camps is itself more honorable. It doesn't mean the Japanese government did a good thing by killing people, only that their methods of indiscrimate killing, rules out in advance, were better than genocide.

Why is it we constantly hear about Jewish victimization then?

I hear more people complaining about the people who complain about Jewish victimization than I do about Jewish victimization itself. But I've come to expect this.

Nobody would have stopped you from conquering the world because you would have just been so awesome to be ruled by with your cool culture and all.

The German spirit that dominated that timeframe -- one of optimism and scientific progress would've been enough to spread a huge influence. The Nazi's are often credited with starting that, but the fact is they only destroyed it.
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§outh§tar said:

Wearing a swastika = mocking human atrocity?

Come now tiassa.. don't disgrace yourself.

Oh, come now, §outh§tar, you know I'm not so simplistic as that.

Dr. Lou Natic said:
The prince of england dressing up as a nazi IS funny, BECAUSE of who he is.
It's not side splitting hilarity that will make you think for weeks, but it's as good a costume to wear as any other in the comedic sense if you are prince harry.
I'm pleased with his chosen attire, it exhibits his sense of humour quite fashionably.
If your knickers are in a twist about it, he was making fun of you and you are the idiot, congratulations. Harry wins.
He was being inappropriate on purpose, there's nothing "stupid" about it at all.

Now, let's just stop and think about it from Lou's perspective. Let's pretend that he's got Harry nailed on this one.

For what do we commend Prince Harry? For being intentionally inappropriate? Well, why be intentionally inappropriate? If it's about rejecting notions of royalty, I'm with Lou on this one and give him applause. If, however, it's about "winning", then I must disagree with Lou, because it's a stupid way to go about accomplishing what really is a silly point: Look at me, I can twist yer knickers!

"Good, Harry. Now sit. Beg. Roll over. Be predictable. That you're royalty at all is enough to twist some folks' knickers. And snap a perfectly good elastic waistband, too!"

Were he American and, say, a Kennedy, we'd all be writing Dr. Phil and blaming it on Charles.

(And how often do we get to make Teddy Kennedy "the attractive one"? Gary Shandling once reasoned that Denny's restaurants employed ugly waitresses in order to make the food look better. You know, "Waitress, these eggs look terrible!" So she picks it up, holds it next to her face, and says, "How about now?" Well, there you go. Make the British royals Kennedys, and Teddy can feel young again. He could take Charles out for a night on the town without feeling he's lost his role of, "the handsome one". You know, hey baby, and she says, "Sorry, you bloated sack of sh@t, you don't look too hot." So he grabs Charles, pulls him close, grins, and says, "How about now, baby?")

Anyway, if Prince Charles ends up on Dr. Phil because of this, then Harry can say, "I win!"
No, actually, they came from China. I was shocked by the story, I'll see if I can pull up a link for you.

Here's something I found during a quick search. Mentions both China and Japan's involvement with Jews.

Just because I'm Jewish doesn't mean I need to fit on a certain side of argument. I take this prejudice as another sign of weakened reasoning.

Suicide bombers and kamikaze pilots may be foolish but I prefer them to the people who don't opinions(note that some suicide bombers/kamikaze fit into this category).

Well in that case, you've gained a bit of respect from me as it shows you're not a hypocrit even though those tactics may be being used against ya. Thank goodness, we need more like ya.

The same applies to me about “terrorists”, which 9/11 wasn’t a terrorist act. The U.S.S. Cole or any embassy bombing isn’t a terrorist act either. Now killing people of an Olympic team, THAT is a terrorist act! Heck, any attack, even if it were from a legitimate country’s army would have caused “terror” in people for the simple fact of something actually happening on our soil, but that doesn’t mean it was from “terrorists” unless you want to call any act of war a terrorist act. That’s the only “terrorizing” factor of 9/11.

The World Trade Center was a huge economic center that caused a nice blow to us. The other targets were the White House and the Pentagon. Those weren’t attacks directed at “civilians” but rather the government. Sure, civilians died but it was more along the lines of “expendible losses” to make their mission happen NO differently than all the civilians that happen to die during the Iraq war. If there were no civilians in those buildings and instead the U.S. Army or some robots ran them, the target would have still been the same. Those expendible losses are no different from one another. And if you want to change the wording from one to the other, then they both have to be rather than picking and choosing to make one side look like victims and not the other. Gotta love propoganda, eh?

While I hate that my country is being targetted, those people are fully justified in what they’re doing. This problem wouldn’t be happening if we weren’t sticking our greedy little hands where they don’t belong and trying to change the way they live their life. They’re the victims just as Palestinians are. Even Indian citizens (India) blew themselves up when they were attacked by armies but nobody complains about that. The only reason why those methods are being used is because they have no real army. It’s an act of desperation that just happens to be highly effective. I’m sure they would only like to target only the military or government, but it’s pretty hard when they don’t have the ability to. The hijackers of 9/11 didn’t target airlines because civilians were on them, it’s because they’re highly effective weapons. It’s just too bad it’s very hard to find an airliner where there are no passangers on board. Even if they flew empty airliners, that wouldn’t change the opinion on them. They would have still be considered ruthless “terrorists” by most even for trying to minimize civilian casualties.

Like I said, I hate that my country is being targetted, and I will fight against them if they come my way, but those “terrorists” (not) are fully justified in what they’re doing. I’m not gonna be a hypocrit about my reasoning and morality of it all just because my country happens to be the so-called “victim”.

I actually have no problem being called anti-semite (which I’m not) as the word is meaningless these days due to the overuse of it. - N

I think Hitler was quoted as saying the exact same thing 70 years ago. You may be right - and I don't think you're a self-realized anti-semite- but theres no way of knowing for sure.

I study all religions. I've been to many churches, temples, synagogs, and the like. I dunno, it'd seem funny for me to be anti-semite, anti-christian, anti-muslim, anti-hindu, or whatever you can think of when I practice their same systems. I have no problem with either groups. I just flat out have a dislike for whiners, complainers, over-sensitive people, and idiotic people that lack common sense and other such things. Those types of people may be [insert ethic or religious group], but I don't dislike the group as a whole, it's just that person that annoys me.

You put emphasis on “exclusive” which is what I find amusing. Why do I? Because there are no exclusive ideology which they had. They were just doing what EVERYONE else was either already doing or trying to do. Try and get rid of the lesser peoples of the world and breed a super race? They borrowed it from America. Conquer the world to create a one world government? That’s what everyone wants to try and do even if they deny it. Heck, that’s what America wants too. - N

In defense of:
“ Originally Posted by Neildo
They had many good concepts so I see no reason for people to ignore them completely. ”

What I want to hear is one of the 'good concepts' you claim they had which hadn't already been in existence.

Like I said, you want claims that “hadn’t already been in existence”. Nazi idealogy isn’t anything exclusive only to Nazism. Many countries, even the U.S. have done what Nazi’s have done. That’s how they got their ideas for many things such as eugenics of cleansing out the weaker races, crippled, mentaly retarded, etc. The U.S. was doing just that before WWII. Most people may consider that to be a bad thing, but I personally feel it to be a good thing, as hard of a thing it may be for others to accept due to wanting to love and save all living things. What Nazis’ did was take all of the extreme and debatable “good” things from various countries and combined it all into one and made it happen whereas other countries and governments would only each do various parts of those extreme and debatable “good” things. People seem to not mind that other countries did those exact things Nazis’ did.

The only reason why Nazis’ are deemed so bad is because they so successfully did what others were already doing and then failed at world conquest. That and the victims (mainly Jews) spoke up so loudly to paint them in a worse light due to obviously, themselves being the victims. And I forget if you’re an American or not, but if it weren’t for the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor, the U.S. would have continued to let the Nazis’ do what they were doing. Heck, we even supplied them with lots of stuff! When it comes to bad things happening, mainly it’s just the victims that have a problem with it. And the only reason why the U.S. now is going out and doing things against countries that do bad things, it’s not because we’re doing it for any moral issues, but rather we’re using those moral issues as an excuse to expand our power and influence in valuable regions to us. This is why we let those same atrocities happen and do nothing about it because if a region is of no importance, morals are of no concern.

Usually it's about the problems and victimizations which you guys had to deal with as opposed to the opression and victimization of humanity as a whole. Preach about humanity = a good thing that gains massive respect. Preach only about yourselves = stfu you stingy bastards. - N

In this case it is. Obviously, because thats the subject matter. We don't take unnecessary tangents. But I'm sure it would've been far less 'funny' to you if he'd have dressed up like a khmer if thats what you're talking about. We see pictures of it in color and many survivors are still around.

As for getting me to stfu, if you still think you can do that then you simply don't learn.

I don't find anything "funny" about Prince Harry dressing up as a Nazi. Just because I don't find it funny, does that mean I have something against it? Nope. As you know, I don't find it offensive either. I just flat out don't care what he wore and you know why? Because it was a costume party! He could dress up like a serial killer, Freddy Krueger, Dr Kevorkian, Little Bo Peep, an African tribesman, a gorilla costume, a deady body with fake entrails coming out of his belly, an abortion Dr, and it'd make no difference. It's a costume party so it's all fake. Am I to say Prince Harry is for killing people? To have ANY opinion on the matter is flat out blowing things out of proportion.

As for the stfu comment, that wasn't directed at you. Replace it with "quit being.. stingy people" if you want. Preaching about the victimization for all of humanity is a good thing and shows caring. Trying to play the victim and preach only about the bad things done to yourselves and not others is just flat out being stingy so that's why I said "stfu" because most people don't like stingy types so they don't wanna hear them bitching. If this was a few decades ago, I'd have no problem with people complaining about the bad things done to them. But to continue doing so 60 years after the matter when most people complaining didn't even live during the times of the atrocities against their people is just beating a dead horse to death.

And where are the Nazis' today? They didn't get away with anything. - N

Simply existing is getting away with something. Do you really believe 6 million unprevented brutal murders don't count?

You used the wrong wording of "getting away with". Just because an action happened, it doesn't mean Nazis' "got away with" it. Robbing a bank and not being convicted is getting away with something. Robbing a bank and being sent to jail isn't. Committing murder and not being convicted is getting away with murder. Committing a murder and being sent to jail isn't. To have a powerful Nazi empire slaughter tens of thousands of people and having a Nazi state exist today is getting away with genocide. Having a powerful Nazi empire slaugher tens of thousands of people and then have the whole empire crumble isn't getting away with it.

Sure, there's a few wannabe Nazi's roaming around spouting this and that, but they're just fools and aren't the ones that existed and committed the crimes during those times in the same way that many Jews that cry victimization aren't the same ones who suffered in those times. And for the very few amount of people that exist today that committed the crimes, THOSE people did get away with it, but the amount is so low, and I doubt they share the same idealogy that they once did. So you can say those few got away with it, but as a whole, Nazis' didn't as they got their butt wooped on.

Only 750k-1M Jews died from the Nazis' - N

I'd like to see where you get your numbers. Mel Gibson?

Oh please, don't tell me you're one of the types that say Mel Gibson is anti-semite because of The Passion of the Christ, lol.

You people really ARE afraid of the facts, aren't ya? First you want to deny that Jews killed Christ over his blasphemy of claiming to be king, and they still want to argue against any decrease in their magical “6 million” killed during the Holocaust.

Now I do feel like an ass since I don’t have a link to backup what I said, but there was a thread somewhere on these forums that mentioned the latest study of how many actually died during the Holocaust and the number was less than a million, but still several hundred thousand large.

Even using the number of 6 million killed, my main point of this whole thing still remains in that people continue to think that Nazis’ are the worse of the worse due to constant Jewish propoganda and their cries of victimization when there have been countries that have made the Holocaust look like child’s play. During that same war, the other side of the Axis killed more people in similar and sometimes worse ways than the Holocaust.

Heck, your "honourable" Japanese killed 8 million Chinese civilians ” - N

Please don't put words in my worth. The fact that they didn't put people in those awful concentration camps is itself more honorable. It doesn't mean the Japanese government did a good thing by killing people, only that their methods of indiscrimate killing, rules out in advance, were better than genocide.

The Japs did the same thing. They worked Chinese civilians to death just as the Nazis’ did. And while Nazis’ gassed the Jews, the Japs bashed the others skulls in. Not only that, but Japs gassed hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians when testing out their own chemical agents as well. They did the same thing and killed even more civilians than Nazis’ but because Jewish people weren’t targetted as badly (Japs did kill Jews), it’s alright and deemed not as bad, so let’s just continue to target Nazis’. Um, okay.

Why is it we constantly hear about Jewish victimization then? - N

I hear more people complaining about the people who complain about Jewish victimization than I do about Jewish victimization itself. But I've come to expect this.

While I do see people coming up and starting anti-Jew threads, most of the time when I see complaints about their cries of victimization, it’s because someone started a thread about them being victims. Just who started this thread? It sure wasn’t me. ;)

The German spirit that dominated that timeframe -- one of optimism and scientific progress would've been enough to spread a huge influence. The Nazi's are often credited with starting that, but the fact is they only destroyed it.

I wouldn’t say they destroyed it. The fall of the scientific Nazi Germany only strengthened science even more. How so? Because the Nazis’ were keeping all the power and technology to themselves. With the fall of them, those scientists and all their technology was then seeded to other countries. Most of our important technology that exists today is due to the German scientists that were transferred to the U.S. The same applies to Russia as they gained some scientists and technology as well. So now we’re able to have even more minds from all over have a look and give things a try rather than it being all left up to German scientists. More brains are better than one, no?

- N
People wear "death" costumes during halloween in America, I am quite sure they dont want to represent the actual figure of death itself.

Prince Harry is just a normal everday person like you and me, the costume he was where just stated the fact that we believe in the irrelevance of topics force fed to us by the media.
I must admit you make a strong case and I thanks you for sharing it with us.

I agree that it surely tiem for the world to move forward and lay the past to rest.
A thought did occur as I was reading your post that by continuously raizing the Nazi act of genocide issue the world is given reinforced reasoning for the existance of the nation of Israel.

I am not fully versed in Jewish history, but I gather that they have historically been the target of relatively frequent "Programs" or ethnic purges over the years and the Jewish mentality is constantly one of being the victim.
In other words victimisation is a cultural identity.

Please correct me if I am wrong in this as my resources are vague at best.

So when the Nazi were defeated The nation of Israel was established so that for the first time in centuries, if not ever, the Jewish problem of being the target of genocide has a resolution. The home land of Israel was established.

Now since it's establishment many UN resolutions have been passed and The Israel nation has been in many conflicts in it's desire to stay a nation. This is still ongoing and any cry of victimisation allows Israel to justify it's existance.

In other words for the sake of Israel cries of victimisation will continue to be raized at any thing that diminishes the need for the securuity of a home land.

Please accept that this is purely my hypothesis and not grounded in any facts that may support that hypothesis. And if I am in any way correct please also accept that this does not display any negative attitudes I might have to the existance of The Israel nation. [ as I really have no negative attitude to that nations existance]