Prince Harry the Nazi


Couldn't you have been more efficient in saying all that? For example:
I guess I'd hate to see an Iraqi dressed up as an American soldier, a Chinese person dressed up as a Japanese soldier of the Rising Sun, or an American dressed up as a Muslim.
One instance would have been sufficient, more readable, and would've driven your point home. The need to use three indicates to me that your not confident enough in your argument.

I take it you're against any video game that allows one to play themself as a Nazi too?
Nope. Unless its something like concentration camp tycoon.

The Japanese in WWII were more vile and malicious than Nazi's!

Actually, I prefer the Japanese because they didn't pick favourites. If you weren't explicitly on their side, you were their enemy. None of this wishy washy dehumanizing Nazi crap where you had Jewish kapo's trading their dignity for a little extra life. The Japanese soldiers were vicious bastards, but at least they had an honour system.
Indiscrimate killing > genocide

Now because Iraqi's, the Chinese, or even Americans may look at certain other countries in historical distaste, does that mean NOBODY whatsoever from any country can ever dress up as an a Muslim, an American or Japanese soldier?
Dressing up as a solider while NOT on duty seems like a pretty stupid thing to me. But to answer your question: no. As long as they realize they may be stepping on somebodies toes and are willing to accept the consequences.

If it weren’t for Jews being so loud and whiney, Harry being dressed in his Nazi costume wouldn’t have been so bad.
Wrong order. Here's the correct form of that sentence:
If Harry dressing up as a Nazi weren't so bad, Jews would not be so loud and whiny.
cause-> effect, not the other way around. You can expect at this point in history for Jews to be offended. Harry needn't be a physicist.

And no, all because one says something bad, no, actually true, about a Jew, it doesn’t mean I’m anti-semetic because I know that insult is gonna be coming my way, lol.
Presumption-- another sign of skewed reasoning. Notice how I didn't call Harry an 'anti-semite' but rather, an insensitive person.

How's putting on a Nazi uniform show one's intellegence as a "dumbshit"? There's nothing that should be shameful about being one.
Because people who dress like Nazi's are either unaware or ignorant of the ideas tied to them. These ideas, like the stench on a funeral service suit, can only be washed away by hundreds of years of temporal distance. Otherwise, its voluntary shame for them to dress as such a low form of humanity. I define that as stupidity.

Everyone has various radical ideals no different than you or me and I'm sure many will claim ours are illogical or not realistic.
Mine are rational and ironic. I'm not 'radical' for the sake of humor like some.

The only shame a Nazi should have is in them having failed in their conquest just as America is going to feel like “dumbshits” when failing the crusade of trying to spread democracy throughout the world.
The majority of Germans were not in favour of the Nazi's. And you're absolutely right; innocent children of Jewish and Gypsie descent hanging from the gallows is an accomplishment to be proud of. Not looked down on in shame.

We feel democracy is the best choice but not everyone. We're no different than Nazis. We’re forcefully spreading our own idealism on others. The Nazis put people in deathcamps and we bomb em. I don't care what method is used as the outcome is the same. In the end, both sides are either good or both sides are either bad. One side can’t be exempt from ridicule. The only reason why what we Americans are doing isn’t looked as being bad (well, it actually is, heh) is because we’re the #1 superpower in the world. Once we fail and are no longer a superpower, voices will be much louder. Imagine if another country were trying to do what we’re doing? They’d be looked at as monsters too.

Isn't that beside the point? You're comparing apples to oranges. Even though the underlying logic is correct, Nazi's got away with much worse than evangelists.

Exactly, it would be in bad taste to wear an Israeli uniform "around" your Arab friends. However, does that stop you from being able to wear that uniform period?
It doesn't. And I wouldn't wear an Israeli uniform period (what would be the point?)

The thing you miss is that I'm not dumb enough to do something which I know is going to unnecessarilly aggrevate people when I'm aware of their sensitivity to the subject.

For now on, nobody shall be allowed to wear an Israeli uniform period because of the tension between them and Arabs. And I'm not talking when you're around an Arab, but anywhere period even if you're in a place that don't mind Israelies.
I don't see why anybody would want to? Costumes are supposed to be fun not provocative. Leave that for the catwalk.

Harry was having fun at his own party. The only people allowed to be offended by his costume are the ones at that ball. For anything else, they just need to shut the hell up and quit sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong.
When I see something that offends me, I don't slink away because I'm not involved directly. Its my businness if I want it to be and any attempts to 'shut me up' are futile.

Why is it though that Jews are able to scream bloody murder and always try to get their way when something offends them?
Perhaps it has something to do with events leading up to the holocaust? Does crystal nacht ring a bell?

Oh wait, there was the kid who wore a Hezbolah armband in some college and then, oh wait, it was Jewish people again that complained about that as well.
Why would anyone wear an armband unless they were deliberately trying to provoke?

Hey, and aren’t you offending yourself by having the posting handle of a Persian king?
"In relative terms, the Persian treatment of other religions, including the jews, is among the first enlightened and universal practice of religious tolerance in ancient times, a practice which was perhaps more universal and inclusive than the restricted religious tolerance of the Moslems limited to "the people of the book.""
Xerxes was awesome, and on the whole, so was persia.
The fact that he married a Jewish woman is proof that he wasn't an anti-semite.

i challenge you to a wresltling match.(being that i wreslted for 6 years of grade school and 4 of college) its actually very strange that you would make the one physical act that i excell at the challenge. thats a pretty big coincidence.
Its also the phyical act which I excel at. Well, I'll be waiting for you. We can do it in the snow behind my house.

Dr Lou,
This crap with harry is such a big deal, not because of how bad the nazis actually were, but rather how adept jews are at complaining and blowing things out of proportion. They've built nazis into the epitome of evil rivalled by nothing known to man.
You know, you're right. Burning people alive, and keeping a quota of others around for hard labour, experiments that we don't even perform on animals, starvation and exposure to the elements really isn't that bad.

I don't care if some loser is personally offended by a nazi outfit, thats like saying "Omg, my dad was hit by a blue train you insensitive jerk" when you see someone in a thomas the tank engine t-shirt. Get over it, douche.
You do care. That or, you've misallocated your precious time. Not something intelligent people are known for.

There's really nothing to get over. Had I posted a wanderer-long essay..maybe. Instead, it was only a few sentences about my distaste for this sort of thing. I promise you I'm not loosing sleep.
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Xerxes said:
I left out some pertinant background info: I'm Jewish. If he knew this, given the bloodshed between our people, wouldn't it be in extremely bad taste? I know I wouldn't dress in military uniform around my arab friends.

My best friend is Jewish, and she's one of the few people who I think I could wear a Nazi uniform in front of (for a costume party, of course) without having them think poorly of me for it. I wouldn't, because it would feel weird to me, but if I did I really don't think she'd have a problem with it. And as for the Israeli/Palestinian conflict... it isn't just about religion, and I for one would never make my decisions about something like that based on religion.

No good intentions, just bugging you about the whole benefit of the doubt thing.

Oh. Sorry, it didn't bug me...

Really, if I offended you, sorry :)

Hey, I thought you were opposed to apologies.
I'm opposed to insincerity, not apologies. If Harry really was sorry then of course he's forgiven. Its just looks like one of those things were he was told to apologize. Not that there's much else he can do short of getting down on his knees.. I don't expect him to go out of his way to visit auschwitz either. Thats his business.

I know what you mean about the best friends thing. Mine sometimes poke fun at me (that I love prunes and gefilte fish?) but its cool because we understand eachother, and I poke fun of them too. Seeing that come from a person in a position of political power kind of struck a chord you know. If you aren't close friends, then there's room for confusion. Thats what I'm trying to avoid.

Anyways..I've been spending too much time on sciforums. Of to hockey...
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Only attractive blondes should be allowed to wear Nazi uniforms. Anything else is an insult to the purity of the Aryan race.

"If Harry really was sorry then of course he's forgiven"

Why should he be sorry? The only apology necessary is:
"I'm sorry you faggots have nothing better to think of."

"Because people who dress like Nazi's are either unaware or ignorant of the ideas tied to them"

Are you high on crack, jew-boy?

I doubt this is true in Harry's case. It's also highly unlikely that he's a neo-Nazi.
Although that would be stunningly hilarious.
Why should he be sorry? The only apology necessary is:
"I'm sorry you faggots have nothing better to think of."

Like I said, that would've been way better than a conventional apology. You people have to admit, gossiping about prince harry and renouncing my allegiance to the Crown is a creative way to kill a weekend. :m:
Couldn't you have been more efficient in saying all that? For example: One instance would have been sufficient, more readable, and would've driven your point home. The need to use three indicates to me that your not confident enough in your argument.

Oh, I'm quite confident in my argument. And yup, I could have put it short and simple, but the reason why I tend to repeat things in different ways is to drill my point into your brain. If you would have read the short and simple version, it would have made no impact and you would have just schluffed it off. But the more ways I put it, the more it gets stuck in your head. It's the only way to convert sensitive or weak-minded people without using any physical means.

I take it you’re against any video game that allows one to play themselves as a Nazi too? – N

Nope. Unless its something like concentration camp tycoon.

Why not? What’s the difference? Because it’s just a “game”? Good. Well now you at least somewhat get it. Now don’t be so upset with Price Harry because it was just a “costume party”. Otherwise you’re just bitching for the sake of bitching.

The Japanese in WWII were more vile and malicious than Nazi’s! - N

Actually, I prefer the Japanese because they didn't pick favourites. If you weren't explicitly on their side, you were their enemy. None of this wishy washy dehumanizing Nazi crap where you had Jewish kapo's trading their dignity for a little extra life. The Japanese soldiers were vicious bastards, but at least they had an honour system.
Indiscrimate killing > genocide

Symantics. And you’re also full of it too. I can almost guarantee that if the Japanese were the ones harming Jewish people, you would be screaming as much bloody murder against them rather than the Nazis’.

And what do you mean the Japanese weren’t indiscriminate? They flat out killed anyone who wasn’t Japanese. Now if they did kill lots of Japanese with no remorse, than you’d have a point. Killing all races is worse than picking on one (which Jews weren’t the only ones to be picked on) because rather than one race going bye bye, we’ll have all being removed off the face of the Earth. An honor system.. heh, that’s pretty amusing. I’ll try and use that excuse sometime if I ever do something bad.

Dressing up as a solider while NOT on duty seems like a pretty stupid thing to me.

I guess you haven’t been to many costume parties then.

But to answer your question: no. As long as they realize they may be stepping on somebodies toes and are willing to accept the consequences.

Well we’re at least in agreement here. But again, the problem is how loud the Jews cry when something offends them. The only ones worse than Jews when it comes to complaining is the ACLU. Again, where is all the news and cries of outrage of other groups offended by someone being dressed up in an offending outfit to them? I don’t see ANY news footage or articles about others, but if something that offends only the Jews, all of a sudden BLAM, it makes headline news and is talked about for the next couple days. Those other people don’t even get a small blurb. You guys are acting like little babies with no self-control.

And no, all because one says something bad, no, actually true, about a Jew, it doesn’t mean I’m anti-semetic because I know that insult is gonna be coming my way, lol. – N

Presumption-- another sign of skewed reasoning. Notice how I didn't call Harry an 'anti-semite' but rather, an insensitive person.

True, and that’s my fault. But for me even having to say something like that so I wouldn’t be called it shows that there’s a problem. Usually when I read or hear something said wrongly, even if it may be true, about Jews, 75% of the time the only rebuttal I hear is that they’re an anti-semite. I’m always going to wonder if you would have called me that if I wouldn’t have made that “save my ass from being called it” comment.

Because people who dress like Nazi's are either unaware or ignorant of the ideas tied to them. These ideas, like the stench on a funeral service suit, can only be washed away by hundreds of years of temporal distance. Otherwise, its voluntary shame for them to dress as such a low form of humanity. I define that as stupidity.

As I said, many groups have done bad things yet nobody fusses about them as much as Jews do about Nazis’. Just because Nazis’ may have done bad things such as what they did to Jewish people, does it mean everything they stood for is completely evil and should be ignored? They had many good concepts so I see no reason for people to ignore them completely. The only reason why many do is because they failed in what they set out to do. If they would have kept control of most of Europe and existed as a country today, they would be no different than Americans of today. America has done many horrendous things, killed lots of innocent people, and while people have good reason to be angry at us, I don’t hear them screaming bloody murder about such small trivial things as someone being dressed up as an American soldier or waving the U.S. flag.

Now don’t get me wrong, you have every right to hate Nazism, just don’t cry like babies about every single little thing, even if hearing or seeing the word. Be the bigger person and show some restraint and self-control. This campaign that Jews launch at them -- heck, anyone who dislikes, or says anything bad about Jews, period -- is just flat out ridiculous though.

Everyone has various radical ideals no different than you or me and I'm sure many will claim ours are illogical or not realistic. – N

Mine are rational and ironic. I'm not 'radical' for the sake of humor like some.

Yours are only rational and ironic according to yourself. It’s mere opinion. I can guarantee there will be groups of people that are offended by your views, as harmless as they may seem. What is considered rational, ironic, and radical is all subjective. It all depends on who you’re asking.

The majority of Germans were not in favour of the Nazi's. And you're absolutely right; innocent children of Jewish and Gypsie descent hanging from the gallows is an accomplishment to be proud of. Not looked down on in shame.

Where did I say that? What I said is that many groups have done disgusting things, some even worse than Nazis’, yet they’re not seen to be as bad as them which is stupid. The only reason why Nazis’ are seen as bad as they are is because of the Jewish campaign trying to make everyone feel pity for them. Your crying has already gotten you your own country so you can stop now, but I guess you’ll never stop till you have everything. Everything which the Nazis’ tried to get as well but just failed at. If you want to talk about horrific acts, don’t even let me bring up things that Israeli’s have done! This is why it makes people look so bad when they complain so much because the skeletons in their closet will make them look like fools as well.

We feel democracy is the best choice but not everyone. We're no different than Nazis. We’re forcefully spreading our own idealism on others. The Nazis put people in deathcamps and we bomb em. I don't care what method is used as the outcome is the same. In the end, both sides are either good or both sides are either bad. One side can’t be exempt from ridicule. The only reason why what we Americans are doing isn’t looked as being bad (well, it actually is, heh) is because we’re the #1 superpower in the world. Once we fail and are no longer a superpower, voices will be much louder. Imagine if another country were trying to do what we’re doing? They’d be looked at as monsters too. – N

Isn't that beside the point? You're comparing apples to oranges. Even though the underlying logic is correct, Nazi's got away with much worse than evangelists.

Well first off, Nazis’ didn’t get away with anything (other than the scientists and a few bad people that snuck away). It’s everyone else that has, such as my own country, the United States. I’m not comparing apples to oranges when one group that has commited bad acts is made to be seen as the Army of Satan, yet another group that is just as bad DOES get away with it and is seen as being saviours. And while there are people that dislike or may even loath the U.S., why is it that some are able to get away with looking at the U.S. in a good light without being called something bad, yet when someone looks at Nazism even in a slight light, is then a total ignoramus and is called every insult in every dictionary of the world? Yes, Nazis’ did bad things to people, but you guys have gone overboard with it.

For now on, nobody shall be allowed to wear an Israeli uniform period because of the tension between them and Arabs. And I'm not talking when you're around an Arab, but anywhere period even if you're in a place that don't mind Israelies. – N

I don't see why anybody would want to? Costumes are supposed to be fun not provocative. Leave that for the catwalk.

While you may not see why anyone would want to, many do. Just don’t stick your nose in everything and start critizing them for doing something that is different from your belief.

Harry was having fun at his own party. The only people allowed to be offended by his costume are the ones at that ball. For anything else, they just need to shut the hell up and quit sticking their nose where it doesn’t belong. – N

When I see something that offends me, I don't slink away because I'm not involved directly. Its my businness if I want it to be and any attempts to 'shut me up' are futile.

Well you have some self-control issues then if you’re going to voice your differing opinion on everything. But even if I have no problem with your doing so, at least try not to blow it out of proportion which sadly is what is being done with Prince Harry. This is the problem that people have when Jews cry about something. It’s not that they don’t have the right to, but because of the huge mess they turn it into! That is probably the ONLY problem (at least regarding myself) some have with them, but unfortunately it’s a biggy.

"In relative terms, the Persian treatment of other religions, including the jews, is among the first enlightened and universal practice of religious tolerance in ancient times, a practice which was perhaps more universal and inclusive than the restricted religious tolerance of the Moslems limited to "the people of the book.""
Xerxes was awesome, and on the whole, so was persia.
The fact that he married a Jewish woman is proof that he wasn't an anti-semite.

Thanks for the further info. But hey, quit with the mention of the whole anti-semite thing.

Oh wait, there was the kid who wore a Hezbolah armband in some college and then, oh wait, it was Jewish people again that complained about that as well. – N

Why would anyone wear an armband unless they were deliberately trying to provoke?

Well I forget the exact details, but at the time when I was keeping up with that story, I agreed with the person. I had something to do with some class or subject regarding freedom of belief and also oppression. I dunno, like I said, I forget the details. But hey, whatever the reason for it, even if it were to provoke, it still made headlines and was on the news for a couple days. Funny how it’s only things that offend Jews that make such headlines. You guys scream the loudest and it’s quite annoying. Your campaign of the oppression of the Jews is never-ending and it only adds to the number of people that may dislike you guys rather than trying to gain sympathizers. Like I said, you have every right to and I don’t blame you guys, just don’t get so carried away with it!

You know, you're right. Burning people alive, and keeping a quota of others around for hard labour, experiments that we don't even perform on animals, starvation and exposure to the elements really isn't that bad.

Things which the Japanese did as well, if not even more worse things, yet almost everyone loves Japanese people and their culture. Other than reading about, or watching a documentary on, it, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone complaining about the Japanese. The Jewish propoganda is just like Bush propoganda. Point out a flaw and complain about something so that everyone forgets about the worse problem and they get away scot free.

- N

P.S. – Holy crap that was long, heh.
no-one i know badmouthes japan or germany, and im sure that after the US revolution we will speak no bad ofy them either. people get over things, its only when this vile essence known as the media steps in and makes claims that anyone cares, people need to fiind some real leaders if they gave a shit about this, media are nto world leaders, kofi annan is
Mod Hat - Grand Reopening

Mod Hat - Grand Reopening

Let me make something clear: I allowed the original "fag" issue to stand merely because other people reasonably beat me to it.

The latest revival did not please me.

Now, I'm not about to start telling men to stop acting like women, or women to stop acting like bitches. But if that doesn't make the point clearly enough, this and any other discussion using such terms as the basis for insult will be closed faster than a furniture store.

This topic is reopened per a reasonable poster request. Aside from that, I must insist that people give more consideration to the bases of their insults. I, for one, am sick and tired of people exploiting my gay neighbors in order to insult a heterosexual, although I'm quite sure the dogs couldn't care less about who is or isn't a bitch. If you wish to take a chance and insult someone directly, I will deal with those issues as they come: sometimes people are proud to be fags or bitches or whatever. But disparaging someone who is not (A) made of wood, (B) on fire and between your lips, or (C) homosexual as a faggot splatters your wrath on too many people.

Nor should I have to explain this in the first place.

• • •​

Now then, everybody go about your business.
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Xerxes said:
What would you consider 'wrong' by your personal definition?

Good question!

'Wrong' is what the consensus says makes people feel bad. There is nothing set in stone to stop us from skinning live babies, but I imagine almost everyone would feel disgusted/horrified at the thought. That is all wrong is - just a feeling and nothing more. There is no right or wrong in my book. Just what gives me satisfaction and disatisfaction.
So if the prospect of a species-ending nuclear war pleases people, it's the right thing to do?

How about as a pre-emptive measure?

Extreme, I admit, but since we're already skinning babies ....
<a href="" target=newwindow>Visit</a> my newly created page about the issue.
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<Small>*Psst* . . . Beryl . . . That's a link to the SciForums index page.</Small>
Athelwulf said:
<Small>*Psst* . . . Beryl . . . That's a link to the SciForums index page.</Small>

Whoa, how'd that happen? :D Thanks for catching that. *goes and fixes it*
Beryl said:
Whoa, how'd that happen? :D Thanks for catching that. *goes and fixes it*

No problem. :)

Dr Lou Natic said:
*psst* ...athelwulf... youre a gay nigger.

Oh . . . owch<Sub>i</Sub> I'm, like, so in a world of hurt now<Sub>i</Sub> I'm gonna cry now<Sub>i</Sub>
I don't have a link or anything as I saw it on the news, but now the EU is wanting to ban any and all "Nazi symbols" because of the Prince Harry incident, heh. Carried away..

- N
Didn't we already have a discussion on this and find out that the Swastika is not an 'evil' symbol?

Ignorance breeds ignorance.
I would never wear a Nazi uniform simply on principle and I am a nobody.....I can't imagine how a "somebody" could do such an insensitve act........