Prince Harry the Nazi

Comedy is conflict. Humor is victimization. Anything else the audience usually rejects as too high-minded, abstract, or elitist.
Conflict is often comedic, and victimisation is often humourous.
Comedy and humour aren't limitted to those areas, but they certainly encompass them. And if you don't think so you're too closed minded to ever really experience all that comedy has to offer.
The prince of england dressing up as a nazi IS funny, BECAUSE of who he is.
It's not side splitting hilarity that will make you think for weeks, but it's as good a costume to wear as any other in the comedic sense if you are prince harry.
I'm pleased with his chosen attire, it exhibits his sense of humour quite fashionably.
If your knickers are in a twist about it, he was making fun of you and you are the idiot, congratulations. Harry wins.
He was being inappropriate on purpose, there's nothing "stupid" about it at all. People who get offended are stupidly predictable as evidenced by his joke on them.
I commend prince harry.
tiassa said:
So if the prospect of a species-ending nuclear war pleases people, it's the right thing to do?

Yes. How do we know if something is wrong/right? Purely from how we feel about the issue. So if, in your hypothetical case, nuclear war pleased people it would be the right thing to do.
So much for Darwin, eh? Or would that mean Darwin was right, and nature selected humanity to leave the arena?
Quantum Quack said:
I would never wear a Nazi uniform simply on principle and I am a nobody.....I can't imagine how a "somebody" could do such an insensitve act........

What an absurd comment! Retract it please!

So you expect him to genuflect to your absurdly arbitrary and circular preferences? Just because he is a "somebody"?!

Does that line of logic even make sense to you? It is absurd! I almost passed out reading it. No wonder the poor chap did it anyway. The day when fools blather on what they want the social dress code should be! Idiocy! Utter idiocy!

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Dr Lou Natic said:
Conflict is often comedic, and victimisation is often humourous.
Comedy and humour aren't limitted to those areas, but they certainly encompass them. And if you don't think so you're too closed minded to ever really experience all that comedy has to offer.
The prince of england dressing up as a nazi IS funny, BECAUSE of who he is.
It's not side splitting hilarity that will make you think for weeks, but it's as good a costume to wear as any other in the comedic sense if you are prince harry.
I'm pleased with his chosen attire, it exhibits his sense of humour quite fashionably.
If your knickers are in a twist about it, he was making fun of you and you are the idiot, congratulations. Harry wins.
He was being inappropriate on purpose, there's nothing "stupid" about it at all. People who get offended are stupidly predictable as evidenced by his joke on them.
I commend prince harry.

southstar I suppose you thought the posting of the American flag in Iraq immediately after invasion as witnesses by global TV was a sensitive and tactful statement too.....
not to mention tormenting Iraqi prisoners and having the good sense to take trophy photographs as well.........
Whilst I don't agree with Xerxes wording I agree with the object of his thread starter.

Whether Harry likes it or not the media has him in their sights. He can not avoid their attention. It is true that his actions only show other peoples sensitivities, but shit man that is life.....and if an offended person aims a snipers rifle at his head for his foolishness and insensitivity I suppose we can all say
" oh well...Harry was just being a boy and now he has a bullet between the eyes"
In the real world there are some pretty strange ideas and Harry has just made himself a target for the very extremism that he wished to make fun of.....
Err.. Quantum Quack

Instead of making a strawman argument, why don't you just admit that your logic does not follow.
The reason for the outrage is simply that there are people that ARE very sensitive and whilst it isn't Harry's fault that they are so sensitive, he still has to live with the consequences of his actions whether those consequences [actions] are Rational or not.
Some old fogey living in the west end may decide to teach the young man a lesson about what it's like to loose a family to a Nazi bomb.
Okay, let me clarify something.

None of us are arguing that he doesn't have to live with the consequences of his actions. We all have to (unless we die, in which case we don't really have to LIVE with them...) what is being argued is what the "consequences" of his actions were and the fact that I could do the very same thing and not have those consequences. Arguing against defending someone because "they have to live with the consequences" is ridiculous... if that were a valid argument then it would never be right to defend someone, and although you can say that if you want I'm not going to believe it. The fact is, I don't think there was anything wrong with Harry's costume. I don't think it's right for people to treat him this way over it, nor do I think it's right the way the media always treats him and his brother. And I'm going to stick up for my beliefs... which, in this case, includes defending Harry.
Quantum Quack said:
The reason for the outrage is simply that there are people that ARE very sensitive

Is that why people sit in front of their televisions and watch Anna Nicole Smith (and call it entertainment)?

Note: Jokes aside, your point is quite irrelevant. In that case, should I shut my mouth in case I say something that might be construed as insensitive? Or should I cower because of what foolish double standards society has set?

and whilst it isn't Harry's fault that they are so sensitive, he still has to live with the consequences of his actions whether those consequences [actions] are Rational or not.

And yet when you sit in front of your computer screen and criticize him by evoking non-rational arguments, we are supposed to nod in agreement?

Some old fogey living in the west end may decide to teach the young man a lesson about what it's like to loose a family to a Nazi bomb.

And the young man might just teach the idiot fogey not to impress his foolish whims on other people especially when they are not even rational to begin with.

The point is:
If you are going to bash Harry because he did not act rationally, then you must call yourself a hideous hypocrite because your reasoning is even less rational. That is the simple consequence of your being overbearing.
Beryl said:
Ah. Well, your apology seems a little insincere to me.

It was sincere. Feel free to interpret any way you like.

The fact is, I don't think there was anything wrong with Harry's costume. I don't think it's right for people to treat him this way over it, nor do I think it's right the way the media always treats him and his brother. And I'm going to stick up for my beliefs... which, in this case, includes defending Harry.
Theres nothing wrong with sticking up for your beliefs if that involves defending Harry. Just don't try to take away my right to stick up for my beliefs in the process. Argument is good.

Blue_UK said:
Good question!

'Wrong' is what the consensus says makes people feel bad. There is nothing set in stone to stop us from skinning live babies, but I imagine almost everyone would feel disgusted/horrified at the thought. That is all wrong is - just a feeling and nothing more. There is no right or wrong in my book. Just what gives me satisfaction and disatisfaction.

I used to think that way too. But it seems so lazy to reject good/bad on the basis convenience.

vslayer said:
media are nto world leaders, kofi annan is

Kofi Annan? You mean that guy who talks passionately about making the world a better place and does nothing :confused:

the reason why I tend to repeat things in different ways is to drill my point into your brain.
If your argument was cutting, it wouldn't need manual drilling.

" it would have made no impact and you would have just schluffed it off."
Exactly-Do we blame your weak argument, or you lack of manipulating?

It's the only way to convert sensitive or weak-minded people without using any physical means.

Manipulating? You amateur.
I can think of a million ways to do it.

Why not? What’s the difference? Because it’s just a “game”?

Nope. Its called tact. You may enounter it someday.

I can almost guarantee that if the Japanese were the ones harming Jewish people, you would be screaming as much bloody murder against them rather than the Nazis’.

The Japanese were in a marriage of convenience with the Germans. In reality, the Japanese harboured hundreds of Jewish families during the war

And what do you mean the Japanese weren’t indiscriminate? They flat out killed anyone who wasn’t Japanese.

Dude, this is flat out stupid. I said that
"the japanese killed indiscriminately"
which is equivelant to
"They flat out killed anyone who wasn’t Japanese."

'indiscriminately' means anyone, regardless of religion, race, sex, etc...

An honor system.. heh, that’s pretty amusing. I’ll try and use that excuse sometime if I ever do something bad.

Kamikaze takes balls.

I don’t see ANY news footage or articles about others, but if something that offends only the Jews, all of a sudden BLAM, it makes headline news and is talked about for the next couple days. Those other people don’t even get a small blurb. You guys are acting like little babies with no self-control.

The Jews are in a very unique position. Maybe you should factor that into your thought to understand why.

75% of the time the only rebuttal I hear is that they’re an anti-semite. I’m always going to wonder if you would have called me that if I wouldn’t have made that “save my ass from being called it” comment.

To say that something is categorically true about a group of people as diverse as Jews is quite a lot stupider than being called an anti-semite. I think these people are just being kind by not using harsher language.

Also, thats still weak grounds for 'protecting yourself'. Whats so bad about being called an anti-semite if you know its not true?

As I said, many groups have done bad things yet nobody fusses about them as much as Jews do about Nazis’. Just because Nazis’ may have done bad things such as what they did to Jewish people, does it mean everything they stood for is completely evil and should be ignored? They had many good concepts so I see no reason for people to ignore them completely. The only reason why many do is because they failed in what they set out to do.

Man, you really lack any kind of perspective on history.

The Nazi's made truckloads of SOAP from dead prisoners. Efficiency, or madness? You be the judge. If you can think of any good ideas, exclusive to the Nazi ideology then I'd like to hear them.

Be the bigger person and show some restraint and self-control.

Sounds like taking more crap from people than you rightfully deserve-- which I like to think is zero. Nothing honourable about that.

What I said is that many groups have done disgusting things, some even worse than Nazis’, yet they’re not seen to be as bad as them which is stupid. The only reason why Nazis’ are seen as bad as they are is because of the Jewish campaign trying to make everyone feel pity for them. Your crying has already gotten you your own country so you can stop now, but I guess you’ll never stop till you have everything.
The Jewish campaign is to raise awareness about genocide and racial conflict around the world. I haven't been to a single yom hashoah where there hasn't been mention of some other genocide going how we should all be working to put an end to it.

The problem of course, is that if falls on deaf ears because people are so convinced its a campaign of pity.

If you don't speak out, you will never be heard.

Well first off, Nazis’ didn’t get away with anything
Does the number 6 million mean anything to you.

Just don’t stick your nose in everything and start critizing them for doing something that is different from your belief.

I'll criticize anyone I feel like criticizing. Notice how this differs from persecution.

Well you have some self-control issues then if you’re going to voice your differing opinion on everything.

I'm an easygoing person. I rarely feel the need to voice my opinion to a roomful of people who don't care, but when I do, I don't hold back. I come here expecting to find people who care at least a little. Nothing wrong with that.

I don't stand on crates and yell at the people passing by me.

Funny how it’s only things that offend Jews that make such headlines. You guys scream the loudest and it’s quite annoying. Your campaign of the oppression of the Jews is never-ending and it only adds to the number of people that may dislike you guys rather than trying to gain sympathizers.

Forget the fact you've repeated yourself for the umpteenth time. THe point is, Jews are strong lobbyists and if that annoys you, I personally don't care.

Things which the Japanese did as well, if not even more worse things, yet almost everyone loves Japanese people and their culture. Other than reading about, or watching a documentary on, it, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone complaining about the Japanese.

Part of the reason the Japanese are so advanced is because they're packed so tightly together. They understand way more about culture, manners, tact and honor than most of the world, so I don't think its surprising that we idealize them.
Dr. Lou Natic said:

Conflict is often comedic, and victimisation is often humourous.

True. This says more about the audience than anything else.

Comedy and humour aren't limitted to those areas, but they certainly encompass them.

As a pure concept, I agree. It is the audience that limits them.

The prince of england dressing up as a nazi IS funny, BECAUSE of who he is.

If who he is matters at all, then it matters.

He was being inappropriate on purpose, there's nothing "stupid" about it at all.

I think he doesn't want to be royalty at all. With that privilege of royalty comes responsibility; in rejecting the latter, Harry makes a statement about the former.

People who get offended are stupidly predictable as evidenced by his joke on them.

That's debatable. In the meantime, you're a great example of the audience I was referring to.

I commend prince harry.

For mocking human atrocity? Or for rejecting his royalty?
Xerxes said:
Theres nothing wrong with sticking up for your beliefs if that involves defending Harry. Just don't try to take away my right to stick up for my beliefs in the process. Argument is good.

Well then, we're agreed. I wasn't trying to.

Whats so bad about being called an anti-semite if you know its not true?

I can't answer for anyone else, but to me the problem is simple: I'm not an anti-Semite. I dislike people who are. And the more people call things anti-Semitism that aren't really, the more people start thinking of all anti-Semitism as equally mild.