Prince Harry the Nazi


Valued Senior Member
This is royalty folks

I can't believe this insensitive fag, with the 60th anniversary for the liberation of auschwitz coming up? Why even pretend?? Its not funny or ironic.

After the queen dies, the British monarchy should be dissolved.
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Kids make stupid mistakes. I blame his royal entourage of teachers, consultants, etc.. Although it was insensitive, isn’t it the purpose of a costume to attract attention an be the “talk of the town”? It certainly achieved that goal. Is a costume of Bin laden or saddam hussein “insensitive”? Also, wouldn’t dressing up as Bush be insulting to some (many) people?
British tabloids most be bored, who cares it was a costume party

p.s. its not only the britieh gosip paper...
I was kind of shocked to see this - he really sould have know better. It's not as if he hasn't had a decent enough education.

That picture is going to haunt him for the rest of his life now and will be bought up time and time again.

Bet his mom loved that pic...
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Maybe in the past (Fawlty Towers etc etc) but i thought that had died out.
Prince Harry comes from a long line of german ancestry.
The boy is obviously celebrating his ancestry and culture. Let's not forget we brits massacred millions in the name of the empire. and if that wasn't enough we gave the world George Michael :)
The paper that took the photo is called the Sun. But is known as the scum. This is just a non-story.A photo of a spotty 18yr old out having a laugh with his mates, wearing a swastika, whiffy boo. Poor sod was just going to a private party and the paparazzi got a shot of him which they knew would sell around the world for thousands. I can walk down the road here and rent a nazi outfit, its no big deal. Maybe somebody or one of the many sycophants that surround him should of said something, but hey, lets put it in context in the grand scheme of things. Its just not important.

Who else thinks that charlie is not his dad? James Hewitt anyone?
Xko said:
Maybe in the past (Fawlty Towers etc etc) but i thought that had died out.

No, we still take the piss out of the germans. But it is in a lighthearted way ;)
If he were just any 18 year old boy, it wouldn't matter as much. We're not asking him to be an advocate for human rights like his mom... Just to show a little tact, since he represents the royal family

James Hewitt? nah. More like cromwell
It has also prompted suggestions from some that Prince Harry should not be allowed to enrol at Sandhurst military academy. The Ministry of Defence has said it will not affect his place.

The status quo: If some public figure does something stupid you can always expect the public outcry to be far stupider.

...oh, and the gall of the foriegn politicians to be criticizing him is just outright hillarious.
ok, calling him an insensitive fag was overkill. But don't you think he should at least know better?
Xerxes said:
ok, calling him an insensitive fag was overkill. But don't you think he should at least know better?

Ofcourse he should and this is why it puzzles me. He isn't a wildchild, and is fairly grounded. This isn't becoming of him, but calling for his removal from his choice school is just plain moronic and needless.

What he did is solved by an apology and he apologized...el fin.
calling for his removal from his choice school is just plain moronic and needless.

Yes, people make mistakes and should be forgiven. I agree with you on that.

Either way, this has convinced me that the monarchy is officially dead.
Xerxes said:
Either way, this has convinced me that there's no place in Britain for a monarchy anymore.

Isn't there? They are last shred of Old British pride that they have left. They may not have any real political power but they serve as an image...and they are rich as hell. They wouldn't be there if them majority of the British people didn't feel a need for them.

BTW...are their belongings privately owned or can they be taken away by the government? Even if they do get kicked out their 22 billion dollars worth of 600 Da Vinci pieces should keep them floating, unless that gets taken from them too.
"Know better?" By whose standards? Somehow, wearing a nazi symbol at a theme party, where his brother was dressed as a cat, serves, it seems to me, to diminish the vitality of that symbol -- but to react in shock to this is to seek to keep that vitality alive. Isn't that what's behind this?

Off topic. Dismantling the monarchy will not dismantle the royal family's prestige in the world -- thus they will be free to not keep their mouths shut.
I think we are taking it a bit far...I mean to be fair it was a dress up party, and I doubt he is a Nazi thats stupid to even thing such stupidity, was it insensitive? Sure, was it intelligent to that doesn't make him a Nazi...its not what you wear that makes you a nazi it is what you think that matters. I bet you many "Nazi's" don't even know they are Nazi's.
If you want to talk about insensitive, let's talk about the way people gossip about the royal family. It's not like they chose to be famous; they were born into it, and had no chance to keep the media from smearing their personal life all over the place. Dressing up as a Nazi doesn't make Harry a Nazi or someone who agrees with what the Nazis did. Ever heard of Halloween? Loads of people dress up as axe murderers or the like, but that doesn't mean that they're in favor of murdering people. The only reason people have an issue about this is because turning everything that the royal family does into a big deal has become acceptable.

So I have a challenge for anyone who wants to complain about Harry's costume: share with us some detail from your personal life. Ever said something disrespectful? Done something that might offend people? Kissed someone, or even just talked to someone of the opposite gender? But perhaps you don't want everyone knowing about it. I'm sorry, how insensitive of me.

Good thing for you it's not already on national (and international) television.
Also, I really must protest to the use of the word "fag".
lol, whoaaaa Beryl, I like your tone! Keep it coming.

Beryl said:
If you want to talk about insensitive, let's talk about the way people gossip about the royal family. It's not like they chose to be famous; they were born into it, and had no chance to keep the media from smearing their personal life all over the place.
I took back my 'insensitive fag' statement earlier, that was wrong of me, but I stand behind my reasoning. And I wouldn't call such public knowledge gossip, since I don't do that. The point which you seem to have missed is that 'After the queen dies, the British monarchy should be dissolved.'

Prince Harry is the (2nd) youngest of this British royalty. For all the privileges he gets he has some responsibilities. One of which is to behave himself in public, which means not doing any overtly offensive. Its not much to ask of someone who won't have to work a day in his life, and it doesn't mean he has to be a Robot and travel through london on a white horse either. I'm sympathetic to his situation. Harry can't just pick up and leave the family due to his circumstances (which it looks like wants,) but imagine how many other kids his age are in the same predicament? Maybe you'll feel this way when you're older. (tangent: ..maybe this is the source of his petulance)

Now, I don't know about you, but I have very deep ties to the people that the Nazi's victimized and I find his humor..err choice in costume disgusting. I'm the calmest guy I know, it takes *a lot* to offend me, but he would have gotten a mouthful if I was there. Anybody who knows what the Nazi's did, and then dresses up as one as a joke is slapping me in the face.

Are brits supposed to look up to people that can so easily forget the events tied to that costume as kings??

AFAIK, this is a clear indictation that he has no interest in being one and thats perfectly fine. So lets dissolve this outmoded monarchy. Its already irrelevant. I'm sure Harry would be all the happier too.

Dressing up as a Nazi doesn't make Harry a Nazi or someone who agrees with what the Nazis did. Ever heard of Halloween? Loads of people dress up as axe murderers or the like, but that doesn't mean that they're in favor of murdering people. The only reason people have an issue about this is because turning everything that the royal family does into a big deal has become acceptable.

No, of course not. It makes him ignorant to the fact that he has no regard for the people that look to him for leadership. And BTW, I take issue with anyone who dresses as a Nazi. I don't care what their intentions were or who they are.

Obviously, the Sun doesn't care about the real Nazi's out there, otherwise they'd be reporting them. The fact that he's 'gossip material' now doesn't redeem him for what he's done. Only an honest "sorry'" can do that.

So I have a challenge for anyone who wants to complain about Harry's costume: share with us some detail from your personal life. Ever said something disrespectful? Done something that might offend people? Kissed someone, or even just talked to someone of the opposite gender? But perhaps you don't want everyone knowing about it. I'm sorry, how insensitive of me.
I'm an open book. What do you want to know specifically?
-Ever said something disrespectful?
Many times, usually accidentally. Sometimes on purpose. Never for fun(maybe a couple times actually, borderline accidental).

-Done something that might offend people?
I farted in class once :)
ok seriously I have, but I don't do something that I know is going to offend for the sake of offending, unless I have a specific reason (I'm still wondering what Harry's reason was.)

-Kissed someone, or even just talked to someone of the opposite gender?
How would that be embarrasing?

Good thing for you it's not already on national (and international) television.
Rumors spread quickly and effectively in small tight groups. I'm not sure which is more devastating. Harry will never have to meet the peasantfolk that watch TV, I see them everyday, though unlike him, I know how to cope. He's probably messed up good for being chased since childhood. I have pity for him in that respect

Anyways, you sound upset. Sorry if I offended you?

Isn't there? They are last shred of Old British pride that they have left. They may not have any real political power but they serve as an image...and they are rich as hell. They wouldn't be there if them majority of the British people didn't feel a need for them.

BTW...are their belongings privately owned or can they be taken away by the government? Even if they do get kicked out their 22 billion dollars worth of 600 Da Vinci pieces should keep them floating, unless that gets taken from them too.

They'll go out of fashion eventually. The old Brittain died after WWone.

And the money? Its a lot like how Quebec and Canada are tied together by debt. I'm not sure what the solution would be. They definately wouldn't be thrown onto the street.

but to react in shock to this is to seek to keep that vitality alive. Isn't that what's behind this?.
I think thats the effect he was going taunting the bull with a red flag, eh? just who is responsible

I think we are taking it a bit far...I mean to be fair it was a dress up party, and I doubt he is a Nazi thats stupid to even thing such stupidity, was it insensitive? Sure, was it intelligent to that doesn't make him a Nazi...its not what you wear that makes you a nazi it is what you think that matters. I bet you many "Nazi's" don't even know they are Nazi's.

From what I've seen, Harry is a nice guy. Like one of the people I'd play street hockey with or just hang out casually. Not Royalty. He's grown up as a completely average person locked in a cell, and Harry wants out. So who's with me. Should the monarchy be dissolved or not? (I'd like to here from you too Beryl)
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