Prime numbers , Unified Fields

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Sorry , I am a sinner. I don't want to give you evil killers the wrong impression. I rape killers for fun. Yeah it is fun to Me killers if you are listening . I laugh out loud when I do it.

Oops, looks like you're going to Hell after all. Bye bye.
I think I will share some of my other adventures in L.A. as they are part of what makes Me think the way I do. So the very next day . The day after the experience with the Leader of the Misfits one of the Generals of the army from hell walk right up to Me , pulled out his big scary Bogey Knife that was about 12 inches long and said I am going to kill you tomorrow unless you bring Me 10 dollars and after that you are to bring Me ten dollars every day following. Well being a good guitar player , but not having a pleasant voice at the time with out a supporting actor singing to my playing I knew there was no way I was going to raise ten dollars a day to pay for my life on the streets. So I went and sat down on a park bench contemplating my impending doom coming fast as time was clicking into the future of tomorrow land. Thinking in a depressive state of mind " I am going to die tomorrow " and my worst fear ( I could die by many methods and not be afraid , but shanking is not one way out for Me I hope) Now for the power of body language and how we communicate with out talking was in full swing and probably saved my life for unbeknown to Me The General was watching My reaction. He saw in Me my depression and could recognize it from his own feelings of depression and came over to Me tapped Me on the shoulder and said " I was just kidding Turtle I am not going to shank you, Forget I ever said anything. As you can see I never forgot and in a sense feel he saved my life by showing Me Mercy
Holy moley my self. Lokks like Me and Westley Snips might be bed mates. I just opened the mail and the I R S is about to come and get Me. I don't understamd how poor people can owe so much. I have only made less than 400,000 in my life time. I thought poor people didn't pay taxes. I thought I paid my taxes, but I also knew my wife was hiding something. It is not her fault . Don't go jumping on her. It is my failure to play the money game and with the construction industries on it's knees even harder. Shooty shooty shooty I need a good tax attorney. God if I go to prison I hope I don't get shanked. This is a bummer in the nth degree. Business people don't get unemployment. What was I suppose to do? Let my family starve? Shooty shooty shooty. O.K. downer Last writing for the day. I am going to go do the dishes before she gets home
Oops, looks like you're going to Hell after all. Bye bye.

i had to come back . I have slipped over to the dark side. I won't be able to play in band tonight if i don't tell the truth. I have never killed anyone and i don't ever plan on it. Maybe it is because of the sudden unexpected death of my mother or my Satan tendencies i went so dark, but you rapist better keep in mind " you never know when a guy might go postal like Joe Stack did ( sorry Joe May you rest in peace)
Oops, looks like you're going to Hell after all. Bye bye.
Man I messed that up Killer are suppose to be where rapist are and rapist are suppose to be where killers are. Dyslexia is a curse. No more dark brooding talk. Band will help Me get past my lose. Listen to the music
Oops, looks like you're going to Hell after all. Bye bye.

Me and Judas yeah probably. What I mean is like minded people clump together in thought. I am reasonably sure Crazy Mary thought similar to Me. It is my belief the 7 demons of Mary and the 7 eyes of God are a metaphor for the same thing in the new testament.
Of course, they are neither.
If they had a pattern, they would be predictable.
If they were random, then they could not arrive when they were needed.

Captain My good friend Glad to see you again. I am back to talk math my Black Crow Buddy. Making a Ruckus on the court house steps . Prime are predictable. Or should I say it like the Hero of our story said for he is right. Prime are factors of 1. There interruption is an illusion by factors that pierce the one multiple line. No different than factors of 2,3,4 or 6 in the 6n line. What I mean is if you look at a limited set of numbers lets say from 1 to 120 the same occurrence that happens to 1s and 5s happens to 2s,4s,6s and by pairing 1- and 1+ revolving around the 6 line (6,12,18,24,30,.............) the same pattern emerges to infinity. You don't normally think factors of 2s as being Identical in nature as prime numbers, but consider this 41 is divisible by 1 and it self but 35 is divisible by 1,35 and 5,7,
111 is divisible by 1 and it self plus 3 and the prime # 37 but -6 from 111 which is 105 is divisible by 1,105,3,5,35,7,15,
Can anyone see the correlation of How factors of 3 are congruent in nature as factors of 1 in the 6n line from 1 to 120? So 4 moving by 6, or even 1,2,3,4,5,6 all moving in a line by 6 have the same properties as and are congruent in pattern , but there reference point ,or there start point are out of sync. Nun the less there patten is Identical when it comes to interruption by other factorization.
I realized why the 5,2,8 line of prime is a prime line, or more reasons I should say. It is the lap over by -1. It is the -1 line of prime by the -1 and the +1 of 0. Or to say 5-6=-1, So 1,7,4 is the positive 1 line moving forward and -1 moving forward is the 5,2,8 line. so strange for in the negative growth the 5 and the 7 flip flop. go figure more mirror imagery
I am still not sure what a non trivial zero is , but I get the feeling from what Arf ( sorry I called you Alf earlier my man) showed Me of universal aspects, it is the squaring of a number. Where squaring of primes is the first sign of prime interruption , or to say the sieve starts new with every squaring other wise it is interrupted only by the previous square, So It is perceived as a straight line of point zero of prime interruption. It seems more spiral like to Me though. After all the growth of squares are the number plus 2. A straight line to Me would be regular factorization of a number where the growth does not have an exponential quality to it. Hey each there own. So anyway it is a miss guided thought for the first sign of prime interruption is the -1 and the +1 and zero is the 6 line which determines the size of the field. So consider 5 and 7 or -1 and +1 of 6, How the number 35 interrupts the -1 line of prime before the square of +1 interrupts the +1 line of prime. The same is true for all pairing to ..................
So to Me nontrivial zero would be all numbers falling in the 0,6,12,18,24.......line
Being the number that dictates the size of the field that creates congruency of the plus and minus of any 2 given numbers of -1,+1 in the 2 separate prime lines . That sounded a little redundant, but as Marko would say " It's hard to pronounce words"
So if the 6 line is zero then you can see the 1/2 effect by the -1 and the +1 plan and clear for it follows a rule I have shown earlier in my living book. Example 11,12,13 where if you add the 11 and the 13 together the 12 is one half of the product of the pairing numbers added together, So now we have a law that is true and correct that states as follows: 1- and +1added together = doubling of 0s which is the 6 line ( 0,6,12,18............)or maybe better said 0 is 1/2 of the the product of -1 and +1 added together.
Now the pairing also converges to absolute zero. Got to go My wife is calling Me and you know how true love is
Me-Ki-Gal said:
I am still not sure what a non trivial zero is , but I get the feeling from what Arf ( sorry I called you Alf earlier my man) showed Me of universal aspects, it is the squaring of a number.
Sort of. The number is a complex number, and you will need to understand complex numbers that have integral coefficients to see what a nontrivial zeta zero is.

You will need to look beyond integer-valued primes. Maybe start with Gaussian integers.
That Arf is a great guy don't you all think. I do that is for sure. O.K. Arfy here you go more gifts for you sense you are a giving kind of guy. Here is the code for all prime interruption in the 5,2,8,line of prime, or now that we know we can call it the -1 line of prime. So here you go my man 8,2,5,8,2,5.................
so by pairing of numbers in the 8 fashion ( 5x7, 11x13, 17x19........) the repeat code as is stated 8,2,5 . Easiest Example: for 5x7 set. 35,245,455,665,875,1085, For 5x7set interruption occurs at every 210 away from each other. So I know from previous knowledge ( Proofs) that all the other pairings have to follow suit. Something tells me the interval number (like 210) all have to have a reduction to a 3 like the 210 does. That is a theory though and has not been proofed yet. I will bet my brain for yours that it is true. You have a great brain that anyone would be envious of my man. Rock and Roll!!!!
Wow that Hilary Clinton sure is selling Information Silos today. I might to if I was at the top of the food chain. Oh yeah what a minute, I have eternal life in the form of the unified field and am giving it away for nothing. Maybe I am higher up the food chain than I think. Na I am at the bottom of a lake that flooded the world 100 times creating massive flooding world wide through out ancient history
I know I know that is quite a stretch to call it eternal life or even the unified field for that matter. All things have to be proven to be true. What can I say I have a vivid imagination. I think you all can tell that by now. My father did it to Me as a child of 5 years old. He said Son you don't have an imagination and after he said that I knew I needed to get one of those imagination things he is talking about and what do you know I got one.
I realized I never truly answered BeBelina's question of my start in the world of Building. So now I will make it clear. It was the same time I started smoking, THe same time I discovered what we think of as god, it was the end of what most of you would consider a childhood, for after that I was expected to work like a man. It was when I became a work man. I was 8 years old. Kind of like the lost boys of the fundamental Mormons. All though I am not a Fundamental Mormon. I do come from the lost generation. Part of the few that where not required to register for the draft if there is to be a draft again. Yeah the Vietnam war ended and that was the end of the draft and when registration started back up they missed about one year of us. All you out there that are in my age group in that year span know who we are. I am reasonably sure a lot of you feel similar to it all as Me. Most people are not aware of the lost generation. Me and my peers are fully aware of it for we are it. Most people lump us into either baby boomers or x generation, but we are neither for we where lost in time . Yeah some of the world still thinks we are lost. We where saved from war by the hippie boomers and they think we are not grateful for what they did for us, but we are. So we are called druggies and what not. Made to think we have no value, stripped of self esteem and constantly trying to seek approval by our actions , but seldom seem to getting any. Out of sight out of mind sentiment. Now we are coming at you in big ways all around so look out world her comes the dancers one by one, your mommas calling, but your having fun. Yeah rock and roll fantasies. The story of Johny Rotten in living color.
Sort of. The number is a complex number, and you will need to understand complex numbers that have integral coefficients to see what a nontrivial zeta zero is.

You will need to look beyond integer-valued primes. Maybe start with Gaussian integers.

I kind of understand. It is confusing. It is like when I first started to utilize cosine sine and tangent. I had to read it over and over again until it started to make sense, or the formula for regular polygons. It will take some work. The language is rough going. I will continue to kick it in gear and with any luck success will come.
Well Wednesday I get to get going on the wall paper job again. The mitigation should be all finished by then. Just in time to make a little much needed moola. Really been a busy beaver lately with my living book Ay.
I did manage to just about finish the Music Professors Painting, just a little touch ups and accents and it will be all done. I am lucky to have the paintings for it is like insider trading or an information silo. This time I am going to take a picture of this one before I give it away. Someday maybe I will figure out how to post some of them and then all the stuff I talk about will be oh so clear. I will be starting my new painting soon. I already have it mapped out in thought and calculated how big my Masonite needs to be. It will be beautiful , for it will show why you never run out of prime numbers. The Professors Painting shows the pattern of prime plain and clear.
So some of you out there that are real smart may have noticed how in the 8 pairing (5x7, 11x13......) there is a missing element. You can see the connection between the sq. of 11 and the sq of 13 but you can't see the connection between the 7 and 11 squared. There is another pairing is why.
the 5 form instead of the 8 is the connecting force. The symmetrical jump is a lot bigger than the 8 form of pairings. So lets look at it a little by showing the pairing of the 5 form. We got: 7x11, 13x17, 19x23 or by reduction 7x2,4x8,1x5.................... all resonating as factors of 5.
Well as you can see I am not wall papering. Tomorrow tomorrow I love you
tomorrow. It's only a day away. Yeah morning time and work all day to get it done! Those bots they introduced Me to reductionism in the failing world of economics. Yeah it is driving our economy. Partly by global warming concepts and partly by consumerism being thought of as a terrible business model. I hope you all can see this is true for every thing is about perception and where you fall in the event stream. World resonating concepts are o so powerful. More powerful than one might think. You all better start listening to Grandma Franklin for she is old and has seen a few things in her life.
So yeah today the debt comity for the U.S. government came out of there closet today and said We have to reduce if there is to be any hope. No more tax credits for anything is what they said. It was a harsh dose of reality for anyone watching the news. Scary, Scary yes indeed . I am so broke now who knows which way my life is going, but who cares for we all live on the same boat at the same time. I care no really I do. Why do you think I do the things I do. I do it for the future potential of our children's success.
Has any of you read the Dan Brown book "THe Lost Symbol" I could really relate to that book. The Data points where mind blowing for Me. Just the thought of Franklin 8 and all that coupled with the name Melek. Like passing my own shadow . I tell you what. I live across the street from a school called Franklin and sitting here in my basement in my underwear working out my 8 equation with my last name meaning Temple. The parallels go on and on. Old Danny boy he sure knows how to spin a web. No wonder I have a god delusion. When you all talk the way you do.
Well I had to go pick up my son at school which is strange because he loves school, but they caught him pauuuking in the bathroom . He does not seem that sick. But what was interesting to Me was the Quote as you walk in the door. So strange after I have been talking so much about information silos as of late . The Quote " How can we find the truth when we are surrounded by secrets" Made Me think' What are you reading my thread' I know there not. My thread is just a small part of the unfolding of the inevitable event stream coming into all our lives
Yeah I was thinking of the past and how Me and my generation thought back in the day Reagan was elected President. Before he was while he was campaigning lots of us said no way he is the antichrist, You know how young people have imaginations not so much based in reality and feel like they can Change the world and all. So when he was elected it was like what, I can't believe it he is the antichrist how can this be. Kind of like the way Tea baggers think about Obama today. Except when he was elected we crawled back into our holes in defeat thinking We where wrong and have no Idea what we where talking about. Joined the consumerism economy and let it go by the wayside. Now after being a republican for so long I am looking at it a different way for now what I see is old Reagan Baby bless his soul delayed the inevitable for one thing I have learned from building is somethings you just can't buy your way out of. I am once again a Democratic. So strange for if my father knew he would drop dead instantly. It would be to much for his heart to handle. So in a sense Reagan was an Antichrist. I am sure he believed in information silos, Pretty evident as it was the sign of the times with the cold war in full blown action. For you all out there to young to know . The Cold war was somewhat of a mental war of will with clandestine meetings, spying and secret tradings of information. All things in the happen in there own times. Yeah event streams of thought manifested in realities just blow my mind. That is why I think learning history is so important. The best way I think to learn history is to try to imagine your self in the shoes of the people in history you study. Feel there pain and it helps you understand the motivation behind there actions. It can give you a lot of insight to how world events unfold
I think my son is showing suppressed feeling of his Grandma dieing and his nerves are getting to him by his manifested up chuck. He has not let out his emotions as he is a very reserved individual. I am going to keep a close eye on him. I about threw up at the end of band Friday night my self. The guys were talking about death and as they where voicing there opinion on the subject I started to get extremely dizzy with my vertigo and the picture in my mind of her dead body was flashing in my brain. I had to go lay down before I hit the ground and after about 5 minutes I got over my flushed feeling and felt like I needed to up chuck, but I swallowed it and what would you call it. " Man Up"
Yeah not so easy to man up and wonder why us men don't let feelings come out more often. I am trying to deal with my new found emotions in a positive way I think. That is part of what my Here book is about. You can't even imagined how many times I cry when I write in the book.
O.K. I proofed it . The 3 form that is . About how the interval of prime interruption of pairing numbers in the 5,2,8 line must interrupt by the reduction to a 3, so before I go see Hyrum in the hospital (diverticulitis)One of the architects of the band I am in. My cell needs a little charge too before I go. I will show you the math to back up the statement. So we got 35 as the product of the first set and the next interruption of the 5,7 pairing is 245 and the interval between them is 210 , so lets simplify by reduction to 35=8 , 245=2 and 210=3 now lets do the 11x13 pairing we got 143=8 , 143x7=1001=2
( Pythagoras was write about 7 dangnabit) and the interval between is what, an anus says what. 1001-143=858 and what does 858 reduce to? You got to be kidding Me a 3 can you believe that. Arfy you owe Me a brain. I have witnesses pay up brother. Well witches say it has to happen 3 times before it is no longer coincident. Do I need to do it a third time before Arfy gives Me his brain? You can call Me a brain snatcher instead of a dream catcher. I was just Joking Arf you don't have to give Me your brain.
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