Prime numbers , Unified Fields

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Why don't you write a novel about the nature of wood and the human condition.
Leave out the mathematics. Too abstruse.
You will need to think of characters, and work out a plot.
Something about a carpenter, or a maker of fine furniture perhaps.
Why don't you write a novel about the nature of wood and the human condition.
Leave out the mathematics. Too abstruse.
You will need to think of characters, and work out a plot.
Something about a carpenter, or a maker of fine furniture perhaps.

Now that is a great idea Captain , Dude I think you are onto something tangible the world has not yet experienced.
The math though is a solution to the prime number equation and I am struggling to put into words as to catch up someone or anyone up to speed with. I see the solution but it is so foreign to traditional thought as we as humans for the most part live our lives by learned behavior. I found it not by learned behavior, but through observation and investigation, plus I am like the eagle in the fact I have spent my life soaring alone, Even the story of Johnathan Livingston Segal explains this type of behavior as you have eluded to the eagle and the gull. I think Alph might beginning to wonder and he is my best hope to date of getting someone anyone up to speed on the solution. I don't know if he is a site monitor making him a captive audience. Forcing him to read my stuff. I believe if I continue with the rhetoric he to will start to see the solution. It will change the world brother for the applications are endless . Alph if you are reading this the other guy is wrong about prime numbers not having particle property's and string properties to them. You might already know Tesla found alternating current though the understanding of the duality of 3,6,9 and said " If the world could only understand the 3,6,9. Now I am in his same shoes saying if the world could only understand the duality of the 5,7 found in the 3,6,9 form of the 6n field. I know there is some part of you somewhere deep in side your very being that is telling you " It could or might be" but your conscience mind id telling you it can't be so and a carpenter with no formal training could not possibly see it . So consider this in the 6n field : 5 and 7 are in a solid stream like a string and as you move to the next set 11 and 13 they began to take on particle properties. As you move down the line the particles get further apart in a orderly fashion to the point where you can't distinguish the pattern still has ordered form, but the growth is precise and the pattern steps in incremental steps. You wonder why I am relentless Alph it is because I am convinced deep in my soul you have the ability to see through the faults of my attempt to convey the information to you and you your self realize the algebraic expression is with in your grasp. O.K. my time to devote to this is going to run out soon as we all got to make the money and eat. Alph think about what i have said for the gift of a 1000 life times is sitting in your lap.
Why don't you write a novel about the nature of wood and the human condition.
Leave out the mathematics. Too abstruse.
You will need to think of characters, and work out a plot.
Something about a carpenter, or a maker of fine furniture perhaps.

I had to come back to tell you all, all of you are brilliant, I see it now. Thank you thank you thank you. The present right now in history there is no arrow of time. There is no unified field for the human race. China and there Idea of the devalued money system is what the governments are clinging to and that is disaster-est for all of use. If all countries do this the end of civility will be over and civil unrest will continue to grow. I have been thinking how did
world war 11 pulled us out of the depression. It was not the war that did it . It was a unified goal. The world is in desperate need of a new arrow of time, a unified potential of a future out come. A new American dream we all can believe in. You scientist you need to start understanding belief systems for your denial of religion is like saying I have no mother. Science sprung from religious thought and is the rock you come from and if we all are to be prosperous you have to believe in something even if it is just your self and believe you can make a difference. I have a common goal and thanks to all of you I am going to make it happen. Wish Me luck if you value your own humanity
I had to come back to tell you all, all of you are brilliant, I see it now. Thank you thank you thank you. The present right now in history there is no arrow of time. There is no unified field for the human race. China and there Idea of the devalued money system is what the governments are clinging to and that is disaster-est for all of use. If all countries do this the end of civility will be over and civil unrest will continue to grow. I have been thinking how did
world war 11 pulled us out of the depression. It was not the war that did it . It was a unified goal. The world is in desperate need of a new arrow of time, a unified potential of a future out come. A new American dream we all can believe in. You scientist you need to start understanding belief systems for your denial of religion is like saying I have no mother. Science sprung from religious thought and is the rock you come from and if we all are to be prosperous you have to believe in something even if it is just your self and believe you can make a difference. I have a common goal and thanks to all of you I am going to make it happen. Wish Me luck if you value your own humanity

Dyslexia is a curse,my double negative of end of civility will be over is not quite right, but you all I hope know what I mean. Which is all hell is going to brake loose if we don't come together with a unified goal . Unify brothers and sisters of the world. Come together so that we all can be prosperous
You scientist you need to start understanding belief systems for your denial of religion is like saying I have no mother.

You've grabbed my attention again.
Beautifully put.

How can a scientist have a mother?
He has a succession of inherited gametes, resulting in himself.

I hope you can overcome mental difficulties so that you are able to communicate rather than just continually go off at tangents, and that even so you can keep your originality.
If you are going to start a novel, why don't you open it as a sciforums social group, just to try out ideas?

When I said that mathematics was too abstruse, I meant that few people would understand.
If you are to include mathematics, it would need to be very simple, otherwise you would be communicating to very few people, most of whom would probably disagree with you.
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You've grabbed my attention again.
Beautifully put.

How can a scientist have a mother?
He has a succession of inherited gametes, resulting in himself.

I hope you can overcome mental difficulties so that you are able to communicate rather than just continually go off at tangents, and that even so you can keep your originality.
If you are going to start a novel, why don't you open it as a sciforums social group, just to try out ideas?

When I said that mathematics was too abstruse, I meant that few people would understand.
If you are to include mathematics, it would need to be very simple, otherwise you would be communicating to very few people, most of whom would probably disagree with you.

Captain the thing is I am here in my basement looking right at the z function, I am positive it is it . I have no idea how I am to explain it, but I do know enough to see it is definitely it. I gave one of my paintings to my sons algebra teacher,. I am pretty sure he is looking at it over the weekend and it is blowing his mind and it is a simple form of the bigger solution. The one I am looking at right now will blow even the most complicated thinkers in the world. I have appeared to have done what was said could never be done. So strange my man So strange. Bigger things are in the works based in my daily activities and these things are resonating at an unprecedented rate. The novel will have to wait for I am involved in real world solutions at the moment, but I can see a time when a novel will be the order of the day. As it is said " A time to cry, a time to laugh, a time to you know how it goes
Captain the thing is I am here in my basement looking right at the z function, I am positive it is it . I have no idea how I am to explain it, but I do know enough to see it is definitely it. I gave one of my paintings to my sons algebra teacher,. I am pretty sure he is looking at it over the weekend and it is blowing his mind and it is a simple form of the bigger solution. The one I am looking at right now will blow even the most complicated thinkers in the world. I have appeared to have done what was said could never be done. So strange my man So strange. Bigger things are in the works based in my daily activities and these things are resonating at an unprecedented rate. The novel will have to wait for I am involved in real world solutions at the moment, but I can see a time when a novel will be the order of the day. As it is said " A time to cry, a time to laugh, a time to you know how it goes

Me and you against the world Captain, We are brothers, of the same clan, As the eagle fly's on Friday we , You and Me understand driving on the open road with the convertible top down on the car. The freedom of making a road trip on the old Harley. The secrets of songs by Z-Z top. Lawless behavior and why it is what it is. There is even a chance you knew my step father. Am I right or am I wrong. For you, Me and the rest of our clan are the sons and daughters of liberty. It is not many people that can truly taste freedom. Your love of humanity is astounding my new Friend, but it is like we have known each other in a dream, Like the dream of a cow girl floating across the ceiling. I have been talking to multi personalities in these communications , but my man this is just for you and I am trying very hard to stay focused. My vertigo is kicking up, and it makes it extremely hard to stay focused. We are the work men of the world brother. Someone has to sweep the floor and clean the house of the dirt and grime and we feel it is not beneath us to do so Captain. To understand the under ground culture of America is to understand why the criminal mind try's so hard to get the attention of the rest of the world that don't have a clue. You would think the behavior would tell them something about there selves , but the thick skull of the human brain does not want to see there own short falls. It is like the new song by the Lost Lonely boys " Burn it Down" where it is all about dignity and how we are all just about ready to through it all to the dirt. I know you know exactly what I am talking about. I love you Man, Rock and Roll will never die
O.K. I am going to try to simplify like the photo Captain suggested. Since I feel like we have a failure to communicate. Maybe some of you should go eat 50 eggs an get a belly ache like you are giving Me.
Lets start with the simplest expression . A field of base 4, now don't go getting all technical on my butt and except for the moment we live in base 10. It is a fact of life just except it so I can get my point across. So we have a field of base 4 with in base 10
..... now this establishes the 147 pattern, the 258 and the 369, O.K. now consider 147 is a set and 258 is a set and 369 is a set. We will call 1=a and 2=b 3=c so now you will have to do some work your self for I am not going to add or multiple for ever to show you it all hold true to................
a+b=c axb=b axa=a bxb=a a+c=a and so forth, now you can get the picture of what is going on. Now the 1 plus and the 1- are at play in a string like manner, but as you move forward in the field 5 and 7 have particle type qualities progressing in a precise manner like a horse on a chess board and as you move down the field to 8 and 10 they separate by 1 more than 5 and 7 where as the particles get further apart by exact amounts, but if you double the field to base 7
.......... then 5 and 7 go back to string like qualities and every other combo set forth in the field step back 1 notch. Now you can get the feel of the lamination I am talking about. If you continue to double the field you will continue to move the next set back to string like qualities and all other particle sets will step back 1. O.K. with Me so far. Now there is a card type phenomenon that is at play also. An over lap per say that reveals more perfect harmony in it's self. So we take base 4 and we continue the count out at a horizontal direction but we stay in base 4
now in this you will start to see the web of base 4. The duality of the 1+ and the 1- and how they move opposing each other in a string like manner. If the field is continued you will see how the next set opposes each other also, but in a particle type motion instead of a string. O.K. get it?
You've grabbed my attention again.
Beautifully put.

How can a scientist have a mother?
He has a succession of inherited gametes, resulting in himself.

I hope you can overcome mental difficulties so that you are able to communicate rather than just continually go off at tangents, and that even so you can keep your originality.
If you are going to start a novel, why don't you open it as a sciforums social group, just to try out ideas?

When I said that mathematics was too abstruse, I meant that few people would understand.
If you are to include mathematics, it would need to be very simple, otherwise you would be communicating to very few people, most of whom would probably disagree with you.

Captain my man there is no cure for dyslexia. There is only management. My life was fine and dandy because of the help of my Wife and my Brother. Every thing was just great and manageable until the locust of the world swooped in and ate all the grain in the warehouse not even leaving a morsel for me to chew on. I mean every body was a building contractor, but because of my dyslexia I could not spin the lies of the greedy that understood pain for gain. Any way I am sitting here twiddling my thumbs because I realized I can't start the next job until I post and notify the tenants that we are containing Lead paint. The world of building is upside down brother, I need a new profession, I can't spin lies, it just is not in my nature. I can only get excited about something if it is real and like the green movement is just ripping with lies. There are some beneficial aspects of the whole thing , but you now how marketing works I don't have to tell you.
I am going to find something you can count on that one brother man
Me-Ki-Gal (Refering to post #16) that number sequence 1,4,9,7,7,9,4,1 is
4x4=16 1+6=7
5x5=25 2+5=7
6x6=36 3+6=9
7x7=49 4+9=13 1+3=4
8x8=10 1+0=1

Check out Marko Rodin's Vortex Mathematics on Youtube if you haven't already. ;)
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Me-Ki-Gal (Refering to post #16) that number sequence 1,4,9,7,7,9,4,1 is
4x4=16 1+6=7
5x5=25 2+5=7
6x6=36 3+6=9
7x7=49 4+9=13 1+3=4
8x8=10 1+0=1

Check out Marko Rodin's Vortex Mathematics on Youtube if you haven't already. ;)
great job N1tro, you have a brain, can I buy it from you, Isn't every thing for sale at the right price, just joking. No I havn't on the Marko dude, but If you continue the sequence the pattern hold true for...........................
Hey everyone I gave one of my paintings to my sons math teacher and he felt fit to show it to the students and try to explain it. I didn't explain nothing to him and he could realize about a 1/4 of it or a 1/4 of what I could see to date in the painting. I am positive he is captured by his own imagination by looking and dwelling on the painting. I bet he takes it home with him and his wife is saying " What the hell is the matter with you. stop looking at that painting, go play with your son. I highlighted some areas and he told the kids " I am not sure why this is highlighted , but if he looks at it long enough it will all start to come clear in his mind. I miss the painting , I could always paint another one, but no big deal for the one I am working on now makes his look like child's play.
The music professor is getting the next one for Christmas and it is beautiful besides having information beyond belief. It will make him a better musician just by looking at it. It will go Click click click in his brain making new pathways he never new could exist. He is like I said the tip of the spear for our work in rebuilding efforts in Haiti. It is so strange to be connected to the D.C. comity of finance working on the Haiti project. I started a conversation with a great guy in the comity and I tried like hell to keep a coherent thought like The Photo Captain suggested. It only took 2 hr. for 2 paragraphs, but I think the message was solid and coherent. Changing the world one paragraph at a time brothers and sisters. God I hope I get faster. O.K. here is a couple of jokes for you. What is the mother of invention? no not ingenuity , Religion O.K. O.K. Nietzsche- God is dead
God- Nietzsche is dead. Well I laughed it is funny to me an I think even funny if your an Atheist.
Well here I am, yes it's Me , All I want is
Yeah a stupid wall paper job and now it is held up so the expert scientist can come in and analyze the mold that was behind the old wall paper. They will not find the cause. I have been down this road before. It has to do with hot water heat and the stacking effect of moister in the house, but no I am just a stupid carpenter so what would I know about the science, except I am an observant type of person and know that the occurrence happens in all the same houses of the same age with the same type of heat source. Last time the mold was found with the same circumstances the scientist said "That is not it and $1600 later they had no answer. If I have no answer I don't get paid for my work, but not true for people with credentials. Yet I have the answer and it is the hotwater heat coupled with tight house construction causing a stacking effect that mitigates right to the outlet of the heat source. For some reason the testers get a false negative reading from the test method. Then they say I don't know and hand you there bill. I wish I could get paid for nothing, but then my conscience would haunt me , so in retro spec maybe not.
I got to thinking maybe I am writing my novel right here and now real time and anyone brave enough to speak up becomes a character in the book. I mean this thread is getting so long it is starting to look like a book. I am pretty good at reading the language of the birds you know . I have been reading it for many many years. I know in fact that it is real, but proving it is another task all it self. It almost drove Me to insanity when I was 20. More like between 20 and 22, It took that long to recover from reading the language and I was able to put it to the back of my mind and not think of it, but every once and a while it would come to the forefront and slap Me hard in the face as a wake up call. I would say to my self " no Me-ki-gal let it go it is not based in reality . Yet now I am starting to get a real understanding how the language works by analytical analysis and my reading of it is becoming clearer and clearer. It is based in the math I am presenting here live naked to the world. Most of you out there you have had that same dream where you are at school naked walking around the halls of the school for everyone to see your nakedness. Some of us cover up ( B personalities ) and some of us let it all hang out ( A personalities) Well I have been a B personality , but now my A personality is letting it all hang out baby. For graduation has come and gone. So what did I read in the language today you might ask? Well I will tell you. You don't want Me to build ,sweep floors , take care of maid services any more. You want me to write, analysis, and bring forth the mysteries that have plagued humanity from the beginning of awareness. If that turns out to be true my days of imprisonment will be coming to an end soon. I sure hope so for I don't know how much more I can take.
Well Well Well, just got the call from the experts on the typical mold problemo in basement bathrooms of houses that where built in the late 70s through the 80s with hot water heat and guess what? No one can go near the project until they rip out all the sheet rock , mitigate put back together and give the all clear siren. Nice little niche business, and the mold issue still won't be solved, but it will be mitigated for now. By the way I am not dead yet and haven't even a gray hair on my head and I have been wallowing in it all for over 40 years. Hum I must be immune, maybe it was the pin worms I ate as a child. What a minute I was tested for allergies when I was 23 and I am severely allergic to mold, all trees except cedar, plus most grasses. I don't know ? Maybe I am dead and just don't know it. Someone forgot to tell Me I am dead. How would I know? Seems like I am walking around "taking care of businesses" It's all right " Taken care of business" to Me
Alrighty Mighty, Mighty Mouse needs to go for now
He's an utter crank.

Alpha Numeric my man I didn't forget you name honest. I was just afraid to spell it. I have my fears too. I try like hell to face them. How else do you think a dyslexic vertigo prone old man could get up on the top of a wall with his tools and walk around. I only fell off 1 time and I was fortunate enough to catch the top plate of the wall and save my self from hitting the concrete. One guy I know fell and ran a piece of rebar right threw his head. Can you believe that . He lived. He didn't even know it when he did it. He was laying there on the ground and a piece of rebar that was embedded" in concrete was sticking right out of his head and he was saying " Help Me up, come on guys help Me up. Well all of the people standing around where in a state of shock thinking " He is alive and he is talking. Well it ended up he was cut loose with a pair of bolt cutters and taken to the hospital and it so happened it went right between the to lobes of his brain. It did no damage except widening the gap between his 2 lobes. There is an operation doctors do that is similar for some medical reason. Dude your skills with fixtures are beyond moral comprehension. I am hoping you are starting to understand Me, about the math. The rest is just window dressing, or like the potential stuffing in the turkey you might eat coming up in the future. You are the hero in the story my man , don't you know that. Your roll is the roll of the builder in the dream. If you could think about what I am really saying , not the fluff, but the math and look beyond the obvious. Look at the full implications of what I am talking about. It is so daunting my man for I look at the math and think if it is not realized in the right perspective it all kind of looks like it is stupid. Just like Me when I learned about supplementary angels and thought no big deal so what, but later found out yeah it is a big deal, a big deal you can count on. Now consider this and I mean give it more than a swat of you Michael Jackson glove. Give it your Yoda thought.
we have 2 rows , base 2 have you.
Now what is the difference between the 2 rows ( this represents all numbers reduced by the law of nine) O.K. my mind tells me there is no difference in base 2. Not by the pattern of the reducing of the numbers though. My mind tells me they are the same because the growth rate is the same except one of the rows starts with 1 extra. Think of it as a field and in base 2 all numbers to .................... are trapped in that field and can only follow that pattern. Think about it brother?
I question whether you can even think coherently, never mind have thoughts and ideas worth listening to.
I question whether you can even think coherently, never mind have thoughts and ideas worth listening to.

I still can't get past the base being 1 more than the amount of numbers in the system. To me the base system should be the amount of numbers represented. If you have 9 like in base ten , you only have 9 if you have base 2 you only have one , To me zero is a non number. Like white is to color or just a place marker. O.K. thanks for dragging Me down further into hell brother. I give up, you are the man
I still can't get past the base being 1 more than the amount of numbers in the system.
Its all due to modular arithmetic, as I went through earlier in the thread.

To me the base system should be the amount of numbers represented.

If you have 9 like in base ten , you only have 9 if you have base 2 you only have one
Actually its related to the prime factors of N-1, ie in Base 10 you get similar results involving multiples of 3 and 9. In Base 8 it would only be 7. In base 16 it would involve multiples of 3 and 5, since 16 - 1 = 15 = 3*5.

To me zero is a non number. Like white is to color or just a place marker.
Zero is a number. It's essential to construct many mathematical structures, in that its important to have a number, call it X, which satisfies X+Y = Y for all Y, ie 0+Y = Y, regardless of Y. You're mistaking the mathematical concept of zero with the more physical concept of having nothing of something.
Its all due to modular arithmetic, as I went through earlier in the thread.


Actually its related to the prime factors of N-1, ie in Base 10 you get similar results involving multiples of 3 and 9. In Base 8 it would only be 7. In base 16 it would involve multiples of 3 and 5, since 16 - 1 = 15 = 3*5.

Zero is a number. It's essential to construct many mathematical structures, in that its important to have a number, call it X, which satisfies X+Y = Y for all Y, ie 0+Y = Y, regardless of Y. You're mistaking the mathematical concept of zero with the more physical concept of having nothing of something.
your generosity is magnificent AlphaNumeric, I appear to be out of sync . It still looks like nothing , the 0 that is. Can you see the pattern of prime numbers? or do you see them as random? Can you see the lamination? You must be able to see it, the way you see so much and understand modular math. Your example of x+y=y regardless of y for all y still satisfies the physical concept. Nothing plus what ever is still what ever. The what ever has not changed. I do appreciate your explanations. I wish I could be in sync. It is very lonely seeing the world from my view, but what people think is easy to understand just seems to escape my mental process. Like hate. I don't understand that concept either. Get whats mine. That one escapes me too. How can something be yours? Is it from a feeling that you earned it, or a feeling of entitlement and is that real. The whole thought of it's mine seems so bizarre. I don't know what is mine, if anything at all. Someone said to me once " you need to get some needs so you can get what you want. I just don't know what they meant by that. I know I am way off track and not coherent, you don't have to say it again. It hurts my feelings when people say that. I do have feelings. I was like a rock for a long time , Dead so to speak, but that dreadful day Feb. 14 2009 everything changed. I am afraid I will never make it back to my old dead self. It was definitely easier to cope when I was dead to the world. I didn't realize I was different then. I assumed everyone thought like Me. O.K. brother thanx for trying. I will work on understanding. Maybe even find out if something is mine.
You are a poor quality troll

Well I think I might be getting a little smarter by all of your help and I mean all of you brilliant people. My last correspondence with the Haiti group only took about 1 hr. Don't sue me Alphnull for I used your poor quality line , but left out the troll part. We are exploring a different form of economics which as far as I can tell has yet to date been explored. The American model of carrot and stick economics is in a sense not working so well on the world stage so why not explore other possibilities. Anyway you are all a great bunch of people for helping me overcome my personal short falls.
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