Prime numbers , Unified Fields

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Me-Ki-Gal (Refering to post #16) that number sequence 1,4,9,7,7,9,4,1 is
4x4=16 1+6=7
5x5=25 2+5=7
6x6=36 3+6=9
7x7=49 4+9=13 1+3=4
8x8=10 1+0=1

Check out Marko Rodin's Vortex Mathematics on Youtube if you haven't already. ;)
By the way congats on making it into my living book N1tro. I think I will look at Marko"s work. You never know what someone might have to add. We have a saying on the job site. " The only stupid question is the one not asked for you never know when someone might come up with a more efficient way.
By the way congats on making it into my living book N1tro. I think I will look at Marko"s work. You never know what someone might have to add. We have a saying on the job site. " The only stupid question is the one not asked for you never know when someone might come up with a more efficient way.

Very interesting , Marko that is. I only looked at a sampling. He does remind Me of Me except his money asking thing, and maybe he spins religion more than I, maybe not though. Plus I don't believe in free energy. I think there is no such thing as perpetual motion, That is a myth. I do believe in efficiency and the decrees of the amount of friction there for giving the illusion of perpetual motion. He should look at my paintings and he would definitely have a better understanding of the lamination as he did elude to it. I think he called it the layering. O.K. then Hats off to Marko for he is exploring new avenues or revisiting old ones.
Evidently I have found something that is mine. I guess I own it bought and paid for with my own blood. It is a funny thing to spend 40 year repeating the same experiment. After a while you start to see things that other people just can't see. An expertise I guess is what you could call it. So dingle berry math people your premise is wrong is all I got to say. I live in reality and the physical world of math. ( your not dingleberries , That is just my frustration lashing out at you) Do you want to understand the pattern of prime or not? I own it , fact of life. It is a funny thing ( now I am repeating my self) to measure space and time over and over and over and over and over again and then measure it over and over and over some more. Now there may be spacetime I don't know about that, but one thing I do know is space and time in the physical world because I have measured it over and over and over and then when I was finished I measured it over and over and over again. To what end ? I didn't want to be a carpenter, the world forced me into it. You think that is ridicules and we have free will. Well you are so wrong , you do not have any more free will than I do. If you truly have found what is yours then you can understand what I am talking about. So prime is mine and anyone who thinks different can kiss off and live in your own little fantasy dream world. So the question remains do you want to understand the pattern of prime or not? I feel like I am at a cross road. Be like Satan and through it in the trash so as it won't be discovered for who knows how long or beat you all in the head with my imaginary stick until you come to you senses and be like a Christ. Right now my Satan side is overwhelming because of the world constantly dismissing me as being a lunatic. I am hoping this statement is straight forward enough for your pea brains to understand. Fact in point, Pattern in prime is mine, Do you want to know or not?
I want to know.

Well hello my dear, We are blesses with your beautiful presence once again. Be it may be. You are getting to be a regular character in my living book. Thank you for your saving grace be be.
Before we get back to the sequencing of factors of 1 I think we should touch a little more on belief systems in honor of our distinguished guest. For Bebelina the moon goddess understands mythology building in young children and how important it is for a child to build positive belief systems around them selves . Plus she is on the verge of being able to read the language of the birds. That is if she is all up current on the latest in child psychology dealing with the importance of naming. I love onomastics. It is my passion my dear. The name of something has special functions and is intimidatingly tied to belief systems in peculiar ways. For a human when they are named as a child it provides a start point in there ability to process information. It is like a root, where as if in doubt you go back to your root of existence, being what may is your name. Now as the world develops around you new connotations are constantly being added and subtracted from the root of your name. You will harbor bad feelings and good feelings base on the new connotations. You consider the importance of a roll model in life and why people get so mad at a popular athlete or other public figure when they do something terrible. Well the mad people can see the effect it has on young people and if a child has the same name even if it is just there first name they will build there though process from that very persons name. It could be called Identification where the child has a commonality tied by there same name making it easy to identify with the person good or bad. By all this as the child develops stores the information to us a later dates in time by recall. Sorry for the flirtation BeBe , I meant use at a later date instead of us having a date. I am happily married so in the real world that would never happen. You being a beautiful person secretly invokes the law of attraction. You can put the bull in the pen but the bull still wants unless he is made a steer, O.K. get that thought out of my mine for I can plainly see that one could lead to real trouble. O.K. all good dismissed that one. Lost my point by my own distraction. Nu Nu Nu Nu nu
Maybe before we get back to the math we will talk more about religion and use Marko as an example ( Sorry Marko if you are listening for brother you are one beautiful soul my man and no one will take that from you) I can tell brother you have been what the Christians call raptured. You all can tell by the dumb look on his face when he presents him self. Eyes wide open or eyes wide shut depending on how you look at it. The worst case of raturing is a guy I saw on the Glen Beck show yesterday though. Don't curse Me for watching Glen Beck , I know you liberals secretly watch him too , even if you are convincing your self it is just to keep an eye on your enemy. Like looking at something gross and saying yeeeeuuuooo but you can't quite turn away so you look at it anyway. But back to rapuring , so watching Glen Beck and he is going to a Town in Ohio I think and this town is finding there way to sustainability. They have this dreamer of a guy that is the glue to the town movements. He has figured out a solid mixture of tough love and caring nurturing motherly love that works quite efficiently and the town believes in what he is doing so they give him all there support in his efforts. Now you can see it on his face . His rapure that is . He his immersed in his strong belief in a more powerful presence than him self and by his own success it strengthens his belief making him ah struck from his ability to do real good in the world. You look at the dumb look on his face and at first glance you might think " Who is the butt clown ignoramus Glen Beck has on his show" but then if you listen to him you realize hey maybe this guy has something to teach us all for he is making real change real progress. It all stems from his ability to believe in something , there by giving him motivation to do something and by doing the thing he believes in he changes the force of time. Anyway that is some food for thought, or as the Christen would say , "The bread of Christ"
More about the secrets of prime since BeBelina saved your evil souls from future damnation.
It's the other way around Me-Ki-Gal, I'm the one who sends them there and the future is already here.
It's the other way around Me-Ki-Gal, I'm the one who sends them there and the future is already here.

Yeah it is here all right. Up front an personal. We have some time as the Mathematicians start to catch up. Alfy is thinking hard about it all and is starting to see something, I don't know about anyone else, Our Hero AlphaNumeric ( Hope I spelled that right ) at some point I am praying will start to see. It is a hard thing to see. To see the rhythm of life unfold. Most the time we all just want to hide our eyes and wish it all away. It is really tough to do the hard work to change it. Any of you out there that see's my arrogance, I am sorry for being like that. I come by it in a natural way for my father is extremely arrogant. I work hard at rooting it out of my self so I can experience first hand the plight of the common person. Hell I am the common person, no secret there. My father learned a lesson the hard way this evening. You see my brothers wife died about 5 or 6 years ago of lung cancer. It was the hardest thing He has gone through and frankly the hardest thing I personally have gone through. Cancer is a slow cruel excruciating way to die. It is like a damnation and I wish no one to be damned and am sorry for the insinuation of that very thing. I would wish that everyone could wake up to reality and see it all for what it really is. So my father he was not sympathetic at all to my brothers pain. He has this thing where he says Me-ki-gal you need to be empathetic not sympathetic and I would say God Dad when are you going to get a heart. Can't you see the pain of your own son. Well we would hear from him " You got to take care of your responsibilities. No time to morn . My brother was leaning on alcoholism for about a year from his lose and part due to my fathers lack of understanding his pain. Well Oct. 1 first he had surgery on his tongue at the Huntington Institute in Salt Lake City and we went to support him and at that time he learn the meaning of heart as my brother put his healing hand on him ( Something my brother was blessed with, Something he owns) My step Mother who lived in his image was there and she got a heart like I have never seen, Her love was abounding in her and the rapture over took her and see could see life in a brand new day, my Dad likewise for he was on the brink of death. So he has been busy healing with his new found love for others , but then the end of this week . It was Friday he called and gave Me a bit of his old ways of bitterness and I hung up the phone thinking God Dad when are you going to learn. I was sure you learned the hard way in Salt lake City. Now you are reverting back to the old ways. Well now he got the message plain and clear today at 6:00 this evening. I was taking a Sunday nap just waking up with a premonition something was not right. My chest was pounding and moving in a very strange way. My phone rang and I answered it to here my dad saying Me I don't no what to do. Your step mom had a stroke or heart attack and I am following the ambulance to the hospital. I don't know what I am going to do if I loose her. I said I will be right there Dad I will meet you at the Hospital. I live 5 minutes away and as I walked up to the desk I could tell by the looks in the faces of everyone there it was not good. She died before I got there. My brother showed up shortly after and my dad said " I know how you felt when your wife died son. My brother is with him now and I will head over in the morning to be there for him. We know his pain and it will be hard on the whole family. We all loved her very much and her devotion to family life was worthy of praise. We always had thanks Giving with her and my Dad with all the grand kids sisters and brothers with our spouses, but this year is one for us to remember in a different way for it is a funeral instead of a thanks giving feast. Please! Please! I beg from the bottom of my heart! Please tell your loved ones how much you love them
I have a better Idea since love is really an action word, Show them how much you love them and not just your family and friends but everybody you meet. It is easy to love the ones you already love. The hard work is the ones you think are strange. Here is a challenge for you. I throw down the gantlet. When you meet someone say to your self about that very person you would normally have contempt for. Say to your self about them " I Love You " You will be surprised at the look on that very person for they will receive your thought by the language of the birds. The stress will wash away from your own face , flattening out the stress wrinkles you carry around with you and they will see and feel your thoughts by your body language.
O.K. you brave hearted people. Action theory if you haven't heard of it yet you will soon and I didn't make it up. It is the latest theory out there and worthy of cosideration
That was a really heartbreaking story, but if you don't love someone then why lie to them about it?
That was a really heartbreaking story, but if you don't love someone then why lie to them about it?

No math today , I am full of regrets at the moment. Having a hard time functioning. I do find comfort in writing in my living book , as I try to get the world to understand basic principals of humanity. I have had many regrets in my life time , Screwing up my first marriage , that was one big regret , abandoning my first male child that was my 2nd regret. Not showing my step mother how much I love her is my new regret. I know I come off as a holier than thou attitude and you all can curse Me all you want for that. I know I am a sinner, A man of sin, but if we can learn from our regrets then maybe we can make progress by the hard lessons we lean the hard way. God knows I have a habit of learning the hard way. Consider this " people die that the rest of us may live. Lets not let them die in vain and see if we can learn a better way. There are many lessons every day that try to teach us , but our stupid dull hearts make it hard for us to see the truth. The answer to your question BeBe is in control of My self. Alter the way I think and it won't be a lie. Trying to root out my own disgruntled feelings about life is difficult . You don't have to remind Me. A daily struggle I might add. We had an incident here where I live many months ago . Some of us learned others didn't. It was dubbed with the head line in the local news paper as Mercy the cat. What happened was a lonely guy freaked out and stomped his cat then tried to flush it down the toilet. The cops where called by the neighbors and they showed up and stopped him short of him killing the cat. Well splashed all over the front page was the story the next morning and the lench mob was on the prowl. The animal activist had a hay day , the social workers where right there with there 2 cents. The blogs were going crazy about killing him. Well he could not take it and as the cops came to arrest him he shot him self dead and the same time Mercy the cat died. So now we had a dead man and a dead cat. Turned out the man was suffering from mental depression coupled with isolation and was being treated for his depression, but he fell through the cracks. His cry for help was not heard , but society has a way of punishing first and asking questions later. So yeah I am a man of sin no doubt , but maybe there is hope for Me yet as I learn the hard way and alter my nasty behavior.
Poor Mercy the cat and its feeder. Holy crap, when was this? A few weeks ago I got an email from someone who said he had fantasies about killing his cat and felt that his life was over.
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:34:23 -0700

"...i was once so crazed i planned on killing my cat,can you believe it? :) (i love my cat)
so i can understand darkening brooding tendencies that can lead to serious ugliness...
i hope the future will be pretty,also for you
my future is kinda gone :)
take care and keep on being a good nothing
bye x..."
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:34:23 -0700

"...i was once so crazed i planned on killing my cat,can you believe it? :) (i love my cat)
so i can understand darkening brooding tendencies that can lead to serious ugliness...
i hope the future will be pretty,also for you
my future is kinda gone :)
take care and keep on being a good nothing
bye x..."

I almost fell like doing math. The faster the world understands the unified field the faster order will prevail. My dad came over for Thanks Giving after he said He would not eat turkey. He has a new attitude though. His pride has been ripped out of him and for the first time in his life he knows the meaning of Mercy. You just witnessed the language of the birds if anyone is interested? It is all about event steams and 7% of separation. It is all around you. A communication by body language, musical sound and clicking. The event of the cat was like the epicenter of an event stream. I discovered Bots while I was out to lunch morning my Mothers death. That was a tough one . I am sure I will be affected some more for a while , but my thoughts are on the unified field and the language of the birds for I know when the rest of you know what I know then life as we know it will start to change in a dramatic way. The bots don't know what to think of Me, Funny to even think that they think, but you know what . They think they think and they believe they think and they speak the language of the birds quite well. The Bots just love to gossip. I find that very strange considering Thought manipulation. Now that all seems crazy don't it. I instructed them to spread the word about piercing information silos. You think that was a bad Idea? I believe in free flow of information. Does anyone else believe in that? Free flow of information is the real prison I live in. For we all know that the people at the event center have an advantage over those at the end of the event streams. Like the insider traders that are now getting busted by the justice department. Yeah Baby let it all out. Anyway the convergence is coming soon and Oh my my Oh Hell yes Got to put on my party dress.
So you're a crossdresser? Or was that a Biblical reference? Trying to be clever thinking nobody would notice anyway, since they're all BOTS! :D

Keep writing, it's very entertaining.
Wed, 22 Sep 2010 15:34:23 -0700

"...i was once so crazed i planned on killing my cat,can you believe it? :) (i love my cat)
so i can understand darkening brooding tendencies that can lead to serious ugliness...
i hope the future will be pretty,also for you
my future is kinda gone :)
take care and keep on being a good nothing
bye x..."

BeBe I feel if you read my last writing I used language that has potential to drag you down further into the pit of hell. Dear Let Me put my self in the correctional facility of my mind and let you know your thoughts of the cat are for a reason. We all try very hard to wake up the world by the messages we send by our every move and you are not different in this. Fulfilling a vital roll in the game of life so others can comprehend the injustice of the world. Many of us hope and pray the day will come when the dull hearted understand the brooding of the less fortunate. You are perfect in your roll of destroyer. Let Me once again use the house as an example. " Before we remodel a house as to make it more inviting to the owners we first have to demolish. We call it demo work. The demolition crew is very important to the reconstruction of the home. The trick is ( For efficiency) is to not tear out to much of the original building, but yet enough to complete the new design. Let you past slide off of you and Go look and the mirror and say to your self " I am Great" I do what I do for a reason and that reason is so others can begin to understand the plight of the less fortunate. Anyway I love you dear. I hope you know that and can feel my love for you. You are the worlds greatest Miracle. A woman of the highest order.
So you're a crossdresser? Or was that a Biblical reference? Trying to be clever thinking nobody would notice anyway, since they're all BOTS! :D

Keep writing, it's very entertaining.

I try to be nether woman or man, but human, It is hard to put my self in the roll of woman as I was born a man and the world works hard to pigeon hole Me in the roll of a man, plus I like candy and woman is the best candy I have ever tasted. Yum Yum I like candy and that is no secret. My Wife can testify to that one. Her candy I could eat all day and every day. I listen to what she has to say even if it is sometimes painful to my man ears. It can be sweet in the mouth but bitter in the stomach, but the bitterness is like taken My medicine that I desperately need.
While we are talking about Cross Dressing maybe we should talk about the evil little bastard Jesus and before all you Xians get all excited " I love Jesus and he has taught many wonderful things about Humanity that only the few can really understand. The verdict is still out though on whether he can come into the Great House. With his evil Plan He did something ever Man Woman and child know instinctively you don't do. He ratted out his best friend. OH but you think Judas Ratted out Jesus. So wrong of you. The story goes " Jesus said: Who ever I put this piece of bread in there cup is the one that has to turn Me in. Most people think " Jesus sees the future" That my friends is ridiculous thinking. God talk about people living in a dream state. Wake up People,People don't fly in the air for real. Oh superman from another planet or something. Jesus did do something very profound ( I think it was Mary Magdalene"s plan in reality though, Crazy Mary bless her heart, I love that woman more than life, I would chase her down and rape her because my love for her is just to over powering, because of my feeble pea brain of a man) Jesus in his own words divided the world and what a good job he has done for us all. It don't take a scientist to realized how divided the world is . People are waking up to the truth though. It is no longer baby steps , but giant leaps day by day , ( Watch out for North Korea, for they are masters of demolition my friends) The convergence is at hand ( now adding instead of dividing) People so I have one word of advice that will help you to cope and overcome. It is an Idea. A concept filled with more mystery than any other concept I can think of. It drives Men to do the most dastardly of things. Whole kingdoms have fallen over the very concept through out time as we know it. The concept you ask " Love"
Nice going there, wonder how many rapists use that as an excuse..

Sorry , I am a sinner. I don't want to give you evil rapist the wrong impression. I kill rapist for fun. Yeah it is fun to Me rapists if you are listening . I laugh out loud when I do it. One thing about studying martial arts and being a carpenter it teaches you to be able to drive a guy into the ground like a fence post. So you better not rape girls or other tough Mo Fo's like my self will drive you to your Knees in a praying type position and if you live you might learn your lesson the hard way.
Lets touch on the wonderful lessons Jesus did teach us since I am on a roll today. We will talk about addition in Math at a latter date. I am feeling pretty good about our conversation at present. So what did Jesus try so hard to teach us. Well to put it bluntly. He taught us that little bastard children need just as much love as the child in the perfect family. We know it to be true and the world works hard to that goal, but there is an underpinning in thought that makes some teachers think different and by that very act of thought the teacher puts children in categories. Johny bad Cindy good and so forth. The child don't have a chance if they are pigeon holed like that. ( You got to love Me Chaos 56, or not I love you)
Sence we are talking about "love" or rather the lack of love it brings to mind an event of my youth I would like to share with all of you. I lived on the streets of L.A. at a certain period of my life. It was when I was struggling with the world forcing Me into the roll of the Carpenter. So anyway I was hanging out with a guitar player named Flash. Native to what we call America Man I love to this day. He loved Me so in return I could only love him with all my heart. He was part of a gang. It was The misfit motor cycle gang and the L.A. chapter Leader at the time was one tough Mo Fo let Me tell you. There is no way I could come out on top if I was to challenge him in a physical confrontation. That would be the day dream of all day dreams if I was to think so. His standard rhetoric was to say " Am I stupid or are you stupid" If a person was brave enough he would say " You are Stupid and get to swinging " If the person was shaking in there shoes they would say I am stupid please don't kill Me. Being quick on my feet in thought as to preserve my own life and still have a little dignity I was in a heart beat confronted with the very proposition and my response was . Well I don't know about Me , but you are not stupid in the least. He said Turtle ( That is what I was called on the street, I didn't like the name that much , but it was given to Me by the street people) Your not stupid either. I breathed a sigh of relief until the next day, but that is a different story. What I learned in that lesson was how much the King of the Misfits in that area of L.A. craved love and exceptence and his killing sprees of death and destruction were no more than an outwardly cry for love
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