Prime numbers , Unified Fields

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Well I am not wall papering , or painting. Monday is the new schedule. Delays Dealys. Some kind of force is telling Me my days of building are coming to an end. I better hurry up and get the bands demo finished for our promoter.Yeah Maybe that one will pan out in the end. O.K. I am going to go torment some of the other threads on the sci forum just for the fun of it.
Well I am not wall papering , or painting. Monday is the new schedule. Delays Dealys. Some kind of force is telling Me my days of building are coming to an end. I better hurry up and get the bands demo finished for our promoter.Yeah Maybe that one will pan out in the end. O.K. I am going to go torment some of the other threads on the sci forum just for the fun of it.
Well I guess I broke the rules and did bullit pionts in separate boxes but the mediator corrected Me. Good job! I will try to be better about that . No promises though. I might screw up.
My dad revealed his big secret tonight. Only took him 5 hours. I let him know at the end of the 5 hr. I already knew the big secret and I told him , Don't you think everybody knows all ready dad. After all you work in the community and the community gives you your wealth no big secret dad. Yeah his coveted net worth. 2,900,000 approx. Big deal!! Can't by Me love! Unlike the Jesus carpenter this Carpenter loves the world and is part of it. Earth is home to Me.
One reason I do bullit points is It does not seem to post if my response is to long. Maybe it is my slow typing skills, I don't know . Hit the wrong button who knows. So yeah I lost my thought. This is embarrassing Blank! I am not that fond of that feeling. When someone says to you. What are you thinking and nothing seems to come. My dad he was always doing that. Freaked Me out! He would go . What are you thinking! think Me! God I didn't like that at all as a child. It confused Me. How boat you. Does it bother you when someone does that? Well it does Me. I hate it . Hay look at that there is something I hate. I am making progress tonight. Facing some of my denials. Pat Me on the back everybody. Facing some truth in my very own life.
I woke up early this morning for a Sunday. I am not sure what to do? I can tell my wife is mad at Me. It is amiss understanding is what it is. She thinks I am all greedy Man like because of a cross wiring. I told her days ago I am going to be famous. She don't understand , so after all the kids . All five of us had the meeting with dad last night she thinks I am after the money or something. Not true. He can burn his money and my fame thing. Well you just can't change the world unless people listen to you and forget it if you are out of sight out of mind. So I told her We are going to be rich!. She totally miss read that for I was talking about being loved. I want to be loved, but it is hard to find love. She loves Me yeah yeah yeah she does. I have never really felt like my dad loves Me. He says he does. You got to know what love really is before you can show someone love. So I said we are going to be rich! I was talking about the richness of love. She interpreted it as Me wanting for Dads Money and now is disappointed in Me. She can't help it. Thinking Like that. She don't trust Men and I can't blame her for feeling that way. She was repetitively molested and raped by lots of Men when she was a child and go figure back in the day they would blame the child. Boy we have come a long way sense then. We have another saying on the job sight. " They sure don't build them like they us to, THANK GOD" I am going to have to clean the house up good today and try and win back her favor. Part of it is she is reading a book. I think it is called the Room. Something like that . It is about life from the eyes of a five year old and I think it is dredging up the past for her. I think I will just stay quite and if she asks Me anything I will just give her as straight an answer as I can. Let her work it out in her own thoughts. I can't wait to read that book. It will probably help Me with my feelings of unwantedness
As you know my God delusion run extremely deep. I like to think of my self as a " Great Intellect" Mother natures son" and all that. It is hard for Me not to think that way for creation it self prods Me all the time. I can give you an example that happened at My Step Mothers funeral. The preacher was up there gabbing away and what he said that really caught my attention was when he said Jesus is the one not in the picture with her but He was with her even though you can't see him in any of the pictures but at least she got to see his painting before she left this world. Well talk about vertigo with my mind just a spinning in disbelief. The day before the funeral everyone was making much to do about Me not being in any of the family pictures with her. Yeah I am the only one in the family that there is no picture of with her, but that was not all for the last time her and my dad where over to the house I showed her My Painting. I am thinking as the preacher was talking . What are you saying? You are freaking Me out with you Rhetoric bub. Then he starts to touch on something very profound that I am sure only I could recognize as problematic in the world. He was talking about the son and how you need to love the son, but it was not registering to Me as the Son of God Jesus idol imagery. I was thinking how Jesus steals the affections of the father from his children. How Christians have a habit of putting Jesus before there own children. Idol worship is what I call it. Yeah a miss reading of what the man Jesus was saying. Some of you know what I mean for it is plain and clear in scripture. " What every harm you do to the least of them you do to Me
Well almost ready for the wall paper. Skimmed the wall with sheet rock mud, for you that don't know Dry wall joint compound at your locale hardware store. Texture in the morning , then paint and wall paper . Whoopy 400 bucks and a back ache. Get that nasty behind Me. Home owners don't try to be cheap asses. They can't help it. America is all about cheating the work man out of his wages. They would say it is my own fault. I shouldn't work so cheap. That ain't it . They should not pay so cheap for if it was not Me they would find a desperate soul to do it just as cheap. Not all people are like that . Some ( very few ) understand people need dignity and pay very well for others devotion and hard work and are extremely thankful when they get it. Not so much with snake oil sales people. Yeah the bathroom job is for a Snake oil sales person. Sunrider if you must know. If you ever heard of that. My step Mother she was way into it. A lot of good it did her. She is dead and was depending on the snake oil to keep her alive. Well that one didn't work out so good.
My sons math teacher he is making Me laugh. Yeah there are benefits to pigeon holing kids if you know how to work it. He loves my Painting . Yeah the one I gave him. He is not only using it in Math class, but he uses it in the social studies class he teaches too. So funny I am getting a real kick out of that. He was extremely hard on my son. Nazi teacher type. Well ever sense he got the painting not so much anymore. He even brings his wife into the class room to teach once a week now. I bet she loves the painting too. Her math skills are a notch better that his and told my son he could come in on lunch hour and ask her the questions he can't answer. Anyway I am glad he is treating my son better and even though I miss my painting it is better it is now an appendage of his math teacher.
I think after reading back some of my thread that maybe no one got the math. I though for a moment that Alfalfa got it . I think There might be some betwexting going on. Better leave that power alone, the devil might want it for his own and all. Hate to see a grown man fall. So in retrospect I am thinking I better start a little slower. It does have the appearance of being stupid simple once you get it. There are others like me that get it. A guy on the web . On I think. Don't quote Me. He is an idiot savant in his own words. I would say that about him my self. He seems like a nice guy working kind of excavator engineer dude, retired. He gets , I can tell by his rhetoric. So yeah I will start at the beginning , A very good place to start, but not this minute. I want to talk about my family sense I have no characters in my living book. I want to talk about my Uncle Lucien. He won the Civil war. Yeah that is a fact Jack. You think I am kidding. Suck a duck it is true. It was the Troup Hurt house just out side of Atlanta, there is a plaque on a post right at the site of the battle. General Sherman had already sent word to President Lincoln that if he could take Atlanta we will have won the war and would deliver before the next election. So the battle were hard pitched and the fighting was fierce. After several Battles and advancements like the one at Kenasaw( Spelling could be wrong)Mountain the north advanced to the point of the Troup Hurt House and the north was taking a tremendous amount of casualties. The day was to look like a loss and all the hopes of Victory where gone. Well they sent in the Volunteer Army of the Illinois and Uncle Lucien was the commanding officer. He rode into battle with the flag at the front of the brigade and as the south shouted Give up you know you been Beat. Uncle Lucien Yelled Hell we haven't started Fighting yet. He was killed on the spot , but the Men rallied. From his bravery and fought like never before. They latter mourned the lose of Uncle Lucien for they truly loved him. He was just a kid him self. I mere 21 years of age. Many quotes in the logs of the battle talk about how his inspiration won the day. In the official records. O.K. got to go my Wife needs Me
She might be getting a Job. Yeah C. E. O. for the building Industry. Yeah Man wouldn't that be sweet. Don't you all go getting jealous for She earned it with hard work and devotion to something she loves to do. The Building Industry. She Married Me because I was a builder and one hell of a carpenter. You know how it is with all the design and fix this old house shows. Well she was before it was popular. My skills I dare any of you to compare your skills with mine. Good luck suckers for I am the wooooooood beeendder, Even Patrick the Master comes to Me and his skills make all you look like you are playing with legos. . Talking to Dennis got to go.
We not many characters in my living book these days. So lets talk about History, For to unravel the reason why it is what it is you have to chase the event streams. Things start to come clear when you realize theories of determination are real. Lets take Phalia for example. It is a place in Pakistan in the Mandi Bahanddin district. Yeah I come from there , but I left about 326 B.C. I was all caught up in the Great Migration of human activity and finally resettled in Westphalia Germany. So we typically think of human expansionism as a greed take kind of thing, or rape and pillage kill all the natives and take the land. That is not quite right though, for a lot of the time there is another motivating force at play. It is countries in Exile. That is what I call it " Counties in Exile" So someone you think would wonder why peoples would move from there ancestral homelands and head out for distant land in the first place. Persecution is one hell of a force that creates such an event. So what happened to the ruling native population in Phalia that caused them to seek out new land. Well it was a battle. Yeah A rape and pillage kind of thing. Alexander the Great to be precise. Him and his Army crossed the JHelum at the Hydaspes River and defeated the Noble ruling King. Well ask the Dali lama about exiled Kings and you can get a feel for what might have happened. So It is rumored that Phalia was named after Alexander"s horse Bukephala. I disagree. If you can find someone who has the ancient knowledge of the past passed down by oral tradition you would know Phaila comes from before Alexander. You now how glib the winners of violent acts spin a tale in there , or His story, but it is hard to blot out the truth for it is hidden in each and every one of us kept like a secret ready to pop out at the appointed time. You can feel that point in history coming at us at an accelerated rate. Every day I am astounded by the leaps and bounds of the convergence all coming about in this new information age we live in. It is true what the bible said " all things will be known"
Some of you are thinking " He must be Iranian and this is true for part of my history, but before that I come from another place. All Great Migrations have an origin and to tell you the truth I can only remember this particular place as an origin. Maybe some day I will remember further back, but the place was Zimbabwe. "The Great House of Stone" Now that is my first recollection of birth. Yeah I am African and back in the day we worshiped the Mother Goddess, but the Mother was harsh and life was difficult. The thing about being difficult is it gives you the gift of purpose. There is lots to do to survive, we didn't exactly have time to pound or pud, or screw the pooch so to speak. So there was a reason to live and that reason was to insure the survival of the clan. The day will come when the mother is revered once again. You can feel it in the air. The convergence of the male female relationship. I can see it coming and feel for those of you that are clueless for it is going to hit you like a bad dream when it slams into the shore of your bag of water you call a body.
I tell you some of the most fun I ever had is when I was Egyptian. Yeah that is when I was called Pharaoh. Life was good and I was on top of the world. Living with all the latest fashions. Truly living in the lap of luxury. I was the epitome of the elite. Kill that guy for Me and all and it would be done just by the word. That was not to last for ever for I became the daughter of Pharaoh with the new name of Bithiah and took pity on an Israelite boy I named Moses. That little orphan sent Me to the poor house let Me tell you. After I was exiled we stumbled around the desert for 40 years. Forty frigging years!! Kind of like my wondering in the building industry in these here modern times. Well that was where I first learned that less privileged children need love too. Oh the world was not real receptive to the idea then and that was what lead to my exile. The problem with being exiled is as it displaces Me it also displaces you. What I mean is the people occupying the land at the time the exiled people enter the original people end up feeling there own displacement from the intrusion of the displaced. To wander around for forty years makes a people seriously want a home. Desperate people do desperate things and war has been a common solution to the problem. Not a very good one but hey humans are thick skulled and you can teach a human but not very much
Those were the days.

Great to see you again my dear. Those were the days my friend,we thought they would never end, we'd sing and dance for ever and a day. We'd live the life we choose, we'd fight and never lose those were the days oh yes those were the days. You are a regular in my book of life Bebelina. Have you heard the news. WE are in a Lanina weather pattern. It is in honor of you and Lauren the virgin of New York City.
Anyway some of you that know your world history really good are thinking Raja Porus the noble King of what we call Pakistan now a days stayed around after the defeat and worked it out with Alexander to keep his power and did not go into exile. The thing is He was no longer Free and the true grail blood left the area because of an act he preformed as the battle was getting going. What did he do to lose divine grace you might ask? He sacrificed his son Harry Roy. He sent him out to meet Alexander as Alexander was out flanking the forces 17 miles up steam of the river. It was a spot where the river was not as deep , but the Peruvian King could see most the army right in front of him and didn't see Alexander and his small force as that big of a deal so he sent his son and what have you the son was killed by 11:00. When you sacrifice a child it can take the fight right out of you and the King was no exception to that rule.
When I was Melchizedek now that was interesting Times. I had the world by the Balls I tell you. Old Abraham didn't know what to think. He really up set his Father though. You see the custom was to sacrifice one of your children to the fertility god as to insure a good harvest. I was even then not all on board with that one . Kill the children just seemed so wrong, so what I did was I put it in Abraham's head not to kill any of his children. Yeah introduced the Idea and he was not even aware of Me doing so. It haunted his dreams though and as it came time he was to follow his father the Sumerians wishes doubt crept up in him in a serious way. Now the rebellious Abraham cut his son free and killed a goat instead. The goat was the new scapegoat and from this the the wood devil was born to torment the earth with the new ideas of " Stop sacrificing your children to Moloch" It ain't the thing that controls the weather, but the future was already at play for the image of the dream of Jesus was already in the minds of the living
I know I haven't been talking about the math. I am loosing interest some what. The keys are already layed out in this thread, I will get back to it I am sure. I am getting ready to paint my next painting. Yeah I have all ready primed the board and waiting for it to dry as we speak. I have decided to call it the Tree. That is what it will look like. A tree paint by numbers code braking reality. Mind blowing experience for anyone lucky enough to see it. I am thinking if I get it done in time I am going to give it to Kent Means the M.I.T. Architect that clashed with Me over the Crackle Job. Yeah maybe I can make amends with my own soul for my part in the dual of words we exchanged. Pretty heated at a small segment in time , but it sticks with Me even though I try to purge it from my soul. I want him to succeed and his child the singer too. I have to get past my ill feeling of his berating arrogance as well as my own. He is Me and I am Him and the clash of arrogance controls us both. That needs to come to an end.
Well my dad called and talk about berating of arrogance. He pushed my buttons only like a parent can do to there child and I lost it. I lost it big time. I am my fathers son and a reflection of our past after all and the mirror effect of Me having a Genetic disposition came flying out of my mouth was a lot to bare. We where definitely living the divisionary effects of Jesus. I didn't tell him I was a democrat now but some of the other things I said where just as hurtful. The thing that set Me off so much was his sexist attitude toward women. He called Mary Magdalene a whore and that is what sent Me in a tail spin and it was not that he was thinking in the old catholic way of thinking which by the way the catholic church has revised there thinking on the matter realizing it does not say she was a whore anywhere in scripture, but it was the way he degraded women as a whole when he was saying it and that is what set Me off. He called to straighten Me out on religious belief in the first place and that is what it lead to after I listened to him for a solid Hour before I lost it. He is going to wake up in the middle of the night and realize he had a big roll in stressing out our step Mother. He has visited that once already and my wife talked him down from thinking like that and here I am all of a sudden exacerbating the thought. I might as well told him I was a demarcate instead for it is probably going to do as much damage to his will as if I did tell him I joined the enemies camp. Me and my big Mouth
I was wrong about some of the math. I see it now in my new painting. It showed up plan and clear in the new form. Yeah the part I was wrong about was factors of 2 being like factors of 1 by the 35 for the groupings below and factors by the 70 for the grouping below. I forgot about the interruptions of the next factorization of 11 cutting right through the field of 2s. It would of been right only if you didn't have factors of 11 or no factors above 5 and 7. Yeah so we know I am not perfect. Who is, we already determined Jesus was not perfect either so blow Me. We will admit our mistakes and move on.
Yeah my new painting " THe Tree of Life" so strange , I name it that not because of Genesis called a tree in the garden " THe Tree Of Life " , but because it is a code in number theory that reveals the sequencing of numbering that will just blow your mind. I tell you what my Uncle Lou ,who is a brilliant Man and started the environmental movement a lot of you think is gospel today. He is a retired engineer from Lockheed also. Anyway he called to ask questions about my last painting. I showed it to him before he left back to Roswell,Georgia. He must have asked 20 questions and I could hear him writing it down. Then he said tell Me again I so I can get it all written down. Anyone who looks at the paintings is mesmerized and I truly believe there intelligence is raised no matter what there intelligence level is at the time they look upon the art, for I see the evidence in peoples behavior that look at the paintings.
I want you all to know one thing. I would not believe in a force in time , or what we call God , or Creator, or a will in the universe , intelligent design or x or what ever you want to call it. I wouldn't believe except it calls Me and now has been calling like you can't believe. The call is a more gentle voice than in the past though and this change in tone just came about in the last 2 days. So strange. I like it! more pleasant to my better well being.

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