Pope's Justification For Pedophilia

You people are posting too many LIES to even Keep up with yourselves

Deleting rexeS proven facts will not lessen the eXXXposure that your lies have received.

reX is eXXposing every dot ever letter U post

as a lie,,,,,


Stop with the moronic comments and that god awful font.

The only thing you are exposing at the moment is that you are mentally challenged individual who missed his bus to the foil hat parade.

A Necromancer or "spirits conjurer of spirits to GIVE spiritual protection & wisdom.

The word necromancy derives from the Greek (nekrós), "dead", and (manteía), "divination".
THE Catholics calls up a spirit of the dead to communicate openly

Calling upon HUNDREDS of many types of spirits ......... Spirits such as the ghosts of ancestors.
calling up ghost to appear as a full body apparition ...Or IN dreams...

Necromancy was widespread pagan practiced picked up by Rome. & added to SO CALLED FAKE CHRISTIANITY


in the Bible. The Book of Deuteronomy (XVIII 9–12) explicitly warns the Israelites against the Canaanite practice of divination from the dead.

THE PUNISHMENT was DEath by STONING......Same for Sodomy THESE 2 Sodomy & Necromancy are the 2 main PILLARS & FOUNDATIONS of the Roman Tic Catholic cult..

ph 2:18 For through him _ JESUS //.... we both have access ..............by one........... Spirit unto............ the Father.
Through JESUS ALONE 1, SPIRIT JEWS & GENTILES have access by one Spirit unto the Father. by one Spirit unto the Father.

Catholics are THE MOST.... PAGAN people on the planet ........................... of all time........................

They worship MARY calling HER Heavenly MOTHER LIKE Heavenly Father

Calling her ANOTHER Mediator Like JESUS the ONLY Mediator

They Declare MARY has SAVING GRACE & CAN save you.....help you throughi\out your life by PRAYING TO HER...

PRAYING TO HER... Just like they pray to Jesus.
Mary of Rome has A THRONE in heaven They have o\placed a crown UPON her .

..WHEN there is not a single scripture mentioning MARY in any of these lies..
There is none NO other CULT WHATSOEVER........{ on the FACE OF THE entire EARTH......

. At any place & at any TIME ....... known to mankind

WHOLY & Diligently, its roman tic pagan Propagators, ~~~~~~ Wait around WATCHING for EXCREMENTS TO OOZE out from the orifices of their pagan idols they serve.

They dress up these vain idols of the PEOPLE they pray to.

requesting saving Graces .. & Spiritual HELP .... AS if
they were PRAYING to God HIMSELF .......................././///////////////////...........................................

requesting Good luck, Graces, requesting, protections, PROCTECTINGS & OMENS & SUPERSTITIOUS help FROM THE DEAD.

They pray to the dead... while a WHOLE MARKET./....................ROMAN TIC ... SELLING goes on WORLDWIDE ......... for a PROFIT AS MERCHANDISE

... THE IDOL OF the dead person they ARE ASKING FOR HELP FROM..

ITs easy to see Y pope pius HATED JEWS..People who practice necromance are probably possesed with evil spirits of Hell , & THE are praying to evil spirits....

disguised as someone else,,,,,In the bible this was punishable by STONING Same as SODOMY,,,,




Bowing down to it like iTs a LOST holy Relic.
IT just shows the distain & hatred Catholic are filled with...

the hate for GODs word....& Yashuah,,

us Jews and The bride...

They call ALLAH Jesus ,,,,God./

caTholics are not even allowed to read the bible...

Out of the guidlines the man in ROME has pre set ...

The pope CORRECTS the bible...

“Neither Sacred Scripture nor universal ecclesiastical tradition, nor again scientific

considerations render it advisable to adhere to the opinion that the Flood covered the

whole surface of the earth.” The... 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia

THIS IS WHAT THESE Liars declare ...

"The Bible as a literary work had traditions that included myth" CATHOLIC ENC , (Vol.10,page 184).

"Some of the miracles recorded in Holy Scripture may be fictional

and include imaginative literary exaggerations. CATHOLIC ENC Vol. 10, page 184).

The episode of Noe and the Ark is imaginative literary creation" CATHOLIC ENC (Vol. 9,
page 887).

The Gospels are not biographies of Jesus and still less scientific history" CATHOLIC ENC

(Vol. 12, page 403).

They DONT EVEN BELIEVE the bible
LIKE MUSLIMS they pretend they believe & LIE ABOUT WHAT IT SAYS

THEY feel they have the RIGHT to lie & IGNORE cerTian clear verses...BEC THE verses disagre with THEIR Roman TIC pagan junk Theology..]]

While I have put Breathalizer on ignore,
I can still see that he is posting things.
Has this section got an administrator at all, or can people post any old shite?

I can't see it, so. possibly he is writing sense instead of cut-and-paste lunacy in big red crayon.

he is doing the same thing in the pope pius thread in the history section.
I must have a look, and see how many posts are invisible.

This isn't on really.
I can see, just, how a certain amount of this stuff could be allowed on the Religion section.
It is a variety of religion, albeit an aggressive bigoted, insane variety.
But History too?
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Obviously reX has been right on track ~ RIGHT on Target in presenting the full facts...

The catholislamic Defendies / Rape FUNDIES - Do not deal in FACTS

The Truth & details are like an insult. They project the HATE they feel for truth ...By accusations of HATE... This is their ~~~...

1 st & LAST & only defence

Pope pius was a religious man BUT EVEN Satan even Hitler was religious

SATAN believes in 1 god as well....THE popes are like little saTans...

TO catholislamics WHO Worship the VERY same eXact God ~NOTICE how Their catholislamic controlled countries are allways IN POVERTY & are third world hell Holes .

They shut out

SHUT DOWN .~ torment & Villify , defame & slander the INVENTERS & Progress makers THE TECHNOLOGISTS & bussiness & the promoters of Cultural change in business Inventions & tools & supply...

All who speak out against the catholislamic teachings & religion.. OR WHO DONT FULLY SUPPORT catholislamic teachings.....

U go to a catholislamic country with INVENTIONS / Progress / Bussiness / Cultural change in business Inventions & tools & supply...

speaking or teaching or GIVING anti~ catholislamic attitude & changing things, they will burn you out & U will go nowhere.....

THAT is Y meXicans & all catholislamic peoples are comming here

Like Mexico, Phillipines, Cuba Africa,/ Mid east catholislamic peoples ect....

Catholislamic controled countries have a few wealthy THE REST are VERy very poor people

1633 Galileo discovered Mts. on the Moon and earth revolving around the Sun. WAS TRIED & convicted by the CATHOLIC CHURCH Inquisition for affirming a compatibility between science and the Bible

Galileo WAS PLACED ON trial by the CATHOLIC CHURCH Inquisition & found guilty of EVIL heresy & sentenced him to prison, FOR HIS remaining LIFE

Bruno, Giordano (1548. ANOTHER GREAT scientist, the CATHOLIC church burnt HIM ALIVE at the stake..he wrote Of UnitS, Quantity, ShapeS, Images, & Ideas AS Immense & Innumerable
Nicolas Copernicus (1473 Founder of modern astronomy HIS GREAT BOOK De Revolutionibus WAS BANNED BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH

1400 AD,,, Pope Boniface VIII issued a decree forbidding the dissection of human corpses for anatomical study AND SCIENCE.

Andreas Vesalius, WROTE A GREAT book of 1543, On Structures of the Human Body, provided the first reliable information on human anatomy ever compiled. he was persecuted by THE CATHOLIC CHURCH HE wandered RUNNING from country FOR HIS LIFE

The idea that the earth goes round the sun was explicitly prohibited / Copernican theory remained on the Index until 1835.

The Catholic cult now believes that the earth may in fact go round the sun

Joseph Addison 1719) Great writer of books SUCH AS "Tragedy" Based on Freedom & government responsibility. Individual liberty vs. government tyranny..

HIS GREAT BOOKS BANNED by the cat holic church AS EVIL & WICKED.

Francis Bacon 1561 Known as a catalyst of the scientific revolution. HIS GREAT BOOKS BANNED by the cat holic church AS EVIL & WICKED.

CATHOLIC Book burnings OF Bibles were common IN 1521. Translators and publishers themselves were also burned. Possession of Bibles became criminal offenses & execution of the accused.

The Geneva Bible 1560 WAS BANNED & outlawed BY THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Visit http://www.greatsite.com/ TODAY to buy an original TRANSLATION of the GREAT Geneva Bible..THE WORD OF GOD

The Bishops Bible (1568... GODS WORD WAS BURNED & OUTLAWED BY THE CATHOLIC church study here http://www.studylight.org/info/copyright/bible/bis.html

William Tyndale TRANSLATED THE 1 ST...ENGLISH BIBLE. HE was HUNTED DOWN BY THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. CATHOLIC arrested by Cardinal Wolsey/. He spent over a year in jail, was strangled & burned at the stake

catholislamic countries live in ignorance....ANY NEW people bringing in new ideas or better life....are shut down,

BEC the only people inventing things are NON catholislamics...... catholislamic invent nothing...they worship ignorance...* hate FACTS *& truth....

Pope Pius though--- 8 million Jews & millions more vicTims slaughtered...

He never spoke a word to council the Ignorant Itallians to sTop aTTacking & raping their neighbors.....

This shows how he could CARE LESS about The pople his Catholic Country was aTTacking...

How much LESS he cared FOR JEWS.......

OR are catholic the most divided people on the planet ?

reX chooses to believe both........Facts support it clearly....

WHAT has reX said that is incorrect ? Then Y pretend you have anything truthfull ?

Bec all you do is declare FACT a lie....it is your only defence IT IS YOUR god.......
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I think yet again Catholicism has proven yet again to be the false prophet of Christianity, it subcombs to False teachings, Hitler, evolution and sexual abuse of children. It's become the perfect religion for the world by allowing you to make it up as you go along.
I like the way you just slipped evolution in there.

As regards Hitler, how many churches did actively oppose him?
The Jehovah''s Witnesses did. And got their own badge at the concentration camps for their pains.
And the Greek Orthodox church. They were brave. Maybe a few more.
Many Catholics opposed Hitler in private, but did not oppose him.
What of other Christians?
Most just kept their heads down, same as Catholics, to their shame.

This is becoming a very good discussion.

Tip. To put someone on your ignore list, click on user CP, and then edit ignore list.
(I don't mean you, Saquist)
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reXteryalizer CHILDREN defenceless

The catholic church is the enemy to the Child.....

CHILDREN are defenceless

The Jews can defend themselves Today.....

But children can not defend themselves,.

THEY are innocenT , virgin, UN KNOWING & clean from perversity ...in many many sences...

But just because the Jews can defend themselves BY

acTive reminding the HORRID the CHURCH of ROME has acTed out on JEWS

WHO SIMPLY disagreed.....Jews do not aGREE with catholic Teaching & they speak about it ..

Rome does not like this....

Pius IX, declared in 1871 that by rejecting Christianity, Jews had become 'dogs'

and that 'we have today in Rome unfortunately too many of these dogs, and we hear them barking in all the streets, and going around molesting people everywhere.'

Pius IX's antisemitism was not confined to his vivid invective. He was also a passionate

In 1871, addressing a group of Catholic women, POPE Pius said that

the Jews ''.... failure to believe, they have become dogs'' (emphasis in the original.).

''We have today in Rome unfortunately too many of these dogs,

and we hear them barking
in all the streets, and going around molesting people everywhere.''

This is the pope beatified by John Paul II in 2000.

Catholic FATHER John Chrysostom - 344-407 A.D., ,"The Jews, worse than wild beasts ... lower THAN VILE animals. AT the level of the lusty goat and the pig.

I hate the Jews ... I hate the Synagogue ... it is the duty of all Christians to hate the Jews.


Jerome - satanic Father of the Cat holic church Produced the Latin translation of the bible which became the official WHORES bible. He said ,

"Jews are incapable of understanding scripture

and should be severely punished until they confess the true faith

In 1233, Pope Gregory IX satanic Father of the Cat holic holic church established the papal Inquisition South France & Northern Italy To convert of Jews to CATHOLICISM.

the Inquisition, brought on a wave of persecution. Of HORRIBLE HORID .
. Torture Of millions HORRIBLE HORID .. Torture was approved by Pope Innocent IV

The SATANIC Catholic Church launched nine holy wars 1096-1272. The purpose of these wars was to march to the Holy Land of Palestine and liberate it from infidels." Along the way, the crusaders massacred all "infidels" in their path who refused to be baptized on the spot to Cat holicism. Thousands of Jews were massacred in Germany and France.
1205: Pope Innocent III satanic Father wrote that "the Jews, by their own guilt, are consigned to perpetual servitude because they crucified the Lord..

.As slaves rejected by God, in whose death they wickedly conspire,

they shall be slaves of Christians

Pius IX declared ...'The Jews -- eternal insolent children, obstinate, dirty, thieves, liars, ignoramuses, pests and the scourge of those near and far . . a .. barbarian invasion by an enemy race, hostile to Christianity and to society in general.''

Those words appeared in news papers in Rome Dec. 1840, with 36 articles written over 40 months in Civilta Cattolica, the journal Pope Pius IX had ordered the Jesuits to publish in Rome --
Pius IX In 1867 canonized Peter Arbues, a 15th-century inquisitor who forcibly converted Jews

Garry Wills is the author of ''A Necessary Evil: A History of American Distrust of Government'' and ''Papal Sin.''

1593, Pope Clement VIII declared that Jews commanded to live in the ghettoes .....hose living elsewhere were forced out. Carrying their possessions
on their backs,

the Jews made their way to those places where they were still permitted

Following the 1775 papal order, ~~ JEWS remained WHO outside the ghetto could neither live in the same house with Catholics "nor speak familiarly to them."

Everyone was able to tell who was a Jew, because, in another
sixteenth-century papal provision reiterated in the 1775 edict, Jews were
required to wear a special badge on their clothes.

HITLER coppied this CATHOLIC Tradition / forcing JEWS to wear a BADGE .

"Jews of both sexes must wear a yellow-colored sign, by which they are distinguished from
others, and they must always wear it at all times and places, both in the
ghettoes, and when they are outside of them."

The men were to wear the yellow sign on their hat, and women on their uncovered hair. To prevent the Jews from giving themselves airs, they were forbidden from riding in
carriages or buggies.

Jews were not allowed to keep shops or warehouses outside the ghetto/..

This has been Going on for 2000 yrs

THIS IS JUST a tiny SMALL eXample of Hate & vile treatment of HEBREWS by the ROMAN tic Catholic church
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Is what I would probably say if I could read that post.
Fortunately I have you on ignore :p

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I think yet again Catholicism has proven yet again to be the false prophet of Christianity, it subcombs to False teachings, Hitler, evolution and sexual abuse of children. It's become the perfect religion for the world by allowing you to make it up as you go along.


I take it you know about as much about catholicism as reteryalizer or fuck all.

false teachings. you protestant have to be the most arrogant bastards the world has ever seen. Guess what you don't get to come around some 1500 years later and than tell the group you broke off of that their teachings are false

as for making it up along has been attached to a few religions cathloicism not one of them. thinking that just show blind hatred, complete ignorance, or some combo of the two.

yes catholicism has problems but people who know fuck all( nothing) about the faith should actualy try and learn WTF your talking about before hand.
The Fact is......MUSLISM & CATHOLICS....

Can NEVER once,,,

refer To a single .....sTatement reX has posTed.

..& PROVE it to be FALSE

To be incorrect

To be a lie........

Their only defence is....to divert the subject awaY FROM THE FACTS.....

They will never PROVIDE proof... a single thing they say concerning reX...

BEC they have nothing.........lies are their only love...

THE Truth makes no sence

I take it you know about as much about catholicism as reteryalizer or fuck all.

false teachings. you protestant have to be the most arrogant bastards the world has ever seen. Guess what you don't get to come around some 1500 years later and than tell the group you broke off of that their teachings are false

as for making it up along has been attached to a few religions cathloicism not one of them. thinking that just show blind hatred, complete ignorance, or some combo of the two.

yes catholicism has problems but people who know fuck all( nothing) about the faith should actualy try and learn WTF your talking about before hand.

(shakes head)

You know when I can just pop open a catholic encyclopedia and list the contradictions of their own doctrine, the MONUMENTAL failures of morality and the endorsed killings despite the fact that Christianity under Christ is supposed to be the tolerant of others despite fundamental disagreement. Yet they used it as a blunt object through out time and today...the children scared by this religion... thousands if not Millions. COSMIC IS RIGHT. I have personally monitored the selling of Catholic property, the attenuation of it's members and the hard nosed atheist it's produced because the only truth they were convinced of is how wrong it was to trust a catholic priest.

...no accountability.
I hate what they've done. But I know it's just systemic.

I like the way you just slipped evolution in there.

No offense of course, Captain.
From a Christian perspective evolution defies the legitimacy of the creation account the lineage that was based on it that the Jews used to identify Jesus as the Messiah if it's assumed to be allegory only. The entire point of the consistent listing of the Sons and Fathers was identify the Davidic line. It's most important to a christian...it's a foundation of the ransom sacrifice that he was....one of those rare sons of God...like Adam.

Evolution can currently fit within Christian teaching, not as the method of creation but of adaptation after creation. So you see it's very pivotal to Christian Foundation.

As regards Hitler, how many churches did actively oppose him?
The Jehovah''s Witnesses did. And got their own badge at the concentration camps for their pains.

Bingo...and they paid for it.
As did the free masons who refused to abide.

But it's more than just opposing. I read somewhere that the pope conducted meetings to ensure Catholicism's continued presence in occupied Europe.


Frankly some of this is disturbing...

The Gathering Storm: by Churchill

Winston Churchill reports that Hitler appointed Franz von Papen as German minister to Vienna for "the undermining or winning over of leading personalities in Austrian politics." Churchill quotes the U.S. Minster in Vienna as saying of van Papen: "In the boldest and most cynical manner... Papen proceeded to tell me that...he intended to use his reputation as a good Catholic to gain influence with the Austrians like Cardinal Innitzer."

After Austria had capitulated Hitler's storm troopers had goose-stepped into Vienna, Catholic cardinal Innitzer ordered that all Austrian churches fly the swastika flag, ring their bells and pray for Adolf Hitler in honor of his birthday.

William L. Shirer's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich states that von Papen was "more responsible than any other individual in Germany for Hitler's coming to power." In January 1933 former German Chancellor von Schleicher had said of van Papen: "He proved to be the kind of traitor besides whom Judas Iscariot is a saint."

Ah...Here we go.

July 20, 1933
Cardinal Pacelli signed a concordat in Rome between the Vatican and Nazi Germany. Von Papen signed the document as Hitler's representative and Pacelli there conferred on von Papen the high papal decoration of the Grand Cross of the Order of Pius.

Tibor Koeves' Satan in Top Hat
" The Concordat was great victory for Hitler. It gave him the first moral support he had received from the outer world and this from the most exalted source"

Article 14 of the Concordat states:
"The appointments for archbishops, bishops and the like will be issued only after the governor, installed by the Reich , has duly ascertained that no doubts exist with respect to general political considerations." This man become Pope Pius XI.

And the Greek Orthodox church. They were brave. Maybe a few more.
Many Catholics opposed Hitler in private, but did not oppose him.
What of other Christians?
Most just kept their heads down, same as Catholics, to their shame.

Read Guenter Lewy's The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany.
It's a lot to type out of a book. See pates 320, 341.
I'll type it if I have time. The insight this man has on capitulation and what it would mean if Rome had not...is thought provoking.

This is becoming a very good discussion.

I'm not often against ONE particular religion but I have read some STUFF on Catholicism that literally makes my skin crawl. I've listened to the recounting of children of the survivors of the holocaust and what they went through.
It's so clear...(at least to me) that the Catholic authority as a religion is one of the most morally treacherous entities I have EVER encountered in my readings of history. They constantly play both sides. I don't believe Christianity was ever meant to be a religion of nations but a faith of people among the nations.
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The Church is the body of believers, not an organisation.
That is Catholic doctrine, though it is sometimes forgotten in all the pomp and powerplay that complicated all-male societies delight in.
The Jehovah's Witnesses who went to the camps fit the description of Saints and Martyrs. Wrong theology though.

The corruption of the Gospel to fit in with politics came into the church at the very beginning.
The Gospels themselves are clearly anti-semitic, and pro Roman.

I don't know if you would consider the Romans any better than the Nazis.
They were equally imperialistic and cruel. and yet they get away in the Gospels with a mere washing of hands.
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Grim Face.
That's not funny , it's religion.
It's an important part of being a human being.
Yes, half of it is nonsense, but which half?
All human beings are religious.
If not, they will substitute an equivalent raison d'etre.
Politics, Science, Opera. Whatever.