There has been ALOT of money losT, over 2 million dollars alone in the USA and sTill climbing
MORE money will be comming ouT of the Roman~Tic Rape fundie instution In the neXt 5 ~ 10 yrs .....
The Rape VICTIMS of Ireland, Britain, Scottland & others are ready to receiVe their paYment and have their torment, pain, nighTmares and silenced cries heard by someone who cares for the firsT time in their entire lives....
It SURE has NOT been anyone in the Roman~Tic Scattholic rape Fundie institution that has made a single move to hear their pain, STOP the abuse and uncover the sYstem seT uP bY the vaTican to Hide . & protect the RAPIST & MolesTer ....from the very last the last shreaded doccument...
So the upper brass of the church needs to be very careful, in backtracking its own covered & hidden prints .....
The Catholic Church has been caught and we have the fingerprints
And they put more finger prints on the RAPE scene by trying to remove & clean the eXisting fingerprints....
it is not helping the lawyers, more than it is helping the victims.
The laWyers are there to Collect eVidence...... They dont CONVICT priests JUST on the word of mouth.....of some person off the street......
There is a paper~ Trail....a LINE of other collaborative, combined, joint, eVidence of victims where these Catholic rapists have been moving from place to place to place RAPING HUNDREDS & hundreds .....Analy, Oraly spiritually & emotionally DISTROYING ther very souls and hearts. ...
RIPPING their hearts out all swept under the rugs of the Catholic Church.....
JUSTICE would be TEARING down the VATICAN DOORS...SEIZING every single computer / EVERY doccument EVERY single thing ALL information
Getting to the bottom of the investigation
4 lawsuits .....of the pope being SUMMONED to apear in a courT of law FOR QUESTIONING.......he should be tried in a court of law.. convicted just on the letters alone....he sent COMMANDING total secrecy
& COMMANDING for the bishops & PRIESTS to acT as their OWN Judge, Jury & Justice of rape cases
THAT is the facts.....SEIZING every single computer in the vatican .
Declaring it a crime scene due to a proven mountian of evidence of delberate aTTempts to silence & conTrol the flow of information of crimes against little innocent children eho were RAPED by the thousands.......IN SILENCE ORDERED under the pain of eXcomunication.....& physical termination of church position & spiritual harrasment & spiritual rape as wel/
U people aint nuthing but a bunch of delusional freaks & liars....WHO KNOW not a damn thing about the bible...
If u knew Jesus or abraham or Gideon or Paul or peter ....U would hate them.... Just like U hate the BIBLE.......
& u are indeed liars...& your lies are being eXXXposed ..So mock on
Its all u can do...make mockery of your siTuation... projecting your filthy sTupidity & self bathing ignorance upon reX
.""""""" If there were not as many wolves to fend off, the church could be more open in its discussions """""
The vatican is being opened LIKE the little innocent childrens MOUTHS, ANUS, & HANDS & HEARTS that were forced OPEN by this filthy culT.
discussion ? THE Vatican has nothing to discuss...
it is getting ready to burned & eaten
The catholics will Symbolicaly make the harlot desolate and naked, shall eat her flesh and shall burn her up with fire..The vatican is going DOWN & reX is now standing by calling for the SEIZING every single computer / EVERY doccument EVERY single thing / ALL information
THESE filthy perverts claim theY are eaTing the FLESH & blood of the Lord Jesus Christ...
WHILE Jesus is VOMITING them out of his MOUTH....
as the bible declares in the book of REV,,,, They think its a joke & something to play with......
ITS TIME for TRIAL......... the evidence shows you all to be liars....
all u are doing is projecting the pain this church has caused,,,,, if the church is a victim..
THIS IS THE WAY u work....u are demented liars who are full of evil.