Pirates seize $100m Saudi Super Tanker

You mean, like in the really dramatic movies. Somalis could give it a really cool soundtrack. But I think this probably ends with an unappealing and short stacatto firefight.

Let's all join in singing and dancing a descriptive old shanty or two:

Oh, blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down,
Way ay - blow the man down,
O Blow the man down in Liverpool town.
Give me some time to blow the man down.

As I was walking down Paradise Street,
Way ay - blow the man down,
A brass-bound policeman I happened to meet.
Give me some time to blow the man down.

Says he, "You're a Black-Baller by the cut of your hair."
"I know you're a Black-Baller by the clothes that you wear."

O Pliceman, O Piliceman,
Pretty Little Plicemen in a row, Oh-
you do me great wrong."
I'm a Flying Fish Sailor just home from Hong Kong."

They gave me three months in Walton Gaol,
For booting and kicking and blowing him down.

Oh, blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down,
Way ay - blow the man down,
O Blow the man down in Liverpool town.
Give me some time to blow the man down.

You're a Blackballer by the cut of your hair;
To me way-aye, blow the man down!
I know you're a Blackballer by the clothes that you wear.
Give me some time to blow the man down!

Oh, blow the man down, Johnny, Blow him right down,
To me way - ay, blow the man down,
Aw, blow the man down for a half a crown,
Gimme some time to blow the man down!
These are Somalifingers. They want money, not glory.

They both look like war ships to me. Except that I can see the front of the battleship and it appears to have cannons, which I cannot see on the destroyer. Is it a difference of size?

Um... Yeah.

Battleship USS Iowa (BB-61)
[Decommissioned 1990]
Displacement: 45,000 tons
Length: 887 ft 3 in (270 m)
Beam: 108 ft 2 in (32.9 m)
Draft: 37 ft 2 in (11.3 m)
Crew: 151 officers, 2637 enlisted
Armament(circa 1982):9 x 16 in (406 mm) Mark 7 guns
12 × 5 in (127 mm) Mark 12 guns
32 x BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missiles
16 x RGM-84 Harpoon Anti-Ship missiles
4 x 20 mm/76 cal. Phalanx CIWS

Destroyer USS Howard (DDG-83)
Displacement: 9,200 tons
Length: 509 ft 6 in (155.3 m)
Beam: 66 ft (20 m)
Draft: 31 ft (9.4 m)
Crew:320 officers and enlisted
Armament:1 × 32 cell, 1 × 64 cell Mk 41 vertical launch systems,
96 × RIM-66 SM-2, BGM-109 Tomahawk or RUM-139 VL-Asroc, missiles
1 × 5"/62 caliber (127mm/62 caliber), 2 × 25 mm, 4 × 12.7 mm guns, 2 × Phalanx CIWS
2 × Mk 46 triple torpedo tubes

There are a lot of American battleships floating around. Probably busy killing civilians...

Everybody knows we bust up "enemy weddings" with Hellfire missiles or JDAM bombs...
Everybody knows we bust up "enemy weddings" with Hellfire missiles or JDAM bombs...:rolleyes:

That's why we call them "smart" weapons. When fired, they go out searching for Muslim wedding parties, and when they find one .....BOOM! :D

Baron Max

You might as well be calling a leopard a saber tooth tiger, they may both be cats but there are many differences between the two. Battleships are a class of warship, just like destroyers, frigates, corvettes, etc, correction battleships were a class of warship, they are extinct, there has not been a battleship in service for years.

Anyways I applaud the Indian frigate the got the pirate "mothership" We should have every offensively capable navy in the world off the coast of somalia, piracy has come back because we have not been giving it much attention. I love the part were the pirates actually fired first, on a frigate, what were they high? they had not chance except for run away!

That's why we call them "smart" weapons. When fired, they go out searching for Muslim wedding parties, and when they find one .....BOOM! :D

Baron Max

I would think "party-crasher" would be a better title.
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They both look like war ships to me. Except that I can see the front of the battleship and it appears to have cannons, which I cannot see on the destroyer. Is it a difference of size?

Significant. Plus, nobody really uses cannons to attack broadsides anymore. Cruise missiles are the bag now.

If I give the way to stop these pesky people from doing this sort of thing will I be rewarded?:shrug:
If I give the way to stop these pesky people from doing this sort of thing will I be rewarded?

Hell, hijacking and/or piracy along the coast of Horn of Africa is EASY to stop. People just don't want to pay the price, that's all.

I could stop it tomorrow, but no one is willing to pay the cost of long-term security. They're willing to gamble ...and it might be cheaper to let the bastards take a few ships!

Baron Max
What if commandos are sent in to retake the ship, and the pirates decide to go out in a blaze of glory? I could see that happening..Hope it doesn't, but it is quite feasible.

I was thinking they'd have to be pretty stupid to steal a $100m tanker from anyone and not have some sort of plan B. Like sinking it if it gets boarded by Blackwater.

Significant. Plus, nobody really uses cannons to attack broadsides anymore. Cruise missiles are the bag now.


Don't they broadside shit with rail guns? It gets past anti-missile defenses. The range on those things is pretty long, though. Maybe "broadside" isn't the right term.
should we be expecting a sudden drop in global temperatures?


Unless you can propose a mechanism for how pirates and global temperature are dependent variables, I don't think so.

Significant. Plus, nobody really uses cannons to attack broadsides anymore. Cruise missiles are the bag now.


The Indian frigate which pwn those fuckers had a 100mm cannon. It also has 2 CIWS, not sure if those ones have HAS capability, if it do that 10,000rpm of 30mm shells that could have been dropped on those moronic pirates.
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Really? Magnetic Rail Guns? I know they are in the experimental stage, I didn't know they were on ships. I'll have to dig. This comes as a surprise, considering that I'm a former squid myself.

Unless you can propose a mechanism for how pirates and global temperature are dependent variables, I don't think so.
the mechanism is the anger of the Flying Spaghetti Monster at the lack of pirates in the world - its the same thing that causes tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes etc - Ignore those charlatans that say those things are all the fault of gays - how unscientific is that! I mean, we have a graph and everything!

It's all in here - as a man of science I'm sure you will be impressed:
