Pirates seize $100m Saudi Super Tanker

OK, let me get this straight. A ship with a quarter of Saudi Arabia's daily oil export loaded onto it, sailing in a pirate infested seazone, and only a crew of 25?

There are a lot of American battleships floating around. Probably busy killing civilians or shooting their allies in friendly fire.

It is going to be quite interesting to see what they do with the damned thing!

Baron Max

Same thing they did before:

The total number of naval attacks off Somalia stood at 83 before the Karagol was seized, with 33 ships hijacked and 12 still in pirates' hands, most notably the Ukrainian freighter.http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27681104/
There are a lot of American battleships floating around. Probably busy killing civilians or shooting their allies in friendly fire.

Actually SAM you are wrong. There are no more commissioned American battleships making way anywhere in the world for they all have been decommissioned and that happened over 5 years ago! I guess you just have not been reading to much lately but I'm happy to point out your mistakes and correct you when you do.
Actually SAM you are wrong. There are no more commissioned American battleships making way anywhere in the world for they all have been decommissioned and that happened over 5 years ago! I guess you just have not been reading to much lately but I'm happy to point out your mistakes and correct you when you do.

Isn't a destroyer a battleship?
The USS Howard DDG-83 is currently part of the Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group. At this time it is off the coast of Somalia dealing with piracy. Read about it below and see photos and a video.


They both look like war ships to me. Except that I can see the front of the battleship and it appears to have cannons, which I cannot see on the destroyer. Is it a difference of size?
They both look like war ships to me. Except that I can see the front of the battleship and it appears to have cannons, which I cannot see on the destroyer. Is it a difference of size?

Wiggle your way out instead of just saying you made an error huh SAM?
Does it change my statement if there are 17 destroyers instead of battleships? I'm happy to expand my knowledge on ships, but its irrelevant surely, if the inept ships are destroyers rather than battleships?
Does it change my statement if there are 17 destroyers instead of battleships? I'm happy to expand my knowledge on ships, but its irrelevant surely, if the inept ships are destroyers rather than battleships?

But you were wrong and that's all I wanted to point out to you. I only wanted to correct your statement and help you understand more about ships, that is all.
Can you think of any other reason why the sovereignty infringement that allows foreign ships chasing pirates to go into Somalian waters, is restricted only to Somalia and ignores other places where such piracy occurs? Is Somalian sovereignty different from that of other countries?
Can you think of any other reason why the sovereignty infringement that allows foreign ships chasing pirates to go into Somalian waters, is restricted only to Somalia and ignores other places where such piracy occurs? Is Somalian sovereignty different from that of other countries?

If the country that the pirates are using don't want others to come into their own waters then those nations have the right to keep others that seek the pirates from entering their waters. Just like in Pakistan , they don't want America to bomb inside of its territory and are complaining about the Americans doing so. The problem with these types of thinking is that Pakistan, as an example, can't stop the terrorists/pirates from invading Afghanistan.
If the country that the pirates are using don't want others to come into their own waters then those nations have the right to keep others that seek the pirates from entering their waters. Just like in Pakistan , they don't want America to bomb inside of its territory and are complaining about the Americans doing so. The problem with these types of thinking is that Pakistan, as an example, can't stop the terrorists/pirates from invading Afghanistan.

So the sovereignty of any country is decided by others? For example, if Americans do nothing about the foreign policy of their country, then its okay for others to take a hand in it?
Well, at least it won't be hard to find it.
Yes, I'd think you could spot that fucker with a satellite.
So the sovereignty of any country is decided by others? For example, if Americans do nothing about the foreign policy of their country, then its okay for others to take a hand in it?
Your sovereignty is defined by your ability/willingness to defend it.

Looks like they've got another one:
BEIJING, Nov 18 (Reuters) - A Hong Kong cargo ship loaded with wheat bound for Iran has been hijacked by pirates in the Gulf of Aden, the official Xinhua agency said on Tuesday citing China's maritime search and rescue centre.

There were 25 crew members on board, none of them from Hong Kong or the Chinese mainland. The ship was carrying 36,000 tonnes of wheat to Iran's Bandar Abbas port, the report said.

Pirates in the area hijacked a Saudi supertanker with a $100 million oil cargo on Sunday. (Reporting by Emma Graham-Harrison) http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/T332831.htm
Somalia is in the grip of US backed Ethiopian occupation.

They're mostly all Sunni Muslims in Somalia, aren't they? Doesn't appear anything to do with the US, evidently.

"Money changers walk around with thick wads of hundred-dollar bills. Palatial new houses are rising up next to tin-roofed shanties. Men in jail reminisce, with a twinkle in their eyes, about their days living like kings.

This is the story of Somalia’s booming, not-so-underground pirate economy. The country is in chaos, countless children are starving and people are killing one another in the streets of Mogadishu, the capital, for a handful of grain.

But one particular line of work — piracy — seems to be benefiting quite openly from all this lawlessness and desperation. This year, Somali officials say, pirate profits are on track to reach a record $50 million, all of it tax free.

“These guys are making a killing,” said Mohamud Muse Hirsi, the top Somali official in Boosaaso, who himself is widely suspected of working with the pirates, though he vigorously denies it. "

Actually SAM you are wrong. There are no more commissioned American battleships making way anywhere in the world for they all have been decommissioned and that happened over 5 years ago! I guess you just have not been reading to much lately but I'm happy to point out your mistakes and correct you when you do.

cosmic dont you think you are being just a touch pedantic you know damned well Sam meant warships as in US navy vesssels with weapons on them