Pick a card!

Did the cards help?

  • No, never, you imbecill!

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I dunno...huh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Almost, I want to try again.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Yes, you are the best, Bebelina!

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
Should I bother to study for finals?

What will I be doing a year from now?

Also, I can't believe no one has asked this of the cards yet, just for fun ;): What significance do tarot cards have if any?
On behalf of FoxMulder, who's pretty new to Sciforums. :)

Will there be a little more respect from the posters toward other posters?

This question comes to mind too: Why do these "skeptics" consult the Tarot? Don't they need proof of it's outcome?

Will you please pick another card for me Bebelina, the last one (six of wands) was a good one. I picked the queen of swords that day. Please pick another. I like this. Have picked 3 cards (concerning what this day will bring), this morning myself. Let's hear what you picked please... :) :)
Will there be a little more respect from the posters toward other posters?

Please instruct FoxMulder in regards to your request. If he chooses not to respect members, the members need not respect him. My initial comments towards him were not flammable nor insulting. He choose to ignore my comments and continued with his senseless monologue. If that is your idea of proper forum etiquette, then there is little need for moderation.

This question comes to mind too: Why do these "skeptics" consult the Tarot? Don't they need proof of it's outcome?

Personally, I chose to ask Bebelina her opinion because she offered. It is my decision to take her opinion at face value or not, regardless if she consulted the Tarot or a turtle. Nothing wrong with opinions from a completely different point of view.

Therefore, the proof of the outcome will rest solely with my decision.
Please instruct FoxMulder in regards to your request. If he chooses not to respect members, the members need not respect him. My initial comments towards him were not flammable nor insulting. He choose to ignore my comments and continued with his senseless monologue. If that is your idea of proper forum etiquette, then there is little need for moderation.

Given the fact that I never ever post in the Religion Forum, I am not as familiar with FoxMulder and his replies as you and some others seem to be. So I'll give him a chance.

It's not only FoxMulder, though, who is haunted by some posters here at Sciforums. I mean it in general. Remember you wanted TruthSeeker being banned from the Science Forums? He did reply on your posts. Well, that's another example...
"This question comes to mind too: Why do these "skeptics" consult the Tarot? Don't they need proof of it's outcome?"

It's called 'fun', Banshee. Try it some day. ;)

Do you think I believe Bebe after I get two radically different readings on the same subject? Nah, 'course not. But it's fun, and I like Bebe.
I have a question too. :) Will I find a job in what I do now for a hobby but want to practise as a full time job? ( part time job is fine too)

Thx. :)
Pick a card! I have my tarot deck by the computer so ask a simple question and I will draw a card from the deck and tell you how it will be.
Can Bebelina, with a single draw, find the Fool in the deck as easily as she finds them on-line?
Be honest. One card. One draw. One attempt. Draw the Fool card. Prove you're truly in tune with the Universe. ;)

Oh, my. :rolleyes:
Banshee, for a laugh! I don't believe there's any power in the tarot cards, I just like seeing how vague/right/far off they are out of personal interest!
Thank you so much. :) Have a good night. :) I am off to my bed in a little. :)

Or a good day. It's 1.38 AM here. :)

Goodnight people, talk to you later...
Ok, let's have some more fun then.

First of all I will answer Hoth's question: What significance do tarot cards have if any?
They have as much significance as you want them to have. They are, after all, just pieces of paper with pictures printed on. I can get the same anwers from flipping channels on TV for instance. They provide the same amount of information, as clues to the reality beyond the physical as does any other event, thing or phenomena. The physical reality is intself like a big tarot deck where answers can be found everywhere if you just know how to interpret them. Then the answer of the same question can be different depending on your intention with the question at the time it was asked. Every moment is new, with new possiblities. The answers a tarot deck can provide are just answers from that precise moment in time when you had a particular intention that the clues( cards, channels, food left overs..) responded to. So don't take them too seriously, it's better to rely on your own free choice and common sense. But sometimes the right card hits just where it's supposed to.

Should I bother to study for finals?
The Tower. It's a card that shows that you will be dissapointed, but that you from that have a new ground to build a life on. But yes, of course you should study, don't give up!

What will I be doing a year from now?
The Fool. :D It's the best of cards and yet the most dangerous too. It sais that you will have a new start, face you challanges boldly. But beware of too much partying.

Let's hear what you picked please...
Strenght. :)

Will I find a job in what I do now for a hobby but want to practise as a full time job?
Four of Pentacles. If you are willing to let go of the clinging to possesions.

Can Bebelina, with a single draw, find the Fool in the deck as easily as she finds them on-line?
The Magician. But I did already, see above. And The Magician is nothing but an extension of The Fool. :)

Mostly major cards today too, I'm on a roll here....:eek:



It's not only FoxMulder, though, who is haunted by some posters here at Sciforums. I mean it in general. Remember you wanted TruthSeeker being banned from the Science Forums? He did reply on your posts. Well, that's another example...

Thank you Banshee! I am being persecuted by these so-called skeptics and their demonic helpers!
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So everyone who's not Christian is a rascist.

If you ask me, that sounds like a pretty bigotist comment.

"Closed-minded bigots who do not realize that they are being used by somthing more powerfull and evil than their limited intelligences could ever grasp!"

It is people like you who make religion a bad thing.
Thank you Banshee! I am being persecuted by these so-called skeptics and their demonic helpers!

Don't worry FoxMulder, you're ilk are welcome here and will not be 'persecuted' for long. Skepticism will not be tolerated in this forum. They have ways of making us 'silent.'

Heil Banshee !
Damnit Q, I tried to 'Sieg Heil' that Banshee comment, and stubbed my fingers on my computer! You jerk! :p

Demonic helpers, Fox? I shudder to ask....


I believe that Mr.G, Adamski, and I were just called 'closed minded bigots' with 'limited intelligence' and 'fools'.

Five bucks says that Mein Banshee won't delete that.
Demonic Helpers....

Many of those who refuse to see the truth about the demons are being blinded by them.

But there are some who know the truth, and are activly working for the demons. They have demons helping them in this work.

I know this because I have seen this.

Don't worry FoxMulder, you're ilk are welcome here and will not be 'persecuted' for long. Skepticism will not be tolerated in this forum. They have ways of making us 'silent.'

"They" have tried to keep me silent, but will never suceed! Are you fighting "Them" as well?

In which case, send me a message about your struggles. You cannot be silenced unless you let "Them" silence you!
Thanks Adam, for this simple question. And yes Pollux this is too much...:eek:

I have the flu. How long will it last?
Seven of Swords. The card speaks of some annoyance, so shall we say 7 more days? :bugeye:

Btw, what did you write to get deleted? ( directed to those who was)
