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Did the cards help?

  • No, never, you imbecill!

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I dunno...huh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Almost, I want to try again.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Yes, you are the best, Bebelina!

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
hi Bebelina

have you got the digital camera hooked up in your shop yet?

i hope it is useful

Bebelina would be the first person to have an online fasion show from her shop to your home and tv and the net all at the same time!!!

too cool!!!

ps yes yes i want something :D

is my "new friend" safe or unsafe?

groove on

good luck

I am now 100%, absolutely, thoroughly, completely single. What are my prospects please?
Come on Bebelina, I'm all depressed dumped guy here. Need something cheerful!
I pose the same question as adam because I am also in the same situation (screw the age restrictions on tarot cards!).
If Bebelina successfully astral projects herself to one of my parties, will she bring a salad or a desert ?
I'm sorry people. I'm in the middle of a big move, so I have very little time to focus on the cards, but next week I think I will have a break, for one day at least, before the trucks come.

Q, no physical objects will follow when I project, but if you are tuned in correctly you will catch a glimpse of me. ;)


Q, no physical objects will follow when I project, but if you are tuned in correctly you will catch a glimpse of me.

I was right! You will appear in puris naturalibus! In that case, I'll be sure to recognize you. Please make it last longer than a glimpse. ;)

Oh goody... I can't wait! :):D


I have a friend (dont talk to anymore) who I am quite worried about. Is he okay? Is he dead? Has he went psycho and is now dancing nude at the local strip joint??


Maybe it's too broad a question to ask. Like most of us (I presume) sometimes we're happy, sometimes we're not. I couldn't answer that question if you asked me right now if I was happy.
heyya all :)

"will your son ever know what true happyness is"? ... ??
do you see him happy?
this is more than most would hope for in one life time...
but not till they reach the end of thier current one!!!

if i was to be called normal it would be an impossible situation, ...
in that, they would have to lock away all the insane people to keep them safe from me! :D
so that wont work:D

joy in love is mearly in one of its forms :)
who would dare ask of a "normal" parent!!!
of what proof of strength do you carry your parental ego?
of what truth of deed and to whos ultimate gain at cost of all but that one,
that one ... once held so dear the life of all have no reason or value that they should faulter before such an act of humanity within natures endles web of creation.
peace and light :cool: