Pick a card!

Did the cards help?

  • No, never, you imbecill!

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • I dunno...huh?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Almost, I want to try again.

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Yes, you are the best, Bebelina!

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
thats alright
i did but it didn't REALLY worrie me that much because im a stubon person and chose to stick at it even if it IS doomed

Your not the first person to tell me it was going to end

My friend did and i ignored that to

Im interested to see how this works though

i always thought it was luck but you DID get that we were having probs (but then i surpose you COULD have worked that out by the post)

I don't know
A good book to read about relationships is "The Beloved" by Stephen and Ondrea Levine. I really recommend it. You haven´t been togehter for so long(?) and there is always a critical period in a relationship when it´s decided whether it´s a serious commited one or not.

I didn´t know however, I was surprised, hoping for a much better card.

Never really been into self help books because everyone is different and what works for one will kill another

but thanks

B\W i had hoped for a better card to but that ones true if all it means is there are problems

Im sure we will work it out *crosses fingers*

Heres something

Whats my favorit colour?
Sorry to hear that, Asguard. I hope you two can work things out.

Never really been into self help books because everyone is different and what works for one will kill another

Never read health books - you might die of a misprint. --Mark Twain

Bebe: You were right about the interveiw, which makes your predictions fairly good so far...
Originally posted by Bebelina

1) Since I've recently been thoroughly dumped... Any decent girl on the horizon?
Queen of Cups. Yes, there is. A fair, loving, intelligent woman who has the gift of vision.
Well, since half the girls I know claim to have some measure of "vision", I still don't know where to look. :(
1) What item of clothing do I wear most often?

*Calls Adamski up and asks, in a husky prevert-voice*

What are you wearing?

Well, since half the girls I know claim to have some measure of "vision", I still don't know where to look.

Don't look, maybe? You're cute, you'll tell me I'm an idiot for saying so but...you're cute.

*In a husky prevert-voice*

Why if you weren't half a planet away I'd buy you a drink...

Edit to add:

Yeah, Adamski, you're straight, right? So how in the hell would you know whether a man (yourself) is cute or not?

Listen to Xev, Allmighty Geek Goddess.

Bebe, should I take the job? Long hours, not extremely great job security, and transportation problem...but with a possibility of advancement if I'm good, and it looks rather fun....
Originally posted by Xev
*Calls Adamski up and asks, in a husky prevert-voice*
What are you wearing?
Actually, she does that now and then. It freaks me out.

Don't look, maybe? You're cute, you'll tell me I'm an idiot for saying so but...you're cute.
You're an idiot.

Yeah, Adamski, you're straight, right? So how in the hell would you know whether a man (yourself) is cute or not?
Very straight, very ugly. Well, not ugly, but severely average.

I'll get back to running the FBI if you bring the cuffs...
Whats my favorit colour?
Oueen of Pentacles. Something dark then, black perhaps? :D
Don´t ask things like that, the cards never says " Asguard likes dark blue" or something...:eek:

Bebe, should I take the job?
Seven of Swords. There could be problems, like annoyance and quarrelling. Maybe you should take it ( if you need the money), but keep looking for something better.

Adam, you are NOT ugly and you don´t have to go on a search party for the next girlfriend, she will be there for you when you are ready to meet her.

Do I look like Clyde Tolson?
Seven of Wand. Yes, to the extent that you have to fight fans off with a stick.:D ( Who is Clyde Tolson?)

I have to say that the fact that you got that wrong makes me feel a bit better tho

Hahahah, you twentysomething year old geezers crack me up....

So, Beb, how's my luck going to be on saturday (I'm trying to be very bland about the question)?

This thread was really a great idea. Now I don't have to spend the money in me wallet on miss cleo anymore, or miss aliana, or miss dianna, or the amazing jandini, or that midgety fellow who lives down the street and hurls old newspapers at me when I pass by on the way to the bus stop.
Albatross, don´t waste your time just to spite me when you could have a career instead.

Well I wore white socks, but not out of spite but because they were clean. ;)

Its kinda hard to have a career withour graduating high school and ive still got about 3 weeks to go. :D

Here's another one, Ive written down a number between 0 and 873 billion. What is it?
add one to it
multiply it by 100
then tell us
and i will use my secret power to tell you the answer:D