Phase of a probability

No. Don't speak for me.

I hope you can gather i am quite capable of that myself. Now shall i go through what i know about a Hamiltonian, or are you going to display more astounding ego....?
If you can construct the action-angle coordinates, why don't you? Hell, anyone can google "Hamiltonian mechanics" and reproduce some of the findings!

As I said, there's nothing wrong with not knowing about Hamiltonian dynamics. It's another thing to pretend you know about them!
You ignorant person.

I have no intention of googling anything. I was going to recite the classes i had when i did cover such a subject.

You know, you are too confident for your own boots. What's worse, is that YOU ARE NOT a physicist... but being a mathematician you do have an upper hand in being able to look at an equation and work it like a second language.

But i bet you don't know the first thing about freedom expressions like


or perhaps how to understand a spatial composition

$$\frac{d^{2}x^{\mu}}{d \tau^{2}}= \frac{1}{2} \eta^{mu}^{\lambda}\partial_{ \lambda}h_{00} \frac{dt}{d \tau}^{2}$$

Or maybe not?

But here is where this pathetic arguement has gone, and i feel displacing from it very fast.
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It's now completely apparent that you don't know anything about Hamiltonian dynamics (which is basic undergrad physics). Actually, I'd be willing to bet you don't understand any undergrad physics. I think it's usually the case that those who know least feel that they can get away with lying the most.
I see things are going well...

This is not some attempt to either demonstrate a woeful lack of math-ability, or give anyone their opening to show everyone else how big their head can get, rather an attempt to explore a certain experiment - the rotation of electron phase in a curl-free region of space - from some other angle.
Anyways, there's a mass action term derived in the Schwarzchild metric, or "the result of the gravitational field acting on the wave function of the free electron."

I just thought I would see if there was any interest. It's about something called "the propagator" - a path integral.
I don't know enough, about a lot of somewhat tricky mathematical ideas. I tell myself nonetheless, I don't need to learn about all of them, or even all about any of them.

Then again, I think I'm dealing with people who might be unable to abstract the idea that at some point, reality replaces math, you get information from reality, from real atoms, not a math formula.
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It's now completely apparent that you don't know anything about Hamiltonian dynamics (which is basic undergrad physics). Actually, I'd be willing to bet you don't understand any undergrad physics. I think it's usually the case that those who know least feel that they can get away with lying the most.

Go suck a lemon.

I honestly don't care whether you believe me or not. It doesn't effect me, or the people i work with, whether you believe me or not. And i am 100% positive it doesn't affect my credibility with anyone here, if you believe i am not a physicist or not.

Yes Vkothii..

..My original discontempt was that symbols are not explained. It's nothing against you.

But guest has turned this into a flame fest.

I actually take 50% Of the blame however, because if i had read your post instead of JUST the equations, i would have seen you where talking about integrals of action.

But as i said, that's not the point, and CERTAINLY not the one Guest is trying to ellaborate on.
And (plus sorry for making three posts in a row), that i offered to give up what i know on Hamiltonians, dispite admitting it has been a while working on them. But then Guest blamed me for going to google it up.

I am interested in exactly what he/she thought i was going to google up... wiki perhaps..

..hahaha... get a life.
I honestly don't care whether you believe me or not. It doesn't effect me, or the people i work with, whether you believe me or not. And i am 100% positive it doesn't affect my credibility with anyone here, if you believe i am not a physicist or not.
You actually claim you're a professional physicist?!? Wow.
You've still not covered the equations i gave you, and you basically site there like some queen of the internet as if that single equation you gave me now holds any relevance.
$$\exp^\beta$$ doesn't make sense and the second equation is ill-defined since you have an index mis-match. These mistakes are indicative of the fact you're not experienced with mathematics.
Oh i do apologize. I never looked back on them; and i have had a few drinks. I will fix them right now.