Phase of a probability

How do I keep missing getting in on the ground floor of these threads! Damn it! Wait.... I had better things to do on Friday and the weekend. Shazam!
When I finish my doctorate in Anthropology, I'm going to give you guys a mention in my thesis.
I'm due to be mentioned in numerous people's rewriting of physics when they get their Theory of Everything published ;)
Also there's a vague link to: " gauge transformations".

Ed: some of you guys might not get it. There's a geometry and a topology. QM logic ties the gauge of the field together, see?
Maxwell's quaternions explain the large view - the far field effects where we apply the geometry of normal Einsteinian/Euclidian spacetime.
The quantum algebras that are accessible to Boole's network analysis formalism and on up to multi-dimensional algebras, explain the up-close view, where we can (maybe) prepare a resonance, and measure it.
But we have to do both as we do "out here", except up close it has do be done at the same time - you measure the output by "running the program".

And measurement at both scales speaks to our view of the whole show - if you consider it's a big information processor, see?
The big information-processing world, and the big curve in a field that makes particles with spin precess along a preferred axis - a geometry.
Then we get them to line up algebraically. They perform algorithmically, we drive the algorithm - what with?

With the local gradient of the field that is the equivalent of a spin-phase change. An applied field drives it.
I think my spleen just ruptured....
This is more a way to see the topology from another angle - the gauge transform. Is the Schwarzschild frame the only possibility here?
Do Dirac electrons as free particles, require that frame as a given, I mean are there other candidates (I haven't done any gauge stuff)?
Without knowledge of gauge transformations, you should not be asking ANYTHING about spinors in curved space-time. Spinors in curved space-time require the understanding of spin connections. Which are an extension of metric connections on space-time manifolds, as well as an understanding of how to describe the residual freedoms of a given spinor representation, which is then going to bring in connections on gauge bundles which are the generators of precisely that, gauge transforms.

Spinors in curved space-time are the kind of thing you get in the 10th chapter of a book on differential geometry, after chapter 2-9 covering G-bundles and vector bundles, their horizontal spaces, their vertical spaces, lifting paths in the base space into sections of the bundle and then relating the two. Vector bundles aren't too much trouble if you're familiar with GR on a working level. G bundles are the kind of thing you need for gauge transformations. And unfortunately, there's an isomorphic relation between the two, once you've defined the representation of your vector bundle. Obviously! :rolleyes: Who'd be stupid enough to forget the representation! :shrug:
An said:
Who'd be stupid enough to forget the representation!
Someone who doesn't know what a probability is? Maybe they might forget that you represent it with a number.

Or they might forget that you can transform a measurement basis, because something as simple as a pair of sunglasses illustrates that information is what we say it is, because that is how we measure it.
It doesn't matter, except in terms of how much work you do mathematically analysing the process, if you consider the polaroid filter is the channel, or the photons that it polarizes are the channel - the content is the same.
But someone who doesn't really think about what measurement and probability are, say, probably wouldn't be able to see that. That it is pretty simple.
I'm finding it difficult to see your motivation for posting all this drivel. Everyone knows you don't know what you're talking about, so what's the end-game here?
I want to show everyone how to get a moron to keep repeating drivel.

You seem to be living up to expectation - you haven't said anything yet, just a lot of whining, and drivel.